~ Letters to the Editor ~ The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Email to editor@rapidserve.net or upload to Heppner.net. Know who you’re hiring To the Editor: In preparing to write this, two quotes apropos come to mind: “Government does not solve problems; it subsi- dizes them,” and “If more government is the answer, then it was a really stupid question.” Both by the late, great former presi- dent, Ronald Reagan. Driving around Heppner/ Morrow County, it is deep- ly unsettling and disap- pointing to see so many signs in support of Betsy Johnson for governor. Ore- gon desperately needs and most definitely deserves better than another gover- nor who is corrupt, inept or dishonest. It is my opinion that Bet- sy Johnson did not decide, after 20 years as a dedicat- ed Democrat and all that entails, that she was so disillusioned and lost faith in her party she changed her affiliation to Indepen- dent. Occam’s Razor is a scientific theory that, sim- plified, states all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the correct one. That being considered, it makes more sense to me that the reason Betsy Johnson announced her sudden change to Inde- pendent while announcing her candidacy for governor is that, as a Democrat, she did not feel confident that she could/would beat Tina Koter in the primary to be the Democrat candidate. Checking Johnson’s voting record (which anyone can do at: just facts.votesmart. org.) the following report is but a drop in the horri- ble-for-Oregon bucket: It appears she’s never met a tax she wasn’t in favor of: -Transit and Gas Tax In- crease -Income Tax Increase -Inheritance Tax -Increase Business Tax to Enhance School Funding (yet she voted No on in- creasing minimum wage) -Originally a hold out vote (the deciding vote) on the Corporate Ac- tivity Tax (CAT) but then flipped and voted in favor of the $1.6 billion tax on Oregon sales, selling us all down the river. This “hid- den sales tax” has driven more businesses out of Or- egon than any other law in Oregon. -In April 2021, she voted in favor of a bill that alleges Congress should implement reparations for African Americans. (In other words, we should guiltily pay people who’ve never been slaves from tax dollars paid by peo- ple who’ve never owned slaves.) -In June 2021, she voted in favor of expand- ing insurance eligibility to illegal aliens not covered by Medicaid. She also vot- ed in favor of in-state tui- tion and driver’s licenses for undocumented immi- grants. (Against the will of the people.) -In the same month she voted in favor to authorize school dis- tricts to retain educators based on diversity and cul- tural merits. (As opposed to qualifications and cre- dentials?) -Most appalling- ly, she voted in favor of abortions at all stages of pregnancy up to the ba- by’s first breath. Though she swears (literally) she “will not give up on Or- egon without a hell of a fight.” Her voting record demonstrates that she has little regard for Oregon and our people, she offers no platform, plan, etc., for the path forward should she actually be elected as our next governor. So, oth- er than stating that both parties are broken, what are her thoughts/plans on some of Oregon’s biggest problems- *800 increase in violent crime *homelessness *the consequences of the decriminalization of most hard drugs such as the escalation of drug traf- ficking, use and addiction *failing schools *the crushing cost of living/inflation, etc. What is she for? What is she against? Who is Betsy Johnson? A little research turns up volumes of information. *On her website, Johnson claims she wants to “hold government ac- countable (The Governor Betsy to-do list . . . hold government accountable to deliver for the rest of us.) Now, I was raised on the principle that if one wants to lead, one should do so by example. Ms. Johnson seems to disagree with that principle, as personal accountability is not her strong suit. This is evi- denced by her actions in 2013 when she tried to use legislative immunity to fight a lawsuit for a traf- fic accident she caused. “In 2013, according to records then-state Sen. Betsy Johnson (D-Scap- poose) rear-ended a driver stopped at a redlight in her hometown. The driver of the other car was injured, causing lasting health problems. Ms. Johnson, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was also seriously injured. But the crash was also significant for the way that Johnson attempted to fight off the lawsuit filed by the women in the other car. Melissa Gallentine, 42, says Johnson tried to avoid taking any responsibility for her injuries and damage to her vehicle by claiming she was performing legis- lative duties driving to the Capitol. (Rachel Monahan, “Willamette Week,” “Bet- sy Johnson crashed into another motorist. Then she tried to claim legislative immunity,” July 6, 2022) *In 2007, John- son admitted to ethics vi- olations after she failed to report profits from a land sale. The Government Standards and Practices Commission investigated whether “Johnson failed to report her profits from a property sale that has been linked to legislation she sponsored. The parcel next to the Scappoose airport was sold three months af- ter purchase for a $119,000 increase in value. The leg- islation she sponsored gave special access to landowners with property next to airports. Johnson admitted to the ethics vio- lations and was fined.” (Ju- lie Silverman, Longview Daily News, “Board Au- thorizes Probe of Betsy Johnson Land Deal,” June 23, 2007) *In 2008, Johnson was under criminal inves- tigation by the FBE after admitting to violations of state ethics laws. “”Sen. Betsy Johnson, D-Scap- poose, who admitted to violating state ethics laws earlier this year, is now under a criminal inves- tigation by the local FBI office. Three sources who have been interviewed by investigators say the FBI, since last summer, has been looking into business dealings by the Democrat- ic Senator” (The Orego- nian, “FBI looks into Sen. Betsy Johnson Dealings,” January 8, 2008) Perhaps, in response to these reve- lations, Oregon Republi- can Party Chairman Justin Hwang, said it best . . .”In a time when the public’s trust in government offi- cials is alarmingly low, Oregon citizens need to know that those in public office have integrity and an unwavering commitment to personal ethics and ac- countability. Oregonians are tired of “Rules for thee, but not for me.” This member of the public loudly seconds his statement. Johnson believes in protecting corporate oli- garchs (after all as heir to a timber fortune, she is one) and insurance companies from accountability. From someone who’s worked with her on a few state agency projects, “She talks the talk of representing the people of Oregon, but her bottom line is deregulating business and land at the expense of working peo- ple, neighborhoods and the environment while placat- ing the country club set.” Besides her ex- tremely progressive voting records, Tina Kotek is the person most responsible for making it legal to camp in any public space in Or- egon, apparently includ- ing sidewalks, subjecting Oregonians to sidewalks covered in tents, garbage, drug paraphernalia, hu- man waste and filth, drug addicts openly using their drugs, puking on them- selves, passed out asleep on the sidewalks and door- ways to businesses, etc., and subjecting unsuspect- ing passers-by to random, unprovoked and violent attacks. As for the plan or platform she has for Ore- gon, I have only heard her say she wants to be Ore- gon’s first full lesbian gov- ernor. While that my be a feather in her cap, I fail to see how that helps Oregon or Oregonians. That leaves us with Republican candi- date Christine Drazan. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting her while she was her in Heppner at an event hosted by the Morrow County Republicans. Lis- tening to her speak, I was amazed at her well thought out plan for Oregon. It is bold, thorough, and touch- es on so many problems created by Oregon’s self- ish, tone deaf leadership and plaguing the every day lives of Oregonians. Meet- ing and speaking with her, I found her to be down to earth, genuine and sincere in her hopes, plans and goals for Oregon and our people. She answered ev- eryone’s questions direct- ly, honestly and passion- ately. I noticed a decidedly refreshing difference be- tween her and others, past and present, campaigning for Oregon’s highest of- fice. Not only did she listen to and hear our questions and concerns, her attitude is not the “I, I, I, me, me, me” of the arrogant and ambitious. Rather, she is humble, approachable, and “we” minded; grounded in the knowledge of who she wants to work for . . .Ore- gonians, all of us. I would not, however, underes- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 28, 2022 -- THREE timate her. To read her As your next gov- represents everything kindness and friendliness ernor, I will take deci- these ravenous wolves as weak or unequal to the sive action to address our detest. First, the primary mountainous task ahead of state’s out-of-control cost Trump supporters must be her as Governor would be of living to help Oregon taken down by the FBI and a mistake. But, hey, don’t families.” -Christine Dra- the DOJ with the unques- take my work for it. . .lis- zan tioned support of the press ten to some of her own Christine Drazan and media. Their homes words: is the responsible choice must broken into and pos- *Regarding home- to fix what folks like Bet- sessions confiscated and lessness: “Homelessness sy Johnson and Tina Kotek otherwise intimidated as is should be rare and tempo- have done to Oregon, happening every day. rary.” which used to be such a These wolves in sheep’s *Regarding the es- beautiful part of our great clothing see the Ameri- calating crime rate: “Our nation. Don’t take my can people as their great- brave men and women word for it, do your own est threat. The wolves in need all the resources to research. Voting is such a the press and media have protect us. I will increase big responsibility and pa- painted White and Un- funding to put more cops triotic duty. It’s important cle Tom Black, patriotic, on the street and end the to know who you’re hiring Christian, unapologetic lawlessness in Portland.” for the job. I have provided American men as enemies *Regarding Cap several sources to help you of the coming ‘woke’ State and Trade: She led the begin.. of Mexico, Canada and walkout to stop Cap and “True ignorance is America. These ‘woke’ Trade. As governor she’ll not the absence of knowl- controlled American gov- “end Kate Brown’s Cap edge, but the refusal to ac- ernment institutions are and Trade executive or- quire it.”-Karl Popper arming up. “One hundred der.” three executive agencies *Regarding ram- outside of the Department pant drug use and abuse: of defense spent $2.7 bil- “measure 110, which de- lion on guns, ammunition criminalized hard drugs in and military style equip- Oregon, has been a com- To the Editor: ment between 2005 and “Beware of false proph- 2019.” (The Philadelphia plete policy failure. We can and should be investing ets which come to you in Trumpet, p. 19, 10/22) In in addition recovery pro- sheep’s clothing, but in- contrast the number of grams, but I believe we can wardly they are ravening state and local law enforce- do that without enabling a wolves.” (Matthew 7:15) ment officers has declined culture of drug abuse to Wolves are something we by almost 15% during the persist on our streets.” Ad- understand in Eastern Or- same time period. (op.cit. ditionally on this measure, egon. A ravening wolf is Phil. Trumpet) which was passed by vot- ferociously hungry, fierce Jesus well said, beware ers at a mere 58 percent, and brutal. Wolves oper- of wolves dressed as sheep she said she “will revisit it ate in packs. They usually and watch their deeds not and bring it back to voters attack the most vulnerable their words. The fruit of to include punishments/ of their prey, however they these wolves is repre- fines up to $1,000 and/or will go after the most pow- sented by the Dow Jones a rehab program.” (Under erful to teach their young Stock Market losing 7000 the current policy the fine how to kill. Wolves pros- points since January this is $100.00 or an assess- per most when they have year with hardly a negative ment at a rehab facility, human benefactors that word regarding the current however, program funding remove the boundaries that Administration. constrain them. has yet to materialize.) These wolves are cow- Wolves are most danger- ards individually, brave *Regarding edu- cational failures: “Demo- ous when they are clothed hearts only in their pack. I crats under Kate Brown, in positive vestiges. Jesus exhort Americans that love Tina Kotek, Betsy John- warned you would know our country, love God, son, etc., shut our schools them by their fruit. Jesus is love our way of life, love down without any idea warning about wolves that our heritage (good with the how it would affect stu- appeared to be your bene- bad), to keep the faith and dents. Furthermore, our factor, your friend, your never give in, never give state was one of the last to representative, your min- up. The only true God of re-open. They failed our ister, your governor, but our Fathers is for us, not kids. We can’t trust them inwardly they are a fierce against us. We shall prevail threat to your life and the by our faith, because it is to lead our state.” *Regarding Bet- lives of your loved ones. our God ordained destiny. In America today we have (s)Stuart Dick, sy Johnson’s car accident: “This is clear abuse of leg- removed the constraints Irrigon islative immunity. No one that kept the wolves at should be above account- bay. In the 1960’s the Su- ability or above the law, preme Court removed the especially those in power. Bible, prayer and the Ten Oregonians are tired of Commandments from our self-serving politicians. schools and our govern- To the Editor: We deserve leaders who ment. Today the final con- The collective exhale we follow the law and tell the straints of the Constitution all heard Sunday morn- and the Bill of Rights have ing as horse trailers, RVs truth.” *Regarding infla- been severely undermined. and vendors headed out of tion: “We have and extra The wolves have formed town officially signaled the layer of inflation in Ore- a dangerous and raven- completion of the 112th gon thanks to the policies ous pack that not only at- Pendleton Roundup. A passed by Kate Brown, tacks the most vulnerable tip of the hat to countless Tina Kotek and Betsy but now brazenly attacks volunteers and the entire Johnson. Unfortunately the most powerful. These Roundup board for another all signs seem to point to wolves can be known by wonderful event. Roundup things getting worse before their fruit and can be iden- is truly an eastern Oregon tified by what they control. classic. they get better. Make no mistake, These wolves, by pretend- While another successful if I were in the Governor’s ing to be Americans, have Roundup is now in the office today, every pos- taken control of the gov- rearview mirror, activity sible option for address- ernment. The wolf pack is increasing here at Blue Community ing inflation and the cost can be identified as pro- Mountain of living would be on the gressive Socialist global- College. This week we table. I won’t sit idly by ist Democrats and RINO welcomed faculty back to while Oregonians continue Republicans that control campus on Monday with to suffer the consequences the FBI, CIA, DOJ, House the first in-person preser- of poor policy decisions. Representatives, Senate, vice event in several years. Pay raises for the political- most Circuit and Federal Tuesday BMCC staff and ly powerful (see: “Oregon Courts, our school system faculty greeted students State workers to get earlier and higher education. The with our signature event: raises, bonuses,” on ore- wolves ravenous behavior Welcome to the Pack. gonlive.com) yet nothing has been shielded from Welcome to the Pack helps for everyday Oregonians. the American people by students navigate their No help for our seniors on their control of the media, way through all those first fixed incomes. No help for press, Facebook, Amazon, jitters; finding the build- working families strug- and entertainment indus- ing where their classes are gling to keep up with $5- try. These same wolves to be held, clearing regis- plus per gallon gas prices own and control CNN, trations, learning all the and grocery bills that have ABC, NBC, ABC, TIME, ways they are supported sky-rocketed: with re- NEWSWEEK, (and much through advising, tutoring, cord inflation, all options more) and virtually all ma- financial aid, scholarships, club and athletic activities should be on the table. jor newspapers. One day these wolves and more. My thanks to all That includes: *Repealing the will take off their sheep’s who worked so diligently low-carbon fuel standard. clothing, but only if and to make this event a grand when they have taken over success. *Gas tax relief. *Suspending the America and much of the On the topic of success, gross receipts tax that is world. First they must take BMCC is moving forward adding an extra layer of in- down those that still love with several successes in America, love God, love our quest to continuously flation. *Moratorium on our heritage, way of life, improve the way we serve new regulations/taxes that our freedom and liberty. students and our commu- have the potential to fur- That is why Donald Trump nities. We recently held a must be destroyed. Trump -Continued to PAGE Eight ther drive up process. False profits come in sheep’s clothing Success is all around us