Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 25, 2018 -- TWO The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper SEARCH OLD COPIES OF THE HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES ON-LINE: http://oregonnews.uoregon.edu/ Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. E-mail: editor@rapidserve.net or david@rapidserve. net. Web site: www.heppner.net. Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $31 in Morrow County; $25 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $37 elsewhere; $31 student subscriptions. David Sykes ..............................................................................................Publisher Bobbi Gordon................................................................................................ Editor All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5.25 per column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50¢ per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to 100 words. Cost for a classified display ad is $6.05 per column inch. For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for pub- lication must be specified. Affidavits must be required at the time of submission. Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be specified if required). For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to meet news guidelines. Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary. For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner GT will not publish unsigned letters. All letters MUST include the author’s address and phone number for use by the GT office. The GT reserves the right to edit letters. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Heppner Chamber to cater meal The meal for Murray’s annual beer and wine tast- ing event will be catered by the Heppner Chamber this year. The event will be held on Thursday, Aug. 16 at 6 p.m. Dinner, prepared by Alvin Liu of Gateway Café, will consist of teriya- ki chicken with pineapple on rice, homemade potato salad, cookie and bottled water for $10 per person for adults and $5 for children 11 and under. Bottled water will also be available for $1. The Buttercreek Boys to perform in Irrigon The Buttercreek Boys will perform in Irrigon July 30. The Buttercreek Boys will perform July 30 at 7 p.m. at the Irrigon Marina Park for the Music in the Parks outdoor concert se- ries. The group features Lou Reeves, guitar; Winn We s t o n , g u i t a r ; C u r t Claughon, stand-up bass; Rusty Roe, saxophone and Jim Simpson, banjo and harmonica. In addition, several of the musicians share in the vocals. They also invite the crowd to sing along. The Music in the Parks concert series is held each Monday and is funded by the Morrow County Unified Recreation District and Portland General Electric and sponsored by the North Morrow Community Foun- dation. In the event of inclem- ent weather, the concert will be held at the Irrigon senior center. For additional information, contact Jackie at 541-720-1289. A View from the Green Senior golfers play at Beacon Rock Over the Tee Cup Glow ball tournament held Men play golf Five players from Willow Creek Country Club played in the Co- lumbia-Blue Senior Golf Association tournament at Beacon Rock GC in North Bonneville, WA on July 9. The Beacon Rock course, in the scenic Columbia Gorge, plays to a par 72. Local players results are as follows: -Columbia division (handicap 13 and below) gross was Jim Doherty in first with 81 and net was John McCabe in a fourth place tie with 72. The next CBSBA tour- nament will be at Big River GC in Umatilla on Aug. 13 with tee times at 7:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Players wishing to reserve a cart should call the Big River club house at 541-922-3006. Lunch will be available at nearby Russ’s Tavern. Willow Creek Country Club hosted a glow ball tournament on July 14, with 20 members and non-mem- bers attending the event on the warm evening. Glow ball is played as a scramble in the dark with a ball that glows. First place went to Rick and Scott Johnston, second to Della and Loren Heide- man and third to Loa Heide- man and Dave Stevens. The last event of the summer will be held on Aug. 24 at 6 p.m. and will be a two-person fun night. The Neighborhood Center is having a bag sale on Wednesday, Aug. 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The first bag will be $15 and each additional bag is $10. The bag sale will include clothing, shoes and books. All other merchandise is 50 percent off. The Neighborhood Center is located at 441 N Main Street, Heppner. For questions about services, contact Lisa Patton at 541- 676-5024. Bag sale to be held Aug. 1 Outdoor worship service scheduled The annual outdoor worship service hosted by Hopeful Saints Ministry will be held at Hager Park at 10 a.m. on July 29. The informal communion ser- vice will include some of the popular vacation bible school songs and special music by Hand Chime Choir. A potluck picnic will follow. Everyone is welcome to attend. For additional informa- tion about Hopeful Saints Ministry, a Lutheran and Episcopal partnership, or the outdoor worship ser- vice, call the church office at 541-676-9970. Community lunch menu All Saints, Hope and Valby volunteers will serve lunch on Wednesday, August 1 at St. Patrick’s Senior Center. Lunch will be lasagna, green salad, cucumbers and onions, garlic bread and tiramisu for dessert. Milk is served at each meal. Suggested donation is $3.50 per meal. Menu is subject to change. Vegetarian cooking class offered A vegetarian and plant- ed-based cooking class will be offered Tuesday, July 31 at 7 p.m. at the Heppner SDA Church located at 560 Minor Street, Heppner. The theme for the night is melons. Recipes will be demonstrated and samples, copies of the recipes and nutritional facts will be The Willow Creek Country Club ladies play- day on July 17 hosted 14 ladies on the sunny and warm day. Low gross of the field went to Virginia Grant, low net to Pat Dougherty and least putts of the field was Loa Heideman. Low gross for flight A went to Corol Mitchell and low net was Karen Thomp- son. Loa Heideman had the long drive. Flight B low gross was Judy Harris. Low net went to Betty Burns and least putts went to Sarah Ruck- er. Pat Dougherty got long drive. Sue Edson took low gross on flight C and low net was Bev Steagall. Kim Carlson had the least putts. Sue Edson had the long drive for flight C. Longest putt went to Corol Mitchell and Shirley Martin. Eighteen golfers played on Sunday, July 22 at Wil- low Creek Country Club. Low net was a tie be- tween Rick Johnston and Mike Bergstrom with a score of 56 and third place went to John Edmundson with 57. Low gross went to Charlie Ferguson with a 64, second to Ron Bowman with 67 and third to Dave Pranger with a score of 69. Rick Johnston got KP on hole number four with 5 feet, eight inches. Dave Pranger got KP on hole number seven with seven feet, five inches.. The next men’s play is the two-day club champion- ship on July 28 and 29. Play begins at 5 p.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m. on Sunday. The men’s club will be hosting the event assisted by Ron Bowman, Greg Grant and Larry Runyon. The next Chamber lunch meeting will be held Aug. 2 from noon to 1 p.m. at the Heppner City Hall conference room. Morrow County Commissioners will be the guest presenters. Lunch will be provided by Gateway Café and the cost will be $10. Call the Heppner Chamber at 541- 676-5536 or email heppner- chamber@centurytel.net no later than July 31 to reserve a seat and lunch. The InterMountain Ed- ucation Service District (IMESD) is offering a grant writing workshop on Fri- day, Aug. 3, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the main IMESD building at 2001 SW Nye Ave. in Pendleton. Grant Writing Basics: Finding and Writing Successful Grant Applications for K-12 Ed- ucation will be presented by Jann Tresham, IMESD grant writer, who will share tips and techniques for find- ing and evaluating funding resources for educational projects. Topics will include: -Funding sources: how to find them and determine if you are eligible to apply for a grant. -Collecting data to demonstrate need. -Writing goals, objec- tives & measurable out- comes. -Budget tips: what you can, cannot and must in- clude in a grant budget. -Writing an evaluation plan. -Forms: what info you need to complete them. -Securing local part- ners and letters of support. The workshop is free to employees of IMESD’s component school districts and available to anyone for a small fee. To register, visit the IMESD website under Professional Devel- opment at this link: www. imesd.k12.or.us/profdev. For questions or more in- formation, please call 541- 966-3115. Next Chamber meeting to be Aug. 2 IMESD offers grant writing workshop available. Cynthia Wenberg hosts this class once a month on Morrow County Justice of the Peace, Ann Spicer, has the last Tuesday of every month. Everyone is wel- released the following Justice Court report: -Andrew Joseph Bennett, 43, Holland, MI was con- come to attend this free victed of violation of basic rule, 80/55 mph, $265 fine. event. -Tyler Allen Christian, 21, Heppner was convicted of Contact Cynthia at 541- 561-9132 for additional violation of basic rule, 90/55 mph, fine $440. - Chase Tel Boman, 31, Spokane, WA was convicted information or to RSVP. of violation of basic rule, 75/55 mph, fine $165. -Morris Sheldon Dirks, Portland, OR was convicted of violation of basic rule, 79/55 mph, fine $265. -Georgia Carllena Rathbun, 71, Heppner was con- victed of violation of basic rule, 65/55 mph, fine $115. -James Walter Healey Jr, 67, Heppner was convicted of violation of basic rule, 80/55 mph, fine $265. -Pearl Lee Trahan, 63, Lexington was convicted of violation of basic rule, 75/55 mph, fine $165. -Diane Patrice Smith, 65, Veradale, WA was con- victed of violation of basic rule, 75/55 mph, fine $165. -Katie Lauren Woods, 33, Portland, OR was convict- ed of hunting outside a controlled area, fine $110. -Brandon Clark Davis, 29, Heppner was convicted of disorderly conduct second degree, fine $70. 2018 Fair & Rodeo news The 2018 Special Fair Edition of The Gazette-Times will be published August 8th, 2018 Submit your Fair & Rodeo stories & Events to megan@rapidserve.net to have them included, the deadline to be included is August 1st, 2018 YEE HAW Justice Court Report Valby Lutheran Church Valby Road Ione Oregon. 97843 Church Services 1st & 3rd Sundays Available for: Weddings ♦ Funerals Family Events Old Country Church All are Welcome