Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 23, 2015, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    EIGHT- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Sheriff’s Report
August 11: -Morrow
County Sheriff’s Deputy
reported something burn-
ing on west Eighth Rd.,
Irrigon. The Irrigon Fire
Department was notified.
The resident put out the fire
in the burn barrels
-MCSO received re-
port of cows out one mile
south of Clark’s Canyon,
-MCSO received report
of a violation of a restrain-
ing order. The caller said
the subject showed up two
days earlier and collected
his firearms from the peti-
tioner’s father’s home. The
respondent and his father
came to get the guns and
advised the guns would be
kept at his father’s house.
MCSO responded, investi-
gated and advised the guns
would be returned.
-MCSO received report
from a subject on Green
St. in Heppner, that he
had been moved out of the
house for three days and
when he came home, the
house was ransacked and
there was a sleeping bag
-MCSO received report
from a subject in Hep-
pner that a front loader was
driving down Main St.,
speeding and following too
closely. The caller said the
vehicle stopped at the gas
station, then continued out
of town toward Green Feed.
-MCSO received report
of a white border collie on
Hwy. 206, Condon, with a
vet ID on collar.
-MCSO received re-
port of a subject staying
in an A-frame at the North
County Transfer Station on
Frontage Lane, Boardman,
on Fridays.
-MCSO received report
from a subject at the Trans-
load Facility at Rail Loop
Dr., Boardman. MCSO
responded and determined
it was not a hit and run;
the caller falsely believed
he needed to file a police
-MCSO received re-
port of chip trucks going
70 down Homestead Rd.
The caller requested extra
-MCSO advised that
they had received permis-
sion to enter a residence
in Heppner to check for
subjects who were not sup-
posed to be there.
-MCSO received report
of a disturbance between
a father and son at Bu-
chanan Place in Irrigon.
The caller said he believed
it was physical. MCSO
responded. MCSO arrested
Skyler Lane Blythe, 20,
for Harassment-Domestic
Violence. He was lodged at
Umatilla County Jail with
$3,000 bail.
-MCSO received report
of graffiti in the restrooms
at the Wildlife Refuge at Pa-
terson Ferry Road, Irrigon.
-MCSO received re-
port of 18 DVD cases with
no DVDs inside found in
the restroom at the Irrigon
Skate Park.
MCSO received report
from a deputy who was out
with a vehicle on the side of
the road with a subject with
a spotlight. The subject was
looking for a phone that fell
out of his car.
August 12: -A man in
Boardman advised Morrow
County Sheriff’s Office that
he has picked up a female
who had been assaulted.
Boardman ambulance re-
sponded and transported the
female to Good Shepherd
-MCSO received a
criminal mischief com-
plaint from the area of
Blake’s Ranch. The call-
er advised someone was
shooting domestic animals
and he would have to get his
cat’s leg amputated.
-A caller near Board-
man advised MCSO that he
had swerved to miss a semi
parked on the side of the
road and his trailers forced
a passenger car off the road
and into the ditch. He ad-
vised that everyone seemed
to be okay but he wanted
to make someone aware.
MCSO checked the area but
was unable to locate.
-A male advised that he
was assaulted at a location
in Ione approximately three
weeks earlier while on a
job there.
August 13: -Morrow
County Sheriff’s Office re-
ceived a fire call outside of
Boardman. Caller reported
a field on fire on the north
side of the freeway. Board-
man Fire, Irrigon Fire and
MCSO responded.
-MCSO received a re-
port of a motor vehicle
accident. Caller reported a
55 year-old male shoulder
injury as a result of a mo-
torcycle versus deer motor
vehicle accident. MCSO
Heppner Ambulance and
Heppner Fire Department
responded and the patient
was transported to Pioneer
Memorial Hospital.
-MCSO received a re-
port of criminal mischief
complaint in Irrigon. Caller
reported that her neighbor’s
daughter was throwing zip
lock bags of fecal matter
into their yard.
-A theft complaint in
Lexington was reported to
MCSO. Caller advised that
a vehicle drove off without
paying for their fuel. A
deputy responded. The sus-
pect was found and returned
to pay for the fuel.
-MCSO arrested Royce
Wendell Moss, 51, on an Ir-
rigon Justice Court warrant
for FTA/Theft III and taken
before a Judge.
-MCSO received a re-
port in Irrigon of a young
female having her head
slammed into concrete,
conscience and breathing.
Irrigon Ambulance, Board-
man Ambulance, MCSO
and Boardman PD respond-
August 15: -Morrow
County Sheriff ’s Office
received report from an
Irrigon man that his wife
has moved, but still has her
things at his house and he
wanted her to remove them.
He wanted to know what his
options were.
-MCSO received report
from a male subject that
a female driver in a silver
Chev Impala tailgated him
quite a ways and passed him
in a turn lane.
-MCSO received re-
quest for information from
California residents who
bought a trailer and wanted
to know what to do to get
it licensed so they could
transport it back to Califor-
nia where they live.
-MCSO received report
of a motor vehicle accident
with a trailer with a 17-foot
boat coming unhooked on
Hwy. 207, Echo/Bombing
Range Rd. They advised
that no one was injured, but
the pickup was on the fog
line with hazards on, but the
trailer was sitting in a ditch
and the boat on the bank.
-MCSO received re-
quest for a welfare check
for an elderly deaf male
in Heppner who usually
picked up his paper early
in the morning, but there
were three still in his box.
The caller said he was not
answering the door or win-
dows. MCSO responded
and checked on him, but he
wasn’t home.
-MCSO received report
of a pony running down
Quaid St. in Heppner to-
ward the feed store.
-MCSO received report
from subjects on Hager/
Court streets in Heppner
that a vehicle tried to run
them over twice. MCSO re-
sponded and made contact
with all subjects involved.
MCSO arrested Cody Ed-
ward Rankin for two counts
of Reckless Driving, two
counts of Reckless En-
dangerment and Criminal
Mischief III. He was lodged
at Umatilla County Jail with
$25,500 fine.
-MCSO received re-
port of three Chihuahuas
running down Hwy. 730 in
Irrigon. MCSO responded,
but was unable to locate
the dogs.
-MCSO received re-
quest for assistance from
Oregon State Police con-
cerning a subject involved
in a rollover. MCSO ar-
rested Damien Wilhelm
for probable cause and
delivered him to OSP.
-MCSO received report
of the theft of laminate
flooring taken on Wyoming
Ave. in Irrigon.
-MCSO received report
from a Heppner woman
who said her daughter-in-
law took her grandson to St.
Helens and said she was not
bringing him back. MCSO
made contact with the caller
and with the child’s mother
who said she would bring
back the kid on Monday.
-MCSO received report
from a woman in Boardman
that another woman was
just at her house, drunk, and
verbally assaulted her and
her lawn mower. MCSO
made contact with the caller
who advised that they had
settled their dispute.
-MCSO received report
from an Irrigon man who
said that his wife wouldn’t
let him get any clothes out
of his house. He requested
contact and help in getting
his clothes.
-MCSO received report
that a big tree branch that
was knocked down was
blocking the road on Third
St. in Irrigon.
-MCSO received report
of a two-vehicle, non-injury
accident in Irrigon. MCSO
responded and made con-
tact with all the subjects.
August 19: -Morrow
County Sheriff ’s Office
received report of a female
in Heppner who had taken
a bunch of Xanax. The
caller advised she was cur-
rently sitting under a tree
just away from the prop-
erty. Heppner ambulance
responded and transported
the patient.
-A male in Boardman
advised MCSO that he had
seen his neighbors walking
past his house carrying arm-
loads of what he believed to
be stolen property. MCSO
was unable to locate.
-Columbia Basin Elec-
tric reported to MCSO that
their customers were re-
ceiving scam phone calls
and they would like the
information logged.
-A female in Heppner
advised that someone had
taken some stuff from her
and requested to speak with
a deputy to file a report.
MCSO took the matter un-
der investigation.
-A female in Lexington
reported her vehicle was
broken into while she was
in the Valley and requested
that MCSO watch her ad-
dress when she was away.
-A male in Lexington
reported that he was getting
calls from people saying
they were from Microsoft,
wanting remote access to
his computer. He declined
to give it to them and they
threatened to shut down
his computer. The caller
requested phone contact.
-A female in Boardman
requested contact regard-
ing an individual who kept
coming on her property.
She advised that she did
not want him there and he
had been told that. The male
was not there at the time but
the female would like to get
a restraining order.
-Heppner Shell re-
ported that a subject had
stolen a pack of cigarettes.
MCSO made contact with
the subject. The cigarettes
were returned and the sub-
ject trespassed from the
-A male in Boardman
advised MCSO that he had
dozed off on the way home
from work and wa stuck in
the canal.
-A juvenile male in Ir-
rigon fell off his bike and
was disoriented. MCSO
and Irrigon ambulance re-
sponded and the juvenile
was transported to Good
Shepherd Hospital.
-MCSO was advised
that Multnomah County ar-
rested William Kerry Allen
Troxel, 57, on a Morrow
County warrant for Failure
to Appear on Driving Under
the Influence. The subject
was lodged at Multnomah
County Jail.
August 21: -Morrow
County Sheriff’s Office re-
ceived a report of a fight in
Irrigon. Caller advised that
his mother-in-law and niece
were fighting. Mariah Mae,
20, was arrested by Morrow
County Sheriff’s Office on
Assault IV.
-Alvaro Torres, 22, was
arrested by Department of
Corrections while subject
was being incarcerated.
Warrant # Z 10581-13.
-MCSO received a re-
port on a driving complaint.
Caller states that a vehicle is
all over the place, the driver
is rubbing their head. Caller
advised that they couldn’t
get the plate because he
speeds up and leaves him,
and is running cars off
the road. MCSO and BPD
responded and was unable
to locate.
-MCSO received a re-
port from a caller in Hep-
pner about their other half
being very abusive, verbal-
ly and physically. MCSO
responded and arrested
Melody L Coake, 51, for
Domestic Violence Assault
IV Misdemeanor.
-MCSO received a re-
port of a fire over the hill
above the sheriff’s office.
Caller advised that they
could see smoke, originally
thought it was just the sun,
then saw smoke. MCSO
and Heppner Fire Depart-
ment responded and were
unable to locate any smoke
or fire.
August 22: -Morrow
County Sheriff’s Office was
advised of a single-vehicle
motor vehicle accident with
unknown injury; a sub-
ject drove through a fence.
MCSO responded and cited
Robert Earl Stull, 47, for
Careless Driving.
-MCSO was advised
that Vanessa Janel Rojas
Mena, 21, was arrested in
Kennewick, WA and was
being held on local charges
and on a Morrow County
-A lost driver’s license
was located at the Spur ‘em
-A caller in Irrigon ad-
vised MCSO that three
kids were breaking bottles
behind the gas station that
is behind her house. Caller
advised she tried yelling
at them but they were still
doing it. MCSO contacted
three juvenile males and
they advised they would
clean up the glass. Parents
were contacted.
-A caller in Irrigon ad-
vised there was a deer with
a broken back left leg, still
alive and struggling. MCSO
responded but was unable
to dispatch the deer due
to not being able to get a
clear shot and it having run
across others’ property.
-A caller in Heppner
advised there was a fawn
on the wrong side of the
chain link fence around
the dam across from the
RV park and it couldn’t get
back to its mother. MCSO
responded and attempted
to locate the fawn; she was
inside the no trespassing
fence and the doe could
get to her.
-MCSO was advised
of a kite in a power line
near Boardman. Umatilla
Electric was advised.
-MCSO was advised
that Salem PD had arrested
Kristi Lynn Loughmiller,
43, on Irrigon Justice Court
and Linn County Warrants.
The subject was lodged at
Marion County Jail.
-MCSO received a re-
port of a dog killing chick-
ens in Irrigon. MCSO made
contact with the owners
of both the dog and the
chickens; the owner of the
chickens did not want to
press charges, just wanted
the dog’s owner notified.
-MCSO arrested John
Richard Ledoux, 62, on a
Umatilla County Sheriff’s
Office warrant for Failure
to Appear on Driving Under
the Influence.
-A male in Boardman
advised that a female neigh-
bor had broken her leg
sometimes during the last
week and he did not think
anyone should be at her
residence. He advised that
the house was all lit up.
MCSO, Oregon State Po-
lice and Boardman PD.
-A male from Irrigon
advised MCSO that he and
his wife were fighting all
day and he left the house to
get away from it. Ever since
he left his wife she had been
texting him threats all day.
The male requested contact
at a Hermiston location.
MCSO responded.
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Heppner Gazette Times