EIGHT- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 1, 2020 Doing time on quarantine We’re stuck at home on quarantine, so the Heppner Gazette-Times asked our readers to send us a photo of how their children are spending time at home. Here are the pictures we received back. Thanks all of you who shared. We hope seeing these photos here will brighten people’s day and help everyone get through this ordeal. If you (parents please) have a cute or interesting photo of how your children are spending their quarantine time, and would like to share it with others, please email to editor@rapidserve.net, text to 541-980-6674 or post it to the Heppner Gazette-Times facebook page. First names only please. If we receive enough photos, we will run another batch in next week’s paper. GT publisher David Sykes Vey and Charlee are ready to go feed the cows. That’s quite a hat you have there. Waylon, age 1 1/2, shows how to be a builder. Oscar, age 1, just spends his time looking out the window. Matt’s ‘kid’ taking quarantine easy Raze enjoying a snack like many of us during quarantine Sebastian, age 4, keeps him- self entertained. Harper and Atleigh enjoy time together Jorie social distancing in the snow DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5PM August, age 5, keeps him self occupied with Godzilla. Enjoying her indoor pool Harper babysitting grandpa’s new puppy Behrett getting a math lesson from Granddad (Tom) ~ Letters to the Editor ~ Learning how to play hopscotch. The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Area pastors are invit- emailed to editor@rapid- ed to submit Easter mes- serve.net, mailed to Ga- sages to the Heppner Ga- zette-Times at P.O. Box zette-Times for publication 337, Heppner, OR 97836, in the April 8 newspaper. faxed to 541-676-9211 Deadline for submission is or brought into the Ga- zette-Times office, 188 W. 5 p.m. Monday, April 6. Verse 3 says, surely, He will M e s s a g e s m a y b e Willow in Heppner. deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. Verse 4: He shall cover thee with We can protect your printed products! his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Verse 10, there shall no evil befall thee, nei- ther shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. I exhort you to turn to the Lord for His protection. Ask Him for it and He will If you have products handled by the give it to you. He is more public and want bacteria protection, powerful than any virus call us! man or nature can create. Eliminates 99.9% of germs with up to one (S) Barbara L. Cuts- year of protection! forth Heppner Gazette-Times 541-676-9228 Heppner david@rapidserve.net Ashamed of citizens To the Editor: This is to the citizens of Heppner. I am ashamed of you. To be hoarding toilet paper in a crisis such as the coronavirus is a disgrace to the ones doing it. The people who are unable to get to the store promptly at its opening are deprived of a necessary item. Toilet paper will not help you cope with the vi- rus. I am also ashamed of you because evidently you lack faith in the Lord Jesus to help you get through this crisis. Psalm 91, Verse 2 says I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in Him will I trust. Pastors invited to submit Easter messages to G-T