FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 21, 2018 Sheriff’s Report The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office has released the following information: August 27: Morrow and a dark haired female County Sheriff ’s Office was waving her arms, yell- received a report at I 84 W/ ing, unable to understand Paterson Ferry Rd, Board- what she is saying. RP man that a white Toyota is is concerned because he driving erratically, just took heard a small child crying the Paterson Ferry exit. in the residence and he is -MCSO received a re- concerned for the welfare of port on NW Union Ave, the child due to her current Heppner that her ex-boy- state. Deputy checked the friend’s ex-wife went residence and there was no through RP’s residence child there. while she was not there -MCSO received a re- and took photos and is port on SE Cannon St, Hep- now harassing her via text. pner that subject slammed RP was advised she can the door and went onto her file trespass charges if the property and is walking female returns. towards Cannon St, wants -MCSO received a re- her arrested and advised her port at Hwy 74/Rhea Creek daughter needs help. Gena Ln, Ione that there is a Marie Tortolani was arrest- large amount of goats in the ed by MCSO for criminal road. Deputy responded and trespass II. goats were put back into a -MCSO received a re- pasture. port on Hwy 74, Heppner -MCSO received a re- that there is a fawn that was port at Oasis RV Park on hit. Unable to locate. W Hwy 730, Irrigon that August 28: Morrow Andrew Michael Bennett County Sheriff ’s Office was arrested by MCSO on received a report on Depot Multnomah County Circuit Ln, Irrigon that 80 year old Court warrant. Lodged at female has fallen, is bleed- UCJ. ing from her head and can’t -MCSO received a re- get up. Transported to GSH. port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- -MCSO received a re- gon that there is a female in port on I 84 W, Boardman Irrigon that is selling dogs of a white Toyota Corolla, that are ill and shooting the possibly intoxicated driver, ones she can’t sell. Deputy unable to maintain lane. made contact with seller, -MCSO received a re- the dogs had parvo and port on I 84 W, Boardman there was no cure, had to that a driver is leaning on be put down. the steering wheel in a blue -MCSO received a Mazda convertible on the report on Dee Cox Rd, right shoulder. Heppner that dogs were -MCSO received a re- dropped off, one golden lab, port at Ione Park on W Main other possible lab mix, on St, Ione of a red Ford F150 RP property. Believe they super cab short box pickup match the description of with no front windshield, the dogs that attacked some no plates is parked near the sheep about six months ago. bathrooms. Subjects are Deputy responded, dog not responding, possibly owners were located. asleep. -MCSO received a re- -MCSO received a re- port at Ione Gooseberry Rd/ port on I 84 W, Boardman Spring St, Ione that there that the male from earlier is is a white Ford Focus that now at the on ramp and ly- speeds on Ione Gooseberry. ing by his car, blue Mazda. Last week the vehicle hit a -MCSO received a re- dog and pieces of the vehi- port at Bombing Range Rd/ cle were left behind. Wilson Ln, Boardman that -MCSO received a an older male, white hair report on SE Utah Ave, and mustache attempted to Irrigon that an unmarked flag down RP. tow truck pulling a gold -MCSO received a re- Dodge Caravan was speed- port at Toms Camp Rd/ ing through the area. Kunze Ln, Boardman that -MCSO received a re- a younger white male is in port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- the area, been there all day gon that a green GMC Jim- walking around talking to my sped towards Tenth. RP himself. is concerned because there -MCSO received a re- are kids coming home. port at Morrow County -MCSO received a re- Museum on N Main St, port on E May St, Heppner Heppner that a Colt re- that RP stopped at location volver that was on display to speak to a male subject at the museum was stolen, MURRAYS 2019 MEDICARE PART D PLANS SILVERSCRIPT EXPRESS SCRIPTS DEADLINE WELLCARE DECEMBER 7th AARP (Symphonix - now transitioning to AARP) CIGNA AETNA (First Health plans - transitioning to Aetna) MUTUAL OF OMAHA MODA HEALTH HMO *Please note we are NOT a provider for Humana CLAY TARGET -Continued from PAGE ONE would be $198 for the nine- week period and a $35 per athlete league registration, plus safety glasses and hearing protection. The possibility of obtaining grant money to help pay for the costs is being re- searched, said Heideman. Athletes may have their own firearms, with some options for borrowing. The program will be held at the Lexington Gun Club. Coaches are Stan Cuts- forth, Ken Kippley, Rob Ashbeck and Heideman. Also at the meeting Su- perintendent Dirk Dirksen briefly outlined the wrap- around programs the dis- trict has instated to promote the educational, physical, mental and social health of its students and their families. Dirksen also said the district will institute a three- hour delay in the event of inclement weather this sea- son, which, he said works out much better than the previous two-hour delay. He also touched on the schools’ successful athletic season and commented on how much the Morrow County Unified Recreation District and Morrow Coun- TRUST UPDATES Employment/Promotions/ Transfers-Bonnie Olney, IES ed assistant; Extra duty contracts-Marisa Gonzalez, IJSHS assistant high school girls’ soccer coach. Alaina Lemmon, HJSHS head high school girls’ wres- tling coach, Ivan Navarrete, IJSHS head high school girls’ soccer coach, Rebecca Renfro, RJSHS temporary junior high school assistant volleyball coach-C team; Hilaree Vanderpas, RJSHS assistant softball coach; Rick Worden, HJSHS assis- tant junior high school girls’ basketball coach. -passed a resolution accepting and appropriat- ing unanticipated revenue as follows: Heppner El- ementary-$14,000 from Tillamook, $2,500 from the Bob and Eva Kilkenny Foundation; IJSHS Wres- tling-$1,000 from Sweet Honesty cleaning. -adopted rescinded, new or revised policies and administrative rules on criminal records checks-fin- gerprinting. -heard the following announcements: Thanks- giving break, Nov. 21-25; next board meeting, Mon- day, Dec. 10, A.C. Hough- ton Elementary. -Continued from PAGE ONE ing Solutions. Commu- nity Counseling recently moved into its new offices in Heppner and the Health Department has moved to the Bartholomew building, leaving it mostly empty. County officials have wrestled with what to do with the Gilliam-Bisbee building, not wanting to see it deteriorate and realizing there would be costs to ei- ther demolish the structure or pay for continual upkeep on the structure. They opted instead to donate the build- ing to the new foundation for renovation. The Bryant trust was established when Howard Bryant passed away (his wife Beth passed earlier) and left a sizeable estate in a trust fund. They both wanted their money to be used toward worthwhile community projects in Hep- pner, and Cutsforth was appointed administrator of the fund. unknown when it was sto- len. Report taken. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 E, Boardman that a grey semi is unable to maintain lane, has hit the rumble strips several times. OSP advised. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port at Heppner Market Fresh on N Main St, Hep- pner that they have a kid stealing on camera. -MCSO received a report on SE Utah Ave, Irrigon that a white Ford Taurus is driving up and down the road at a high rate of speed. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Thirteenth St, Irrigon that 11 year old male was bitten by a dog on the way home, did break the skin, refused EMS, Citation issued. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- gon that a male subject is intoxicated, he has been swinging a cane around. -MCSO received a re- port on NW Esther Ct, Irrigon that a red, low to the ground pickup is parked outside of his residence, playing music loudly and just sitting in the vehicle. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port of child abuse/neglect at Maple Crest apartments on Wilson Rd SW, Board- man. -MCSO received a re- port on Hwy 730, Irrigon that there is a bicycle in the middle of the road. Referred to other agency. August 29: Morrow County Sheriff ’s Office received a report on SE Utah Ave, Irrigon that a grey Lincoln Continental is traveling at a high rate of speed past his residence. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port that husband has Par- kinson’s and is traveling between Seattle and John Day, last seen in Lexington. Wheeler County located the male. -MCSO received a re- port at N First St/Columbia River, Irrigon that RP found copper wire casings and believes it is stolen. -MCSO received a re- port at Wilson Ln/Bombing Range Rd, Boardman that RP put his six year old son on the bus to Ione school and the school stated that he did not shoe up to school. This is the child’s first day at Ione school and he was sitting in the front seat. RP has not contacted the bus company yet. -MCSO received a re- port on NE Quaid St, Hep- pner that subject was on her porch and RP had to yell at her to get off her property. -MCSO received a re- port at Irrigon Fire Hall on NE Main Ave, Irrigon that someone is stealing water out of the faucet from the fire hall. RP states that their water bill has gone up. -MCSO received a re- port on Ridge Crest Ln, Boardman that someone had broken into her van and there are items missing. -MCSO received a re- port of a repossession on SE Idaho Ave, Irrigon. -MCSO received a re- port on NW Nevada Ave, Irrigon that male subject pushed female down steps. Female denied anything happened. Nicholas Ryan Schiller was arrested by MCSO on warrant. Lodged at UCJ, no bail. -MCSO received a re- port on Summit Ln, Board- man that there is a motor- home parked on the edge of her property, she does not know who it belongs to. Tyler Wayne Jones was arrested on MC P&P detain- er, lodged at UCJ, no bail. -MCSO received a re- port on Sim Tag Ln, Board- man that his dad is missing and sent him a text message that makes him believe he is possibly going to commit suicide. Father has recently started drinking again and son is worried. RP called back and advised they have reached their dad and he is talking to them about rehab. -MCSO received a re- port on NW Church St, Heppner that there is a little boy playing by the large rock near house on Main -Continued on PAGE SIX Christmas tree permits available Fourth graders eligible for free permit household. Tree permits and forest maps are avail- able during regular office hours, Monday through Fri- day at the Umatilla Ranger District offices in Ukiah and Heppner and at the Su- pervisor’s Office in Pend- leton. Tree permits are also available at several local businesses that are conve- niently open evenings and weekend hours. As part of the national Every Kid in a Park initia- tive, all fourth graders are eligible for a free Christmas tree permit from their local national forest. In order for students to receive a free tree permit, they must pres- ent a valid paper voucher printed from the Every Kid in a Park website. Visit and follow instructions to obtain and print the paper 308 E Gladys Ave Hermiston, OR 97838 Office: 541-564-5900 Kim Arbogast Sales Manager NMLS # 230847 217 North Main St., Heppner Phone 676-9158 • Floral 676-9426 sonable attempt to notify the parent(s) as soon as pos- sible after the interview.” In other business, the board: -approved moving for- ward on the purchase of a one-acre parcel of land owned by the water district between Irrigon Elementary and Irrigon Jr./Sr. High with an offer of $23,000. -received the following enrollment report for No- vember: A.C. Houghton El- ementary, Irrigon-258; Sam Boardman Elementary-339; Heppner Elementary-178; Irrigon Elementary-217; Windy River Elementary, Boardman-288; Heppner Jr./Sr. High School-167; I r r i g o n J r. / S r. H i g h School-375; Riverside Jr./ Sr. High School, Board- man-434; Morrow Edu- cation Center, Irrigon-54; total-2,310. -approved the follow- ing employment action for November: Retire- ments-Linda Kenny, fiscal services specialist/payroll, Oct. 1, 2019, Kevin Mc- Clenahen, SBE kinder- garten teacher, end of the 2018-19 school year, Paul Sherman, IES education- al assistant, Jan. 1, 2019; city storm drains. The county purchased the Gilliam-Bisbee build- ing, which was built in the early 1900s, in 1997 and has mostly used the upper floors for the County Health Department and rented out additional offices upstairs to Community Counsel- Christmas tree permits for the Umatilla National Forest are now available to purchase at forest offices and several local business- es. Permits are valid on Na- tional Forest System lands Hi Dose Flu Vaccines & Shingle Vaccines only and do not authorize tree cutting on private, state Available. Call for appointment or other federally managed lands. Permits cost $5 each and are limited to one per Nov OPEN UNTIL 7pm Mini 29th Wine Tasting 5-7pm ty tax payers are appreciat- ed for their support of the district’s athletic programs. He said, thanks to them, there will be no pay-to-play this year. He also commented on the adoption of district policy concerning police interviewing students. “We want to make sure parents are contacted if their stu- dents are going to be talk- ed to by police,” he said. “This is our goal and we’re doing our best to follow it.” Policy states, “The administrator or designee will attempt to notify the student’s parent(s) prior to granting the interview. If the parent(s) does not give consent to have his/her son/ daughter interviewed then the interview should not take place. “If the parent(s) cannot be contracted, the adminis- trator or designee may grant permission for the question- ing to proceed if the student agrees to be interviewed or in the event of compelling emergency circumstances. “If the administrator or designee has been unable to contact the parent(s) then the administrator or designee shall make a rea- Meghan Kae Golden Loan Officer NMLS # 573302 Copyright©2018 Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation. NMLS#2289. 4750 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-877-699-0353. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. All rights reserved. voucher. Bring the paper voucher to a local National Forest office to claim the free permit. Students must be present to pick up the free permit. These free permits can only be issued through a National Forest office and will not be avail- able through local vendors who sell permits. Area businesses with permits for sale in Ore- gon are Ace Hardware, Hermiston; Alpine Outpost, Tollgate; Athena Grocery, Athena; Bi Mart, Pend- leton; Heppner Mobil, Heppner; J&D Food Mart, Pilot Rock; Mentzer and Elliott, Pilot Rock; Rhode’s Supply, Ukiah; Southgate Mini-Market, Pendleton and Zip Zone, Milton-Free- water. For additional infor- mation, contact the Forest Service office in Pendleton at 541-278-3716.