SIX- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 20, 2020 HELP WANTED ASSISTANT TO MAN- AGER OF OPERA- TIONS Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative Inc. is seeking a highly motivated individ- ual for an assistant to the Manager of Operations. This position will require excellent computer skills, including Microsoft Of- fice. Primary responsibil- ities will include purchas- ing utility materials and equipment, the ability to perform line staking, and maintenance of the Coop- erative’s GIS/GPS map- ping and electronic meter- ing systems. Additionally, the position will require in- ventory management and some supervisory duties. Salary and benefits depen- dent upon qualifications and experience. This is an exempt position. Send resume and salary history to Andy Fletcher, General Manager, Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative, P.O. Box 398, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Or send electroni- cally to andyf@columbia- Closing date is June 1, 2020. 5-20-2c PUBLIC NOTICE Requires Board of Com- missioner meetings re- garding relocation of state border. Question: Shall the Board of Com- missioners be required to meet three times annually to discuss relocation of the state border? Summary: If passed, the petition re- quires the Morrow County Board of Commissioners to meet three times per year to discuss how to promote the interests of Morrow County in and negotiations regarding the relocation of the Oregon-Idaho state border. Civil penalties are provided for anyone who willfully prohibits, can- cels, or hinders any of the prescribed meetings of the Board of Commissioners. A civil offense against this ordinance will be a Class D Violation with a maximum fine of $125, and will be enforceable by any peace officer. Bobbi Childers, Morrow County Clerk, May 15, 2020 Published May 20, 2020 Affidavit COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM OF EAST CENTRAL OREGON (CAPECO) REQUEST FOR AP- PLICATIONS (RFA) #05100 Capeco’s weatherization program is seeking quali- fied contractors to perform weatherization residential energy audits and quali- ty control inspections in umatilla, morrow, gilliam and wheeler counties. The contracts will be for one year from the date the contract is signed, with the possibility of four one year extensions through an amendment process. Applications are avail- able on-line at www.cape- Applica- tions can also be obtained by phone at 541-276-1926 ext 108 or by email at (aal- exander@capeco-works. org) All applications must be received by 5 pm on june 1, 2020. Late applications Will not be accepted. All applications received that have been properly com- pleted shall be considered. Small and minority busi- nesses, and women’s busi- NOTICE OF BUDGET ness enterprises are en- LOOP TRANSPORTA- COMMITTEE MEETING couraged to apply. TION DISPATCHER A public meeting of the 5-20-2c Morrow County Special Transportation is seeking Budget Committee of the a full-time Transportation Ione-Lexington Cemetery NOTICE OF BUDGET Dispatcher who is team Maint District, Morrow COMMITTEE MEETING oriented, energetic and has County, State of Oregon, A public meeting of the excellent customer service to discuss the budget for budget committee of the and organizational skills. the fiscal year July 1, City of Heppner Oregon, For complete job descrip- 2020 to June 30, 2021, Morrow County to discuss tion, salary range, applica- will be held at Ione Rural the budget for the fiscal tion and employee benefits, Fire District Hall, 150 W year July 1, 2020 to June please visit Morrow Coun- Main Street, Ione, Ore- 30, 2021 to be held at 111 ty at gon 97843. The meeting N Main St. Heppner OR or contact Darrell Green, will take place on May 28, 97836. County Administrator at 2020 at 11:00 AM. The meeting will take place, The purpose of the meet- May 27th at 6:00 PM. or (541) 676-2529. Mor- ing is to receive the bud- The purpose of the meet- row County is an EOE. get message and to receive ing is to receive the budget Open until filled, first re- comment from the public message and receive com- on the budget. view June 12, 2020. This is a public meeting ment from the public on 5-20-1c where deliberation of the the budget. This is a pub- lic meeting where deliber- PUBLIC NOTICE Budget Committee will ation of the Budget Com- take place. Any person PUBLIC NOTICE may appear at the meeting mittee will take place. Any THE PORT OF MOR- and discuss the proposed person may appear at the ROW, OREGON programs with the Budget meeting and discuss the proposed programs with NOTICE OF ADOPTION Committee. OF RESOLUTION A copy of the budget doc- the Budget Committee or The Port of Morrow, Or- ument may be inspected through electronic means egon (the “Port”) hereby or obtained on or after via zoom or email. Instruc- gives notice pursuant to May 12, 2020 at Bank of tions at the city website on ORS 777.565(1) that the Eastern Oregon, 280 Main the use of zoom. Board of Commissioners Street, Ione, OR, between A copy of the budget doc- of the Port will consider a the hours of 9:00 AM and ument may be inspected or obtained on or after May Resolution (the “Resolu- 4:00 PM. tion”) at a special meeting Published May 13 & 20, 18th at Heppner City Hall between the hours of 9:00 to be held at 10:00 a.m. on 2020 Affidavit AM and 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 3, 2020 Published May 13 & 20, at the Riverfront Center, 2 NOTICE OF BUDGET Marine Drive, Boardman, COMMITTEE MEETING 2020 Affidavit Oregon 97818. The Reso- A public meeting of the lution will authorize the is- Budget Committee of the NOTICE OF BUDGET suance, sale, execution and Boardman Rural Fire Pro- HEARING delivery of one or more se- tection District, Morrow NOTICE of Budget Com- ries of the Port of Morrow County State of Oregon, mittee meeting: A public Transmission Facilities to discuss the budget for meeting and Hearing of Revenue Bonds (Bonne- the fiscal year July 1, 2020 the Budget Committee of ville Cooperation Projects) to June 30, 2021 will be the Heppner Rural Fire (the “Bonds”), approve held at the Boardman Fire Protection District, Mor- the Bonds and other doc- Station 81, 300 SW Wil- row County, Oregon, will uments to be executed and son Lane, Boardman, Or- be held on Thursday, June delivered or distributed in egon. The meeting will 04, 2020 at 7:00 pm at 911 connection therewith; and take place on the 28th day Riverside Avenue, Hep- certain other matters relat- of May 2020 at 7:00 pm. pner, Oregon (HRFPD The purpose of the meet- Fire Hall). The purpose of ed thereto. Complete copies of the ing is to receive the bud- this meeting is to receive Resolution may be ob- get message and to receive the Budget Message, dis- tained without charge from comment from the public cuss the proposed budget, the Port located at the on the budget. A copy of deliberation of the Budget Riverfront Center, 2 Ma- the budget document may Committee, and to hold rine Drive, P.O. Box 200, be inspected or obtained a Public Hearing on the Boardman, Oregon 97818 on or after the 21st day of proposed Budget. Any telephone: 541-481-7678. May, 2020 at 300 SW Wil- person may appear at the THE PORT OF MOR- son Lane. Please call (541) meeting and discuss the 481-3473 between the proposed programs with ROW, OREGON Published May 13, 20 & hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 the Budget Committee. A copy of the proposed pm for arrangements. 27, 2020 Affidavit This is a public meeting budget document may be where deliberation of the inspected or obtained after NOTICE OF RECEIPT Budget Committee will June 04, 2020 at 180 Rock OF A COUNTY MEA- SURE BALLOT TITLE: take place. Any person may Street, Heppner, Oregon, Notice is hereby given that appear at the meeting via between the hours of 5:15 a ballot title was filed and Zoom and discuss the pro- p.m. and 8:00 p.m. This received May 15, 2020, by posed programs with the proposed budget is for the Morrow County Clerk. Budget Committee. Please an annual budget period, Any voter may file a peti- see the BRFPD website, and is being prepared on tion for review of the ballot for a basis of accounting that is the same as used in the title in the Morrow County login details. Circuit Court no later than Published May 13 & 20, preceding year. Published May 20 & 27, 5:00 p.m., May 26, 2020. 2020 Affidavit 2020 Affidavit The Following shall be the ballot title: Caption: Published May 20, 2020 Affidavit South Morrow County scholarships awarded The South Morrow County Scholarship Trust has announced the recipi- ents of the 2019-2020 schol- arship. Zoey Gilbert, Kellen Grant and Matt Orem will each receive $1,000 and Tresslyn McCurry, Jorden Sweeney and Cami Va- nArsdale will each receive $750. They were selected on the basis of academic achievement, chosen field of study, financial need, school participation, degree of effort in seeking sources for college and personal characteristics for success and school citizenship. Zoey Gilbert is the daughter of Rick and Crys- tal Gilbert of Ione. She attends Ione Community Charter School and after graduation, she plans to pursue a career in diagnos- tic imaging at Blue Moun- tain Community College. Zoey has maintained a high GPA and received many ac- ademic excellence awards throughout high school. She is a member of the Nation- al Honor Society and the Youth Advisory Council. Zoey has participated and lettered in Volleyball, Bas- ketball, and Tennis. Kellen Grant is the son of Greg and Virginia Grant of Heppner. He attends Heppner High School and after graduation plans to major in business and mi- nor in Spanish. Kellen has maintained a 4.0 GPA while being a member of FBLA and National Honor So- ciety and participating in football, basketball and golf. He has volunteered at the Willow Creek Country Club Men’s Tournament, Booster Club Dinner and Auction, St. Patrick’s Cel- ebration Youth Football Fundraiser and other school and community activities. Matt Orem is the son of Eric and Brandi Orem of Heppner. He attends Heppner High School and after graduation he will attend Blue Mountain Com- munity College to pursue a degree in crop and animal production then transfer to a university to receive a bachelor’s degree. Matt is an active member of FFA and 4-H receiving many awards in each program. He has participated or lettered in football, basketball and baseball. Matt has helped with many school and com- munity activities includ- ing 4-H Camp Counselor, Tupper Outdoor School Counselor, and umpiring/ refereeing games for Little League and Youth Basket- ball Programs. Tresslyn McCurry is the daughter of David Mc- Curry and Tiffany Clement of Heppner. She attends Ione Community Charter School and after graduation she plans to attend Blue Mountain Community Col- lege to become a maternity nurse. Tresslyn is a mem- ber of FFA and FBLA and has participated or lettered in volleyball, basketball, softball and tennis. She has volunteered for the youth volleyball program, school benefit auction and yard and house work for the elderly in her community. Jorden Sweeney is the son of Corey and Bran- di Sweeney of Heppner. He attends Heppner High School and after gradu- ation, he plans to attend Linn-Benton Community College to pursue a degree in business management and apply of their electrical apprentice program. He participated or lettered in football, basketball, track and field and TSA. Jorden has volunteered for the Elks Hoop Shoot, Booster Club Dinner and Auction, St. Patrick’s Church Carnival, St. Patrick’s Celebration Leprechaun Run and many other school and communi- ty events. Cami VanArsdale is the daughter of Mike and Shel- ley VanArsdale of Lexing- ton. She attends Heppner High School and after grad- uation she plans to attend Linn-Benton Community College to pursue a nursing degree. Cami participated or lettered in volleyball, basketball, softball and golf as well as being an active member of FFA, 4-H and FBLA. She volunteered for the FFA Backpack Program, was a 4-H Camp Counselor and participated in several canned food drives. The Board of Directors include president Adam McCabe, vice president Ginger Bowman, treasurer Tricia Rollins, secretary Brandi Sweeney, Martha Munkers, Carri Grieb, An- drea Nelson and Karen Hol- land. The South Morrow County Scholarship Trust, Inc was established several years ago with the mission to grow funds to provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Heppner and Ione High Schools and to take the place of the Tro- edson Scholarship Fund which will discontinue in 2023. Tax deductible dona- tions can be sent to SMCS Inc, PO Box 102, Ione, OR 97843. The Coach Del LaRue Scholarship was developed in memory of Del LaRue, a long-time teacher and coach at Ione High School. Del had a passion for coach- ing basketball and track and field and loved seeing stu- dents set and achieve their goals. After retiring from teaching, Del continued to coach track for twelve additional years. During this time he helped many student athletes achieve their goals and was honored as national Track and Field Coach of the Year. Zoey Gilbert is the daughter of Rick and Crys- tal Gilbert of Ione. She attends Ione Community Charter School and after graduation she plans to pur- sue a career in diagnostic imaging at Blue Mountain Community College. Zoey has maintained a high GPA and received many aca- demic excellence awards throughout high school. She is a member of the Nation- al Honor Society and the Youth Advisory Council. Zoey has participated and lettered in volleyball, bas- ketball, and tennis. This fund awards one $1,000 scholarship to a college-bound Ione High School Senior based on demonstrated academic achievement, community involvement and with pref- erence given to students who have participated in the Ione High School Track and Field program. Students must be continuing their education at a community college, trade school or four-year college or univer- sity. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 accumulated GPA, attended Ione High School all four years of high school and shown involvement in community activities. The South Mor- row County Scholarship Inc Board of Directors awards the scholarship on behalf of the family. Print & Mailing Services *Design *Print *Mail Sykes Publishing 541-676-9228