Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 8, 2017 - FIVE Sheriff’s Report -A female in Irrigon advised MCSO that her granddaughter was missing from her home and the fam- ily was unsure when they saw her last. The juvenile was located at the house with her mother. -A person in Irrigon advised of a stove fire at the location. The stove was still on fire when the report- ing person called but was just smoking by the end of the call. MCSO responded. Irrigon fire was cancelled. -A female in Ione ad- vised that her daughter took her Amazon Visa card and maxed it out. MCSO took the incident under investi- gation. -A person in Heppner advised that a male depos- ited a check into the male’s account in La Grande. She advised the check was a forgery and most of the money was gone out of the account. MCSO made contact with the reporting person; the crime had oc- curred in Union County. -MCSO served a re- straining order in the Lex- ington area. MCSO received report of a subject at the Bank of Eastern Oregon in Irrigon, a male wearing a hood and pulling something out of the trunk of the car, thought it was a crow bar. It was deter- mined it was the cleaners. November 29: -A fe- male in Irrigon advised that her 12-year-old grandson was having a physical al- tercation with his mother and refusing to go to school. -A woman in Irrigon advised that her daughter was being harassed via Facebook and phone by her brother. The mother advised that her daughter was very fearful of her brother and was scared to return home. -Morrow County Sher- iff’s Office was advised that Tillamook County arrested Christopher Lee Kline, 32. Subject was lodged to be transported to Umatilla County Jail. -A male in Irrigon ad- vised MCSO that he just got a call from his daughter’s friend advising she just got punched in the face and her boyfriend would not let her leave. MCSO and Boardman PD responded. The female denied anything happening. -A male in Heppner called and advised he heard lots of screaming. He ad- vised he didn’t know where he was staying or anything about Heppner, no descrip- tion he could give, but he thought it was a man. MCSO responded and ad- vised it was a teenage fe- male misbehaving. -A male in Irrigon ad- vised he was walking from one location to another and that, when he got there, a male was trying to steal his motorcycle. MCSO and Boardman PD responded. November 30: -Emer- gency dispatch received multiple 911 calls plotting near Threemile Canyon Farms, sounds possibly like a horse in distress, faint voices in the background. No answer on call back. -Morrow County Sher- iff’s Office was advised that a subject claiming to have been jumped in Uma- tilla was bleeding in the Irrigon laundromat. The caller requested that a dep- uty remove him. MCSO, Boardman PD and Irrigon ambulance responded and the subject was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital. -A person in Irrigon re- ported that their vehicle was broken into and medication was taken. MCSO respond- ed and took a report. -A female in Irrigon reported that her back door had been pried open and the side gate to the back yard was open; she believed she had had someone ono her property. She requested extra patrols in the area. -MCSO was advised of a 13-year-old female yelling and screaming in Irrigon. -MCSO was advised of a 63-year-old male in Irrigon, conscious but hav- ing difficulty breathing. CPR was in progress and code 3 to hospital; subject was transported by Irrigon ambulance. December 1: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office was advised of an individual at a Boardman location. The caller advised there was a restraining order that had not been served yet. -A subject in Irrigon advised that a check for $400 was cashed in Herm- iston; he advised it was stolen from his house and he believed it was taken Thanksgiving night. He advised his brother was possibly involved. MCSO took the incident under investigation. -A female in Irrigon called and requested extra patrols at the Irrigon high school due to kids driving erratically. She advised that a vehicle almost hit her that day, and that there are students in vehicle in which there were not enough seat- belts for the number of kids. Caller requested phone contact. -MCSO was advised that Multnomah County arrested David Genaro O’Neil, 35, on an Irrigon justice Court warrant for Failure to Appear on As- sault IV. Subject was lodged at Multnomah County Jail to be transported to Uma- tilla County Jail. -Emergency dispatch receive a call from a bus driver whose bus broke down near Boardman. Dis- patch gave him tow in- formation, and then the driver advised he was in Boardman, WA. Dispatch advised they weren’t aware of a Boardman, WA and asked if he was sure. He advised he was 100 percent sure and was transferred to Washington dispatch. If You Bought a TV or Computer Monitor That Contained a Cathode Ray Tube (“CRT”), During the Years 1995 through 2007, You May be Affected by This Litigation and May Benefit from a Settlement. Please read this notice carefully as your legal rights are affected whether you act or do not act. PARA UNA NOTIFICACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL, LLAMAR O VISITAR NUESTRO WEBSITE. The Oregon Attorney General filed a lawsuit Multnomah County Circuit Court case no. CV against certain manufacturers of Cathode Ray 120810246. The letter must include the case Tubes (“CRTs”). The lawsuit alleges that CRT name, your name, address, telephone number, and manufacturers illegally agreed upon the pricing of signature. The letter must be postmarked on or CRTs. The Attorney General filed this action in before March 18, 2017, and mailed to: Oregon her law enforcement capacity, and on behalf of the CRT Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 10240, State of Oregon and Oregon natural persons, and Dublin, Ohio 43017-5740. sought equitable relief, restitution, civil penalties File a claim: Only Oregon natural persons and injunctive relief. need to file a claim to obtain benefits from these Oregon has settled with five defendants for a settlements. Claims can be completed online or total of $3,645,000 (“Settlement Fund”). The by mailing the claim form, available for download State of Oregon and Oregon natural persons at www.OregonScreenSettlement.com, to the may be entitled to a portion of the Settlement Settlement Administrator. The Court has not Fund. “Oregon natural persons” means a human, set a deadline for filing claims, as the case has not a business. not concluded. Do nothing: If you do nothing, you will continue Who Is Included? The State of Oregon and Oregon natural persons to be represented by the Oregon Attorney General who indirectly purchased at any time during the in the action. You will be bound by the terms of years 1995 to 2007, for their own use and not for the settlements, and will release Defendants and resale CRTs incorporated in TVs or computer related entities from any claims you may have monitors. An indirect purchaser is someone relating to the allegations in this lawsuit. Oregon that purchased products containing a CRT from natural persons that do not file a claim will not be someone other than the company that manufactured entitled to any benefits in this matter and will be the CRT component, such as from an electronics bound by the terms of the settlement. retailer or a device manufacturer other than one of Who Represents Me? the Defendants. The Attorney General of Oregon represents the State and Oregon natural persons. You do not What Are My Rights And Options? Exclude yourself: Oregon natural persons have have to pay the Attorney General. The Attorney the right to exclude themselves from this action. General will request the Court approve attorney The State of Oregon cannot be excluded. If you opt fees and litigation costs from the Settlement Fund. out, you will not be legally bound by the litigation Additional costs to administer the Settlements will or these settlements, but you will not get any also come out of the Settlement Fund. If you want money or other benefits from this action or to be represented by your own lawyer, and have that these settlements. You will retain any rights you lawyer appear in Court for you, you must exclude currently have, if any. Please note that under yourself and hire an attorney at your own expense. Oregon law, authority to bring antitrust actions How Do I Get More Information? for indirect purchaser claims, like this action, was This Notice summarizes the lawsuits and the limited to actions by the Attorney General until Settlements. You can get more information January 1, 2010. about the lawsuits and Settlements, the To opt-out, complete the opt-out registration claims process or obtain a claim form at online at www.OregonScreenSettlement.com or www.OregonScreenSettlement.com, by calling send a written letter stating that you want to be 1-877-940-7791, or writing to: Oregon CRT excluded from the case: State of Oregon, ex rel Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 10240, Dublin, Ellen F. Rosenblum v. LG Electronics, Inc. et al., Ohio 43017-5740. 1-877-940-7791 • www.OregonScreenSettlement.com -Frontier dispatch ad- vised that a female con- tacted them and said a green Toyota was trying to pull her over on the interstate and acting suspicious. She spoke with a deputy in Ar- lington and the deputy was unable to locate but wanted MCSO and east aware. -A FedEx driver ad- vised he was bitten by a dog in Irrigon. -MCSO was advised that a female in Heppner was overdosing in heroin. Reporting person advised there were other people present, and that they got the information from a third party. -Emergency dispatch was advised of a 58-year- old male in Boardman, semi-conscious and breath- ing, passed out on the toilet and seemed to be swearing and seizing. The patient woke up and went back to bed, advised the reporting person he was fine; the re- porting person advised not to send emergency medi- cal services and that she would advise if the situa- tion changed. The patient was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital. December 2: -A subject advised Morrow County Sheriff’s Office that a while care pulled up at an Irrigon location and started going through the mailboxes. The reporting person advised it was parked the wrong way. MCSO took the incident under investigation. -A female in Boardman advised that her niece was out of control and throwing things at everyone in the house. -A female in Irrigon advised she had court pa- perwork and needed as- sistance getting her child. The female advised she had a restraining order that she needed served against the male but that he may have a restraining order against her, as well. -A person in Irrigon re- ported that kids were play- ing with rocks. The caller requested contact. -A person in Irrigon advised they saw a vehicle by the turkey shoots; the reporting person advised he thought he heard three shots, possibly .22 caliber, but not positive. They then put whatever they had in their trunk. MCSO was un- able to locate the vehicle. -MCSO received re- port that an 11-year-old was at the Irrigon skate park around 5 p.m. He was punched in the side and a male in his 40s grabbed the backpack and ran away with it and kept the wallet. The caller advised there was nothing in the wallet. -A person in Irrigon re- ported that their neighbors were constantly drinking, being loud, smoking and parking on their property. The caller requested con- tact. MCSO responded and made contact with the loud group and advised them to quiet down. December 3: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office re- ceived report of a vehicle and tent trailer covered in snow off the top of Shaw Grade. The caller was con- cerned that someone may have been in need of assis- tance. Oregon State Police responded and reported that all seemed fine at the camp and MCSO made contact with the owner who said the vehicle broke down and they would repair and remove it as soon as they could. -MCSO received re- port of 12- and 14-year-old brothers missing in Irrigon. MCSO responded and lo- cated the boys. -MCSO received report from an Ione subject who said she had received a call from her sister who said her boyfriend was being abusive and throwing her into walls. The caller did not have an address, just a road name. The caller was connected to Union County 911. -MCSO received report that a brown, run-down car was racing on Main St. The caller said the car goes up to the old white house. -MCSO received report from a Heppner subject that someone was playing very loud music that could be heard over the caller’s TV. The noise was located and it was determined there was a birthday party going on and the subjects said they would keep the noise down. -MCSO received report of a black cow on the side of the road on I-84 east, Boardman. The cow, which was able to walk right over the fence, then went back over the fence. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon subject that there was someone in the house next door. The caller said she didn’t recognize them and didn’t think they were supposed to be there. A deputy responded and determined that the subject was actually the homeown- er. The caller was informed. -MCSO received report of a couple caught on cam- era at the Oasis RV Park on Highway 730, Irrigon, using a key to the restroom. The manager advised that they didn’t belong there and shouldn’t have a key. MCSO made contact. -MCSO received report of a black SUV swerv- ing between lanes on I-84, Boardman. OSP was ad- vised, as MCSO deputy was out of the area. -MCSO received report of a possible DUII on Hwy. 730, Irrigon, with a sub- ject driving an older green Ford pickup that had been tailgating the caller since Umatilla and almost ran them off the road. MCSO was out of position. -Irrigon Ambulance re- ceived report of a 78-year- old made with leg pain. He was transported. December 4: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office re- ceived report of a four-door grey pickup with a Seattle Seahawks emblem on it that sad outside and revved his engine, then “jetted” toward Division in Irrigon. MCSO responded, but was not able to locate the vehicle. -MCSO, Boardman Ambulance received re- quest for an ambulance for an 84-year-old male, conscious, but having diffi- culty breathing. Boardman Ambulance responded and transported the patient to Good Shepherd Hospital in Hermiston. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon woman that she let her seven-eight- month old “friendly” Rott- weiler out to go “potty” and it took off. The dog, black with brown undertones, has no collar and no tags. -MCSO received report from a male that his ex was under the influence when she returned their kids. He reported that if she returned the kids while she was un- der the influence, she was to take a urinalysis. -MCSO received report that there is damage to part of the retaining wall on the pavement side of the MCSO gun range, Board- man. He was advised that the damage occurred a long time ago. -MCSO received report of a subject who kept get- ting in and out of a blue Prelude on I-84 Boardman. A deputy responded and determined that the subjects had help coming. -MCSO received report of a white car that passed in a “no passing” zone on Hwy. 730, Irrigon. The caller had the vehicle’s license plate number. -MCSO received report from a woman on Center St. in Heppner that she found a parakeet in her garage and believed it was someone’s pet. The owner was found. -MCSO received report of a Toyota two-door 4Run- ner speeding down Utah St. in Irrigon. -MCSO received report from a subject on Toms Camp Rd., Boardman, that their 14-year-old daughter was disrespectful and flip- ping out. The caller said her husband took stuff out of her room. The child calmed down and the caller advised MCSO to disregard the call. -MCSO, Irrigon Fire Department, Irrigon Am- bulance received report of a “good-sized” fire on Wagon Wheel Loop, Irrigon. The caller wasn’t sure if it was a controlled burn or not. Irri- gon Ambulance and MCSO responded. -MCSO Deputy ad- vised of cows out on Brace Lane. The owner was con- tacted. --MCSO received re- port of a white GEO Metro traveling at a high rate of speed on Utah Ave. in Irri- gon. A deputy was advised, but was out of position. -Irrigon Ambulance re- ceived report of a 43-year- old female, conscious, whose “whole body was numb.” She was transport- ed. -Irrigon EMS received a request for assistance in lifting a 95-year-old male. The caller was trying to transition him into a wheel- chair, but was unable to do so and instead assisted him to the floor. Irrigon Ambu- lance responded, but the patient refused transport. December 5: -A Mor- row County Sheriff’s dep- uty reported being out with a smoking plastic cart in Irrigon. -A male in Irrigon re- ported that his wallet was stolen. He advised he re- covered his wallet but the Social Security card was still missing. -A person in Irrigon advised of a car that flew through the area five times the previous night. They gave a description and ad- vised they wanted some- thing done to the driver. MAGNETIC DOOR SIGNS! CALL MEGAN AT MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS * * * * * File Name: OTR (CRT)_Master Publication: Ad Unit: 4.889” x 7” Headline Font: Calibri Headline Font Size/Leading: 12/14 Body Copy: Times LT Std Body Copy Font Size/Leading: 8/8.7 Total magnetic Word Count: 696 Heavy duty 30 mil sheet Create Date/Time: 11/11/16 @ 4:12PM PST Great for car doors, trucks, vans.. Operator: BS Last Edit Time: 1/20/17 @ 3:58 PM PT Instant advertising Operator: BS Easy apply, easy remove Size up to 24" x 48" “A Great way To Promote Your Business” THE HEPPNER GAZETTE 541-676-9228 *ADD YOUR OWN CUSTOM BUSINESS LOGO *WE CAN HELP YOU CREATE YOUR OWN CUSTOM DESIGN