Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 06, 2021, Page 2, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 6, 2021
The Official Newspaper
of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow
U.S.P.S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly by Sykes Publishing and entered as periodical matter at the Post
Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid
at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-9228. Fax
(541) 676-9211. E-mail: editor@rapidserve.net or david@rapidserve.net. Web site:
www.heppner.net. Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times,
P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $31 in Morrow County; $25
senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $37 elsewhere; $31 student
David Sykes ..............................................................................................Publisher
Bobbi Gordon................................................................................................ Editor
Giselle Moses.........................................................................................Advertising
~ Letters to the Editor ~
~ G-T Trophy Corner ~
The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following
criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name
of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you
provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The
address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be
printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the
right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in
letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under
“Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Email to editor@rapidserve.net or upload
to Heppner.net.
The Heppner Gazette Times would like to see pictures of your trophy animals
from this hunting season. Please send a photo along with your name, age, town
you live in, location of the hunt and a description of the animal to editor@
rapidserve.net, upload to Heppner.net or text to 541-980-6674.
Will and integrity
To the editor;
The current planned
Covid pandemic conspiracy
All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.
would not be possible with-
For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5.25 per
out the erosion of America’s
column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50¢ per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to
100 words. Cost for a classified display ad is $6.05 per column inch.
Christian heritage which
For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for publi-
has compromised the will
cation must be specified. Affidavits must be requested at the time of submission. Affidavits
require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be
and integrity of the Amer-
specified if required).
ican people. Americans, in
For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to
large part, have lost the pas-
meet news guidelines. Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines
or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space
sion for the requirement that
for the obituary.
a price must be paid for our
For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner
GT will not publish unsigned letters. All letters MUST include the author’s address and phone
liberty. The preservation of
number for use by the GT office. The GT reserves the right to edit letters. The GT is not
liberty requires personal
responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will
sacrifice and courage. Our
be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10.
forefathers believed there
were certain values and
freedoms that were more
Send birth announcements to editor@rapidserve.net or upload to Heppner.net. precious than life itself, and
they were willing to shed
their blood for that liberty.
Morrow county citizens in
large part stand united with
our forefathers.
At some point those
Andre and Morgan Rauch of Pendleton announce the
deceived by the sophistry
birth of a daughter,
of the global new world
Arden McCallie Fern
order, in America and the
Rauch, born Septem-
world, will recognize the
ber 21, 2021, at Walla
current Covid pestilence
Walla, WA. Arden
has nothing to do with pro-
weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz.
tecting the public from a
and was 22 inches
manmade pandemic. The
end game is a global digital
Arden’s grand-
passport required in order
parents are Gary and
to participate in the coming
Shannon Kelley, Las
Arden McCallie Fern Rauch
global government, includ-
Cruces, NW; Chris
ing travel, entertainment
and Kathy Rauch, Lexington, OR and Bill and Francene
and ultimately, all buying
Jones, Newberg, OR.
and selling. Without liberty
is no life, no hope,
no prosperity, no joy, no
peace, no future. “It was
for freedom that Christ
set us free; therefore, keep
standing firm and do not be
subject again to the yoke of
slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)
There are countless
examples of courageous
brethren that have refused
to yield their integrity and
they are currently pay-
ing the price for standing
against the growing tyranny
and deception. That is the
price that must be paid if
we are to remain free. Lt.
Col. Stuart Scheller Jr., a
decorated 17-year Amer-
ican soldier, is currently
in jail for exposing the
Marxist military treasonous
betrayal of America’s high
command in Afghanistan.
He is willing to give up his
career, a multimillion-dol-
lar pension and the welfare
of his wife and family to
expose the treason of our
current government. Expect
the national news media
Arden McCallie
Fern Rauch
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and Silicon Valley traitors
to crucify this patriot.
Our veterans from the
few remaining WW2 and
Korea, as well as Vietnam,
Middle East, etc. will lose
their veteran benefits if
they refuse to allow this
dangerous mRNA cocktail
to be injected into their
body. This is a shameful
outrage. These men and
women fought to protect
our Republic from tyranny
and now our fraudulent
elected federal government
betrays them and the price
they paid for our liberty.
Hundreds of thousands of
Americans, the backbone
of our hospitals, schools,
industry, police, etc., highly
educated, trained, expe-
rienced and dedicated to
their profession, like Hep-
pner High School teacher
Jeannie Collins, will reject
the blackmail of unconsti-
tutional governor mandates
at a great personal and
heart rendering expense.
Our schools are funded
by local citizens, yet our
school board obeys un-
constitutional mandates
instead of our own Morrow
County citizens. We are a
government of the people,
not Communist type rulers.
What will it take to
cause Americans (school
boards and superintendents)
to take a stand to protect and
honor our liberty and God
ordained constitutionally
protected way of life? The
rest of the world is presently
under the control of this
global tyranny. They have
yielded their ability (arms)
and now have to no power
to stand against a despotic
government. Only Amer-
ica has the constitutional
protection of the Second
Amendment. I beseech my
American brethren: draw
a line in the sand because
our forefathers understood
the only protection from a
tyrannical government was
the right to keep and bear
The God of our fore-
fathers, by their obedience
and courage, gave us this
wonderful Republic. It is
our responsibility to keep it
and defend it from all ene-
mies, foreign and domestic.
Stuart Dick, Irrigon
Kegan Steagall took this
three-point buck in the Hep-
pner unit.
Sara Munkers got this 4x5 in
the Columbia Basin unit.
Olson Anderson, 12, Hep-
pner, shot this 3x3 buck in
the Columbia Basin unit
early opening day.
The Heppner Ga-
zette-Times wants to see
pictures of your trophy
animals from this hunting
season. Stop
by to have
your picture
taken, drop
off photos,
mail them to
PO Box 337
in Heppner, email them to
editor@rapidserve.net or
text cell phone photos to
Vernon L. Russell
Vernon L. Russell was planning commission and
born November 27, 1925, as a city councilor for 16
in Prineville, OR to parents years. In 1965 Vern opened
Seth and Alta Russell. He a new gas station along
passed away September 28, Hwy 84 in the relocated
community of Board-
man. He later started
The family
Russell Oil Co. be-
moved to Board-
coming a fuel job-
man in 1929 where
ber. Vern was an avid
Ve r n g r a d u a t e d
fisherman, spending
from Boardman
time with family and
High School. In Vernon L.
friends salmon fishing
1943 Vern enlist- Russell
on the Oregon coast.
ed in the Army Air
Vern was proceeded in
Corps where he served as
a nose gunner in a B-24 death by his parents, Seth
bomber. After World War II and Alta Russell; brother,
Vern attended Oregon State Dale; sister, Helen and son,
University for a year and Bruce. Vern is survived
then began his first career by his wife of 66 years,
working construction as Barbara; son, Don Rus-
a carpenter on the federal sell (Susan) of Boardman;
daughter, Lorie Coleman
dam projects.
While working in The (Stacy) of Murrieta, CA
Dalles, OR he met Barbara and daughter in-law, Becky
Copple and the two were Russell of Corvallis, OR.
married in 1955. In 1956 Vern is also survived by
Vern and Barbara, with seven grandchildren and
their son Bruce, moved five great grandchildren
A graveside service
back to Boardman and Vern
opened a Shell gas station with military honors will
along Hwy 30. During the be held Saturday October
relocation of Boardman in 9 at 1 p.m. at the Boardman
the 1960s Vern served as cemetery.
chairman of the Boardman
Justice Court Report
Morrow County Justice of the Peace, Glen Diehl, has
released the following Justice Court report:
-Kathryn A. Cutsforth, 64, Heppner, was convicted
of violation of basic rule, fine, $65.
-Jered L. Wicklund, 45, Heppner, was convicted of
dog at large, fine $265.
Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative
Utility Pole Testing Underway
Columbia Basin Electric Co-op will be starting their annual utility pole
checking and treatment work for 2021 on Monday, September 27th. CBEC
will be checking poles out of the Sandhollow and Sniption substation areas.
This will include: Bombing Range, Alpine Ln., Sandhollow Rd., Spur Loop
Rd., Richmond Rd, Pattee Rd., Ferry Canyon and surrounding areas.
National Wood Treating Company has been contracted to
perform this work for CBEC. The pole checking will be
conducted with a pick-up and ATV and all NWT
vehicles will be marked with CBEC signage. The annual
pole checking process is necessary to stay in compliance
with Oregon Public Utility Commission and National
Electric Safety Code regulations. CBEC thanks you in
advance for your cooperation.