Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - FIVE Sheriff’s Report October 20: -Mor- row County Sheriff’s Of- fice received report from a caller in Boardman that their brother punched their mother in the nose; she was bleeding from the nose. The caller advised the mother asked the son for the phone and he got mad and punched her and took off. Boardman PD, MCSO and Boardman ambulance responded. The mother was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital by ambulance. Boardman PD arrested Jose Javier Ruiz, 21, for Assault II and Men- acing. Subject was lodged at Umatilla County Jail. -MCSO was advised that a male and female were fighting at an Irrigon loca- tion. MCSO and Boardman PD responded and the par- ties were separated. -A female in Heppner advised MCSO that her laptop was taken from her vehicle between 9:30 and 11 p.m. Tuesday night. MCSO responded and took a report. -MCSO received report that someone drove by a residence in Boardman and shot a gun through the win- dow; unknown what they were shooting at. MCSO responded and was unable to locate. -MCSO was advised by a caller in Irrigon that he got to his mom’s house and his little sister pulled his daughter out of the car and wouldn’t give her back. MCSO responded and determined it to be a civil matter. -MCSO was advised of a verbal altercation at Smiley’s Happy Place in Boardman. The altercation kept getting a little heated and the caller requested a walkthrough to calm the patrons down so it didn’t escalate. MCSO responded and an extra patrol was requested. -MCSO received a driving complaint on I-84 west, Boardman. The driver was swerving, getting up on other vehicles and tailgat- ing, as well as speeding. MCSO responded and the driver was pulled over at the Three Mile Canyon exit with a flat tire. October 21: -A female in Irrigon advised Morrow County Sheriff’s Office that her grandparents received a call stating that her brother was in an accident and the female involved would set- tle the accident for $8,000 sent via Western Union. The caller advised her grandparents just wanted the information logged and the deputy advised. -A female in Heppner advised MCSO that her grandmother backed into a vehicle and the other party seemed impaired in some way. -A female in Lexington advised there were three camp trailers that people were living in at a location, music extremely loud all hours of the day and night. The caller also advised she heard yelling and scream- ing all of the time during the night, not sure if it was kids playing or adults yell- ing, and reported that there was a strange smell perme- ating the area. She advised people had been living in the trailers for over a year, and she would like the area checked. -MCSO was contacted by a male in Lexington who said he had given another party money and a vehicle as payment to fix up a ve- hicle. He advised the party had the vehicle for two years and did not fix up the vehicle, and that he had his vehicle back but was missing some parts. He re- quested contact because he wanted to know his options. -MCSO received a 911 call from Heppner. Dis- patch listened for a minute or so and a 10-year-old advise he dialed the wrong number and was trying to call his grandma. MCSO made contact at the resi- dence. -A driver on I-84 ad- vised another driver tried to run him off the road; he was currently parked next to the other driver at the eastbound rest area. MCSO responded and resolved the problem. October 22: -Board- man PD received a report of shots fired in Boardman but was unable to locate the source of the disturbance. -A Union Pacific Rail- road employee advised law enforcement of two females and a male living between the railroad tracks and the fence in Boardman and requested that a deputy go out and ask them to leave. Boardman PD responded but was unable to locate the subjects. -Morrow County Sher- iff’s Office was advised of a goat at a residence in Boardman; the caller asked that someone check on it because it had been tied up outside with no shelter through all the rain and weather. A deputy respond- ed but was unable to locate any goats tied up. -A female out of Ione called and advised her boy- friend got bad news from NOW HIRING DRIVERS his ex-wife and was say- ing he was going to kill himself. MCSO responded and was advised the subject was already on his way to Hermiston. -MCSO was advised that Gilliam County Sher- iff’s Office arrested Truman Lloyd Chamberlin, 20, on Morrow County Circuit Court warrants for Proba- tion Violation/Failure to Appear and Probation Vio- lation/Possession of Meth- amphetamines. Subject was lodged at NORCOR. October 23: -Board- man ambulance was dis- patched to a call regarding a 37-year-old male who was semi-conscious and breath- ing. His wife said he was intoxicated, hadn’t eaten in seven days and just wanted to sleep. Patient was trans- ported to Good Shepherd Hospital. -Morrow County Sher- iff’s Office arrested Manuel Juarez, 19, for Failure to Appear on Failure to per- form Duties of a Driver and Failure to Carry or Present License. -Boardman PD was advised by a caller that their 16-year-old daughter was at the Boardman Select mar- ket and two Hispanic males kept asking her if they could see her and then followed her home. Boardman PD responded. October 24: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office, Boardman PD, Boardman ambulance, Boardman fire department, Oregon State Police and Oregon Dept. of Transportation responded to a head-on collision be- tween two vehicles on I-84 east, Boardman. -A female in Heppner advised MCSO that her cat was missing and that she believed her neighbor may have taken it to the pound. She advised she would check around for her cat and if she found it was taken and turned in she would call back to speak to a deputy about her neigh- bor. A deputy made phone contact with the subject. -MCSO responded to a report of an individu- al walking in Boardman, wearing no shirt and punch- ing signs. MCSO arrested Marvin Lewis Strickland, 37, on a Morrow County Circuit Court warrant for Failure to Appear on As- sault IV, Criminal Mischief II and Harassment. -MCSO arrested Chris- tine Luzette Mendoza, 43, on a warrant for Failure to Appear on DUII (Driv- ing Under the Influence of Intoxicants), Assault and Harassment. -A female in Heppner advised MCSO that her neighbor yelled at her dog and her, and threatened her other half. MCSO respond- ed and a female subject was warned for maintaining a dog as a public nuisance. -Emergency dispatch received a call from a fe- male in Irrigon who advised it was an accidental dial. However, dispatch reported there was an elevated voice in the background and the comments seemed to be di- rected at the caller. A deputy responded. -MCSO was advised of a juvenile complaint at Irrigon High School. -Umatilla County ad- vised MCSO that they ar- rested Suzanne Marie Ber- go, 32, on Umatilla County warrants with a hold placed for a Morrow County Cir- cuit Court warrant for Fail- ure to Appear on Criminal Trespass I. -MCSO was advised of a hit and run in Boardman; a car came down the street and hit a fence, then back out and kept going. -MCSO responded to a report of a vehicle going the wrong way on I-84 but was unable to locate the vehicle. -MCSO was advised about a juvenile in Hep- pner who had made threats against some elementary girls. -MCSO responded to a request for assistance from Pendleton PD for an individual in Boardman. A deputy responded to the reported workplace but the individual was not there. -A male in Lexington advised MCSO that the neighbor was playing loud music and then threatened him, telling the caller to come out and take care of it and wanting to fight him. MCSO made contact and advised the neighbor of the county noise ordinance. -MCSO took a report of a possible runaway juvenile in Irrigon; the grandmother reported he had gone to the Marina but had not re- turned home with her other grandson. -MCSO was advised of a possible suicidal subject in Irrigon, lying out in the middle of the road. -MCSO took a report of a possible runway in Irri- gon; a mother called around 9:30 p.m. and advised that her son had not returned home from school yet and was usually home about 4 p.m. October 25: -Morrow County Sheriff ’s Office was advised of a domes- tic disturbance in Board- man. A female advised she was having problems with her baby’s father; he slapped her in the face. Juan Jimenez was arrested for Domestic Violence Ha- rassment and lodged at Umatilla County Jail. -Emergency dispatch was advised of a 66-year- old female in Ione who sat on a broken chair and fell and hit her neck hard. The patient was transported by ambulance. -Emergency dispatch received a call regarding an 88-year-old male in Irrigon who has blood spurting out of an artery. Irrigon ambu- lance transported the male to Good Shepherd Hospital. -MCSO was advised of a goat being neglected at a location in Irrigon. The caller advised they had moved it back from the road after the deputy responded a couple of days ago but that the problem had not been resolved. -A Lexington resident reported that a male a depu- ty had been looking for was at his residence. The caller stated the deputy was look- ing for the subject because he had not registered as a sex offender in more than two years. -MCSO received infor- mation that a 17-year-old with a warrant out of Wash- ington was in Boardman. MCSO located the juvenile and handed her over to the Dept. of Human Services. -MCSO was advised that Hermiston PD arrested Latisha Sue Rodriguez on a Morrow County Parole and Probation detainer warrant. -MCSO took a report regarding a vehicle reported stolen out of Irrigon. -MCSO received a re- quest for assistance from intertribal police; a marine deputy was requested to be at Sundale Boat launch to help look for a body in the river. October 26: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office was advised of a farm pickup that was stolen from Three- mile Canyon Farms and stripped. And employee noticed it parked alongside the road near an RV park. The caller advised he had not touched anything and would remain on the scene. -MCSO was advised of a vehicle that had been parked near Tupper for three days. The caller re- quested a welfare check at the vehicle owner’s resi- dence in Irrigon to make sure everything was okay and that they knew where their vehicle was. -MCSO received a driving complaint regarding high school kids in Heppner driving very fast when they came downtown for lunch, speeding, peeling out from the stop sign and driving recklessly. The caller re- quested that they be talked to and that there be an extra patrol in the area. -A deputy noticed graf- fiti in Irrigon with a deroga- tory message regarding law enforcement. -MCSO was advised of a burglary in Irrigon. A friend advised the caller that the locks had been cut off the outbuilding and the back door was open. The caller reported that the trailer was trashed but it was unknown if anything was taken. -MCSO was advised that a male with warrants out had just been dropped off at a residence. MCSO arrested Shawn Michael Mayes, 23, on a Umatilla County Circuit Court war- rant for Failure to Appear on Assault IV and Harass- ment, as well as an Oregon State Parole Board warrant for Probation Violation. -An officer contacted a male in Boardman who had blood on himself. MCSO determined no crime had been committed. Arrange- ment were made for follow- up contact by Community Counseling Solutions. -a Boardman resident informed MCSO that some- one has shot and killed one of his peacock birds. A deputy responded. October 27: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office re- ceived report from a female in Boardman who said her brother was on his bike by the Sinclair station when a car with Washington plates chased him, even going up on the curb following him. She advised her brother ended up taking a dirt road home and went in the house and locked himself inside. It was unknown if the car saw where he went. MCSO took the incident under in- vestigation. -A female in Irrigon advised MCSO that her friend received a call from the caller’s daughter; she was said to be on drugs and threatening to kill herself. The caller requested a wel- fare check. MCSO checked the area and sent out an At- tempt to Locate to Easter Oregon. -MCSO received a complaint from a female in Irrigon who advised some- one was digging holes on her property. She advised she believed her former neighbor hired someone to dig, and thinks they were trying to put in a shutoff valve for a shared well. A deputy contacted the caller and advised her it was a civil issue. -The School Resource Officer was given informa- tion that a father in Irri- gon punched his son in the stomach. The school called and made a report to Dept. of Human Services. -MCSO was advised that Pendleton Parole and Probation arrested Olivia West on a detention war- rant. October 28: -Board- man fire, Boardman am- bulance, Boardman PD, Morrow County Sheriff’s Office and Oregon State Police responded to a motor vehicle accident on Hwy. 730, Boardman. A male advised they went through a stop sign. Patients were transported to Good Shep- herd Hospital. -Boardman PD, MCSO and Boardman ambulance responded to a report of a 24-year-old male in Board- man who was conscious and breathing but was hav- ing trouble breathing; the male reportedly took 200 Ibuprofen and 13 unknown tablets the night before. The patient was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital and Community Counsel- ing Solutions advised. -Boardman PD and MCSO responded to re- port of a suspicious person around Umatilla Morrow Head Start in Boardman. -A deputy responded to report of a possible disabled vehicle on Bombing Range Road. The subjects were taking photos of the trees. -A male in Heppner advised that a group of kids threw rocks at his vehicle. The parties reached a civil compromise. -MCSO received report of criminal mischief at Irri- gon High School; bus seats were damaged. MCSO took the incident under investi- gation. -MCSO responded to report of a disturbance at an Irrigon residence, a verbal disagreement between a parent and a child. MCSO responded and the parties were separated for the day. -A person in Irrigon requested that a male sub- ject be trespassed from his house. He advised his stepson brought the subject to the house and the subject was harassing the caller’s 10- and 11-year-olds. October 29: -Emer- gency dispatch was advised of a 63-year-old female who fell out of a motorized chair while outside in Hep- pner. The caller was unsure of injuries but advised the female was exhausted. Hep- pner ambulance responded and Heppner fire responded for lift assist. The patient refused transport. -emergency dispatch received a request for emer- gency medical assistance for a 78-year-old male in Lexington who fell down and was injured. Heppner ambulance and Lexington Quick Raesponse Team responded and the patient was transported. -MCSO received report of an anhydrous truck driv- ing slowly on Piper Canyon Rd., Lexington. The caller advised when the truck saw his headlights, it sped up and drove off. MCSO responded but was unable to locate the truck. -An MCSO deputy re- sponded to report of a male harassing a female at a busi- ness in Heppner. The male advised he would leave. -MCSO was advised of a 13-year-old acting up in Irrigon; he was holding onto the truck and wouldn’t let the truck go, and his father was trying to leave. MCSO and Community Counseling Solutions re- sponded. -MCSO was advised of two males arguing at the Irrigon Shell station; two males seeing the same woman were arguing in the parking lot. MCSO re- sponded and the two parties were going their separate ways. October 30: -A male in Irrigon advised he saw an intruder on his security monitor. Morrow County Sheriff’s Office and Board- man PD responded, but the subject had already left. MCSO took a report for theft and criminal mischief. -An officer received report of a possible intoxi- cated driver at a Boardman location. BPD and MCSO responded. The keys and the subject were turned over to a roommate. -MCSO arrested Rus- sell Gene Whitbeck, 56, on an Irrigon Justice Court -Continued on PAGE EIGHT