Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 28, 2022 -FOUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon for only $200. Contract rate discounts available upon request. Oregon Classified Advertising Only $7.00 per week to advertise your business! Network. A service of Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Call the Heppner Gazette-Times to place your ad: 676-9228 • Fax 676-9211 • Text 541-980-6674 • Email graphics@rapidserve.net Contact the Heppner Gazette-Times (541) 676-9228 SERVICES: Accounting Services Health & Nutrition DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Channels! Blazing Fast PIONEER MEMORIAL THERAPY SERVICES Internet, $19.99/mo. (where available.) Daniel Van Schoiack, CPA • Shelley Shelley McCabe, McCabe, D.P.T. D.P.T. Office Hours: Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE • • Krystal Accounting and Income Tax Services Krystal Seitz, Seitz, OTR/L OTR/L • • Regi CCC-SLP Mon - Fri 8:00 - 4:00 Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE Streaming on Call 676-9971 (Office/Home/Fax) ~ E-mail danielrvan@yahoo.com Regi Lazinka, Seitz, CCC-SLP smccabe@rmtsinc.com Tax Preparation & Planning - Electronic Filing ALL Devices. Call today! 1-866-373-9175. smccabe@rmtsinc.com 150 Rock Street 541-676-1123 (541)676-2945 695 Alfalfa Street, Heppner (Next to Pioneer Memorial Clinic) Computer Set Up & Assistance - General Ledger SERVICES: DIRECTV Stream - Carries the Most Local MLB Heating & Cooling Auto Parts & Repair Games! CHOICE Package, $89.99/mo for 12 months. FOR SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS CALL Heppner Auto Parts Stream on 20 devices in your home at once. TRI-CITIES HERMISTON Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings - Saws & Mowers 509-586-0379 541-564-1031 HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/CHOICE Package or Auto & ATV Parts - Small Engine Repair RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • HEATING higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some re- AIR CONDITIONING • HEAT PUMPS Oil Changes HOT WATER HEATERS • REFRIGERATION strictions apply. Call IVS 1-855-602-2009. GAS • ELECTRIC • OIL 541-676-5009 186 E May St, Heppner SERVICES: Prepare for power outages today with a GENER- Auto Towing AC home standby generator. $0 Money Down + Low Holiday/Vacation Rental PO Box 314 Monthly Payment Options. Lexington, OR 97839 Balm Fork Lodge Request a FREE Quote – Call now before the next 541-989-9110 For those interested in a fully furnished quiet home away 541-571-4260 power outage: 1-877-557-1912. from home with all the comforts including Wi-Fi, Dish TV, coffee and bathroom amenities SERVICES: The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage sys- To reserve, visit Airbnb.com email or call On the corner of “C” Street in Lexington tem. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, Kaley 541-219-1662 kwaypatterson@gmail.com Chiropractic Services prepare for power outages and power your home. Insurance Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Luke Swanson ♦ Josh Burns ♦ Anna Wedding Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Phone: (541) 676-8990 PO Box 24 Call 1-844-989-2328. Hermiston, OR 97838 Heppner - M, T, Th and F from 8am-5pm. SERVICES: Office: 541-667-7218 Condon- Wednesday from 9am-5pm. Fax: 800-520-6501 Vivint. Smart security. Professionally installed. One www.swansoninsgroup.com connected system for total peace of mind. CA License Number: 0D64253 Coffee FREE professional installation! Four FREE months of Oil Products monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-844- 894-8790. 471 N Main Street SERVICES: Heppner, Oregon 97836 Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Monitor Chevron 76-UnoCal Stoves Products Motor Oils Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. 676-9633 Free information kit! Call 855-839-0752. Collections Agency Propane • Heating Oil •Diesel • Gasoline SERVICES: Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most A Full Service Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Collection Agency P.O. Box 367 541-989-8221 461 E. Main St FREE LeafFilter estimate today. Collection Services • Account Analysis Lexington, Oregon 97839 Hermiston,OR (800) 244-9006 1-800-452-7396 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Dis- Receivable Consulting • Check Verification www.creditsinc.com counts. Call 1-855-536-8838. Pre-Collect Services Plumbing SERVICES: Contracting SERVICES: Aloe Care Health, medical alert system. The most ad- Blue Mountain Plumbing, LLC Plumbing Repairs SILVER CREEK vanced medical alert product on the market. Voice-acti- Plumbing Installation Riley Wight CONTRACTING vated! No wi-fi needed! Remodels, New Construction Cell: 541-429-0848 Michael Duncan Cell: 541-620-2690 Special offer – call and mention offer code CARE20 Commercial & Residential Email: bluemtnplumbing@gmail.com email: mike@silvercreekcontracting.com Heppner, OR to get $20 off Mobile Companion. Call today – 1-844- SEPTIC – EXCAVATION – CONCRETE 749-0129. Pump Service MISCELLANEOUS: Dentistry Services FOR ALL YOUR DOMESTIC WATER NEEDS... DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HER- •Pressure Tanks • Irrigation Pumps ITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax •Solar Pumping System • All Domestic Water Supplies Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Matt Hayden, DDS • Tara Kreuger, RDH LEXINGTON PUMP, LLC John Cell: 541-561-3519 Of. 1050 W. Elm Ave, Suite 240 Sam Cell: 541-561-8881 CCB #199519 CALL 1-844-533-9173. (541) 567-8414 LIC# CCECLIPHC847N4 LIC# CCB206538 Tim Dickenson, D.C. DEVIN OIL CO., INC Hayden Dental Full Range of Dental Services. New patients welcome! Equipment Rental Storage Units STOR - 4 - U Make room in your garage for your car... Hermiston Oregon RENT A MINI-STORAGE Heppner Storage Units • Different Sizes Available Call 541-567-7317 to Rent A dd Y our B usiness Financial Services RITA VAN SCHOIACK FINANCIAL ADVISOR Retirement and Financial Planning Consulting • Investment Management Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Cetera Advisors LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. OFFICE 541.676.5226 430 WEST LINDEN WAY, HEPPNER www.bluemountaininvest.com to o ur B usiness d irectorY $7 per week - 7 week minimum c ontAct t he h eppner G Azette -t imes 541-676-9228 GrAphics @ rApidserve . net WWW.HEPPNER.NET Submit News, Advertising & Announcements Letters To The Editor Send Us Photos Start A New Subscription ________________________________________ ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: _________________________________ MONDAYS AT 5:00 P.M. Do You Have Something to Share? Our newly updated website makes it easy to: •Submit news •Submit birth, engagement and wedding announcements •Send us photos •Submit letters to the editor •Place ads •Start a new subscription www.heppner.net Weekly deadline for all news and advertising is Monday at 5pm. Gazette-Times CLASSIFIED ADS .50 per word/$5.00 minimum Card of Thanks: $10 (up to 100 words) Deadline: MONDAY at 5 p.m. HELP WANTED NEWS EDITOR The Heppner Ga- zette-Times is now tak- ing applications for news editor. This is a part time position. No prior edit- ing experience necessary, however applicants must have good writing, spell- ing and grammar skills and be able to work well with the public. Job in- volves gathering, writing and editing news stories as well as laying out newspa- per pages using the Adobe InDesign program. Con- tact Chris Sykes or send resume to chris@rapid- serve.net. 7-13-TFN VETERANS OFFICE AS- SISTANT Morrow County is ac- cepting applications for a part-time/flexible sched- ule Veterans Office Assis- tant in Irrigon. Duties in- clude providing excellent customer service while: screening phone calls, making appointments, as- sessing veteran and family members’ needs, provid- ing general information HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED and resources, and main- taining all office files and records. For more infor- mation please visit http:// www.co.morrow.or.us/hr . 9-21-2C tion. Interior and exterior construction projects as as- signed. Maintain grounds, all landscaping duties, shoveling show on walks, and maintaining parking areas. Maintain or arrange for maintenance of Dis- trict’s fleet of vehicles and ambulances. Assist clinic staff with patient lifting if requested. Drive, set-up and maintain oversized District vehicles as needed and licensed for. Become certified as an ambulance driver and drive ambulance for emergency calls and transfers during assigned working hours as needed. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent, five years work experience in facilities maintenance, construction or grounds keeping preferred. Certifi- cation in HVAC, electrical, plumbing, landscaping of facility maintenance or ed- ucation in related field pre- ferred. Basic experience with computers and Mi- crosoft Office programs. Have valid Oregon driv- er’s license, CDL preferred or be willing to obtain. Previous maintenance ex- perience, computer skills required. Must be able to work in confined spac- es and high places. Some heavy lifting. Successful applicant will be self-mo- tivated and able to work independently with mini- mal direction and supervi- sion. Background check and drug screen required Excellent benefit package with health insurance for employee, employee and spouse, or employee and children at no cost with family options available. For more information contact Dan Sharp 541- 676-2929. Applications and complete job descrip- tion are available online at www.morrowcounty- healthdistrict.org, at Pio- neer Memorial Hospital, or by calling 541-676- 9133. EEOE 9-28-1C MAINTENANCE TECH- NICIAN II Morrow County Health District has an opening for a full time Maintenance Technician II at Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Hep- pner. $24.87 - $26.65/ hr DOQ with increase af- ter 4-month probationary period. The Maintenance Technician II assists the Maintenance Director in managing equipment and preventative maintenance tasks in computerized soft- ware program, assigning out daily tasks and record- ing completed tasks in the system. Helps repair or re- place plumbing, electrical and mechanical equipment, changes heating/cooling system filters, repairs/re- places motors, fans, bear- ings as needed, Repair fire sprinkler system and work with vendor as needed to maintain constant opera- DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5PM HELP WANTED HELP WANTED preparation of other cor- Medical Staff/ Executive Coordinator respondence, reports, au- Morrow County Health District is recruiting for a full time Medical Staff/Ex- ecutive Coordinator. Start- ing salary $75K or DOQ. This position is located in Heppner, Oregon and will assist the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in all mat- ters of the District, includ- ing contract management and personnel issues. Em- phasis is in management and coordination of all medical staff programs, policies and privileging, and payer credentialing for all district providers and facilities. The Co- ordinator will coordinate and assist the CEO with all functions of the medical staff, including assistance with contracting, recruit- ment, privileging, provider scheduling and other relat- ed tracking. Will schedule, prepare agendas for, and take medical staff meeting minutes. Also assists with policy development, track- ing licenses, certifications and contracts for renewal of all providers, assist with dits, surveys, analyses and spreadsheet generation, and various other duties. Prefer two years of ex- perience in credentialing and/or medical staff co- ordination, Bachelor De- gree in a related field is preferred. The successful applicant must poses ex- cellent interpersonal and communication skills, the ability to function under strict confidentiality and meet strict deadlines, work without direct supervision and have strong analytical capabilities and comput- er skills. Pre-employment background check and drug screen required. Excellent benefits includ ing health insurance pack- age including medical, dental and vision coverage for employee, employee and spouse, or employee and children at no cost. Also paid sick, vacation, holidays, life, AD&D cov- erages, excellent retire- ment and more. For com- plete job description and Employment Application ...continued to page five