EIGHT- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 5, 2020 Sheriff’s Report ...continued from page five report at Irrigon Shell Sta- tion on E Hwy 730, Irrigon of a dog about knee high ran toward the high school. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a report that Catarino Mar- tinez was arrested by Ya- kima Co jail on MCCC warrants. Subject lodged at Yakima jail with no bail. -MCSO received a report on I 84 E, Boardman of a single vehicle rollover. Patient refusal. -MCSO received a report at Mountain Glen Apartments on NE Pio- neer Dr, Heppner that this morning she saw Freddy Tortolani in the laundry room. Does not know why he was there but she told him to leave. -MCSO received a report on Wilson Ln, Boardman that Tim Brown is harassing him. Wants in- cident noted. -MCSO received a report on W Hwy 730, Irrigon that a newer blue WRX is passing on no passing lane driving errat- ically. -MCSO received a report at US Post Office on NE Main Ave, Irrigon that a female on the phone was going about 80 mph. Un- able to locate. -MCSO received a report at Willow Creek Rd/Hwy 207, Heppner that there is a donkey on the side of the road. Complete, animals were put back in their pasture. -MCSO received a report at Clarks Canyon Rd/Hwy 207, Heppner that there is a rancher that has been throwing rye off onto the road. Nothing in the road, looks like no crime was committed. -MCSO received a report on Why 207, Hep- pner that RP would like a check done on the apart- ments as her camera sys- tem went down. -MCSO received a report on W Seventh Rd, Irrigon of people living in RVs with power to them. Enjoy the Oregon Trail Library’s Story Walk Through Downtown Heppner People are also trespassing on neighbor’s property. -MCSO received a report on SE Utah Ave, Ir- rigon that a Dodge pickup just went by at a high rate of speed. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a report at NW Riverside Ave/Fuller Cyn Ln, Hep- pner that an 8 or 9 year old is riding a mini bike on the road. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a report on I 84 E, Boardman of a 15-20 feet wide fire. -MCSO received a report at Threemile Camp- ground on Threemile Rd/ Ramp, Boardman of a late model white car aban- doned. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a report at Irrigon Shell Sta- tion on E Hwy 730, Irrigon that a subject left litter and is now causing a distur- bance before leaving on foot. Subject is to be tres- passed when next contact- By Lori Roach ed. Unable to locate. As COVID-19 con- tinues to rear its ugly head, there is a trail of adven- ture through downtown Heppner for you and your young ones to enjoy….out ASK US HOW TO GET THE in the sunshine and fresh air. Heppner ’s Ore- gon Trail Library District has created Story Walks through downtown. The story begins at the li- brary, then on to Sheep- dog Mercantile, Morrow County Health District, Les Schwab, Heppner City Hall, the Heppner Chamber of Commerce, Peterson’s Find out how to get our most Jewelers, Murray’s Drug, popular phones, call now! Sage Clothing Company, and then finishes up at the Bank of Eastern Oregon. “Because of COVID-19 we can’t have a typical reading program © 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks so to have reading in our of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. community we are putting -MCSO received a report that Christopher Mi- chael Allred was arrested by HPD on MCCC war- rant and lodged at UCJ on $100,000 bail. -MCSO received a report that there is a fire on the Washington state side on Hwy 14. Transferred to Benton County. June 4: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office re- ceived a report at I 84 W, Boardman of a disabled vehicle that is not blocking traffic. OSP was advised of the vehicle. -MCSO received a report on Root Ln, Board- man that there is a male juvenile that has speeding through the area. -MCSO received a report on N Main St, Hep- pner that a dog is coming into RP yard and is barking and howling at her dogs. Owner of the dog was ad- vised if the issue continues he will be cited. -MCSO received a AMAZING iPHONE ® 11 FOR $0 WHEN YOU SWITCH TO AT&T 877-589-1518 up an easy-reader Story Walk,” said Assistant Li- brarian Kathy Cutsforth. “The community has really stepped up and allowed us to put the stories in the downtown windows.” Last weeks book was Truman, by Jean Reidy. This week’s book for the Story Walk is How to Catching a Mermaid, by Adam Wallace. Next week’s story will be Sophie Johnson, Unicorn Expert by Morag Hood and the fi- nal book for the Story Walk will be There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight by Penny Parker Klostermann. At this time Oregon Trail Library District in Heppner is open to come in and check out books, but the computers are closed. Library hours are Tuesdays thru Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. I wanted to reach out to my fellow community members and let you know what I believe in and represent. I will bring over 22 years of full-time law enforcement experience, with nearly 13 years of those being a supervisor, and 20 years of those serving the people of Morrow County. Through my years in law enforcement, I have had been around many great leaders who have shown me what it takes to lead. Leaders are not defined by titles, but by their actions. The number one lesson I have learned is it is not a them versus us. It is a “WE.” We must work together, hand in hand to effectively work towards our common goals. I am committed to working with the communities by building partnerships and utilizing those partnerships to provide better services, while reducing inefficiency. As Sheriff, I will reorganize some staff in order to become more efficient. I will eliminate the Traffic Deputies positions, reassigning them to general patrol. Having Deputies assigned to write mainly speeding tickets on I-84 and Highway 730 is not good use of our County resources. The Sheriff’s Office should NEVER be in the business of generating revenue, as this leads to distrust by the people. I fully support the School Resource Deputy positions as I want to expand upon their role within the schools to include a teacher/mentor. I am also supportive of the Blue Mountain Drug Tasks Force. I will continue providing a Deputy and other resources as needed for this vital role, as the drug epidemic continues to ruin lives. Part of the reorganization will lead to 24 hours patrols by the Deputies, with dedicated south county patrols. The south county patrols will encompass a Deputy’s entire shift. Not simply an hour or two. The citizens of Morrow County deserve equal services. I will challenge our community members to engage with the Sheriff’s Office staff, and vice versa. I will reactivate the Volunteer Search & Rescue Program, and create a Volunteer Citizens on Patrol Program, and implement a youth law enforcement mentoring program. I feel these programs, are worthwhile as they are a positive example of what can be accomplished when working hand in hand with our communities. With that being said, Oregon law forbids law enforcement officers from working with federal immigration officials solely regarding immigration enforcement. My stance on immigration enforcement is straight forward. It is a federal issue and needs to be resolved within the federal government. Local resources should not be used for immigration enforcement when the only crime is a person’s legal status. However, I do support the idea of being able to work with immigration officials when trying to remove violent criminals from our communities. As Sheriff, I will ensure the Sheriff's Office becomes accredited through the Oregon Accreditation Alliance. This will help bring up the quality of service while reducing liability. I will only hire/promote qualified people for positions, and make sure they obtain/retain state certifications for their respective positions. I will not promote employees to supervisory roles if they have a family member working within the same division. I will work diligently to end any nepotism or appearance of nepotism with- in the Sheriff's Office. While there have been some people spreading false information about my intent on moving the Sheriff’s Office from Heppner to the north end of the County, I assure you this is inaccurate. The Sheriff’s Office must work closely with other government entities on an on-going basis. Many of these are based in Heppner, thus is it vital the Sheriff’s Office in Heppner remains an anchor point for the services it provides. However, I do support the need to have a full-time clerical person assigned to the north end to handle administrative paperwork which the Patrol Deputies are currently performing. This will allow the Patrol Deputies to concentrate on keeping our communities safer. Lastly, I often get asked how I feel about the 2ND Amendment. I can assure you I will ALWAYS defend YOUR Rights granted to you under the Constitution of the United States, and the State of Oregon. I am a firm believer in a person’s right to protect themselves and others. This includes the right to own and possess firearms, as granted to them under the US Constitution. I do not support any laws which restrict a person’s Rights, whether it is regarding firearms or any other Constitutional Rights. I WILL NOT permit any law to be enforced by my staff, which is in violation of the US or Oregon Constitution. If you have any questions or comments, I may be reached at either 541-561-0792 or MarkPratt@PrattforSheriff.com. Please visit and follow my campaign at: PrattforSheriff.com & Facebook.com/PrattforSheriff Sincerely, Mark Pratt