Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 08, 2017, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Sheriff’s Report
November 15 (cont.):
-A person in Irrigon ad-
vised everything in their
vehicle’s center console had
been rummaged through.
Advised they would be
home later that afternoon
for contact.
-MCSO received a
criminal mischief com-
plaint regarding broken
windows in vehicles in
-MCSO served a tem-
porary Stalking Protective
order in Boardman.
-Umatilla County Sher-
iff’s Office advised they
arrested Gordon Rock, 48,
on an MCSO warrant with
no local charges.
November 16: -A per-
son in Irrigon reported that
someone broke into her ga-
rage, car and pickup over-
night. She requested contact
from a deputy.
November 17: -A per-
son from Irrigon advised
Morrow County Sheriff’s
Office that a subject at the
end of their road had goats,
chickens and all sorts of
animals out all the time all
over the road.
-MCSO was advised
of damage done to a road
sign in the Social Ridge
area out of Lexington. The
caller advised someone had
intentionally driven over
the sign. The caller gave a
description of a vehicle that
may have been involved.
-MCSO was advised of
the theft of a motor vehicle
from Irrigon. The caller
advised belongings were
missing from his house and
a Mazda Blue was missing;
he advised the motor was
not working so they would
have had to tow it.
-Pilot Rock PD advised
they arrested John Earl
McBride, 58, on an MCSO
warrant for Invasion of
Personal Privacy.
November 18: -A per-
son advised Morrow Coun-
ty Sheriff’s Office that he
was a private investigator
and would be in a certain
area of Boardman that day.
-MCSO was advised
that a vehicle with Wash-
ington plates passed in the
turn lane on Hwy. 730, Ir-
rigon. MCSO located the
vehicle and gave the driver
a warning for passing in a
no passing zone, expired
registration and failure to
carry current proof of in-
-MCSO was advised
of 10-12 cows headed east
on Montana in Irrigon. The
caller advised there was a
bull in the herd.
-MCSO served a re-
straining order in Heppner.
-A male in Irrigon ad-
vised that sometime in the
last few days, someone had
gone into his residence and
taken items, some of them
firearms. A deputy respond-
ed and took a report.
-A person in Irrigon
requested contact from a
deputy regarding finding
out if a male subject was
deceased or not.
-MCSO was advised
that a vehicle on Hwy. 730,
Irrigon threw a beer bottle
out the window. MCSO
followed the vehicle but
did not find probable cause
for a stop.
November 19: -Emer-
gency dispatch was advised
of an unresponsive female
in the parking lot at Sub
Zero Restaurant, Irrigon. Ir-
rigon ambulance and Mor-
row County Sheriff’s Office
responded and the patient
was transported to Good
Shepherd Hospital.
-A male in the Heppner
area reported that firearms
had been taken off his porch
sometime within the last
few days. A deputy re-
sponded and took a report.
-A male in Boardman
advised that a Texas long-
horn skull and horns were
taken from his property; he
advised that he was fixing
up the residence so no one
was living there at the time.
A deputy contacted the sub-
ject, who requested an extra
patrol in the area.
-A female in Board-
man advised there was
what sounded like a fight
next door at her neighbor’s
house. David Joe Villegas,
31, was arrested for Disor-
derly Conduct II and was
lodged at Umatilla County
-MCSO received a re-
port from a female in Hep-
pner who received what she
believed to be a fraudulent
phone call from someone
claiming to be from Dish
November 20: -A male
requested a welfare check
on his father in Boardman.
A Morrow County Sheriff’s
deputy responded and made
contact with the subject;
he was fine but had lost his
-A subject in Irrigon ad-
vised MCSO that her moth-
er was involved in a distur-
bance with her boyfriend
in Auburn, WA. MCSO
contacted King County
and provided them with the
information. The reporting
person was advised and
provided with the number.
-A male advised he was
going to a Boardman loca-
tion to visit his children and
wanted to advise MCSO
incase the other party called
about him being there.
-A male in Irrigon ad-
vised that a dog charged
his car that afternoon and
had charged him and his
The Port of Morrow is currently requesting
bids for 5 vehicles and one surplus Arc Welder.
Vehicles and specifications are display at the Port of Morrow Maintenance shop 701 E
Columbia Avenue, Boardman, OR 97818. The Port of Morrow makes no warranties as to
vehicles and/or equipment’s condition. Vehicle’s SOLD AS IS. For detailed information, visit our
website http://www.portofmorrow.com/rfps or contact Tim Patton 541-481-7467.
dogs that morning. He ad-
vised the owner needed to
be cited or given a strong
warning, and that he had
reported the dog before.
MCSO responded and ad-
vised the owner to keep the
dog in and fix the fence.
-A male in Irrigon ad-
vised that his neighbor’s
dog just tried to attack his
dog. MCSO responded, and
the owner was still actively
trying to catch the dog.
-MCSO was advised of
a suspicious male walking
down the road in Irrigon
wearing a gray hoodie, dark
pants and a tool belt. The
called advised the gentle-
man might be at the trailer
park on Idaho. MCSO re-
sponded and picked up
the subject and gave him a
courtesy ride home. Subject
was just returning from the
gas station.
November 25: -Mor-
row County Sheriff’s Office
was advised of a 27-year-
old female in Boardman
who was suicidal and acting
wild. The caller advised
they were restraining the
subject at that time.
Boardman ambulance,
Boardman PD and MCSO
-A female in Boardman
reported an intoxicated fe-
male trying to get into her
vehicle. Boardman PD and
MCSO responded; Board-
man ambulance transported
to Boardman PD a highly
intoxicated juvenile who
was throwing up.
-A female advised of 16
turkeys in an empty lot next
to her residence in Irrigon,
all different colors. She
advised of their location in
case anyone was missing
-A male in Irrigon ad-
vised his dad and brother
were arguing because his
dad found marijuana in his
brother’s room; the caller
advised that his dad told
him to call. Deputies re-
sponded and the marijuana
was disposed of.
-A female in the Lex-
ington area advised MCSO
she was getting fraudulent
calls and wanted it logged
because she was worried
about the elderly.
-A female in the Lex-
ington area advised that her
teenage son was going cra-
zy and pulled a knife on her
husband. The caller advised
her husband had the son on
the ground at the time, and
she had possession of the
knife. Deputies responded
and the juvenile was taken
to a relative’s residence for
the night.
-Hermiston PD advised
they arrested Ronald Milton
Rice, 30, on an Irrigon Jus-
tice Court warrant for Fail-
ure to Appear on Disorderly
Conduct and harassment.
The subject was also ar-
rested on a Marion County
warrant, no local charges.
-A male advised MCSO
he was driving on the 53
Forest road and was coming
around the corner and came
to a complete stop when a
Jeep was towing a toboggan
with two adults on it. He
advised the Jeep started to
slide sideways and hit his
vehicle. No injuries.
-MCSO was advised
of a disturbance in Irrigon;
the wife had moved out
but she was at the house.
Could hear female yelling
and screaming in the back-
ground before the phone
was disconnected. MCSO
responded and gave the
female a ride to another
November 26: -Mor-
row County Sheriff’s Office
was advised that FedEx
Sealed bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the Port of
Morrow, P.O. Box 200 (2 Marine Drive) Boardman, Oregon by 4pm
local time on February 17, 2017.
Bids will be opened at 11:00 a.m. February 20, 2017 at The Port of Morrow main office, 2
Marine Drive, Boardman, OR 97818. The Port of Morrow does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, religion, sex or handicapped status in employment or the provision
of services.
• 1991 Dodge 250 Power Ram VIN# 1B7KM26Z4MS299940, 360, automatic 4x4 long box. Runs
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• Lincoln Arc Welder 500AMP 480 Volt
Heppner Gazette-Times -ALL NEWS
backed into the voter reg-
istration box at Morrow
County Courthouse, Hep-
pner, and then stood it back
-A male advised he had
been talking to his daughter
who lives with her mother
in Heppner; daughter is 10
and has been taking care of
a one-year-old sister. He ad-
vised mom had been gone
for two days and babysitter
had been sleeping while
watching the girls. MCSO
responded and the children
were safe.
-Morrow County Sher-
iff’s Office arrested Jason
James Abbott, 25, for pro-
bation violation – unlawful
delivery of one ounce or
more of marijuana and pro-
bation violation – attempt to
elude in a vehicle. Subject
was lodged at Umatilla
County Jail with no bail.
MCSO also arrested Amy
Lee Zepeda, 38, for hinder-
ing prosecution. Subject
was lodged at Umatilla
County Jail with $7500 bail.
-A male in Heppner
requested contact regard-
ing subjects trespassing on
his property. MCSO made
-MCSO arrested Hiram
Parker Paul Vickery, 55,
for an MCSO warrant for
Failure to Perform Duties
of a Driver.
-A female advised that
her 11-year-old daughter
went to her dad’s in Ir-
rigon for Thanksgiving
and he was now not want-
ing to give the daughter
back. She advised they had
nothing in writing but he
was supposed to keep her
over Thanksgiving and the
-MCSO was advised of
a set of keys found hanging
in a tree on the 5316 Rd.
The caller did not know
who the owner was or how
long they had been there.
-Pioneer Memorial
Hospital advised MCSO
that they had a 14-year-old
with a dog bit. The parents
did not want to press charg-
es against the dog owner.
-A female in Irrigon
advised that her neighbors
kept throwing each other
against the wall. She ad-
vised the female was crying
but there were no weapons.
-MCSO responded and
the parties were separated.
November 27: -A
person in Boardman re-
quested contact regarding
a theft from her residence.
A Morrow County Sheriff’s
Deputy responded and took
a report.
-MCSO was advised
of the theft of gold-plated
quarters from a residence
in Irrigon. The window
was open and the house
had been burgled sometime
that afternoon. MCSO re-
sponded and took a report.
November 28: -A male
in Irrigon advised Morrow
County Sheriff’s Office that
his girlfriend’s mom was
going “insane” and harass-
ing him on Facebook. The
male advised that she was
threatening him.
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