Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 25, 2018, Page SIX, Image 6

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 25, 2018 -- SIX
Kimberly, Oregon
-Dark Sweet Cherries
-Rainier Cherries
-Pie Cherries
Open 7 days a week
8 am-6pm ONLY
Hwy 207 north of Heppner
Oregon at Stor-4-Less.
Auction will be held Mon-
day, August 13, 2018 at
11am unit 23, Lori Meli-
gan & Mitch Bristow.
Community Counseling
Solutions, a 501(c)(3) or-
ganization, is recruiting
for an On-Call Residen-
tial Associate to work at
Lakeview Heights in Hep-
pner, providing services
to individuals with severe
mental illness. These po-
sitions will engage in daily
housekeeping and meal
preparation tasks as well
as assisting the residents
in their activities of daily
medication management,
recreation and leisure ac-
tivities, and other services
designed to promote re-
covery and meet the resi-
dent’s and facility needs).
A complete job description
is available upon request.
Qualified applicants must
have a high school diplo-
ma or equivalent and be
able to pass a criminal his-
tory background check, as
well as possessing a valid
Oregon Driver’s License.
Please go to the CCS Web-
site at: www.community-
counselingsolutions.org to
fill out an online applica-
tion. Position open until
filled. EOE
The City of Ione is seek-
ing applicants for its City
Recorder, this is an ap-
proximately 36 hour per
week position. The suc-
cessful candidate will have
strong knowledge and
skills in the following ar-
eas: QuickBooks, Excel,
Word, general office pro-
cedures, accounting and
budgeting practices, pay-
roll and accounts payable.
This candidate requires a
self starter with excellent
oral and written communi-
cation skills. Bilingual and
prior public service experi-
ence as well as knowledge
of government regulations
would be beneficial. Wage
dependent upon qualifica-
tions and experience. Must
submit an application and
cover letter to the City of
Ione, PO Box 361, Ione,
OR, 97843. Applications
available at Ione City Hall
or by calling 541-422-
In the Matter of the Estate
Dan Dale Barclay, De-
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been
appointed personal rep-
resentative. All persons
having claims against the
estate are hereby required
to present the same, with
vouchers attached, to the
undersigned personal rep-
resentative at: 226 SE
Byers Avenue, Pendleton,
OR. 97801, within four
months after the date of
first publication of this no-
tice, or the claims may be
barred. All persons whose
rights may be affected by
the proceedings may ob-
tain additional information
from the records of the
court, the personal repre-
sentative or the attorney.
Dated and first published
this 23 day of July, 2018.
Personal Representative
Robert Lee Barclay
3423 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
Wade Bettis, Ph.D., P.C.
Wade P. Bettis, Ph.D.,
1906 Fourth Street
La Grande, OR 97850
Fax: 541-963-4072
226 SE Byers Avenue
Pendleton OR. 97801
Fax 541-276-2105
Published: July 25, August
1and 8, 2018
Deadline for
5:00 PM
Sheriff’s Report
The Morrow County Sheriff's Office has released the following information:
May 25 (cont.): Mor-
row County Sheriff’s Office
received a report at Green
Acres on Peterson Ferry
Rd, Irrigon that Anthony
Craig Jones was arrested
on MCCC warrant. No bail,
lodged at UCJ.
-MCSO received a re-
port on Lovgren Rd, Lex-
ington that they located a
dog a couple of weeks ago
but have not been able to lo-
cate the owner. They would
like assistance in locating
the owners and/or have the
dog picked up.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon that a white Cadillac
Escalade sped through the
area towards Tenth.
-MCSO received a re-
quest at Northwestern Mo-
tel on N Main St, Heppner
for contact from a deputy
regarding people posting
information about her juve-
nile son on Facebook.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Cornerstone Gallery
and Gift on N Main St, Hep-
pner that a juvenile walked
in front of Cornerstone and
RP heard information that
he was not to walk on this
side of the street due to a not
contact order.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Court St, Hep-
pner that someone put toilet
paper in the tree and all over
the yard last night.
-MCSO received a re-
port on I 84 E, Boardman
that a little silver car was
swerving from one lane to
the other. Referred to other
-MCSO received a re-
port at SE Division St/SE
California Ave, Irrigon of a
loose dog. Unable to locate.
-MCSO received a
report on Sky View Dr,
Boardman that a female
was causing a disturbance
and was throwing things
around. RP advised that
female was looking for a
male subject that had left.
Unable to locate the female.
RP would like the female
trespassed when next con-
-MCSO received a re-
port on NW Summit Dr,
Heppner that son lost his
keys somewhere between
Heppner and Pendleton.
They fell off of the hitch.
-MCSO received a
report at Ione School on
Spring St, Ione that his
neighbors have an enclosed
yard with a 6 foot fence.
They have a horse and
goats, unknown food and
water. He believes it is
animal abuse. Deputy made
contact, horse had water
and food, unfounded.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Irri-
gon that an orange Dodge
went by twice, last time
stuck his head and arm out
the window and flipped
the RP off. Also had music
turned up very loudly.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Willow Creek Res-
ervoir on Willow Creek Rd,
Heppner that at the viewing
area at the very top of the
reservoir that is a white
utility vehicle that appears
like someone has been liv-
ing there and there is trash
all around, has been there
for several days. Advised
there was a male sleeping
in there today.
-MCSO received a re-
port on I 84 W, Boardman
that a white Kia Sorento
was weaving back and forth
all over the interstate. Re-
ferred to other agency.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Sub Zero Restaurant
on E Hwy 730, Irrigon of
possibly four people fight-
ing. Unknown intoxicants
or weapons.
-MCSO received a re-
port on Forest Service 21
Road, Heppner of a subject
making contact with a male
subject said to be causing
a problem at Bull Prairie
Lake. Under investigation.
-MCSO received a re-
port on E May St, Heppner
that there are some kids
walking a dog around town
with no leash. The dog is
not aggressive, but RP did
advise that they need to
have a leash on the dog.
The young man that was
the owner of the dog was
very polite and nice but the
kids with him started bad
mouthing RP and name
calling. RP just wants them
advised that the dogs need
to be on leashes even if they
are nice., Can’t make some
people have them on the
leash and not others.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Oregon Trail Library
on N Main St, Heppner
that five kids with a black
dog just tipped over the
outhouse and were yelling
and cussing then took off
-MCSO received a re-
port on Wilson Ln, Board-
man that the lights at her
door facing Wilson Ln
kept turning off. RP ap-
proached the window and
saw a shadow of a person.
Unable to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Irrigon Shell Sta-
tion on Hwy 730, Irrigon
of a disturbance. Deputy
advised aggressor that he
cannot threaten people or
he can be trespassed.
May 26: Morrow
County Sheriff ’s Office
received a report on Kunze
Ln, Boardman that a subject
was on his property.
-MCSO received a re-
port on E Main St, Ione
that RP would like to speak
with his counselor at CCS
because he wants to com-
mit suicide. Subject was
transported to PMH.
-MCSO received a re-
port on Hwy 207 Echo,
Lexington of a sheet of
plyboard in the middle of
Since 1945, Bank of Eastern Oregon has had roots in eastern
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the road. Unable to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port on I 84 W, Boardman
of a newer Ford pickup is
speeding, changing lanes
and driving erratically.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Umatilla National
Wildlife Refuge on River-
view Ln, Irrigon that there
are 20 rounds of casing on
the back gate of the refuge,
they have been shooting at
a metal sign.
-MCSO received a re-
port on Laurel N, Board-
man that a 77 year old male
has fallen and can not get
up. Assist only.
-MCSO received a re-
port on E Main St, Ione
that there was a deer in
her yard this morning that
appeared to have a broken
right front leg. Referred to
other agency.
-MCSO received a re-
port on S Main St, Heppner
that RP has a stalking order
that needs to be served. He
is in Kennewick at a tattoo
shop at the moment. Ken-
newick PD advised.
-MCSO received a re-
port on W Fourth Rd, Ir-
rigon that an elderly male
driving a 4 door white car
appears confused, heading
towards the gas station.
Unable to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Irri-
gon that a dark blue GMC
SUV went by his residence
at a high rate of speed. RP
advises that they are going
out of their way to fly by
the RP’s residence. Unable
to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Irri-
gon that his neighbor called
him a name and he would
like to report it.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Thirteenth St,
Irrigon that there are two
new campers, clothes lines
and tents at a residence.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Love’s Travel Stop
on Tower Rd, Boardman
that RP was walking into
the truck stop and a vehicle
backed up nearly hit the RP,
then floored it and nearly
het the RP. He believes they
were attempting to run him
over. Unable to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port that Jose Antonio Pena
Jr was arrested by OSP on
MCCC warrant. Bail of
$420,000, lodged at UCJ.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon that a purple Chevy
spun their tires. RP would
like them spoken to. Un-
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon that a vehicle was
parked in his parent’s drive-
way. States that when he
pulled in the vehicle took
off and headed E on Hwy
730. Nothing was missing
and doors were secured.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Division St,
Irrigon that she has had a
Hispanic teenager running
through her neighborhood
between their cars to their
front door and slamming
their screen door and run-
ning away. Unable to lo-
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Third St, Irrigon
that her two Dobermans es-
caped her residence today.
May 27: Morrow
County Sheriff ’s Office
received a report on I 84 E,
Boardman that RP called
911 due to having a flat
tire. RP was given Gil-
liam County phone number.
Does not need assistance,
just wanted to know the lo-
cation his phone was ping-
ing at. Referred to other
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon that a black Dodge
Dakota ran the stop sign on
-MCSO received a
report at Mountain Glen
Apartments 9-16 on NE
Pioneer Dr, Heppner that
her neighbor is in her apart-
ment because her husband
came at her with a coffee
cup. Joe Kerner was ar-
rested and lodged at UCJ,
bail of $20,000.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Fourth St, Ir-
rigon that the neighbors
across from her have loud
music playing.
-MCSO received a re-
port on Wilson Ln, Board-
man that RP needs assis-
tance with custody issue.
Civil problem.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Morrow County
OHV park, Forest Service
21 Rd, Heppner of a dis-
turbance issue. Issue settled
and parties separated.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Irri-
gon that an orangish Dodge
Ram sped through the area
with the radio blaring.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon that a dark colored
Honda CRX or CRV sped
into the area, went into a
residence, came back out
and sped back out.
-MCSO received a re-
port on Wilson Ln, Board-
man that they had a con-
trolled burn that got out of
control and is now a grass
fire in neighbor’s pasture.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Boardman rest area
eastbound on I 84 that an el-
derly male in a silver Buick
LaCrosse was having a hard
time remaining in his lane,
almost side-swiped a semi
and was half in and out of
the lane. OSP was advised.
Unable to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Charity Loop,
Irrigon that her neighbor’s
dogs keep coming into her
-MCSO received a re-
port on NEW Elder St, Hep-
pner from RP that would
like to know his options for
removing a resident from
his house.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Irrigon Fish Hatch-
ery office on Riverview Ln,
Irrigon that he is parked
at the boat ramps and his
passenger side window has
been broken and his stereo
-MCSO received a re-
port at Oregon Trail Library
on N Main St, Heppner that
behind the library there are
juveniles screaming and
yelling vulgarities. Unable
to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Thirteenth Pl,
Irrigon that the shot door
is open. Neighbors have
been hauling bookshelves
into their trailers. Under
-MCSO received a
report on Boardman Ave
NW, Boardman of a verbal
-MCSO received a re-
port at Green Acres on Pat-
erson Ferry Rd, Irrigon that
a mobile home is engulfed
in flames.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon that a Nissan Xterra
just went past his residence
at a high rate of speed.
-MCSO received a re-
port at Irrigon Shell Station
on E Hwy 730, Irrigon of
unauthorized use of a mo-
tor vehicle, green Chevy,
1/8 tank of gas, keys inside.
Santiago Vaca was arrested
by MCSO and lodged at
UCJ on a bail of $10,000.
-MCSO received a re-
port on SE Utah Ave, Ir-
rigon of a gray Dodge with
a black flat bed driving at a
high rate of speed past his
residence towards Tenth.