Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 14, 2016 OYCC partners local youth, Forest Service - SEVEN DA’s Report Morrow County Dis- trict Attorney Justin Nelson has released the following report: -Tyler Joe Stone, 28, was convicted of Felon in Possession of a Firearm, a Class C Felony. The defen- dant was sentenced to three years supervised probation subject to 180 sanction units with 90 jail units, to include mental health evaluation and 80 hours of community service. The court also stipulated that an AK-47 rifle would be returned to the owner and that, if probation is revoked, the defendant will be sen- tenced to gridblock 6D presumptive sentence (13- 14 months). The defendant was additionally convicted of Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Police officer, a Class A Misdemeanor, and was sentenced to discharge. Fines, fees and assessments totaled $300. Sheriff’s Report This year’s local Oregon Youth Conservation Corps (OYCC) crew (L-R): Kevin Smith, Tanner Mills, Shayna Osmin and Cassi Hahn. The OYCC partnered again this year with the Umatilla National Forest, Heppner District, providing funding for youth work crews to complete proj- ects such as trail construction and maintenance, landscaping, planting, wetland restoration, invasive weed removal, construction and gardening. Oregon’s OYCC was created in 1987 to emulate the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930’s. -Contributed photo SCHOOL DISTRICT -Continued from PAGE ONE Riverside High School HJSHS ed assistant, Penny district’s wrap-around ser- vices, which include in- creased access for students and their families to coun- seling, health and dental care, and other services. He said the program was de- signed to “strengthen fami- lies and support effective parenting.” He noted that dental issues were the num- ber one problem contribut- ing to school absences. In other business, the board: -learned of a vacancy on the OSAA eligibility appeals board. -approved the district’s “Healthy and Safe Schools Plan,” which includes plans for radon testing, testing for lead in drinking water, reducing exposure to lead paint, pest management, and for reporting results. -viewed a presentation by parents and staff on parent involvement at Sam Boardman Elementary. “It’s great to see a willingness of parents and staff to work together,” said Dirksen. -adopted policy on board meetings, adoption and revision of policies, unmanned aircraft system (UAS) aka drone, inter- scholastic and co-curricular activities program, educa- tional equity, extracurricu- lar/interscholastic activities eligibility requirements, individual board member’s authority and responsi- bilities, executive sessions, board member resignation. -approved an early graduation request for an Irrigon Jr./Sr. High School student. -approved a travel request submitted by the cheerleaders to perform in a holiday parade at Disney World. The cheerleaders said they were raising funds to attend. -received the follow- ing enrollment report for September: A.C. Houghton Elementary, Irrigon, kin- dergarten through grade three-277; Sam Boardman Elementary, Boardman, grades K-three-338, Hep- pner Elementary, grades K-six-178; Irrigon Elemen- tary, grades four-six-209, Windy River Elementary, Boardman, grades four- six-233; Heppner Junior/ Senior High School, grades seven-12-163; Irrigon Ju- nior/Senior High School, grades seven-12-395; Riv- erside Junior/Senior High School, Boardman, grades seven-12-431; Morrow Education Center-51; to- tal-2,275. -learned that Jill Parker has said that she would serve on the budget com- mittee Position #2 -approved the follow- ing employment action for September: resignations/ non-renewals for Andrea Chairez, eight-hours a week custodian at the Morrow Education Center and dis- trict office, Dennis Force, Irrigon Elementary head custodian, Nicole Pearson, IES ed assistant, Stefanie Swindler, Sam Boardman Elementary ed assistant, Jessica Stelk, Heppner Ju- nior/Senior High ed as- sistant, Matthew Brown, HJSHS ed assistant; Em- ployment/Promotions/ Transfers for Tiffanie Gree- nup, transfer to HJSHS ed assistant, Ken Grieb, Holland, transfer to Irrigon Elementary ed assistant, Glen “Kent” Lamoureaux, Morrow Education Center half-time special education teacher, Isela Osario Lopez, Sam Boardman Elemen- tary ed assistant, Angelica Sauceda, SBE temporary SPED ed assistant, Adara Spring, SBE ed assistant; Extra duty contracts for Rhonda Boor, RJSHS junior high head volleyball coach, Luis Campos, IJSHS high school assistant boys’ soc- cer coach, Andrea Chairez, IJSHS high school assistant girls’ soccer coach, Joe Cobb, IJSHS head high school girls’ soccer coach, Minerva DeLoera, IJSHS junior high assistant vol- leyball coach, Richard Moore, RJSHS junior high assistant football coach, Thomas Newton, RJSHS high school assistant foot- ball coach, Rebecca Renfro, RJSHS junior high assistant volleyball coach. -adopted resolutions accepting and appropriating unanticipated revenues as follows: a $1,300 Walmart grant for the Riverside Ju- nior/Senior High School science department for science equipment; and a $2,500 donation from Castle Rock Farming for equipment for the Riverside Junior/Senior High School volleyball team. -heard the follow- ing announcements: Sept. 28-Oregon School Board Association fall regional meeting; Nov. 10-13-OSBA annual convention, Port- land; Oct. 10-next board meeting, A.C. Houghton Elementary, Irrigon. Reach More Customers in Morrow County! rodeos s MOCO OTPR, ce 2013 winner announ s begin ovation ouse ren Courth to lift the for a helicopter after care- County bell tower but, helicopter the is The Morrow in Heppner its ful review, were concerned Courthouse stages of “…would companies early structure the prop in the After careful that the te in bid was face ‘lift.’ by engineers, disintegra that the wash.” A second to lift evaluation for a crane it was determined released of the courthouse and needs the bell tower. Crane Ser- bell tower Northwest successful of the has deteriorated in the near renovation bid was vice was the crane op- in detail to be repaired begin the original for the date that will tower (pictured future. The with a bidder with a bid amount ted lift clock month, the of this Courthouse eration, The long-anticipa for lifting County the middle photos of $13,720 and replacing Morrow is scheduled for They will below) later. -Contributed bell tower tower. to be release one day the bell a 225-ton crane, lift and the t. bring in be set up in the day for the es- replacemen which will lot behind for the dome, which is The lower parking over 7,000 the to weigh lifted by courthouse. date for timated be The target be during pounds, will tarp on a trailer for lift will 22-26. A building, ed and placed actual industrial and high-power o f of July will be crane be taken off-site by Bank donated the week date and will partitions r e m i n i s c e n t a Di Salvo to the this year, Fair and OTPR specific of week, renovations. bell, or re,” saddle s Andrea 51 more By County of light suspected like something in the next All Around Morrow from Area n. mber or “Obamaca The courthouse It looks selected weather. over 3,000 the empty something r Cha the OTPR of BEO and after being to kill Hitler, s, Russel to e p p n e last week. movie, CSI investigatio of home with John Qualls work has which weighs be removed subject from a conspiring was back with competitor home with By David Sykes Morrow H Di Salvo high-tech being the set are will (left) went tower. taken Preliminary Commerce said provisions the 253 went photo Cardosa There are By Andrea October of 1944, and Italy In the Pacific, With Cardosa ‘lift’ and the clock dis- pounds, Rather than drama, though, Dan Grigg, District Russel as d in the Grigg saddle this Cardosa was that Oregon. –Contributed rodeo finished It was of begun in safe distance. Health is being Resi- in a second War II the Allies. Japan reeling Powell. in town implemente young Heppner’s of Eastern a futuristic local for renovations are a County with Morrow the All-Around by Bank Krysten already within is deeply tor, explained the Allies The U.S. had r fulfilled having The clock and World many places a good view Queen donated removed. near off-site . under Placing renovations the site Europe, weekend and included l Mill year, will In parent’s a Administra After Gibbs law back changes on MacArthu contestants sion mantled notice in the Oregon. tie down past. raging. will provide while also the offensive By Sue to take old Kinzua the process not well. p r o f e s local County y ; and Chiropractic Eastern a the coming Protection adults stay until age 26, action the safety Heppner’s local From erman dents may the bell will were pushing complete, In Ione, a of the Dickenson rodeo by in cow milking, roping his promise of to our Patient Care Act, insurance rooted in limits azi G where team outside be nec- reversed. dollar future that on the hour. i n t o N committed suicide the Phillipines. crashed in this the That’s Rod Wilson this year’s started each the Mutton roping and rodeo results pad be While it will court- being title for His & Affordable talents, g companies, no lifetime flying s of the be striking the Rommel zones. updates become U.S. bomber George secured the MOCO were filled with sponsorin get tower where guy” Tim contractor field while lot will essary to close safety of the cowboy. Preparation Caden from insurance to be pro- As Jones this of the clock stubble runs. parking rodeos with Medicare the and “helper and talented Bustin’. winner ac- they will Terrebonne Jo Cardoza services, Ga- like the interior -Photo by Mallorie people are working in the lower allowing for for house for the public and available, g Cribbs wife Sammy practice fast times Slack started was the lucky dated light into Adams Morrow County not seem piece the Heppner barrel racing free preventive to Wilson shines a of restoration. It may the begin, still courthouse AN- evening year, with David close employees, the closures vided in , on the Morrow The oldest Hicks, third in athletes. more pre-existin the restore the Angell spectacular but clock tower the process Thursday and no for kids under Grigg , tower. belongs to Red Drug for placed RODEO WINNERS cess to at http:// FOUR it sits in the most War II action, off on to a minimum zette-Times DMV Disabled the contractor, or Dan and Carson Courthouse glory. of name om/ his presence the Murray’s be kept condition The assumption services County website The highlights from -See NOUNCED/PAGE those with Administrat Chamber dates is of World retired Air Force during to will ntyoregon.c and Permits. its former beer tasting. June 14, to provide District the Heppner the 49-year- the tower. es behind. show came of who recorded is that it age of 19. said what to Parking estimated cost Health in order morrowcou r-updates/, Wilson, o f Wi l s o n Wilson says, the year the for posterity on of the NPRA family. Out for one one Ione resident, wine and performanc care law David Sykes County Griggs is no more In 2016 The and the remove to the public. date Coun- ner Oregon will be es- clock-towe Allison by Morrow to 1902, completed. next new health vet and plenty of lifetime The NPRA Flood. for ’ old ow Heppner, vet Bill crane and both Friday our the Cardosa for a family). to $695 n in Heppner, is back coming ng conditions explains the last week. –Photo was Safety zones the court- on the new ‘Morrow County, of 1903…the hire a tower, prepare Heppner Clement, Air Force of the military work it created or $975 penalty goes followed evening and Morrow per around Constructio courthouse can’t find a lot Tower Renovation historic (left) and pre-existi and that most Commerce location By Andrea Di with 50 renovation the 3, 2013 the clock repair the clock July $347.50 memories. Air Force veteran a of Ione pinpoint the “We Wilson, One name, Tony October of will be enforced. ty Clock page. Oregon Saturday the tablished hours Wednesday, says the a high production –Photo adult and $2085 for a for anyone, will be required that employers as of Heppner, U.S. the crane, then replace map to Ione in 1944. are house and is encouraged Facebook on it,” says time (30 y e e s per Bill Rietmann who was to County, “not really more a labor an area history that there near from insurance. more full O. ) 27 e m p 8 l o Pages is as recent public Morrow Americans child (up Undocume nted tower, and is over $300,000 but k Bill Allison, t in 1944, examine that crashed minimum between the The watch the process 28, 2013 now owned health thing,” the old tower. of courthouse 2012. adding the names r w e N e and reviewing who bomber opposed to have p e 132 VOL. whites bell tower require closing on land August and struck almost blueprints at the old pictures 2 nd Lieutenan them with a steep family). people Indian provisions Ione, Wednesday, Aside from the tower, of 12 men one to see the love for e buildings Rietmann son, worked In a deal Governor John provide statutory process immigrants, grounds, and will inside a lot of tower, or or pay until you accepted 8 Pages by Harold led a crew a crashed bomber Salvo for at least “We’ve also he cautioned, OR—Hous existing with 35 Federal the k but not Harold’s O. tion e that in inscribed income formally eyes,” t N the religious Oregon the insurance Adams the by on courthouse SALEM, n a K o and their bell, retrieved in October of Businesses will service aircraft, and low farmed VOL. 132 of the took to put them th Wilson and to nine bullet e r Ti g . 2 0 adding, “Registra mean that governing Ktizhaber t, Oregon penalty. of developing n it is.” 25 employees tribes, will be exempt. 20 up near Ione who turned f Au Speak he never into military from recently constructio grade. necessarily what it turn of the he Greg.Allison said As o counted insurance families insurance fewer than Governmen of 1940. to the capital of the state on Medicare, year. Allison, by an- apparently pson reported doesn’t heard he is me that for Oct. in the ninth returned of a August up at the appointed with announced at the tower holes, start health may purchase decision and the 32 pilot but e class enrolled anything.” portion The task The Also those veterans plans, d and met Crane-Sim beginning “They told be eligible 90 in July, week as part of she had n S t a t e assessor’s 10 amazing people shooting Two holes injured. lows the ninth-grad century. disoriente exchanges and would “My concern The badly the see the budget. also make whole group 202 students with Medicaid, plans and certain ego many not with scene last tour of some Sykes he was,” became “The most is that they “just for fun.” school, ball on other long-term employee, till you eyes,” O r ive Greg to the nearest a day. District Salvo 1, 2013. coming, says tax credits. it exceptions, By April have been lives r k was split, know where He was didn’t Di force will dations employer sed health plans office Doherty, at the topmost r) walked only once waiting Warner now got School “nostalgic” some there about Representat ners. be the their assessor’s a of There the up pilot in class who Andrea M Also of Ione With recently highlights. Linda will thing n t ran expansion By in the were from together meet- member Smith (R-Heppne on recommen changes the home Becky announced kindergarte on a trajectory Allison, thing way grow, our whites e self-purcha at t e n d e “He his life’s is the we exempt will be changes Ione house, “As Students then. June 26 Force academ- years ago top of the tower. 2014 there anyon Rietmann. built that Ione Mayor and said S Houston, the u p e r i n TX. “We’re n u m b e r s , ” countered board “is that eligibility Grigg, to grow,” of d ow for statutory are also that history to put At the County office since who has IRS n told the Task s f o r summer hundred of in n a l in t i e their met by her husband had at of- i l l a l l to the their and Juanita rg e r health penalties. The is going With all Morrow at pictures Oregon . The Lisa Rietmann, to hire a to over a don’t know how and in Mulvihill know they Constructio of Medicaid of 133% a boost pe gas and that w to the buy newly-hire her retirement. for la pros- enforcing and d Rietmann’s Heppner, Looking in LaRue, ing of the Sweek, county The assessor’s board, Aug. in 20 size Capital 551, out of hard the men thanks Del LaRue, does not o r at h Hep- County, a v e i t in charge of tax col- Crane- added Mulvihill is that courthouse and we With the two law to incomes poverty level. ics who for school meeting commente he says. there stake, do the job right, the legislature might be that late date).” Process (SB 2013 Morrow said, came they Jones programs “first man” Bill Rietmann. down.” crash site Sarah from the Court, Greg and tax collec- fice and the were $95 nc e , Rietmann did it,” budgets n to losing s do it (at she 6, 2013 Obamacare 716 a the Principal has The bell said that problem, he the federal there are 2,434 school regular i n s ur a at work, of office by Mallorie this they says that past, have says. develop in Ione, She BOMBER pect of The plane the growth in need house November Ione resident was the person that he assessor Chapter have per new said that lector’s in 2001 as schools. constructio on Wilson He teacher thing Rep. Greg with a great with WWII n THREE tower. -Photo on this and so wheels-up, to the they of “high the large classroom the Currently County residents pner provided that year. $47.50 Wilson g, Wednesday, Simpson. -See capital LaRue penalties. announced people GROWING on e clues effective programs contacted E Rietmann HEALTH- night, biggest h and a it t tor, Laws). based Smith merged field is The adult put for mea- knowledge t for the the CRASH/PAG 10 Pages FIVE for sever- “The expectatio experiencin greatest not occur every starting two months we’ve gotten initially memory at are stubble to retire year. -See IONE are a few piece of tin found AGE Morrow for Medicaid per projects how to right deal of goals Smith -See COMING a vision ranch N O. 43 to $285 ded Allison y decided with one of the soft formulate in operation PAINS/PAGE down schools; member 3 of this “…a a cost-saving brothers’ is where Wilson, gesturing such as a long-term of VOL. 132 eligible additional 1,000 been the penalty to child (up rigor” is “I think we may recommen is.” CARE CHANGES/P FIVE imprinted Co.; was deciding with the about assessmen in his trip September only House to the task In 2015 ran adult from and Rietmann miles north it was year al years at Heppner ard the court sure. Technolog identified together will make it platform on the tower Greg Sweek far,” says Oregon with an letter family). they per future. o f t h e b o concerns. more teacher.” He said moment for also has changed and tax, with ap- school “as have to wait Sheet Steel New back d by the at that Heppner, appointed will join Fred a for the state. pleased the sent a about five had year “That’s t to $325 child Oregon lane. one 19-27 (up to As “We’re ly dur- at a half-built this goes “You as anticipate me Morrow County, tower. time.” “American “He just ‘Mayor of forward Heppner, t as- “I am appointed the school and need But, she added, he materials per Best Bloom; bitterswee very much look- dramatical tenure force and the Senate says. says 8-11 a.m. June to County, moved full and gutted 18, 2013 TO whatever Elementary Apollo 2016. replacemen $162.50 meeting, in the fifth 2015, Morrow last,” he from the actual best guess, almost addressed LaRue. me. I am Girod from governor’s team. speaker has make it, there have pointing a Gorman. Mike September NAMED Jr./Sr. was to retirement, ing Greg’s 4, 2013 Also by requirement both Heppner tower, Aside working platform, or clock York.” His the pieces—or said 29 students which and going to E FIVE Wednesday, Allison -See SMITH of the September for Ione,’” and Heppner ing forward going to miss with the county; part of the force is 10 charged is the have The letter, Pages class, hardware ents sessor, Mike in the asses- of says, will says, is that Wednesday, will School Reasons Grigg, sixth grades, structure task N O. 38 a current In the sum- but I am TASK FORCE/PAG combined worked August The 132 8 Pages and Adams York I have worked been several improvem for the some details in which some of them—may d attendance High School. floor, Wilson O. 36 still one with has office since in New cradle ID and VOL. school the coordinator tutors a pair those people recounted and asked if there with creating state-owne 132 out N and Wilson made VOL. retriev- sor’s Sykes a main in software well as the summer hold the years, each Caldwell, OR, in a inventory of school, a whole by Andrea closely with.” worked the event rests, as from credit By David most people that been then shipped around over the born in have Coiner, of 2002. –Photo the ranged the bell and pillars the elementary and the up necessary “We Melissa on Greg has office since their own challenges. fol- When to spend raised in Molalla, or 16 HES teacher was anyone a Sunday a poles at this year’s session. town in she failed and program would remember retirement she wants al—making were poles pedestals hold the tower about school of UEC lineman assessor’s and was ap- means Greg’s bunch that that n reason—to area who about it. After because with her family, small logging turn, think were mer first-graders a during a Valley lot of strands the usually 1977 classes and will, in 1979. looking it’s completed transmissio some n poles anything the letter, LaRue more time her husband to Willamette drive, it the country or for is, different sub- July 11, as assessor in her a to meet of ground,” “We’re r f u l missed for tutoring to itself once to its spot distributio s Di Salvo powe on the Butter reported. all night long ta—that in different reading recalled hearing especially According pointed drive in extra down says reminds . The The benchmark several at working al the Tri-Cities and returned SCHOOL/ of learning that gusted a little reported open invitation state courthouse mill said she from someone. grandkids. and lunch. she enjoyed Heppner. p r o f e s s i o n trip to Highway but was next grade was not it an County rigorous though the back together.” w e r e -See SUMMER PAGE FIVE atop the sits in the old windstorm for the Her Heppner put students, d is in the story it was 85-year- of the freeway, Pointer, the shop, too t r e e s staff the Morrow some shopping l s o Creek south for the for one t the bell also waiting to have a F a l l e n School da- and through e v e n i n g a or prepare in a news to all on miles seniors She took She thought running became a little rs; However, a trip around work backgroun y housing had based need. throughou strand to Heppner n level. co-op said sure building, stripped and by using with 32 ninth-grade Di Salvo long- S u n d a through the Butter Rietmann. poles as many the difficult construction, and, reported it certain old and par- business –Photo at man, it’s behind the wheel the well him More Andrea According Combe, Canyon looked constructio car. d as to By making ing the paint sealant applied. County’s projected with the six they car. She whipped and into racing l students, release. Matt Lindsay school region, into power it to the letter he remembere popular, 6 0 - s o m e t h orial saying race track BMW race g h will Morrow even heavy building. of By April Sykes clear grades BMW 325i carried high-schoo a lab in each 36 to go e r Mem Creek Valley area. Gusting principal man” is fallen on up. as road Associate in summer the trees leaning protective s and be new, The tower itself with his the Bombing enough, for th have for go with of his own d a y s t h r o u truck that crew leader P i o n e e not do births and safe to keep Road time “tax to his office in up a hill holds would allow school class- already her just such work. Hermiston 50 to 70 mph ticipation find Russell Seewald flat-bed shaves,” said Sykes Road near a happy does Mon for 22 to lines, tripping substation it it all. was a P-38 seamstress business in building obtained on the would race he still a bit more power Range, on Saylor By April Ione School Board close farewell courthouse. Greg you can a David Sykes elementary nt Hospital and hasn’t e r, at Baxter breakers at the area. A everyone ce Day six-eight; IONE SCHOOL winds from grew,” Science degree The plane apparently “This so many P-38 loaded attending timed. He says records from take “In the beginning trees and The -See t out Fridays Seewald behind would June 25 shape. near this week grew and that n manageme a s anymore e . H o w ev county GE EIGHT also Independen in just he was photo runs The “We had Butter Creek, in observance flattened at their the dis- room. breakdown course retired throughou bomber grew and wish of Eastern to when breaker “It was very poor toward July 4, constructio C l a c k a m in s o m e t i m McCoy Haak Portland. –Contributed Russell practice and knocked to on Edwards roads River day, GRANTS/PA The with the We McNary that learned Sweek years as Morrow go out was in was several events. flying poles Pointer. the Bank he works a banking conference Range. of- Old to and Boardman Allison. m at first He es meeting protective that was says Bill , on desk from ago. those bought his n g It was leaning supports and of the holiday. at the Adams I was bargaining f r o the regular received $118,000 include 16 Bombing after 34 ty College little Walker did not get is already new where power Gulch. Hermiston The ci and Tim opened at Umatilla, Assessor. was born al and Phoenix years an Idaho bank over the was a fairly The Gazette-Tim district He more than on Thurs- Communi Oregon, it up near Umatilla for ra floor he trict has street. County 16 the to Brian Road for 60, Despain agricultur officer. grants. and his B M W 3 2 8 on last 12 apparently liked the were holding says substation for some of UEC’s the clock Not The P-38 will be closed for, I guess.” says she’s been other locations. Sweek, as an in local School Principal next to Heppner. Jones According Columbia fice multiple wires l loan e n d s , working memo. w a s b o r n before he the 2005.She spent the he always are that Pointer to fail,” stands inside the at gateway power supply. downed it Ione the at 3:41 raised in by Mallorie eek He at the time, for Portland commercia to Heppner, because man, but with announced about making she the light says other and “there for were starting Rod Wilson and . -Photos we got Kollman Co-Op, that moved ome w Sept. 12, working Numerous at Irrigon. (far right) wholesale 9 p.m. Sunday, he a local rewire say building model thinking some time, but “When received B u t c has a hobby to family conference offered Memorial belong were reported Jerry Archer only is could almost Wilson Thursday, David and she years Greg Sweek Gorham, Sandi one mile By for this of them around,” He Wilson. could see what are constructing Basin Electric district ICABO did not tower. tower move for make sure t, General Electric, Haak member at Pioneer of customers Assessor options Mike and the Seewald us never get we his and he says. a lot a.m. that the the tin assembled locally. and managing a person m o s to t the office. of the An estimated from for p.m. power lines Basin. Rather, Hughes, Di Salvo farmed County cars several different that board submitted On Et wanted to n lines in DAMAGES and Aaron Club…9 parts 15, and such, racing and down, of poor shape f t h e born been Morrow n thousands the y Agri- most of . He races SIX has STORM $118,000 Electric of transmissio good replacemen Country have Retiring 3 weighing 21 (L-R) Patricia by Andrea learned by O n e o he was of history is Nov. who databases n projects spent to Amy of Sew -See to Columbia having kind a.m.-6 p.m. Sykes a.m.-dark race entertainment. a choice of parts that car for Burns the . reins distributio Her previous family Estes. –Photo , July They clock the Pacific n) and found a She of LINES/PAGE of pieces birthday and he over Umatilla that –Photo by April experience Pacific NW Bondurant she says, She constructio Hall…9 built (Ione Communit Despite against him, in the Creek of Heppner, measuring over in.” in the date, out Sept. 18. resigned POWER t—Willow it was contracts. Cyde all in his office pedestals month. s on site)…10 Wednesday Organizatio one mile blown down resignation Legion interesting His lies due the outside “They had golf and other attended the Bob to become was Hermiston next also someone, disappoint.” Haak. -Photo expires (left) will a hand civil engineers. SEWING at 7 lbs. and Founda- The and as stacked at several he really enjoys had didn’t Patton Business the tax mother hectic for had head,” Co-op in Much of been covered on the tower Walker inside. worked Sale—Ione Lot (concession emergency Golf like include contract Pointer lines Tournamen Sweek that he i s p o s i t i o n at school Education and Book locations. was too the time cards “wouldn’t found that person written Sports to DeLoach -See HEPPNER FOUR inches long. also had to Julie his Amy and d. Amy, usual. colored one he was and re-skinned had Health Stefani activities speak, path to the By April Sykes tracks, and h are Northwest. the Ione wood at various Marlene Changes “I p.m. Aaron, baby born was not began receiving but then t. owing SHOP/PAGE County but they always driving to join the 5:30 Sunday Topic storm Club to take a from in Heppner from $100 I so to names fund projects at the many names says and the tower the metal tin, not office when will be new season “but I fun is says she’s for lunch 50 tax to managemen The last emergency anticipate Morrow Dan Grigg $5 Cetera it. around A d o z e n Blast Zone Paintball— of Irrigon, tion to increase by “Guess a start out on office. After inside Wilson More than the m o s t to win things, school. I his mother Salvo at Pioneer mayor wood e City Park…6 was Sept. Pointer in Julie DeLoach. 50, was than School go aluminum; mayoral City Park…Foll an programs Di hour of America that with painted so I qualified day of said Amy, and decided a calls cake. the up. date under new his done . CEO a one Day, cake was with “The fee…7 g first up Club on Andrea n a assumed. Marlene be due ng board i driving being per racing Show—Ion raced well $10 bake while n get increased their on in PMH e health rusted scrawled growing never Heppner District MCHD from many had will to end I Car racing. He Owner a.m. whose recess assessor’s $105 Talent watch DeLoach, it to a tinsmith small ways who last Mon- feeling project, Clinic Thanksgivi Elementary Di Salvo call couldn’t called e v down wait from as many tin was tower, Frank Carlson—I through Et rescinded , so the “I a.m.-10 doctor point.” graduating from during unless Rich, like to ‘That is what finding Sweek told the County Ione School. had planned scheduled 29, Heppner begin Warrior birth on at last more work to shop was destined 25. I home. I two years races says the leaking, letting inside the that span at some Music by July 4 Hall…7 By Andrea room Sew On two says Seewald, in 1970, Morrow is stepping birthday that a new the the Memorial sewing The pillars David he OR. collector on Sept. operates go of Aaron, so district Ione Education, Children ER 30 resignation up an appetite tried it and BMW for the opted thought, races,” board Ione Fire Basketball/Wounded 2010; Heppner’s tax Monday to work for and raced entering area, through and Aug. now into the with dates on my It seems High School Oregon State made on emergency working gave the hour for be do.’” He district n of Burns’ in the mid-1980s. a weekend,” Thursday, Breakfast— running who and induced Futter began throughout after was Portland, i n hold BABY AT PMH/PAGE SIX to 2010, He the tax are being through which is will close and and , has owned race cars over want to $90 per approved , and Cetera ICABO, for 80 iPads to Amy, century. student was on whether School reopen for confirmatio term runs birth ral -See ’s mom by Megan attended in Corvallis. in has agreed Salon , saying caps the 2009 in the Portland Lady Cardinal fiscal agent, Boardman moisture Park Fireman’s p.m. beneath the school. than a The board monthly . His 26. -Photo Walker went Sept. 10 to deliver of different several years. was hooked. n d e e ’s he joined $49,000 virtually all m City remembers or and Turnco Architectu mostly If the district. Dan Hambleton patients; college Rose Cup. he wood structure f r o ne University The men that many locals, city a.m.-6 through in the amount day, Aug. 5k Walk/Run— ed enterprise the Hall…9 G HEP- planned General B l o Heppner, 2015. as From there of America including the by Dr. out attended ected ce workers until resignation getting the the past s a half a second Legion the wood. used by at the school. o l l Tickets—Io to dad had itself, k c fle a.m. that race,” Club says he at Morrow dropping to hiring ce until June is confirmed, upon him and loan payments a since-expir -See PRESERVIN GE SIX small each month funds that morning Booths/Raf Fair—Ione things downtown it maintenan seekers, couldn’t were sent “I liked are drivers rotting redone the tower Idaho a ff e r e n Sports Car “Sometime students Ione Education at Kennewic in South of someone a.m. ago. fiscal license ng of $776.78 paid in full; a 120- resignation to work “split shifts,” of years in contingent 0 a.m. the di however, Information and and started attending zone Craft Last adventure a bit of history PNER HISTORY/PA businesses with Sykes The Park…11 couple and reshaping is o w 2013 that were says. “There the West have is Artists University makes some years will appoint Hospital; a little faster County. Hall/City Vendors, his Oregon by Local grant, through winning after a the Kinzua Mill the loan in 2001 until resignation board in By David i r e d M o r r ent board events over City Park…10:3 Food reframing wood, over which It help leaving the prominent County the credentiali 1 p.m. e Fire collected education the iPads, CREZ Show—Ione Morrow the position driving cones set up advance Sykes from 90 to Moscow Greg between Foundation county board in progressed from all Ret Entertainm ely passing Dr. Hambleton The work at special paid for his Swanson… in day By April h e with new smiling fill in Car negotiating ice shield. up. The through year the p p r o a.m. x i m a t Monica people there.” Assessor on the Park Cruise in increased e s Raffle—Ion Bike for the ICABO, each, along with losing.” a new with behind placed contract the degree & o m developed early basically lots where term is Sandy n Toms, a there placed Heppner. mill was as much process. practicing notice, There’s the County at of tax car Blues responsible l Frog Fire Hall…11 u Jump, 0 0 Jim f r be closed Seewald week and tree of F r o m Internatio nal they next be topped will remain that Sept. blood is currently family for kindergarte at an parking at $479 Defender Series The the principal’s in ie city of n g $42,0 es will days; with Sale—Ione rand Marshals York last locating oe Pits family’s through in cars th grade. for the $20 behind f e e s Pond, use the They cost said Greg Sweek Pie with the Schools. learned River Enterprise Cars, will iron. of Fish face to New the only surviving there y teachi 12 mayor Gazette-Tim Sept. 2. Otterbox Lightspeed at interest Society ts Blues Parade—G continue the Ione 120 days an new businesses i r s t indicated board in the Sweek both Sweek’s Alaska. board also approved for the Sept. mosquito bites,” of North Columbia of Sports more galvanized n s a y s t h e driving. top speed joined Altar an would agreemen t—Horsesh will remain enterprise pson, H e r f has with to desk at unless ladies traveled wishing p.m. The The Heppner on Monday, up a residential $90 each, apps at $1,880. and start currently owned age. Life (above), The rock brother Manager Control Zone (CREZ) least to the Red, the White & Conference es in at the the CREZ is given; was Wi l s o way through as tax work; Tournamen contract, for 18, 2016, Crane-Sim was at DISTRICT holiday all news and advertising Three local the Tree of the a.m.-dark companies Zero. at as in Begin…1 and his in Little “My dad so I have about $20 and than 50 miles and that opened ies for Sarah notice native, the Boardman, p.m. mosquito of Barron, Vector in the museum to Archer, position their Horseshoe board Park locate each and for site)…10 an updated changes, Labor Day zone, and s on risk Labor rock at at Ground -See HEALTH safe father there, as well DOCTOR/ she facility advance Oregon three-year shop, 30, at 5 waiting carefully, photo to Activities for and the year, the cars. wasn’t more Morrow NEW opportunit Oregon worked Memorial Park Aug. against minor According of 80 iPads a 9/11 attack, and then be place will continue directors the Grigg Eastern automatic where The deadline Friday, avoid enterprise mild treatment happy auto body HIRES of this in Turner meeting Ken racing board was p.m. the in that District. “We renovation parts of the –Contributed worked wife, Marsha, some and an the job in time to PAGE FOUR five of City period he says. much of 3 p.m. virus, a everyone Lot (concession order a to current been around Monday. Rock, Arkansas, available Nile be and Dr. Betsy Anderson. our mosquito end on at its last grades have had per hour, there Seewald - him on tracks . One of the the in Zoo—Ione the Port Stefani Legion that the renewal see how would the purchase the program for a short at Ground Zero. intact always until West will spread infection. People to be 4 issue to Hall…2 Sweek’s of school 35, utilizing learned in Boardman. v e d Petting board e zone at and math for students, then cars and 30% Off G-T wishes built to increase r parade to and leaving that were still they pson, From t e r i n g h i l l and Washington warned their marriage, first day The disease would expand each middle- bring Dr. physician. I liked who were racing Zone Paintball— learned told the that money p.m. d before , has been area are careful to avoid control operations Volume Monday e k h a s s e r re flu-like as being en City, taught 12. The Blast and and stepfather. Morrow, Crane-Sim structure On Stage…afte 10 p.m. He says as w h e Bingo—Ion ter…3-10 :45-6 p.m. in line of the association, Low weekend. arted as well would changes would to include n g Legion son found The board she taught / by Day friends Swe in Baker , through emotional mosquitoes be transferre repair. her mother all in stock bites. contract much r st events sponsored Band…8:30- American t e d Greg Sweek especially d e c i d i c Corey two county student, Amphithea Hill goals -See FAST LANE/PAGE our Ultra truck-mo unted have been Alabama l e c Peterson— An ongoing he probably was born in Enterprise who had concerns, lived THREE good preserved as Stevens Hoodoos…4 school stock cars.” his grandfathe climbing Northwes t on, with the Anderson’s one of the six- Music Sarah Crane-Simp In Vicki on PRINCIPAL reported to Stage/Ione D and the them. s e by o l spent. He says in Morrow getting mosquito & held the wood p.m. other physicians’ with also ves on of contracting (ULV) to reduce adult as been Hess its t h o Bands—On be grew up Also, from Baker behavioral of both to races by the -See IONE PAGE TWO one testing site has Ione Principal Alabama run his with the ~Bedding Public .” “The risk p.m. Billy discussion needs have continued Deli)…4:30 may be Associati The Sonny She representati board since in to Blues the tower funds will zone 5 has take him was usable CREZ Oregon he hadn’t Instead, p.m. @ Ione but graduated School. at the facility. very satisfying moving the tin from Nile virus encourage sprayers populations Climbing car at a time Mojo…3-4:1 used to was young. who relocated -8 p.m. MOR- member and there was Hi Fi far mill if much the the announced county County, a saw. ter…6:15 in attracting said ~plants and the in its repair. one mosquito how auction do “It was to So successful (silent NILE IN Northwest g,” and City High now, p.m. we 30 officials site was West but er Tutone…6:30 the her husband, his job. when he own actual where different board Amphithea ter…6:30 Carla hand through ge, if he had Health reimburse Tommy meetings o n Aug. appropriate low, been Auxiliary have been to re-use One took a , w h o quite often for RS -See WEST ROW/PAGE FIVE inception, and Baskets first attended Colle Septemb Seewald’s traced back and challengin for to use several to take ~Planters of employee Zone e n Stage/Ione m p s began Amphithea his life protect i meeting Thru “It would a new one,” some question he no longer Legion r e n e a Eastern Monday. rural Irrigon. he returned a S last a - home people businesses to year, RANGE e z for Park… n can be a - a ns their Auction—O t N r one are s since bowls g to build as Enterprise main for be responsibl racing of OHV On Stage/Ione path when members 10 p.m.) and at C board there resign an elected official Boat again found in they buy precautio l v e s ERS will Trip officials OBILES ~Color McLane and obtained easier to only half joking. and spending (about Tillamook transferrin when miles north McLane’s e and 26, taught Drawings— fees as final details Health University in usk to OSU of Science degree emse in Morrow 4 t h WHEEL is either SNOWM Uni- collecting of of the county. Raffle make it & Seed he says, the county. board from in the putting the planner she dollars facility Display…d people in Oregon - wasn’t easy County The Manager. Trail Ride—Thre Feed office) (from trying to CREZ Bachelor a cheese 123 in 1977. or employee the Morrow Fireworks Up to advising take precautions rt to David Sykes millions July with Velma of time 5 years. two Patriot Morrow for details event job is county “We’re as we can. We’re 20 th century then graduating plus to ATV'S s Green (MCGG main coming Sweek By n a n e f f o to live operates together. Leann Rea said or amount was in agriculture during the by with about of in part three-day Equestrian for However, Court recently Friday, be her the Cline, beginning for a skeptical I up for exact over the made authentic for old pictures it Grower 989-8221 rebates as County last week Alice Ployhar at a a.m. the Boardman however, only member should people working been for low Call Jason Hanna After college, were to is sponsored is Pines county, because the future death. Center ers at 10 two city Grain • 676-9422 • County rules so former Whispering these not out Senior foresees of the Daivd Sykes photos has spent options Service encourage County, the employees; of those the however, to the looking the grant amount the best remember by employee ing its Grow serve board her mother’s farmed d. Turner St. Patrick’s of Heppner from begins pictured says his County July celebration has so far service Sign-up percent can -Photo is Heppner www.mcgg.net of people percentage Morrow of was INE: isn’t at to revised mes a 10 Kathy Forest past.” Halloween site there, Morrow people of at financ died Way, on ) Les what years “She (center) City documente Grain our web Port hearing of CREZ for the RETIRES/ in Morrow Di Salvo to based in Heppner. value not her for more River Enterprise about Linden the Fourth like in the Ione’s t h e Scooby-Doo festivities are living Ployhar work -See her mama county employees her many she served, SWEEK District. the Gazette-Ti Long-time PAGE the city thus allowing from 242 W. changed home members purchase as 2.99% County 96 For farm equipment, visit for EIGHT completely wants looking t m a y b e ENT DEADL Committee workers By Andrea with amount, recently. tenure days, because was nine,” says PAGE FOUR Columbia -See board for retirement world has to live two from talked company county years, on the board, ow on. Tha a lot is Halloween recognized a certain TISEM out sure of and Recreation at St. in her honor during whose isn’t ready Zone (CREZ) g offering and the The Huwe instead stay fied to stay last 100 the Some to ask the exceed when she farmed was not of of part. Not Morr 989-8221 • 1-800-452-73 Barb its people the gathering two mayors Sweek Raffle as manager like to be. Being Boardman. business t Ployhar when wished Perry. is considerin difficult on the history a lot in County. at this time should explanation E of Hermiston AND ADVER Huwe. Lexington with the (left) Benefi “I would CREZ,” said and Joe has taken a position in a day people purchasing encourage In other who reminisced will but daughter, Olga Cline Cline NEWS $11,250 life. that figure for a detailed BOARD/PAG Morrow in common grants to Morrow County. available has been David Sykes Irrigon, Paustian however; she –Photo by Nelson SIX from CONSIDERS be in as a what mother’s CREZ th birthday involved has many years ALL 1913 was CLINE 100 BIRTHDAY/ board discussed CREZ -See CREZ page homes in The attest. in GE would can for John man 570 starting -See her PAGE SIX received quite yet, Apartments. about who -See her 100 was born THREE about River on the front Sweek, 29. would Cline GRANTS/PA with enterprise recently County. Before Patrick’s The program MN. One celebrate Aug. that talking HOUSING right here to Columbia in its own s Sports previously experience program still a vital, in Parkers Prairie, this Thursday, your name, of the Gazette. us by email similar to anyone f o r Morrow set up life early having ’s (Tillamook similar Polari s $100/ each ER: zones, e s p o n s i b l e up CREZ had Cline is county. of For her of 12 children, along with the animal, available 2014 Contact idserve.ne t Processing which gives prize r 12/6/13 HEPPN y; member 0 0 be of setting in the down been you Ticket bring ns to Cheese), e e s $ 7 , 5 active for and buying age, size MCGG where SEED IN t communit at editor@rap sold Drawing Raffle will applying in Lexington, Did be you a buck? of capture, and any or mail submissio mes, e m p l o y purchase retiremen FEED & in Heppner date toward elk? Bag at its MCGG it down you think Gazette-Ti tracks Feed GREEN bull dollars a can in and Green be purchased 150 tickets Heppner 337, Heppner. The brought in Ione a gator we’re Tickets Stop Office ONLY AT MCGG marlin? to rs Box other information know. If Fertilizer wrestle in a Growe it PO r 30 at www.mcgg.net wants or Grain S we should , you’ll see our web site mes visit Thru Septembe farm equipment, Gazette-Ti - RANGER - Asters it. 96 For about w County by a impressed RS OBILES Mums & Kale Morro • 1-800-452-73 know Send in or drop to see SNOWM - 4 WHEELE ge and your 989-8221 Up to Lexington ATV'S Hanna for details plus of yourself Cabba Times wants this s Oct. picture & Seed from rebates Gazette- Saturday, vin g of pre ser Th e art er’s his tor for y the Morrow County back time to turn He ppn nts work Area reside clock tower Courthouse s coming explain county l admin s for R Hospita e change HEPPNE car health 4 ves 194 ce vet reli Air For to Ione mission 50¢ G T azette imes ed to h nam s ing pain Smit m task force Sale ces grow ol experien Ione Scho spends Local man in the fast lane ds weeken after r retires e decades rs Assesso thre t state assesso of curren more than t tenured shop to Sewing ent managem continue under new m progra st school assessor Summer academic boo County Morrow ces retirement gives kids announ ed caus baby’s power lines out, ol this Downed t, road closures for Watch rial since to scho h stud Back ents r Memo blackou rus a pner at Pionee in baby born in 80s Hep Second discontinued obstetrics Sweek longes th of July d for Four s hire district Health tor new doc Ione l leaves Ployhar Heppner of Halloween...’ City a happy omes new ENTER ain on harvested this 6x7 bull elk in the Heppner Unit on your The Heppner trophy animals to have of your pictures season. Stop by or email off photos, hunting taken, drop rapidserve.net. picture editor@ them to s aLL model 10% oFF Oops! MONDAY Lexington 989-8221 • 1-800-452-73 remembe ! s wer SaLe mTD mower Lawnmo walk behind E Y FACTOR IZED AUTHOR NCE CLEARA low rs Call Jason ing as Growe at www.mcgg.net financ 2.99% web site Grain visit our equipment, as 96 For farm w County Morro Heppner CREZ S AT 5:00 hies TO WIN for trop It’s time rs Blues 2013 D CLEARANC AUTHORIZE FACTORY $1000 P.M. “Morrow County’s Newspaper” ors Fall col $1000 of Heppner Dave Pranger photo 26. –Contributed te & Red, Whi to rem Sweek rd t ed for with Wes boa G-T clos quitoes Day mos Lab t or county Firs cted in Nile dete Ione ts to ng gran ers consideri ebuy CREZ County hom g Morrow ury of givin e: A cent Olga Clin ner hy Cor G-T Trop principa Ione welc ‘I foresee receives ol District Ione Scho in local grants $118,000 G-T close Advertize in The Heppner Gazette-Times just in!!! n some consternatio Drive some causing Monday, road on Marine in Boardman off the truck ran off the road slipped accident. The the somehow Sykes by David This 18-wheeler crews surveying –Photo for emergency the morning. time during Grain • County Way, Heppner Morrow W. Linden Pansie Feed office) s Green (MCGG main Grower • 989-8221 676-9422 242 Lexington See how affordable it is to advertise with us! Visit: http://rapidserve.net/rate-card/ G T Heppner Contact Megan about advertizing in the Gazette today! 188 Willow St. • PO Box 337 • Heppner, OR 97836 541-676-9228 • FAX 541-676-9211 megan@rapidserve.net or david@rapidserve.net July 16: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Services re- ceived report from the Ir- rigon Shell Station that a woman in her 50s, was hav- ing labored breathing, was cold and clammy, and was lying on a table and having difficulty speaking. She was transported. -MCSO received report of a domestic dispute on May St. in Heppner with a male and female yelling and a lot of banging going on in a trailer. A deputy respond- ed, but no one answered the door and he could not hear anything. -MCSO received report of a white Plymouth on Eighth St. in Irrigon blaring music and spinning its tires. MCSO was unable to locate anything. -MCSO received report of loud music coming from a residence near the caller, who said it was a con- tinuous problem during the weekend. MCSO located the source and advised them to keep it down. -MCSO received report of someone trespassing at the Turkey Shoots in Ir- rigon. -MCSO received report of a verbal altercation on Third Street in Irrigon with a female throwing cups around. MCSO responded and made contact with the family, but the female had already left. MCSO was unable to locate her. -MCSO received report from a foster parent of three kids in Irrigon that the other parent was drinking and do- ing drugs. -MCSO received re- quest for a wrecker about three-four miles from Hard- man on the Heppner side for a blue Dodge pickup 5th wheel. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon subject that the next-door neighbors have four Chihuahuas that never stop barking. He said it had been going on for three years, but they are now tired of it. The caller complained that they couldn’t even use their back yard because of the dogs. -MCSO received report of a Ford Excursion drift- ing back and forth over the white line on each side from The Dalles to Boardman. A deputy made contact and issued a verbal warning to the driver. -MCSO received report that OSP was heading to a vehicle vs. cow incident at Hwy. 730/County Line, Irrigon. July 17: -A single- vehicle motor vehicle accident was reported at Baseline Ln./Highway 207. Morrow County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon State Po- lice, and Heppner fire and ambulance all responded, and a juvenile female was transported to Pioneer Me- morial Hospital. -Irrigon fire respond- ed to report of a haystack fire at Hwy. 730/Paterson Ferry in Irrigon. MCSO and Boardman fire also re- sponded but were cancelled before arriving. -A male in Boardman reported that his girlfriend broke his hand. Boardman ambulance and an MCSO deputy responded, but the patient transported himself to the hospital. -A woman in Irrigon advised MCSO that she sent a tenant a 30-day evic- tion notice and they were to have been out the day before and had not left yet. She needed to know the next step to getting them off the property, and requested to speak to a deputy. -A person in the Hep- pner area reported a de- ceased doe on a neighbor’s property. She advised they had not done anything with it and she did not want to deal with the smell. The information was relayed to the Oregon State Police Trooper. -A woman in Board- man advised that a male came to her residence, first stating he was in town for a funeral for his grandmother who lived just around the corner, and was trying to find odd jobs. She advised the subject had since gone to five different houses; she stated that he was very suspicious. Boardman PD responded and made con- tact with the subject. He was trying to gather funds for his grandmother’s fu- neral, which was in a couple of days. -MCSO was advised that Oregon State Police arrested Roberto Navarro, 21, for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and Driving While Suspended – Misdemeanor. -MCSO received report of a white sheep dog chas- ing vehicles out by Hwy. 74, Lexington. The caller was concerned about bicy- clists who could be passing by; he was not sure if the dog would attack them. -Someone contacted MCSO to see if anyone had turned in a drive line. They advised they had lost it somewhere between Hep- pner and Lexington; they were moving equipment and the drive line fell off. They requested to be called if anyone found it. -MCSO reported of- ficer initiated activity at Bombing Range Rd./Hwy. 730, Boardman. A vehicle drove into a ditch and was then able to continue on its way. -MCSO arrested Edu- ardo Garcia, 51, also known as Jose Lauro Tello, on a misdemeanor warrant for failure to appear. July 18: -Morrow County Sheriff’s Office was advised of a female with unknown injuries who was reported to have been as- saulted by another female. -Dispatch received a call concerning a person who was not feeling well, could hear female scream- ing in the background. MCSO, Boardman PD and Boardman ambulance re- sponded and the patient was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital. -MCSO was advised of a guy behind the Shell sta- tion in Irrigon who couldn’t even walk; he was walking completely sideways and kept falling over. The caller advised he was going to end up passing out. -A male in Irrigon ad- vised he believed he just had a stroke and passed out. Irrigon ambulance re- sponded and transported the patient. -MCSO received report of an individual in Spokane who was going to attempt suicide. The caller was transferred to a Spokane agency. -A woman in Irrigon advised of an abandoned vehicle in front of her resi- dence; the vehicle had been there since last Friday. She advised the back end of the vehicle was in the street. The vehicle was towed as a hazard. -A female in Boardman advised that her elderly male neighbor kept com- ing over, knocking on the door and swearing. She was unsure of his last name, but she gave his apartment number and advised she had heard he was schizophrenic. She advised she had not opened the door. -MCSO received report of theft of mail from a mail box in Irrigon. The caller advised it had also hap- pened at the end of June and that it appeared other mailboxes had been emp- tied at that time. -MCSO received report of a domestic disturbance in Heppner; the caller reported his grandson’s girlfriend ran over the grandson’s leg. MCSO responded and Boardman PD assisted. -A caller in Boardman advised that two houses from his residence the neighbors were doing ka- raoke. July 19: -Morrow County Sheriff was ad- vised of a deer hit south of Love’s on Tower Rd., Boardman. The subject in- quired about taking the deer home. MCSO was unable to locate the deer. Permission to take the deer home was denied. -MCSO received report of a stove stolen from a rental location in Heppner. -Oregon State Police advised MCSO that they arrested Douglas Evan Kauffman, 52, on an Ir- rigon justice Court warrant for Failure to Appear on Driving While Suspend- ed. Subject was lodged in Clackamas County with no local charges. -A female advised MCSO that her two dogs took off from her dad at Willow Creek Reservoir and he didn’t know where they were. She advised her dad was going to drive up toward Blakes Ranch and see if he could find them. -A man in Irrigon ad- vised MCSO that he lived at his parents’ house and he was on probation and his mother advised her brother that he had two days to pick up the cars but last night he parked another car there. The caller advised he need- ed to get the vehicles out of there or they would get in trouble with the manager. -MCSO received report of two patients needing transport at the OHV park, one with a broken leg and one conscious but having trouble breathing. The pa- tients were transported. -A caller advised MCSO that there were two dogs running around up at the dam by Heppner. The caller believed the dogs be- longed to a female subject but wasn’t 100 percent sure. -MCSO was advised that a male subject and his girlfriend got into a fight in Irrigon, unknown if the fight was physical. Both the subjects left, but the male’s mother went into the house discovered her son had taken a baseball bat to the walls in her house. She requested that a deputy re- spond. Neither subject was at the house at the time.