Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 19, 2015, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
The Official Newspaper
of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow
U.S.P.S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter at the
Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage
paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-
9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. E-mail: editor@rapidserve.net or david@rapidserve.
net. Web site: www.heppner.net. Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner
Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $30 in
Morrow County; $24 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $36
elsewhere; $30 student subscriptions.
David Sykes ..............................................................................................Publisher
Andrea Di Salvo ............................................................................................ Editor
All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.
For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5 per
column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50¢ per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to
100 words. Cost for a classified display ad is $5.75 per column inch.
For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for pub-
lication must be specified. Affidavits must be required at the time of submission. Affidavits
require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be
specified if required).
For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to
meet news guidelines. Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines
or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space
for the obituary.
For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner
GT will not publish unsigned letters. All letters MUST include the author’s address and phone
number for use by the GT office. The GT reserves the right to edit letters. The GT is not
responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will
be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10.
Class of ’91 benches
spruced up for fair
The benches throughout Heppner, originally donated by the
class of ’91, received a fresh coat of paint last week…but fair-
goers might want to wait for the paint to dry before taking a
seat. –Photo by Andrea Di Salvo
The green benches
throughout Heppner have
a shiny new appearance
thanks to the efforts of
several locals and Heppner
alumni. Scott Johnston of
the Heppner High School
class of ’91, now of Salem,
was joined by Amy Koll-
man, Tiffany Clement, Dan
Sharp and Jodi Ferguson
in giving the town’s four
“Class of ‘91” benches a
new coat of paint just in
time for fair.
According to Johnston,
the class worked to raise
money for a graduate trip to
Disneyland in 1991. Thanks
to an outpouring of commu-
nity support, the students
raised around $7,000. That
left them with money to
spare, so they had the four
benches built as an expres-
sion of gratitude for the
community’s generosity.
Since then, class members
and other locals have taken
care to keep the tradition
alive by administering a
fresh coat of paint every
few years.
Winifred Veronica ‘Winnie’ Flynn
Winifred Veronica
“Winnie” Flynn, 82, for-
merly of Heppner, died
peacefully in California
with her family by her
side on Monday, August
10, 2015. A graveside ser-
vice will be held 11 a.m.
Wednesday, August 26,
at the Heppner Masonic
She was born May 11,
1933 in Rusheenamaugh,
County Galway, Ireland.
Winnie was the sixth of 10
children born to Bridget and
Patrick Mulkerrin. She was
raised in Rusheenamaugh
until the age of 16. In 1949
her family immigrated to
the United State through to their homes. She was a
Ellis Island, NY and settled dedicated wife and moth-
in Dorchester, MA.
er. The love of our
She spoke English
wonderful moth-
and Gaelic.
er will live in our
On June 16,
hearts forever like a
1956 she married
legacy of love.
George J. Flynn Sr.
She was pre-
in Boston, MA and Winifred
ceded in death by:
together they raised Veronica
her parents, Bridget
their seven children “Winnie”
and Patrick Mulker-
in Orange County, Flynn
rin; brothers, Pat-
California. In her
rick and Coleman;
retirement years she resided a sister, Anne; her late hus-
in Heppner to be close to band of 55 years, George J.
her son, John.
Flynn Sr.; and her grand-
Winnie lived by a daughter, Meghan.
strong faith in God, vol-
Winnie is survived by:
unteering as a Eucharistic her sisters, Mary, Theresa,
Minister to those confined
Bridget and Philomena;
brothers, Marcus and Mor-
gan; children, George Jr.,
John, Mary, Patrick, Mor-
gan, James and Joseph;
along with eight grandchil-
dren, George, Courtney,
Jessie, Cord, Hannah, Mag-
gie, Jake and Shane.
Memorial contributions
may be made to the Leuke-
mia and Lymphoma Society
– Oregon Chapter, 9320
SW Barbur Blvd., Suite
140, Portland, OR 97219,
in honor of Meghan Flynn.
Sweeney Mortuary of
Heppner is in charge of lo-
cal arrangements.
The View from the Green
FFA basket auction
planned for Thursday Over the Tee Cup
Six players participated in the Willow Creek Country
during fair
Club ladies’ play day Tuesday, Aug. 11.
T h e H e p p n e r F FA
Chapter will be traveling
to the National FFA Con-
vention in Louisville, KY
in October.
To help with the costs
associated with the trip,
the chapter is continuing a
tradition of holding a basket
auction Thursday evening
during fair and rodeo week.
The event is sponsored
by Murray’s, and the auc-
tion will be at 7:30 p.m.
between the music acts.
A variety of baskets
will be available, includ-
ing baskets built around
the themes of family fun
night, gardening, barbecue,
Mustang fans and baking.
“We look forward to
the event and really appre-
ciate all of the support and
generosity of community in
the past,” said Heppner FFA
advisor Beth Dickenson.
In addition to repre-
senting our community,
the Heppner FFA Chapter
will be recognized for two
national proficiency award
Erica Nelson received
a Bronze in Diversified
Horticulture, and Caitlynn
Bailey received a Silver at
the national level with the
proficiency in Ag Process-
T h e H e p p n e r F FA
Chapter also was one of
six chapters from Oregon
that went on to the national
competition and received a
One Star award for National
Low gross of the field was Nancy Propheter with 37.
Low net was Sarah Rucker with 32.
Virginia Grant had least putts of the field with 15.
Other results were:
Low gross—for flight A, Nancy Propheter; flight B,
Sarah Rucker; and flight C, Kris Lindner.
Low net—for flight A, Virginia Grant; for flight B,
Jan Paustian; for flight C, Betty Carlson.
Least putts—for flight C, Betty Carlson.
Nancy Propheter also had a chip-in and a birdie on
WCCC Sunday men’s
play results
The Willow Creek Country Club shootout—a two-
man, twenty-seven-hole team event—was held on Aug.
16 with 27 participating. The results are as follows:
Gross—1 st , Kevin Morgan/Duane Disque, 91; 2 nd ,
John McCabe/Josh Coiner, 98; 3 rd , Mark Schlicting/Dave
Mitchell, 101.
Net—1 st , Dave Pranger/Dennis Peck, 83.5; 2 nd , Char-
lie Ferguson/Larry Runyun, 87.5; 3 rd , Tim Hedman/Tom
Bedortha, 89.5.
Special Events: KP #4/13, Delbert Binschus, 9’10”;
Long Putt #5/14, Duane Disque, 21’10”.
A reminder that there will be an American Red Cross
The next men’s play will take place on Aug. 23 with
blood drive at the Morrow County Fair on Thursday, Aug.
Gary Propheter and Dale Holland in charge.
20, from noon to 5 p.m.
In addition to helping others by giving blood, donors
also have the chance to help a local student. Rachel Hol-
land of Ione has the goal of signing up 40 donors and
having at least 25 donate their blood. If she reaches this
goal, she will be eligible for a $1000 college scholarship.
Twenty-seven Willow – 78, 2. Dale Boyd – 79, 3.
To schedule an appointment or for more information,
contact the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 or Rachel Hol- Creek senior men played in Gene Orwick – 81, 4. Rod
the Columbia-Blue Senior Wilson – 82, 5. Bob Jepsen
land at 541-561-4297.
Golf Association tourna- – 85.
ment at par-62 Willow Run
Net: 5. Mike Sweek
Golf Course at Boardman – 63.
on Aug. 10. The results
Players reported that
current fire danger rating re- vate lands protected by were the following:
the course was in excellent
mains at extreme and Public Oregon Department of For-
Columbia Division condition. The players also
Use Restrictions involving estry (ODF) in northeast (Handicap 12 and Below) enjoyed “very tasty” burg-
campfires and chainsaw use and central Oregon.
Gross: 5. John Boyer – ers prepared by the course
are in effect on the Umatilla
For more information 69, 8. Duane Disque – 71. managers.
National Forest.
about the Umatilla Na-
Blue Division (Handi-
The next Columbia-
Regulated closures are tional Forest’s Public Use cap 13 to 17)
Blue tournament will be
in effect on State and pri- Restrictions, please contact
Gross: 5. Jim Swanson played at Indian Creek Golf
any forest office, call our – 75, 8. Mike Doherty – 79. Course at Hood River on
Forest Information hotline
Net: 3. Tom Shear – 57, Sept. 14 with tee times at 8
at 1-877-958-9663, or visit 4. Jerry Gentry – 61.
a.m. and 1 p.m. A golfers’
the website at www.fs.usda.
S e n i o r D i v i s i o n special lunch menu will
(Handicap 18 and Above) be provided by the Divots
Gross: 1. Jeff Cutsforth Restaurant at the course.
Give blood at the fair
CBSGA results for
-Continued from PAGE ONE cated roughly eight miles
Inciweb at: http://inciweb.
Turner Basin Fire
Though not as serious
at this point, another fire
causing concern locally is
the Turner Basin Fire, lo-
east of Dale, OR and is now
estimated at 60 acres. The
fire was determined to be
human caused and is cur-
rently under investigation.
Fire officials want to
remind everyone that the
Founded in 1945
by farmers & ranchers.
-Continued from PAGE ONE mented seven breeding Commission intends for
BEO is at home in our r ural communities.
W h e n y o u b an k w i t h us , y o ur i nve s tm en ts sta y s
r ig h t he r e w he r e y o u r r oot s a r e .
Russell Seewald
Loan Officer
supposed goal of delisting
the gray wolves as an en-
dangered species.
One of the state provi-
sions sates that “Wolves
may be considered for state-
wide delisting once the
population reaches four
breeding pairs for three
consecutive years in eastern
ODFW biologist docu-
pairs of wolves in Oregon
in 2014, six of them in
northeast Oregon.
In R-2015-11, the Mor-
row County Court urged the
commission to act on these
findings, stating that “del-
isting gray wolves sends a
message to the rural com-
munities, livestock produc-
ers and sportsmen, that the
Oregon Fish and Wildlife
the Oregon Department of
Fish and Wildlife to man-
age gray wolves by the
adopted plan and control
populations and limit ef-
fects on livestock and game
populations,” concluding
by urging the commission
to “take immediate steps to
delist gray wolves through-
out all of Oregon.”
Joe Perry
Loan Officer
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