Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 29, 2022 -- THREE ~ Letters to the Editor ~ The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Email to editor@rapidserve.net or upload to Heppner.net. States now have rights to decide To the Editor: It's easy to think that overturning the Roe vs. Wade decision means that abortions have been banned in the us. But that's not true. Roe vs. Wade was a bad law that claimed to be based on the constitution when it wasn't. Overturn- ing it simply means that this is beyond the authority of the federal government, and that the states have a right to decide wheth- er abortions can be per- formed and under what cir- cumstances. It returns the power back closer to the people. Some states will restrict abortions in their states, a few forbidding them all together, though not many, and some states will keep or even loos- en their laws. And those states, or any individuals, could raise funds to enable women who can't afford to travel from restricted states to come to theirs for an abortion. I always thought there were two sides to this issue, pro-life and pro- choice. I thought people who called pro-choice people pro-abortion a bit extreme. But I think it's pretty obvious now that some pro-choice people ARE pro-abortion. If you vandalize buildings where women are supported in carrying their babies to term and caring for them afterwards, you aren't supporting their right to choose, you're trying to convince them they have no viable choice except abortion. If you object to "informed consent" requir- ing mothers to be shown pictures of prenatal devel- opment or listening to the baby's heartbeat or seeing the baby on an ultrasound, you're not pro-choice, you're pro-abortion. I re- member my dad saying something like "You have a right to swing your arms around, but that right ends where the other guy's nose begins." Well, women have a right to control their own bodies, but that right ends when it means killing another body. Sandra Johnson Heppner New personnel join Ewing earns doctorate Boardman Fire Rescue Boardman Firefight- er Zulema Gaytan has received her Advanced Emergency Medical Tech- nician designation, Fire Chief Michael Hughes recently announced. Re- ceiving the certification Gaytan becomes Board- man Fire’s first full-time female firefighter to hold the advanced designation. Gaytan also recently in- formed the fire district she has been accepted to para- medic school at Oregon Ben Ewing, a 1996 Heppner graduate, recent- ly earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Science Ed- ucation from Oregon State University. He completed his dissertation, "Explor- ing Oregon Teacher Reten- tion: Patterns and Reasons For Teachers' Persistence" while mentoring teach- ers in the Lincoln County School District. His partner, Cinamon Moffett, is on the faculty at Oregon State University and works at the Hatfield Zulema Gaytan receives ad- Marine Science Center vanced designation as the Research Program Manager. They spend Ben Ewing their free time hiking and traveling and are now on a celebratory vacation in Canada. County hires new finance manager Del Turner, right, and Mark Keith have joined Boardman fire Rescue Health & Science Univer- cies, the Paramedics will sity. “Obviously, we are be charged with providing proud of her and support medical training to our her new adventure,” says firefighters, our industry Hughes. partners and schools. The Additionally, long paramedics will also par- time Boardman resident ticipate in public education and Paramedic, Del Turner and safety,” Hughes said in recently joined Boardman making the announcement. Fire Rescue District as a “Having these valuable full-time paramedic. And highly trained and skilled Mark Keith another expe- employees will enhance rienced paramedic has also the Fire District’s Emer- joined the Fire District. gency Medical Service “The paramedics will be to Boardman and the sur- assigned to 24-hour shifts. rounding area,” Hughes In addition to responding to added. lem solver that navigated calls for medical emergen- Morrow County through the Coronavirus Pandem- ic and the construction of the new administration building in Irrigon. During these unprecedented times, he demonstrates a commit- ment to diversity in both hiring and service delivery decisions, loyalty to those in Morrow County, and dedication to the highest ethical standards. I encour- age the Morrow County Board of Commissioners to be objective when con- sidering all of the facts re- garding Mr. Darrel Green’s review and consider the consequences for Morrow County employees and cit- izens. Sincerely, Kate Knop Apply- lambweston.com/careers Madras, OR Morrow County has a new finance manager. Kevin Ince came here from Lamb Weston in Board- man where he has worked in finance for the past five years. Prior to that Ince worked at Umatilla Elec- tric Co-op for seven years. Ince and his wife Me- lissa have four children and live in Hermiston. Ince has a master’s degree in business administration from Washington State University and also at- tended Western Washing- ton University where he studied sociology. He was Kevin Ince hired by the county com- missioners at their June 22 meeting. Green dedicated to high ideals, integrity Dear Morrow County Commissioners, As a previous Finance Director and fourth-gen- eration family member of Morrow County, I request that you accept my letter of concern for today’s spe- cial meeting to consider the dismissal or discipline of the Morrow County Administrator, Mr. Darrell Green. For more than four years, I worked closely with Darrell Green. I re- spect his dedication to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships that merit the respect and con- fidence of elected officials, employees, and the Mor- row County citizens. As a leader, Darrell is a prob- Boardman East Hiring Event Join us! July 13th 9am - 5pm $1000 sign on bonus! Gilliam & Bisbee Building 106 E May St. Heppner Bring your resume! Commissioners act as star chamber We don't write many letters to the editor, but after attending the disci- plinary hearing for Morrow County Manager Darrell Green, we felt compelled to write. The conclusions from the hearing are as fol- lows: 1. Morrow County government is not open or transparent. Two commis- sioners act as a star cham- ber making decisions, in secret, to the exclusion of the third county commis- sioner and the public. 2. Darrell Green is an exemplary county em- ployee who, until he was informed he was fired, has no record of any discipline as an employee. 3. The two commis- sioners who made the de- cision to terminate Mr. Green, did not inform Mr. Green about their concerns with his performance until they terminated him. 4. The two commis- sioners that decided to ter- minate Mr. Green did not and do not want any public input about their decision. Is this the type of local government we want for Morrow County? William J. Kuhn Annetta L. Spicer Heppner Effective June 30, 2022, the Fire Chief of the City of Heppner is imposing a BURN BAN. This also includes Burn Barrels. Residents can request Natural Vegetation and Debris Piles be burned by the Fire Department during this period. Sign up list for Fire Department burning assistance is at Heppner City Hall or call Fire Chief Steve Rhea @ 541-980-4232 or Assistant Fire Chief Eric Chick @ 541-701-4910 Melanoma stands out. Check your skin. You could spot cancer. Lamb Weston is an equal opportunity employer L E AR N M O R E AT STA RT SE E I N G ME L A N O MA .CO M