Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - FIVE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEASURE ELECTION MORROW COUNTY 7512 Sq. Ft.; ADA Com- dia. PVC Tee, 20 Each; pliant Pedestrian Ramps, 6” dia. Connection with SCHOOL DISTRICT Town of Lexington Morrow County, Oregon Notice is hereby given, that a ballot title for a measure referred by the District has been received, in the office of the Town of Lexington Clerk, in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon on July 25, 2020. On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 an election will be held within the boundaries of the Town of Lexington, Morrow County, Oregon. The election shall be con- ducted by mail pursuant to ORS 254.465. The ballot title caption is as follows: Impose Five-year Local Option Tax for General Operating Funds Any elector may file a pe- tition for review of this ballot title in the Morrow County Circuit Court no later than 5:00 p.m., Au- gust 6, 2020 (7 business days after filing of this no- tice with the Town of Lex- ington Recorder). To obtain a copy of the notice contact MacKia Tarvin, Lexington Town Recorder. MacKia Tarvin Town Recorder July 29, 2020 7-29-1c Board of Directors have scheduled the following work sessions: •Special Board Meeting - August 4, 2020, 7:00 pm at the District Office in Ir- rigon, OR and via ZOOM. The purpose of the meet- ing is the 2020/21 School Calendar, Comprehensive Distance Learning and Staff Professional Devel- opment for Comprehen- sive Distance Learning. •Work Session - August 10, 2020, 5:30 pm at the Dis- trict Office (HES) in Hep- pner, OR and via ZOOM. The purpose of the work session is development of 2020/21 Board Goals. 7-29-1c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPART- MENT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JANET K. TAYLOR Deceased. Case No. 20PB04625 NOTICE TO INTEREST- ED PARTIES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Nora K. Mc- Gowan has been appointed as Personal Representa- tive of the Estate of Jan- et K. Taylor. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to pres- ent them, with vouchers attached, to the Personal Representative at: Nora K. McGowan c/o Kueny Law LLC 3040 Commercial St. SE, Suite 135 Salem, Oregon 97302 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Rep- resentative, or the lawyer for the Personal Represen- tative, Rebecca S. Kueny, 3040 Commercial Street SE, Suite 135, Salem, OR 97302. Dated and first published on July 29, 2020. Published July 29, August 5 & 12, 2020 Affidavit SURPLUS EQUIP- MENT The Town of Lexington is accepting bids on a 1988 Chevrolet Scottsdale 2500 4X4. Runs and drives, 5.7 V-8, 4 speed manual trans- mission, mileage unknown (140K+), includes cano- py and almost new tires. Minimum bid of $1,500 accepted through August 7, 2020. Bids should be submitted to Town of Lex- ington, PO Box 416 (425 F St), Lexington, OR 97839 or by email to Lexington. maint@gmail.com. Phone 541-989-8515 for addi- tional information. 7-22-2c DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5PM INVITATION TO BID For CITY OF HEPPNER PUBLIC WORKS DE- PARTMENT 2020 STREET RECON- STRUCTION PROJECT August, 2020 Sealed Bids for the “CITY OF HEPPNER 2020 STREET RECON- STRUCTION PROJECT” will be received by the City of Heppner, P.O. Box 756, 111 N. Main St., Heppner, OR 97836, until 3:00 p.m. local time on August 25, 2020. First Tier Subcon- tractor Disclosure Forms will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. local time on August 25, 2020. The bids will be publicly opened and read at the City Hall, 111 N. Main St., Heppner, OR 97836, at 3:00 p.m. local time on August 25, 2020. The City may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bid- ding procedures and re- quirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the City that it is in the public interest to do so. The bid- der must be registered with the Construction Contrac- tors Board. Estimated Cost Range: $3,100,000 to $3,800,000 The project is separated into four (4) schedules, consisting of, but may not be limited to, the following total estimated unit cost quantities: SCHEDULE A – GENER- AL ITEMS Mobilization, Lump Sum; Temporary Protection and Direction of Traffic, Lump Sum; Temporary Signs, 200 Sq. Ft.; Temporary Barricades, Type II, 10 Each; Temporary Barri- cades, Type III, 10 Each; Temporary Plastic Drums, 50 Each; Flaggers, 1500 Hours; Erosion Control, Lump Sum; Sediment Fence, 100 Ft.; Inlet Pro- tection, Type 4, 10 Each; Sediment Barrier, Type 8, 250 Ft.. SCHEDULE B – MAY, GALE, W. WILLOW AND CHURCH STREETS Removal of Existing Re- taining Walls, Lump Sum; Removal of Storm Drain Pipes, 1825 Ft.; Removal of Curbs, 3180 Ft.,; Re- moval of Walks & Drive- ways, 2350 Sq. Yds.; Re- moval of Inlets, 16 Each; Pavement/Concrete Saw Cutting, 605 Ft.; Gener- al Excavation, 6400 Cu. Yds.; 8” dia. PVC Storm Drain, 1383 Ft.; 10” dia. PVC Storm Drain, 326 Ft.; 12” dia. PVC Storm Drain, 796 Ft.; Catch Ba- sins, Type G2, 24 Each; Storm Sewer Manholes, Standard, 4 Each; Adjust- ment of Manhole Lids, 1 Each; Aggregate Subbase, 5200 Tons; Aggregate Base (3/4”-0), 3150 Tons; HMAC, Level 3, 1/2" ACP, 2700 Tons; Concrete Curbs, Standard, 5370 Ft.; Concrete Driveways, 7476 Sq. Ft.; Standard Concrete Walks, 16470 Sq. Ft.; Stamped Concrete Walks, 2114 Sq. Ft.; Bridge End Guard Rail, 3 Each; 4” Yellow, Broken Line, 650 Ft.; 12” White Pavement Bar, 1590 Sq. Ft. SCHEDULE C – N. CHASE, E. CEN- TER AND S. CHASE STREETS Removal of Existing Re- taining Walls, Lump Sum; Removal of Storm Drain Pipes, 124 Ft.; Removal of Curbs, 12 Ft.; Remov- al of Walks & Driveways, 760 Sq. Yds.; Removal of Inlets, 2 Each; Pavement/ Concrete Saw Cutting, 540 Ft.; General Excava- tion, 2680 Cu. Yds.; 8” dia. PVC Storm Drain, 132 Ft.; 10” dia. PVC Storm Drain, 464 Ft.; 12” dia. PVC Storm Drain, 12 Ft.; Catch Basins, Type G2, 7 Each; Storm Sewer Pollu- tion Control Manhole, 1 Each; Adjustment of Man- hole Lids, 4 Each; Aggre- gate Subbase, 2900 Tons; Aggregate Base (3/4”-0), 1700 Tons; HMAC, Level 3, 1/2" ACP, 1500 Tons; Concrete Curbs, Standard, 3150 Ft.; Concrete Valley Gutter, 652 Sq. Ft.; Con- crete Driveways, 8530 Sq. Ft.; Standard Con- crete Walks, 7380 Sq. Ft.; Stamped Concrete Walks, 2970 Sq. Ft.; ADA Com- pliant Pedestrian Ramps, 335 Sq. Ft.; 4” Yellow, Broken Line, 270 Ft.; 12” White Pavement Bar, 175 Sq. Ft. SCHEDULE D – SAN- ITARY SEWER COL- LECTION SYSTEM RE- PLACEMENT Removal of Sanitary Sewer Pipes, 670 Ft.; Re- moval/Abandon Sanitary Sewer Manholes, 8 Each; Mainline Video Inspec- tion, 4000 Ft.; 8” dia. PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe, 1500 Ft.; 10” dia. PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe, 1465 Ft.; 12” dia. PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe, 310 Ft.; 4” dia. PVC Service Connections, 2050 Ft.; 4” dia. PVC Wye, 62 Each; 8”x8”x4” dia. PVC Tee, 42 Each; 10”x10”x4” Cleanout, 1 Each; Sanitary Sewer Manholes, 10 Each; Replacement of Manholes Sections, 1 Each; Retrofit Internal Drop in Existing Manhole, 1 Each SCHEDULE E – WIL- LOW CREEK PEDES- TRIAN BRIDGE Provide and Install Pedes- trian Bridge, Lump Sum This is a CITY OF HEP- PNER Project by and through the CITY OF HEP- PNER, fully funded by the CITY OF HEPPNER, and is subject to the current Or- egon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Prevail- ing Wage Rates. A Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the bid amount is required with the proposal. Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of the contract bid amount will be required of the success- ful bidder. The City of Heppner will award the contract at the September 14, 2020 City Council Meeting at the City Hall, 111 N. Main St., Heppner, OR 97836, start- ing at 7 p.m. Contract Work will com- mence no later than Octo- ber 1, 2020. The contrac- tor shall complete all work required in the contract on or before November 1, 2021. The contractor will not be required to have an asbes- tos abatement license un- der ORS 468A.720. Plans and Bidding Doc- uments may be obtained from Ferguson Surveying and Engineering by e-mail request to Kenny Delano at kennyfse@ortelco.net or by phone at 541-932- 4520 between the hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The City of Heppner is an equal opportunity employ- er. Kraig Cutsforth City Manager Published July 29 & August 5, 2020 Affidavit Wedding? ✔Resolve Back Taxes ✔Wage Garnishment Release ✔Payroll Tax Negotiation ✔Tax Debt Negotiation & Settlement fire pits surrounded by dirt, rock, or commercial rings and in areas not conducive to rapid fire spread. All flammable material shall be cleared within a three-foot radius from the edge of the pit and free of overhanging material. Use existing pits wherever possible. -Campfires must be attended at all times and completely extinguished prior to leaving. -Persons with camp- fires should carry a tool that can serve as a shovel and one gallon of water in their possession. The intent of this recommendation is to ensure individuals with a campfire to have the tools necessary to completely extinguish their campfire. The public’s awareness of the increasing fire danger and cooperation is essen- tial to a safe fire season. Recreationists, firewood cutters, hunters and other forest users can all help by closely adhering to restric- tions, operating safely and cautiously and keeping up to date on the latest orders and regulations. Regulated closures may be in effect on State and private lands protected by Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) in northeast and central Oregon. Please check with your local Ore- gon Department of Forestry office for PURs on lands protected by ODF. For more information about the Umatilla Na- tional Forest’s Public Use Restrictions, please contact the Umatilla National For- est Information Hotline at 877-958-9663 or visit our website at www.fs.usda. gov/umatilla/. Engagement? There are many ways we can tackle IRS or State tax relief together: ✔Stop Penalties and Interest Due to increased fire danger and dry weather conditions, Phase A of the Public Use Restrictions (PURS) for smoking, off- road travel, and chainsaw use will go into effect on the Umatilla National Forest on Monday, July 27, 2020. Phase A is the first level of restrictions, generally implemented when the fire danger is moderate to high. PURS are phased in collec- tively, as conditions war- rant, and may differ from forest to forest. Restrictions under Phase A include: -Chainsaws may be operated only between the hours of 8 p.m. and 1 p.m. local time. A one-hour fire watch is required after saw operations cease. Saw op- erators are required to have an axe (minimum 2 lb. head, 26” length), shovel (8” wide, 26” length) and fire extinguisher (minimum ABC 8 oz.) in their posses- sion. -Smoking is allowed only in enclosed vehicles, buildings or cleared areas. -No off-road/off-trail vehicle travel or travel on roads not cleared of stand- ing grass or other flamma- ble material; no vehicle travel on those FS roads where access has been im- peded or blocked by earthen berm, logs, boulders, barri- er, barricade or gate, or as otherwise identified in the fire order. The public is also en- couraged to practice safe campfire principles when recreating in dispersed and developed campsites. For- est officials recommend the following campfire safety precautions: -Campfires should be in New Baby in Your Family? Tax Problems: RESOLVED ✔Tax Levies & Liens Release Umatilla National Forest moves to Phase A Public Use Restrictions ACCREDITED BUSINESS ✔Tax Preparation & Bookkeeping Services ® A+ Rating We want to share your life events! Stop in the Heppner Gazette office or email us with details and photos. Call us now for your FREE tax consultation & evaluation: 844-945-2056 Anthem offers a money-back guarantee designed to help you avoid wasting money on ineffective tax services. We will gather as much information from you as necessary and work with tax authorities to give you the best chance of reducing your tax debt. If for any reason that does not work out, and the government notifies us they refuse to reduce your overall tax liability or monthly payments by any amount, we will gladly refund you the fees you paid for our services in trying to reduce that debt. Money Back Guarantee does not apply to Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Services. 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