HELP WANTED ...continued from page four go to www.morrowcount- and vis- it the Career Opportunities page. EEOE. 9-28-1C REFERRAL COORDI- NATOR Morrow County Health District is accepting ap- plications for a full-time Referral Coordinator at Pi- oneer Memorial Clinic in Heppner. $19.12 - $21.14/ hr to start, increase after probation. Duties include obtaining authorizations from insurance compa- nies, scheduling patient appointments with special- ists, documenting patient and third party contacts, obtaining necessary data for proper documentation to complete services. Requires highly organized and detail oriented indi- vidual with great custom- er service skills who can work independently. High School Diploma and two years of medical office and electronic health record experience required. Ex- cellent benefits package including medical, dental and vision for employee, employee and spouse, or employee and children paid in full. Background check and pre-employment drug screen required. Applica- tions are available at www. morrowcountyhealthdis-, at the Patient Business Of- fice at Pioneer Memorial Hospital, 541-676-9133. EEOE. 9-28-1C ASSISTED LIVING FA- CILITY ADMINISTRA- TOR Willow Creek Terrace As- sisted Living Facility in Heppner has openings for an Administrator of the facility. Starting salary $72,476 - $82,000 DOQ. The position is Monday – Friday 40 hrs/wk plus on-call. Position benefits include paid sick leave, vacation, paid medical & vision insurance. Duties will include the adminis- trative authority, respon- sibility and accountability of directing the operation of the assisted living facil- ity. Must be able to obtain NAB certification, Food Handlers, First Aid, CPR, state certification. Back- ground check required. Applications are available by contacting jodif@moc- or by calling 541- 676-2932. Please include resume listing experience and qualifications. EEOE. 9-28-1C DIRECTOR OF QUAL- ITY AND RISK MAN- AGEMENT Morrow County Health District has an opening for a Director of Quality and Risk Management at Pi- oneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner. $105,892 - $119,828. The Director of Quali- ty and Risk Management interacts daily with the department directors and leadership of Morrow County Health District to coordinate and oversee the performance improvement efforts, Risk Management, Patient Safety efforts, and regulatory compliance. The Director of Quali- ty/Risk is responsible for the District’s Quality Im- provement (QI) Program, Quality Assurance (QA) Program, and Risk Man- agement. The Director manages and maintains databases associated with the programs, identifies trends, prioritizes and rec- ommends improvements, works to decrease duplica- tion, and ensures compli- HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ance with federal and state quality initiatives. Ex- tracts data from electronic health records system and provides reporting support to department managers, physicians, and adminis- tration. Reviews standards of care, compliance with regulations. Implements patient safety processes, conducts risk assessments, submits quality data to governmental agencies, and develops department policies. This position directs, monitors and evaluates the hospital-wide Risk Management and Patient Safety Program in compli- ance with federal and state regulations. Integrates the Risk Management and Patient Safety Program with the Districts prima- ry functions. Responsible for the design, develop- ment and implementation of The District’s Quality Improvement and Qual- ity Assurance Programs. Is accountable for time- ly program revisions to meet regulatory require- ments. Creates reports and extracts data from the electronic health record for several quality initia- tives, including MBQIP, HCAHPS, PQRS, and EDTC. Responsible for in- tegrated Quality Assurance Program for all District departments. Coordinate QA meetings and report- ing. Compiles statistical data and reports on results as they relate to QA issues. Lead Quality Function- al Teams. Will create an annual Education Plan to promote staff knowledge and understanding of risk management, loss preven- tion, and regulatory com- pliance issues as well as The District’s performance improvement process. Position requires a current Oregon RN License, Bach- elor Degree preferred, 3-5 years clinical RN experi- ence, one to three years of experience in Quality/Risk management preferred . Excellent benefit package including medical, dental, vision with health insur- ance for employee, em- ployee and spouse, or em- ployee and children at no cost to you. Family cover- age options available. Also life & long term disability coverages, paid sick, holi- days, vacation, retirement, education reimbursement program, ground and air ambulance membership, more. Pre-employment drug screen and back- ground check required. Job Description, complete benefits list and Employ- ment Application available at www.morrowcounty-, or by calling Pioneer Memorial Hospital, 541-676-9133. EEOE.9-21-2C tions are available through the link on this page, at Pi- oneer Memorial Hospital, or by contacting 541-676- 9133. EEOE. 9-28-1C TEMPORARY TIONIST RECEP- Morrow County Health District is accepting appli- cations for a temporary full time Receptionist at Pio- neer Memorial Clinic from late September/October through December. Duties include positively interact- ing with patients in person and on the phone, schedul- ing appointments, greeting patients and obtaining cur- rent information, operating various computer software programs, collecting pay- ments and more. Requires highly organized individ- ual with great positive at- titude and excellent cus- tomer service skills. High School Diploma and two years general office experi- ence required, medical of- fice experience preferred. Pre-employment drug screen and background check required. Applica- MAINTENANCE RECTOR DI- Morrow County Health District has an opening for a Plant Maintenance Di- rector. Headquarters are at Pioneer Memorial Hos- pital in Heppner. $62,774 – $69,056 DOQ with addi- tional compensation for re- lated certifications/degree. The Facilities Director su- pervises an Environmental Services (Maintenance) staff of three employees and is responsible for all maintenance and repair work for Pioneer Memo- rial Hospital, clinic build- ings in Heppner, Irrigon and Boardman, and works with the Ione School Dis- trict to provide mainte- nance on the Ione Commu- nity Clinic, also the CEO’s house, and for Willow Creek Valley Assisted Liv- ing in Heppner. The Di- rector communicates and schedules visits from out- side electrical, plumbing, HVAC and other contrac- tors, and works with gen- eral contractors on District construction projects. This is a leadership position and requires leadership skills and experience. Duties include Over- seeing the condition, main- tenance and safety of all buildings, physical plant machinery and equipment at all District locations; In- spects, tests, adjusts, and supervises repairs of all physical plant machinery, heating, cooling, piping, and electrical systems and records maintenance work performed; Supervises construction and repairs to building structures, walls floor, ceilings, cabinets, and furniture; Manages personnel actions includ- ing, but not limited to, hiring, performance eval- uations, disciplinary pro- cess, submission of time cards, tracking of time and attendance and vacation coverage for all staff. Work collaboratively with the Human Resources Man- ager for assistance in areas related to personnel; Use computer to email inter- nal and external contacts, search for needed items and information, generate reports, etc; Inspects, tests, cleans and may repair fire-equipment, alarms, switches and sensors; In- spects, adjusts, and autho- rizes repairs on miscella- neous hospital and clinic equipment including beds, autoclaves, centrifuges, and kitchen equipment; Maintains records of all in- spections, tests, and repairs as indicated by OARs or Current Life Safety Codes. Oversees removal of ice and snow from walkways, roads, and parking lots during winter months, Re- sponds to safety and secu- rity calls and prepares the department’s annual bud- get with the Chief Finan- cial Officer. Minimum of a high school diploma or equiv- alent, some college pre- ferred Two to five years’ experience in maintenance, electrical, or mechanical field required, with at least two years in a supervisory capacity preferred, health- care facility experience a plus. Maintenance, HVAC or related certifications and knowledge of electrical and building codes pre- ferred. Must have knowl- edge of and be able to work with various chemi- cals that apply to job func- FIVE- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 28, 2022 HELP WANTED tions. Possess knowledge in the operation and repair of boiler systems. Valid driver’s license required. Background check and drug screen required. Ex- cellent benefit package with health insurance for employee, employee and spouse, or employee and children at no cost with family options available. Paid sick, vacation, hol- idays, retirement, more. Applications and complete job description are avail- able online at www.mor- rowcountyhealthdistrict. org, at Pioneer Memorial Hospital, or by calling 541- 676-9133. EEOE 9-28-1C YARD SALE YARD SALE I am having a yard sale this weekend on the farm. There will be furniture, kitchen wares, arts and craft supplies, books, etc. Address: 71634 Base- line Ln., Lexington, OR. 97839. Saturday, 9-4 9-28-1C FOR SALE 2002 Jeep Wrangler SE2D 4WD 5 spd 4Cyl ~SOLD~ PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW Request for proposal In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES C. BLANKENSHIP, Deceased. No. 22 PB07058 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the under- signed has been appoint- ed personal representa- tive. All personals having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers at- tached, to the undersigned personal representative at the office of Monahan, Grove & Tucker, 105 N. Main, Milton-Freewater, OR 97862 (attorneys for the personal representa- tive), within four months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the pro- ceedings may obtain addi- tional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorneys for the per- sonal representative. Dated and first published September 21, 2022. Gordon Blankenship, Per- sonal Representative. Submitted by Samuel E. Tucker, OSB #763644 MONAHAN, GROVE & TUCKER Attorneys at Law 105 N. Main St. M i l t o n - F r e e w a t e r, O R 97862 Phone 541-938-3377 Fax 541-938-6112 Published: September 21, 28, October 5, 2022 Affidavit Cruise Control, AM/FM/ CD, Flame Red w/Blk hard top. New Radial SXT Hvy duty mud terrain. 2021 Hvy duty battery. 2022 Front/rear wiper blades & new lifts rear window. Lic exp 2024. 73,700 original (1 owner) miles Body, paint, interior floor boards, Agate color cloth/blk leath- er high back/rear seats, everything works, excel- lent cond & rust free. Warn winch Z3500 (cov- ered). Uniden CB. Maint 3000mi full svc, fil- Black Acre Farm will ters, oil changes. 59,000mi Belts, plugs, cap be hosting a Fall & rotor replaced, cooling Festival on Saturday, sys flush, radiator hoses re- October 15 from 11- placed; minor tuneup. Have small Black ATV 5. There will be hay- trailer towed behind Jeep rides, pumpkin patch, for sale also. $500/obo fresh donuts and 541-561-8749 coffee, games, cider Text or leave msg with call press and local ven- back #/name. 9-28-4C Fall Festival REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED I have buyers looking for homes, land and build- ing lots in the Heppner, Lexington and Ione area. Good time to sell! Call, text or email me. Chris Sykes Sykes Real Estate 541-980-6674 - cell 541-676-9228 - office Heppner, OR 9-21-tfn Heppner Water Control District requests proposals to remove Russian Olive trees from Shobe Creek. Project location is the SE fork of Shobe Creek from the HWY 207 bridge south approximately 580 x 50 feet , in and along the creek. Cut and remove all trees and brush on both sides of the creek. All trees and limbs are to be removed from the property. A fence on the west side of the creek is to be completely removed. The fence on the east side of the creek is to be removed and replaced to pre-existing condition upon completion of proj- ect. Costs of individual steps must be estimated with the cost of the total project. Project to be completed by March 31, 2023. Pro- posals to be submitted in writing to HWCD PO Box 127, Heppner, OR 97836 marked RFP by October 31st 2022. Published: Sep- tember 28, October 5, 12, 2022 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Heppner has the following checks out- standing: Rolling Hills Property Brandon Wagenaar Jake Roy Glenn Lindsay Please cash or Deposit or they will be voided. City of Heppner 111 N. Main Street P.O. Box 756 Heppner, OR 97836 Phone: 541.676.9618 Fax: 541.676.9650 Published: September 28, 2022 THOMAS ORCHARDS Kimberly, Oregon U-PICK Freestone canning peaches ♦O'Henry $1.75/lb ♦Plums $2.00/lb ♦Nectarines $1.85/lb ♦Apples $1.00/lb dors. And there will be Fall mini-shoots with Life Defined by Light Photography. If you are interested in being a vendor please contact Andrea Nelson at blackacre.local@ or (541) 720-4399 ♦Bartlett Pears $1.25/lb ♦Asian Pears $2.00/lb REDI-PICK ♦ Peaches ♦ Plums ♦Nectarines ♦ Apples Open 7 days a week 8 am-6pm ONLY BRING CONTAINERS & LADDERS FOR U -PICK CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES Fencing Lancaster Fencing LLC is looking to gain some local clientele. With over 10+ years experience, I am con- fident I can deliver 100% customer satisfaction. Check out my website to see pictures of completed projects I've done and customer reviews. Contact Nathan @ 360-953-1318 Licensed & Bonded 9-7-6C ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: 541-934-2870 Blazing Fast Internet! ADD TO YOUR PACKAGE FOR ONLY 19 . 99 $ /mo. where available 2-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE $ 69 99 MO. America’s Top 120 Package 190 CHANNELS Including Local Channels! CALL TODAY - For $100 Gift Card Promo Code: DISH100 for 12 Mos. 1-866-373-9175 Offer ends 11/9/22. All offers require credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification. FEEL THE SPEED, EVEN AT PEAK TIMES. Get strong, fast Wi-Fi to work and play throughout your home. ^ No annual contract. Based on wired connection to gateway. 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