PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OR- EGON FOR MORROW COUNTY PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of: Dan Dale Barclay, De- ceased #18PB04520 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed personal rep- resentative. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal rep- resentative at: 226 SE Byers Avenue, Pendleton, OR. 97801, within four months after the date of first publication of this no- tice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may ob- tain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative or the attorney. Dated and first published this 23 day of July, 2018. Personal Representative Robert Lee Barclay 3423 Reservoir Road NW Washington, D.C. 20007 Lawyer Wade Bettis, Ph.D., P.C. Wade P. Bettis, Ph.D., OSB#720255 1906 Fourth Street La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-3313 Fax: 541-963-4072 Jesse Hardval, OSB #160701 226 SE Byers Avenue Pendleton OR. 97801 541-278-2143 Fax 541-276-2105 Published: July 25, August 1and 8, 2018 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID For MORROW COUNTY 2018 IONE – BOARD- MAN PAVING PROJECT MORROW COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DE- PARTMENT MORROW COUNTY, OREGON August, 2018 Sealed Bids for the “MOR- ROW COUNTY 2018 IONE – BOARDMAN PAVING PROJECT” proj- ect will be received by the Morrow County Public Works Department, 365 West Highway 74 (P.O. Box 428), Lexington, Ore- gon, 97839, until 3:00 p.m. local time on August 23, 2018. First Tier Subcon- tractor Disclosure Forms will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. local time on August 23, 2018. The bids will be publicly opened and read at the Morrow County Public Works Department, 365 West Highway 74, Lexington, Oregon, at 9:00 a.m. local time on August 27, 2018. The County may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the County that it is in the public interest to do so. The bidder must be regis- tered with the Construction Contractors Board. Estimated Cost Range: $550,000 to $700,000 The work will consist of hauling Owner supplied Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment (ACP), from the supplier in Hermiston, Or- egon, to the project, and placing it at 3” compacted thickness on the existing graveled surface. The project consists of, but may not be limited to the following total estimated unit cost quantities: Mobilization, Lump Sum,1; Temporary Pro- tection and Direction of Traffic, Lump Sum, 1; Flaggers, 280 Hours; Pilot Cars, 140 Hours; Haul and Place Owner Supplied As- phalt Concrete Pavement (3" compacted thickness), 14100 Tons; Extra for As- phalt Approaches, 6 Each. This is a MORROW COUNTY Project by and through THE MOR- ROW COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, fully funded by Morrow County and is subject to the current Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Prevailing Wage Rates. A Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the bid amount is required with the proposal. Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of the contract bid amount will be required of the success- ful bidder. The County will award the contract at the September 5, 2018 Board of Commis- sioner’s Meeting held at the Morrow County Court- house, 100 S. Court St., Heppner, Oregon, start- ing at 9:00 a.m. Contract Work will commence no later than September 17, 2018. The contractor shall complete all work required in the contract on or before October 19, 2018. The contractor will not be required to have an asbes- tos abatement license un- der ORS 468A.720. Plans and Bidding Docu- ments may be obtained at online at http://www. or by contacting the Mor- row County Public Works Department at (541) 989- 9500. For additional informa- tion, questions or con- cerns, contact Sandi Point- er by e-mail at spointer@ or by phone at (541) 989-9500. MORROW COUNTY is an equal opportunity em- ployer. Matt Scrivner Morrow County Public Works Director. Published: August 8 and 15, 2018 Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 15, 2018 -- SIX Sheriff’s Report June 5: Morrow Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office received a report on I 84 W, Board- man of a semi truck swerv- ing back and forth, going 55 mph. Referred to other agency. -MCSO received a re- port at Irrigon Learning Center on Columbia Ln, Irrigon that two juvenile females are yelling at each other. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 E, Boardman of a female waling EB on the shoulder in a black bathrobe. Clear, female was given a courtesy ride. -MCSO received a re- port at Washington Ln/W Seventh Rd, Irrigon that there is a trailer that has been parked there for the last week. RP believes someone is living in it. -MCSO received a re- port at Hwy 207 Echo/But- ter Creek Rd that there is a male and female fighting. Busted windshield, throw- ing dirt. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- rigon of a dark colored Nissan Xterra that just sped down the street. -MCSO received a report on NW Shobe St, Heppner that they were concerned about a trailer parked on the road. Deputy left voicemail for RO to have it moved to her prop- erty. -MCSO received a re- port on SW Wyoming Ave, Irrigon that a 7 year old was bit by a dog. -MCSO received a report on W Fourth Rd, Irrigon that his mom is intoxicated and causing a disturbance. Johanna Marie Shelley was arrested by MCSO for DUII and driv- ing while suspended. -MCSO received a re- port on Rhea Creek Rd, Ione that he had property stolen from his residence while he was gone having surgery. RP called back and advised that the items had been located. -MCSO received a re- port at Northwestern Motel on N Main St, Heppner that kids are running through the RV park after vandalizing the building. They pulled the wires out of a black box attached to the building, this is the second time this has happened. PUBLIC NOTICE Morrow County School District Board of Directors has called a work session for Monday, August 13, 2018 at 5:30 pm at Hep- pner Elementary School in Heppner, OR. The purpose of the work session is development of 2018/19 Board Goals. Published: August 8 and 15, 2018 June 7: Morrow Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office received a report on Ne Third St, Ir- rigon that RP heard a noise in his garage and would like a deputy to respond. Unable to locate anyone in the garage. -MCSO received a re- port at Columbia Ln/SW Second St, Irrigon that she almost hit a black pit bull on Hwy 730. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on Hwy 207, Heppner that her landlords aban- doned ducks on her proper- ty and have not been getting food or water. Clear, this is a civil issue. -MCSO received a re- port at Irrigon Skate Park on NE Main Ave, Irrigon that RP found a marijuana pipe. Would like deputy to come get it and remove it. -MCSO received a re- port of juveniles possibly smoking cigarettes by the football field at Heppner High School, NW Morgan St, Heppner. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a report at Heppner High School, NW Morgan St, Heppner that a possible fight was going to occur after school. -MCSO received a re- port on E Hwy 730, Irrigon of suicidal comments from female. She told CCS that they would not find her. Deputy made contact, she advised she was fine and feeling better. -MCSO received a re- port at Bombing Range Rd/ Hwy 207 Echo, Lexington that RP is following a mar- ron F350 crew cab that has been swerving all over the road and speed goes from 35-55 mph. Referred to other agency. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- rigon that his neighbor threatened him yesterday. Subject aimed his car at RP when RP was getting his trash can. -MCSO received a re- port at SE Eleventh St/ Hwy 730, Irrigon that he was able to get a picture of the white pit bull that is out. Owner of the dog was given a verbal warning for dog at large. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 W, Boardman that there is a white van swerving all over the road. Referred to other agency. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 W, Boardman that there is a small white pickup broke down. OSP checked and was unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port at Willow Creek Res- ervoir on Willow Creek Rd, Heppner that there was an incident at the docks today where the grab pole used to reach drowning victims could have been utilized but it was too far away. In- cident turned out fine , but RP would like the device moved to a more accessible location. -MCSO received a re- port on NE Third St, Irrigon that RO had been texting with female who said she may have eaten something she was allergic to and her throat was scratchy. Ad- vised female did not answer texts or calls. RP then ad- vised the female responded to his text, she is fine. -MCSO received a re- port on NE Garrigues St, Heppner that his step-son’s father is there to pick him up, but it was not arranged. They are having an issue regarding custody. Nothing physical. -MCSO received a re- port at St Patrick’s Senior Center on N Main St, Hep- pner that his son and other juveniles reported a male subject tried to touch them and pull them into an apart- ment. The juveniles said he had something in his hand, possibly a hand gun. Unfounded. -MCSO received a re- port on Hager St, Heppner that male is trying to break into his house. RP said subject hit the window very hard. Deputies advised the subject that he is trespassed from the residence. -MCSO received a re- port at W Hwy 730/SW Second St, Irrigon that a guy was driving and slammed on his brakes in front of RP. RP advised that the driver flipped him off. Referred to other agency. -MCSO received a re- port on SW Nevada Ave, Irrigon that someone is outside parked near their pasture with flashlights. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port at Northwestern Motel on N Main St, Heppner that a male subject keeps com- ing by the motel rooms and asking questions about his ex. RP advised that a knife was found this morning and he thinks it belongs to the same subject. Jason Leon Bowles was advised that he is trespassed from the motel/RV park. -MCSO received a re- port at Willow Creek Res- ervoir on Willow Creek Rd, Heppner that RP can see lights at the day park and she wants a deputy to check it out. Completed. Subjects were fishing. June 8: Morrow Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office received a report at Gar Swanson Dr/ Oscar Peterson Rd, Board- man that a grey Pontiac 4-door with WA plates is parked on the walkway. Unfounded. -MCSO received a re- port at NW Water St/NW Gale St, Heppner of a kid with a dark sweat shirt walked on to mom’s prop- erty and started playing with brother’s bike. -MCSO received a re- port at Lakeview Heights on Willow Creek Rd, Hep- pner that a male is get- ting out of control, yelling, concerned things are going to get worse. MCSO re- sponded and was able to calm subject. -MCSO received a re- port on Hwy 730, Irrigon that a gray Pontiac G6 is all over the road, speed was inconsistent. Referred to other agency. -MCSO received a re- port at West Sixth/Helberg Farms, Irrigon that a dump truck was stolen from one of his rock pits last night. Vehicle has been located. Owner will be removing vehicle from location where it was found. -MCSO received a re- port at Bull Prairie, Hep- pner of a boat on the water that has a motor, no motors are allowed on the lake. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 E, Boardman of a triple trailer white cab that the driver is falling asleep, has gone off the road two times. Referred to other agency. -MCSO received a re- port at Wilson Ln/Peters Rd, Boardman of a small black calf that is trying to get back in the fence. Un- able to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on Big Butter Creek Ln, Echo of a tractor fire. No one is injured but the tractor is totaled. RP ad- vised they do not have the resources to put it out on their own. -MCSO received a re- port on Summit Ln, Board- man that subjects tipped over a fence to access the property. Deputies respond- ed and contacted subjects. Advised male to only be on the property during work- ing hours and female was trespassed from the loca- tion. -MCSO received a report at Hager Park on SE Hager St, Heppner that there are juveniles in the park and it should be closed. There was also a subject driving a small beat up dark colored pickup through the area with a loud muffler. Deputy responded and made contact with the four juveniles. They were notified the park closes at dark and they cleared out. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- rigon that a gold GMC/ Chevy pickup was speeding on Utah to Tenth. Unable to locate. June 9: Morrow Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office received a report at Irrigon Shell Station on E Hwy 730, Irrigon of a possible theft that occurred this morning at 0440. The male subject had items in his hands and then he did not. The subject then walked out the doors. Unable to located subject in the area. -MCSO received a re- port on Lakeview Ct, Hep- pner that RP was at Willow Creek RV and a vehicle hit her. RP advised she confronted the subject who hit her car. Under investi- gation. -MCSO received a re- port on NE Oregon Ave, Irrigon of the theft of a pressure washer, unknown when it was taken. -MCSO received a re- quest for a welfare check on Linden Way, Heppner. RP advised it was an emer- gency and when RP at- tempted to call back she did not get a response and has tried multiple times to reach her. Deputy responded and female was fine. -MCSO received a re- port at Irrigon Shell Station on E Hwy 730, Irrigon that there is a subject at the back of the store by the can machines and he has been told to leave, but will not. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port at Colt Café on N Main St, Heppner that a credit card was left there. Deputy responded and picked up card. -MCSO received a re- port at Turkey Shoots on SE Utah Ave, Irrigon of two young males driving quad ATV with not helmets. Un- able to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on Toms Camp Rd, Boardman that 16 year old daughter was out of control and was breaking things because she couldn’t have her computer. Daughter was yelling in the back- ground, but went to her room and quieted down. RP called back and advised they are not able to locate the juvenile, think she may have gone to Loves and ran away. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Park Pl, Irrigon that RP is concerned for resident at the location. Resident put out some BBQ briquets in a plastic con- tainer that caught fire. RP put them out but subject did not answer when they tried to notify him. Deputy responded and made con- tact with resident, resident is fine. -MCSO received a re- port on SW Second St, Irrigon that black male dachshund has been miss- ing since yesterday. -MCSO received a re- port on SW Second St, Ir- rigon of loud music coming from the area of Second/ Hwy 730. Deputy respond- ed and made contact with property owner. They will turn down the music by 2130. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- gon of loud music. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Gilmore St that Jason Bowles was arrested for violation of restraining order.