Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 18, 2018, Page THREE, Image 3

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    THREE - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Chamber announcements and Ham radio capability added
upcoming events
Effective Friday, June
29, Fire Burn Ban is in ef-
fect. The Fire Chief of the
City of Heppner is impos-
for open burning based on
local fire safety concerns.
The burning ban is for the
City of Heppner and in-
cludes a burn barrel and
will remain in effect until
further notice.
Saturday, July 21 from
6-8 p.m., Domestic Vi-
olence Services, Inc. 6 th
Annual Bowl-A-Thon at
Desert Lanes, 1545 N First
St, Hermiston. Call 541-
672-3322 or www.dvs-or.
org to register. Cost is $30
per bowler or $120 for a
team of four, which in-
cludes three lines of bowl-
ing and shoes. Raffle tickets
will be available for $1 each
or six for $5 and DVS shirts
will be for sale. Prizes will
be awarded.
Sunday, July 22 from
6 to 8 p.m., Ione Music in
the Park will feature Frank
Carlson. The event will be
held at the Ione Legion Hall
and is sponsored by Mor-
row County Unified Rec-
reation District and the Ione
Library Board. Concessions
will be available by Tacos
Hometown at 5 p.m.
M o n d a y, J u l y 2 3
through Friday, July 27
from 6 to 8 p.m., Vacation
Bible School at the Heppner
Christian Church. There
will be a BBQ dinner pro-
vided on Friday. Additional
information soon.
Wednesday, July 25
from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.,
30 th year anniversary cele-
bration for Pioneer Memo-
rial Clinic, 130 Thompson
Ave, Heppner. This month
marks the 30 th anniversary
of the reopening of the med-
ical clinic in Heppner, now
known as Pioneer Memori-
al Clinic. Please stop by for
cake, refreshments and fun
activities for kids.
Saturday, July 28 at
9 p.m. (or at dark), Ione
Summer Movies in the Park
will show the 2017 edition
of Beauty and the Beast,
which is rated PG. Bank
of Eastern Oregon, Ione
branch is the sponsor.
Saturday, Aug. 4 at 9
p.m. (or at dark), Ione Sum-
mer Movies in the Park will
show the Lion King, which
is rated G.
Sunday, Aug. 12 from
5 to 7 p.m., Music in the
park at the Heppner city
park, featuring Wasteland
Kings. Additional infor-
mation available soon. This
concert is facilitated by
Hopeful Saints Ministry.
As a fundraiser, a tent will
be set up to serve pulled
pork sandwiches, coleslaw,
cookie and drink for a do-
nation. The music for this
event is being funded by
Morrow County Unified
Recreation District. Bring
your own chairs.
Week of Aug. 15-19,
Morrow County Fair and
Rodeo. Wednesday, Aug.
15 from 7 to 10 p.m., dinner
by Paradise Rose Chuck-
wagon and music by Trevor
Tagle. Thursday, Aug. 16
from 6 to 10 p.m., Mur-
ray’s Wine and Micro-Brew
Tasting. Dinner by Heppner
Chamber of Commerce and
music by Nate Bosford.
Friday, Aug. 17 at 1 p.m.,
chili cook-off sampling. 7
p.m., OTPR rodeo perfor-
mance. Saturday, Aug. 18
at 10 a.m., Morrow County
Fair and Rodeo parade. 7
pm., OTPR rodeo perfor-
mance. Sunday, Aug. 19 at
1:15 p.m., Morrow County
Saturday, Aug. 25 at
9 p.m. (or at dark), Ione
Summer Movies in the Park
will show the 1995 version
of Jumanji, rated PG.
Sunday, Aug. 26 from 6
to 8 p.m., Ione Music in the
Park will feature Absolutely
Nobody, with the Joe Lind-
say and Corey Cooley fam-
ilies. Concessions available
by Tacos Hometown at 5
p.m. The event will be held
at the Ione City Park and
is sponsored by Morrow
County Unified Recreation
District and the Ione Li-
brary Board.
Morrow County Sheriff’s Office now has ham radio capability in the mobile command
Morrow County Sher-
iff’s Office Undersheriff/
Emergency Manager John
A. Bowles and Operations
Lieutenant Terry Harper
recently received their ham
radio technician license. Af-
ter meeting federal require-
ments, both received a call
sign from the FCC (Federal
Communications Commis-
sion). Bowles’ call sign is
KI7ZEG and Harper’s call
sign is KI7ZER.
The Morrow County
Sheriff’s Office/Emergency
Management has a base
station located in Heppner,
which consists of several
radios for voice as well
as digital communication.
Four dual band handhelds
were also purchased to
be installed in the mobile
command unit.
Examples of when ham
radio capabilities would
be used are during fires,
search and rescues and
large events. They can also
be used in case of the loss
of standard radio or phone
coverage to provide emer-
gency communications.
There are approximate-
ly 39 ham radio licenses
issued in Morrow County.
Six local ham operators
are involved in the ARES
(Amateur Radio Emergen-
cy Service) program. The
local ham radio group has a
weekly ARES net on Sun-
day evenings at 7:30 p.m.
on the 146.78 repeater and
welcomes any other county
hams to get involved in the
ARES program.
According to the news
release, ham radios were
used at the sheriff’s office
and in the command truck
stationed at the Morrow
County OHV park during
the August 2017 total so-
lar eclipse. Five of the six
ARES ham radio operators
were activated to cover the
event in Morrow County
and surrounding areas.
MCSO is currently
working on getting ad-
ditional staff trained and
licensed. For more infor-
mation, contact Under-
sheriff John A. Bowles or
Lieutenant Terry Harper
at 541-676-5317 or Don
Drayton, Morrow County
Ham Radio Emergency Co-
ordinator, at 541-314-3138.
Fire breaks out near Heppner
Smoke and burned grass were visible from Willow Creek Road. -Photo by Megan Futter.
A large, fast moving
grass fire broke out on the
Highway 74 side of Hep-
pner and traveled up over
the top to Willow Creek
Road Tuesday afternoon.
At the time of publication,
multiple organizations and
the community were work-
ing to contain it.
The Heppner Fire De-
partment, Station 7, Board-
man Fire, Ione Fire, Pilot
Rock Fire, Pendleton Fire,
the Department of Forest-
ry, ODOT, ODFW, Bruce
Young Logging and the
Bob Mahoney HM Ranch
responded with Condon
Fire on the way, as of press
The Ione Fire Department was one of many to respond to the fire Tuesday afternoon. -Photo time Tuesday.
by Megan Futter.
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A large plume of smoke was visible from Heppner. -Photo by
Megan Futter.
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