SEVEN - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 21, 2018 PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID For MORROW COUNTY LEXINGTON YARD BUILDING FOUNDA- TION PROJECT MORROW COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DE- PARTMENT MORROW COUNTY, OREGON March , 2018 Sealed Bids for the “MORROW COUNTY LEXINGTON YARD BUILDING FOUNDA- TION PROJECT” will be received by the Morrow County Public Works De- partment, 365 West High- way 74 (P.O. Box 428), Lexington, Oregon, 97839, until 1:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, March 22, 2018. The bids will be publicly opened and read at the Morrow County Public Works Department, 365 West Highway 74, Lexington, Oregon, at 3:30 p.m. local time on Thurs- day, March 22, 2018. First Tier Subcontractor Disclo- sure Forms will be accept- ed until 3:00 p.m. on date of the bid opening. The County may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the County that it is in the public interest to do so. The bidder must be regis- tered with the Construction Contractors Board. The work will consist of constructing concrete foot- ings, columns and walls as shown in the Project Plans titled “LEXING- TON YARD BUILDING FOUNDATION”. The contractor will construct the form work and provide, haul and place concrete re- inforcing steel, building anchoring bolts and struc- tural concrete according to the Project Plans. Mor- row County Public Works Department will perform all site preparation, exca- vations and backfill as re- quired. The work will consist of, but may not be limited to, the following total es- timated unit cost quanti- ties: Mobilization, Lump Sum,1; Steel Reinforc- ing for Concrete, 59,500 Lbs; 1”dia x16” Anchor Bolts, 152 Ea.; Concrete for Footings (4000 psi), 290 Cu. Yds; Concrete for Walls & Columns (4000 psi), 150 Cu. Yds. This is a MORROW COUNTY Project by and through THE MOR- ROW COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, fully funded by Morrow County and is subject to the current Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Prevailing Wage Rates. A Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the bid amount is required with the proposal. Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of the contract bid amount will be required of the success- ful bidder. The contractor will not be required to have an asbes- tos abatement license un- der ORS 468A.720. Plans and Bidding Docu- ments may be obtained at online at http://www. or by contacting the Mor- row County Public Works Department at (541) 989- 9500. For additional informa- tion, questions or con- cerns, contact Sandi Point- er by e-mail at spointer@ or by phone at (541) 989-9500. MORROW COUNTY is an equal opportunity em- ployer. Published: February 28, March 7, 14 and 21, 2018 2018 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On April 26, 2018 at the hour of 11 am the Morrow County Courthouse, 100 Court Street, Heppner, OR 97836, inside the lobby at the Front doors, the de- fendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemp- tion, in the real property commonly known as: 220 S C STREET, IONE, OR 97843. The court case number is 15CV198, U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- SOCIATION, Plaintiff and MARK BRUNO; PETTYJOHN’S FARM & BUILDER’S SUPPLY, INC; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIM- ING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 220 S C STREET, IONE, OR 97843, Defen- dants. The sale is a public auction to the highest bid- der for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Morrow County Sheriff’s Office. For more informa- tion on this sale go to: http://oregonsheriffssales. org/ Published: March 14, 21, 28 and April 4, 2018 Affidavit County hears objections to possible $8 million Irrigon facility Engineers submit 25,000-square-foot building plan By David Sykes The Morrow County Commission last week heard objections to a pro- posed new Irrigon facility, that could cost between $5.6 and $8.3 million and cover 24,949 square feet. The proposal came from an engineering firm the county hired to study its needs in the north end of the county. The county has been dis- cussing for some time what to do about expanding and replacing aging and inad- equate facilities located in Boardman and Irrigon. They had hired Crow Engi- neering to come up the plan. “I think twenty thou- sand square feet is over- kill,” Irrigon City Manager Aaron Palmquist told the commissioners who were meeting at the city hall library complex in Irrigon. He said the city hall library is only 12.2 thousand feet and he thought the county could get by with a new fa- cility much smaller maybe in the 12 to 14 thousand square foot range. He said the planned facility had a “huge” parking lot, too many private restrooms for staff and elected officials and much other wasted space. Palmquist also didn’t think the proposed build- ing was “public friendly.” “Your offices should have public access instead of being behind a wall,” he told the commissioners. He said there was no reason officials and staff couldn’t share restrooms with the public. “Commissioner Rus- sell has always said we are going to do better (spend less) than we did on the Bart Building (the new county building in Heppner that cost over $4 million) I think this is overkill. I would cut it in half,” Palmquist said of the proposed Irrigon fa- cility. Russell said he also was “shocked” at the size of the proposal that came back from the engineering firm. “We were all shocked at 24,000 square feet,” he said. The county had for some time been seeking to upgrade the facilities and offices located in the north end, but commissioners and staff have wrestled with how best to do the big job of evaluating the multiple county offices and build- ings, then coming up with a plan for new buildings. It was finally decided to hire a project manager with ex- pertise in this type of wide- ranging planning. Crow Engineering was hired at a cost of $36,759 to do a complete study of the buildings, services and staff, then formulate new facility plans along with their costs. The firm visited each office and facility, talked to staff and met with county commissioners dur- ing the process. Crow officials visited the Irrigon Annex, Board- man Clinic, Veterans Ser- vices and the Irrigon Board- man Emergency Assistance Center. During each visit they are looking at things like number of employees, growth potential in each department, building condi- tion and site usage and lease and other costs (the county leases some office spac- es). They also interviewed county staff and looked at numbers of people served, parking and other public needs. The buildings they looked at included: Irrigon Annex, which houses the Justice Court, Planning and Parole and Probation. Boardman Clinic Building which houses Public Health, Juvenile Department and District Attorney’s Office, Veteran’s Services, which leases one office in Irrigon City Hall, and the Irrigon Boardman Emergency As- sistance Center in Irrigon, which also has an office there leased by the County Clerk. The commission has not made a final decision on the size of the new fa- cilities planned for the north end and will continue to hold meetings with Crow to discuss the proposals. Crow also plans on hold- ing three public hearings in Boardman, Irrigon and Heppner once final plans are decided on. In other business at the March 14 meeting, the commission heard from Morrow County School Su- perintendent Dirk Dirksen and Community Counsel- ing Solutions Administra- tor Kimberly Lindsay on a proposal to provide “extra support” for 10 to 15 kin- dergartners through sixth grade students who have difficulty getting along in school. The district wants to set up a couple of modu- lar classrooms where the children could be separated from the rest of the students to receive extra attention. Dirksen and Lindsay were asking the county for fi- nancial assistance in imple- menting the program. Apparently, the chil- dren are having behavior is- sues, acting out and disrupt- ing the rest of the class, and with the special help they could develop skills to deal with the issues. The stu- dents come from the Board- man and Irrigon schools, which is where the modular special classrooms would be. “So, you want to get the kids back in the main- stream?” Commissioner Jim Doherty asked. “That’s the goal,” said Dirksen. “We have had some kids go through day treatment and it has helped.” Lindsay said the issue came up 10 years ago to separate the children with problems, but for a variety of reasons it wasn’t done. We have tried different things and it has not worked. They need a higher-level help,” she said. A lot of the time there are things going on at home that affect the students, but par- ents don’t come to school events or functions, so it is hard to get them involved in helping the students, it was said. Lindsay said it was best to catch the students young and try and address their problems. She said younger age works best. In other action the commission voted to ap- prove the purchase of a new Polaris Ranger at a cost of $19,168 for use by the parks department. “We need to update some of our old equipment,” said Parks Director Greg Close. He said the repair bill is getting “astronomical” on some of their older equipment and this would help them to spend more time in the field and less time in the shop. In other business, the commission voted unani- mously to appoint Heppner rancher Brian Thompson to the planning commission. “It’s a daunting task and I respect the people who do it,” Commissioner Doherty said about planning mem- bers. Sheriff’s Report The Morrow County Sheriff's Office has released the following information: -MCSO received a re- had gone for a walk. February 3 (cont.): Morrow County Sheriff’s port on NE Campbell Way, -MCSO received a re- Office received a report at Heppner that two cars are port on Kunze Ln, Board- Mountain View Apts on speeding in and out of up- man of a disturbance where NW Pioneer Dr, Heppner per driveway, possibly a female had threatened her that there is a small puppy, party going on. Deputy boyfriend and the situa- looks like a St. Bernard, responded, warned them tion was physical. Kayla approximately 2-3 months about noise and driving M Connell was arrested on habits. old. MCCC warrant. Lodged at -MCSO received a re- February 4: Morrow UCJ with bail of $20,000. port on NW Jones St, Hep- County Sheriff’s Office re- -MCSO received a re- pner that three juvenile ceived a report on Hwy 730, port at Green Acres on males, junior high age, are Irrigon that she was at about Paterson Ferry Rd, Irrigon running around the neigh- the 179 headed into Irrigon that RP is on the side of the borhood knocking on doors. and when she stopped be- road. RP’s boyfriend broke Unable to locate. hind a vehicle in Umatilla her car window attempting -MCSO received a re- it appeared the license plate to hit her. port of a repossession on was spray painted black. -MCSO received a re- SW Wyoming Ave, Irrigon Deputy responded and lo- port at E May St/N Main by Oregon adjusters. cated vehicle. No plate, St, Heppner that there was temp sticker in the window. an elderly gentleman who -MCSO received a seemed confused and dis- PUBLIC NOTICE report at Bucknum’s on oriented about leaving his NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING N Main St, Heppner that car at the gravel pit. -MCSO received a re- females are behind Buck- Morrow County Ione Lexington Cemetery Dist , _______________________, A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the ______________________________ State of Oregon, to num’s with a bottle of al- port on E Hwy 730, Irrigon (District name) (County) cohol and are intoxicated. that a subject doesn’t have 19 will be held at ________________________________________ 18 to June 30, 20_____, Ione Market & Deli discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 20_____ -MCSO received a re- a license and is about to (Location) a.m. port on SE Thomas Ave, leave the storage sheds on 285 W Main St, Ione, OR 97843 April 9th 11:00 p.m. _____________________________________. The meeting will take place on__________________________at __________________________. (Date) (Address) Irrigon that her 14 year-old Hwy 730. -MCSO received a re- granddaughter left between The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. midnight and now, has a port on Columbia Ln, Ir- This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. possible idea where the rigon that he black and juvenile may have gone. white boxer/border collie Bank of Eastern OR, Ione March 12th, 2018 A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after __________________________at ______________________________, Deputy responded. Juvenile mix has been missing since (Location) (Date) a.m. a.m. returned home, stating she Wednesday. 4:00 9:00 -MCSO received a re- port on SE Fourth St, Irri- gon that a man and woman are trying to get into the house. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- gon that a Chevy S10, 80’s model flew past the house, last seen heading towards SE Tenth. V on W Eighth Rd, Ir- rigon that child swallowed some of grandparent’s pills. Transported to GSH. -MCSO received a re- port at Love’s Travel Stop and Country Store on Tow- er Rd, Boardman that he had a debit card and credit card taken at Love’s about 8:30 tonight. Advised the cares were taken from the seat of the car, possibly by a young couple that he tried to help fix their lights. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Gilmore St, Heppner that her dog ran off within the last few hours. Dog is male border col- lie/blue heeler/Australian shepherd. Does not have a collar. RP called back and advised her dog returned. p.m. and ________________________________. p.m. between the hours of ______________________________ Published: March 14 and 21, 2018 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of State Revenue sharing Public Hearing Town of Lexington has scheduled a public Hearing to discuss proposed uses for the funds from State Revenue Sharing in the General fund in relation to the entire budget any public comment is welcome Meeting will be held at Town Hall, 425 F Street on April 17th 2018 at 6pm. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING Morrow Port of Morrow A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the ______________________________ State of Oregon, to , _______________________, (District name) (County) 19 will be held at ________________________________________ 18 to June 30, 20_____, Riverfront Center discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 20_____ (Location) a.m. 2 Marine Drive, Boardman, OR April 11, 2018 3:30 p.m. _____________________________________. The meeting will take place on__________________________at __________________________. (Address) (Date) The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. Riverfront Center April 11, 2018 A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after __________________________at ______________________________, (Location) (Date) a.m. a.m. 4:00 8:30 p.m. and ________________________________. p.m. between the hours of ______________________________ Published: March 14 and 21, 2018 Affidavit Published: March 21 and 28, 2018 Affidavit