Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 1, 2017 Ione announces honor roll The following students earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the first semester at Ione Community School, the school announced this week. Honor Roll: Grace Ogden, Joshua Bleth, Kayla Rodriguez, Blake Carter, Aubriana Rodriguez, Hailey Heide- man, Haylie Peterson, Eva Martin, Serenity Rodri- guez, Zoey Gilbert, Emma Rietmann, Elaina Ehrman- traut, Annabelle McDaniel, Matthew Orem, Megan Doherty, Mackenzie Heide- man, Rayah Cavan, Sarah Knop, Renee Peterson, Payton Miller, Susanna Teeman, Sonia Medina, Morgan Orem, Allisa Da- vid, Katelyn Bass, Tristan Estabrook, Maia Fuchs, Ka- tie Gilbert, Sydney Qualls, Goncalo Silva, Karsen Dumler, Sergio Marin Far- ias, Hannah Flynn, Babali Peterson and Austin Carter. The following students received honorable men- tions for earning a GPA of 3.0-3.49 for the first se- mester at Ione Community School. Honorable Mention: Hailey Heideman, Hay- lie Peterson, Taylor Rollins, Katelyn Thompson, Lucas Parker, Gary Walls, Favi- ola Juarez Alvarez, Jessica Medina, MaLinda Morter, Madison Alldritt, Karen Cambero, Jacob Heideman, Aaron Smythe, Hayden Qualls, Nestor Ramirez Orozco, Laura Ayala, Tiana Church, Maggie Flynn, Austin Morter, Emily Tay- lor, Daniel Kelly, Mari- sol Avila-Ramirez, Daniel Doherty, Colton Hollis, Pedro Bolanos and Yaneri Calvillo. BMCC releases fall term 2016-17 honor roll Pendleton—Blue Mountain Community Col- lege has announced that fall term 2016-17 honor roll recognition went to the following full-time students from Morrow County: President’s List (4.0 GPA): Lance Bose, Emily Cain, Joan Cardenas, Cindy Fuentes, Jessica Kempken, Juana Martinez Vazquez, Matthew Mason, Colten Seelye. Dean’s List (3.40 to 3.84 GPA): Alma Angulo- Nunez, Samson Beckman, Brenna Bowman, Kathy Cardenas, Dawn Eddy, Tay- lor Evans, Darin Hauner, Makenzi Hughes, Yolanda Lopez, Osvaldo Macias, Maria Montes De Oca, Guadalupe Naranjo, Vic- toria Palmquist, Johnathan Roberts, Alexandria Smith, Cassandra Villarreal Oro- zco, Colton Walker. Honor Roll (3.0 to 3.39 GPA): Jacob Albrecht, Cari Barton, Isaac Collins, Heidi Garcia, Lizbeth Gaytan, Lizeth Gaytan, Nicole Gil- crease, Destiny Holz, Mor- gan Smith. Ione school honors outstanding students Ione students who received perfect attendance awards at the January 26 assembly. –Contributed photo The Ione Elementary School hosted an assem- bly on Thursday, Jan. 26, celebrating achievements during the second quarter of school. During the assembly students were awarded for various accomplishments including perfect atten- dance, honor roll and ex- hibiting a selected character trait. The character trait on which the elementary students focused during the second quarter of school was caring. Earning a char- acter trait award means that these students demonstrated caring throughout the quar- ter. The staff members at Ione Elementary School say they are very proud of the level of character that these students have shown. The recipients of this award were as follows: kindergarten, Brody Og- den; first grade, Jace Ba- resse; second grade, Miley Strzelewicz and Charlie Character award recipients at Ione Elementary School. The character trait was “caring.” –Contributed photo Nelson; third grade, Delany Stefani and Carter Eynetich; fourth grade, Katie Spivey and Corey Rice; fifth grade, Kelly Doherty; and sixth grade, Daralynn Teeman. Students also were rec- ognized for perfect atten- dance. The students who VA to host town halls in Irrigon, Boardman Walla Walla, WA—The Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Cen- ter (Walla Walla VA), in partnership with Morrow County’s Veteran Service Office, is holding two quar- terly town hall meetings on Tuesday, March 7. The morning session will be held at the Irrigon branch of the Oregon Trail Library District (500 NW Main) from 10-11 a.m. The afternoon session will be held at the Port of Morrow in Boardman (2 Marine Drive) from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Walla Walla VA’s Med- ical Center Director Brian Westfield will lead the meetings and will provide facility updates along with updates on the Veterans Choice Program. Morrow County’s Veteran Service Officer Linda Skendzel also will be in attendance for those who need assistance. These are two of many quarterly town halls being held by VA facilities across the nation. These meetings - FIVE are intended to provide lo- cal veterans a wide-open forum and for VA officials to hear directly from ben- eficiaries as a step toward improvement and to rebuild trust among veterans. “Caring for veterans is a calling, and our first commitment is to provide veterans and their families the timely, quality care and benefits they have earned and deserve through their service to our nation,” said Acting Secretary of Veter- If You Bought a TV or Computer Monitor That Contained a Cathode Ray Tube (“CRT”), During the Years 1995 through 2007, You May be Affected by This Litigation and May Benefit from a Settlement. Please read this notice carefully as your legal rights are affected whether you act or do not act. PARA UNA NOTIFICACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL, LLAMAR O VISITAR NUESTRO WEBSITE. The Oregon Attorney General filed a lawsuit Multnomah County Circuit Court case no. CV against certain manufacturers of Cathode Ray 120810246. The letter must include the case Tubes (“CRTs”). The lawsuit alleges that CRT name, your name, address, telephone number, and manufacturers illegally agreed upon the pricing of signature. The letter must be postmarked on or CRTs. The Attorney General filed this action in before March 18, 2017, and mailed to: Oregon her law enforcement capacity, and on behalf of the CRT Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 10240, State of Oregon and Oregon natural persons, and Dublin, Ohio 43017-5740. sought equitable relief, restitution, civil penalties File a claim: Only Oregon natural persons and injunctive relief. need to file a claim to obtain benefits from these Oregon has settled with five defendants for a settlements. Claims can be completed online or total of $3,645,000 (“Settlement Fund”). The by mailing the claim form, available for download State of Oregon and Oregon natural persons at www.OregonScreenSettlement.com, to the may be entitled to a portion of the Settlement Settlement Administrator. The Court has not Fund. “Oregon natural persons” means a human, set a deadline for filing claims, as the case has not a business. not concluded. Do nothing: If you do nothing, you will continue Who Is Included? The State of Oregon and Oregon natural persons to be represented by the Oregon Attorney General who indirectly purchased at any time during the in the action. You will be bound by the terms of years 1995 to 2007, for their own use and not for the settlements, and will release Defendants and resale CRTs incorporated in TVs or computer related entities from any claims you may have monitors. An indirect purchaser is someone relating to the allegations in this lawsuit. Oregon that purchased products containing a CRT from natural persons that do not file a claim will not be someone other than the company that manufactured entitled to any benefits in this matter and will be the CRT component, such as from an electronics bound by the terms of the settlement. retailer or a device manufacturer other than one of Who Represents Me? the Defendants. The Attorney General of Oregon represents the State and Oregon natural persons. You do not What Are My Rights And Options? Exclude yourself: Oregon natural persons have have to pay the Attorney General. The Attorney the right to exclude themselves from this action. General will request the Court approve attorney The State of Oregon cannot be excluded. If you opt fees and litigation costs from the Settlement Fund. out, you will not be legally bound by the litigation Additional costs to administer the Settlements will or these settlements, but you will not get any also come out of the Settlement Fund. If you want money or other benefits from this action or to be represented by your own lawyer, and have that these settlements. You will retain any rights you lawyer appear in Court for you, you must exclude currently have, if any. Please note that under yourself and hire an attorney at your own expense. Oregon law, authority to bring antitrust actions How Do I Get More Information? for indirect purchaser claims, like this action, was This Notice summarizes the lawsuits and the limited to actions by the Attorney General until Settlements. You can get more information January 1, 2010. about the lawsuits and Settlements, the To opt-out, complete the opt-out registration claims process or obtain a claim form at online at www.OregonScreenSettlement.com or www.OregonScreenSettlement.com, by calling send a written letter stating that you want to be 1-877-940-7791, or writing to: Oregon CRT excluded from the case: State of Oregon, ex rel Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 10240, Dublin, Ellen F. Rosenblum v. LG Electronics, Inc. et al., Ohio 43017-5740. 1-877-940-7791 • www.OregonScreenSettlement.com received a perfect atten- dance award were all put into a drawing to win games for their classrooms. Carter Eynetich won games for the third-grade classroom and Rosa Aguilar won for the second-grade classroom. Sixth grade honor roll included: 3.5+: Alexandrea Ca- van, Kalvin Rietmann, Bryce Rollins, Alexis Ramirez and Daralynn Tee- man. 4.0: Madison Orem. Boardman mayor, councilors sworn in At its first meeting of the new year, the Board- man City Council held a swearing-in ceremony for four members. Sandy Toms was sworn in for her second term as Boardman’s mayor. Mayor Toms swore in councilors Toni Connell, David Jones and Art Kegler. All four were elected in the Novem- ber General Election. Councilor Connell is new to the council, and has served on the Boardman Planning Commission since 2015. Councilors Jones and Kegler were re-elected and have each served the past four years on the council. All four members will serve for a term ending Dec. 31, 2020. In other city business, the council re-appointed Jacob Cain and David Gray Morrow County Justice to the planning commis- of the Peace Ann Spicer sion and appointed Logan has released the following Mayfield and Ryan Kreps to Justice Court report: the planning commission. -Bette Lynn Rose, 47, of Heppner was found guilty of Violating the Ba- sic Rule 78/55 and Failure to Carry Proof of Insurance Morrow County Dis- and was fined $260. trict Attorney Justin Nelson -Christopher Lee Fritz, has released the following 37, was found guilty of report: driving without the required -Tony Jerome Moore, ignition interlock device 29, was convicted of Pos- and was fined $435. session of Less than an Ounce of Marijuana, an Unclassified Violation, and was fined $650. -Tony Jerome Moore, 29, additionally was con- victed of Failure to Appear ans Affairs Robert D. Sny- der. “As we seek continual improvement and to rebuild trust among veterans, it is critical that we continue to listen and learn directly from those who use our system.” This town hall meeting is open to the public and the media, as well as Congres- sional stakeholders, Veteran Service Organizations, non- governmental organiza- tions, and other community partners. Justice Court Report The council also approved waivers to the city’s water and sewer system develop- ment charges for 2017. Councilors also passed two resolutions in oppo- sition to Governor Kate Brown’s proposed budget. One resolution opposes the proposed closure of the Pendleton forensics lab, one of only five in the state. The other resolution opposes the proposed budget reduction to the Oregon State Police, which could result in the elimination of the Drug Enforcement Section. The Drug Enforcement Section would eliminate 19 posi- tions, including three posi- tions assigned to the Blue Mountain Enforcement Narcotics Team in Morrow and Umatilla counties. The next meeting of the Boardman City Council will be Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. at Boardman City Hall. DA’s Report Magnetic Door Signs! *Lots of Sizes* * Lots of Colors* * Free Quotes* CALL The Heppner Gazette Times (541) 676- 9228 II, a Class A Misdemeanor. Sentence of 180 days’ jail time was suspended and the defendant sentenced to one year bench proba- tion, to include 80 hours of community service and a written letter of apology for missing court, submitted through the district attor- ney’s office. Fines, fees and assessments totaled $1,100. WE PRINT! e Pin dit ral Cre N. 103 8 Box • P.O. Water n, OR 97886 889 Westo 569-6 376 (888) 566-2 one: 270 or (541) 566-9 (541) uci.net Fax: pcfcu@ Teleph E: mail: de ek Fe Cre n io Un WILD- HORSE RESOR T & CA- SINO Letterhead AND Envelopes AND MORE!!! Heppner Gazette 541-676-9228