SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 12, 2019 PUBLIC NOTICE Published June 12, 2019 Affidavit Published June 5 and 12, 2019 Affidavit Published June 5 and 12, 2019 Affidavit Published June 12, 2019 Affidavit Published June 12, 2019 Affidavit Mustang basketball skill camp scheduled The Heppner Mus- tang basketball skill camp, sponsored by the Heppner Booster Club, will be held June 18 and 19. The camp is open to Heppner students, boys and girls, who will be in grades three-12 next year. The guest instructor will be Jeff Lavender, head coach at New Plymouth high school in Idaho. Jeff played high school bas- ketball at Pilot Rock and college basketball at West- mont College in Santa Bar- bara, CA. Coach Lavender coached for 19 years at San Marcos and Santa Barba- ra High Schools. He then moved to Idaho where he has been an assistant coach at the College of Idaho for the past four years. While at the C of I, several of the teams he coached made it to the national championship tournament. Mustang head coaches Jeremy Rosenbalm and Robert Wilson will be there to run the camp along with members of both the boys’ and girls’ high school teams. The schedule on Tues- day, June 18 will be third to fifth-grade grade boys and girls, 8-10 a.m.; sixth to eighth-grade boys and girls, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.; seventh to 12 th grade boys and girls 2-4 p.m. and high school boys’ team from 5-7:30 p.m. On Wednesday, June 19, 8-10 a.m. is for third to eighth grade; 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. the high school girls’ team; 2-4 p.m. will be seventh to 12 th grade and 5-7:30 p.m. is the high school boys’ team. There is no cost for the camp and players may reg- ister at the door. Both Hep- pner programs hope to see every future Mustang bas- ketball player at the camp. For additional information contact Coach Rosenbalm at 541-256-0515 or Coach Wilson at 503-819-7373. Free swimming lessons offered in Ione Published June 12, 2019 Affidavit Children who attend Ione Community School, live in the Ione area and/or those visiting family for the summer are encouraged to sign up for free swimming lessons. Lessons are fund- ed by the Elizabeth Allen Memorial Fund through the Ione Community School. The first session will be June 17-20 and 24-27, fol- lowed by the second session July 8-11 and 15-18. August dates will be set if there is enough interest. Ages 4-7 will have lessons from 8-9 a.m., ages 8-10 from 9:30- 10:30 a.m. and ages 11 and up from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. All lessons are one hour long, as outlined by the American Red Cross. To sign up for lessons, call or text the pool man- ager, Sydney Stefani, at 541-561-3907.