Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 25, 2017, Image 1

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    Town and Country awards
right around the corner
VOL. 136
NO. 4
8 Pages
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Heppner Chamber of
Commerce’s annual Town
and Country Community
Awards will be held Thurs-
day, Feb. 9. The event will
begin at 6 p.m. with a no-
host social time, with din-
ner to start at 6:30 p.m.
and the awards program to
Alvin Liu with Gate-
way Café will be catering
the dinner and will be of-
fering, via buffet or served
dinner, prime rib with au
jus and horseradish; creamy
garlic mashed potatoes;
green beans; garden fresh
salad with raspberry vinai-
grette dressing; dinner roll
with butter; chocolate cake
for dessert; and a beverage.
The sponsors for this
event this year are Inve-
nergy, LLC dba Willow
Creek Energy, Northwest
Farm Credit Services and
Portland General Electric.
Tickets are $25 per
person until the week of
the event, at which time
they will be $30 per person,
so please purchase tickets
now. Tickets may be pur-
chased at Bank of Eastern
Oregon, the chamber office,
City of Heppner, Commu-
nity Bank and Murray’s.
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
New scam Ione holds annual inauguration
Local residents have re-
ported a new scam circulat-
ing in an attempt to separate
people from their money.
The Gazette was in-
formed this week that some
Heppner residents were
targeted by an internet
scam involving fraudulent
bills, bills that seemed to
be owed to local businesses
with whom they do busi-
ness. The scam included
an online “check” they
could have filled out to
pay the supposed bills,
with amounts totaling about
Those reporting the
scam said they didn’t lose
any money, but wanted to
make others aware of the
Bryce Rollins of Ione plays the role of Chief Justice John Roberts as he administers the Presidential oath of office to Kalvin
Rietmann, who played the role of President-elect Donald Trump during Ione’s pre-enactment of the inauguration last Thurs-
day. Other Ione students also filled in to play special roles in the event, including Alexandrea Cavan as first lady Melania
Trump, Cameron Proudfoot as Vice President-elect Mike Pence and John McElligott as House Speaker Paul Ryan. Students
also represented local officials like Ione mayor Rod Taylor and Morrow County Judge Melissa Lindsey. The kindergarten,
first- and second-grade classes sang “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” and students marched through the gym. The event ended
with a mock “inaugural ball.” Ione has held a mock inauguration, as well as a mock election, for more than 20 years as a way
to teach students about the political process. -Contributed photo
Heppner council, mayor sworn in
Bank of EO announces
ninth annual BEO
Wrestling Invitational
Heppner—Bank of
Eastern Oregon has an-
nounced the invitees to
Bank of Eastern Oregon’s
2017 Invitational Wrestling
Tournament to be held at
Heppner High School on
Feb. 4.
High schools sched-
uled to compete are River-
tal in organizing the bank’s
sponsorship of the event.
“The bank’s manage-
ment has been very in-
volved in establishing this
annual tournament and
looks forward to the 2017
competition. The first eight
years of the event were
outstanding and we intend
Morrow County Public
Works is currently look-
ing to fill an opening on
the Morrow County Road
Committee. The opening
is for a representative from
the Heppner area, which
will include the City of
Heppner and surrounding
This is a three-year
term. Meetings are held
roughly two times a year
or possibly more as the
need arises. Members work
closely with the Transporta-
tion System Plan and help
keep projects listed and in
working order.
Anyone who is inter-
ested in joining the com-
mittee is asked to send a
written request to sit on
the panel of the Morrow
County Road Committee,
Attn: Burke O’Brien to P.O.
Box 428, Lexington, OR
97839. Requests need to be
in by Feb. 7.
Also. A reminder that
there is a meeting of the
Morrow County Road
Committee Feb. 9 at 1 p.m.
in the Bartholomew Build-
ing upper conference room,
110 N. Court St., Heppner.
planned for
Heppner City Council
members (above L-R) Dale
Bates, John Bowles, Teresa
Bedortha and Corey Sweeney
were sworn into office at the
Jan. 9 city council meeting
in Heppner. All four council
members return to seats they
previously held.
Right: Also sworn in at
the meeting was newly-elected
Heppner Mayor Cody High
(left), who takes the place of
outgoing mayor Skip Mat-
thews (right). -Contributed
Mustang wrestler Carson Brosnan puts a choke-hold on a Mac-
Hi opponent during last year’s BEO Invitational in Heppner.
Brosnan, now a sophomore, won his first high-school medal
at the tournament. -File photo by Kirsti Cason
Heppner chamber holds
annual meeting
At the Heppner Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting Jan. 5, Tricia Rollins installed 2017
chamber board members (L-R) Matt Combe (president), Bob Houser (vice president), Tawny
Miles (treasurer), Jeff Bailey, Nancy Snider, Kim Cutsforth, Ann Murray and Andy Fletcher.
Not pictured is board member John Gould. -Contributed photo
The Heppner Chamber
of Commerce held its 2017
annual luncheon Thursday,
Jan. 5, at St. Patrick’s Se-
nior Center.
Along with a lunch
Checks may be made out
to the Heppner Chamber of
“Plan on coming and
participating with the rest of
the community as we recog-
nize and celebrate our Man
of the Year, Woman of the
Year, Business of the Year,
outstanding youth, Citi-
zen-Educator of the Year
and Lifetime Achievement
Award,” urges chamber
executive director Sheryll
Contact the Heppner
Chamber of Commerce at
541-676-5536 with ques-
tions or to reserve tickets.
catered by JoAnn Lear of
Pudding on the Ritz were
several special presenta-
tions and the installation of
the 2017 board of directors
and officers. Board mem-
bers for this year are Matt
Combe, Kim Cutsforth,
John Gould, Tawny Miles,
Ann Murray, Jeff Bailey,
side, Imbler, Grant Union,
Mac-Hi, Baker JV, Union,
Heppner, Culver, Crane,
Elgin, Joseph, Enterprise,
Adrian, Echo, Irrigon and
Hermiston JV.
The competition begins
at 10 a.m., and Bank of
Eastern Oregon invites the
public to come watch these
talented athletes compete.
Tickets can be purchased
at the door and concessions
will be available.
Mark Lemmon, Bank
of Eastern Oregon’s Chief
Financial Officer and Hep-
pner High School wrestling
coach, has been instrumen-
the BEO Invitational to be
a can’t-miss tournament
on every school’s future
schedule,” said Lemmon.
“We appreciate bank staff
and local citizens who vol-
unteer to help at the event
or sponsor amenities; their
help makes the tournament
run smoothly!”
Anyone who would
like to volunteer to help or
has any inquiries concern-
ing the upcoming event,
please contact Heppner
High School Athletic Di-
rector Greg Grant at 541-
676-9138 or Mark Lemmon
at 541-676-0224.
In last week’s article
about Sheridan Tarnasky’s
retirement, the Gazette
failed to mention that a
retirement gathering is
planned for Tarnasky this
Thursday from 4-6 p.m. at
St. Patrick’s Senior Center
in Heppner. The public is
invited to attend, visit and
wish her a happy retire-
On the Inside....
Hardman Community
Center News......................
Tax Wise and Otherwise...
Mustang Sports.................
Real Estate........................
Sheriff’s Report.................
Classifieds & Legals.........
* *
* *
Morrow County Grain Growers Green Feed & Seed
242 W. Linden Way, Heppner • 676-9422 • 989-8221 (MCGG main office)