Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 08, 2015, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 8, 2015
News from the Hardman
Community Center
The Hardman Com-
munity Center had a short
meeting at 5 p.m. on July 29
prior to Bob Allen’s retire-
ment potluck.
Fourteen members at-
tended. No minutes were
read, as all members had
received a copy of them
There is $4,130 in the
treasury account and all
paperwork is up-to-date.
Mel McDaniel gave an
update on the grant writing.
Five freestanding grants
have been applied for, but
the center won’t know until
December if it has received
any of them.
Sylvia Allen updated
members on her work with
the archives.
All of the photos have
new business card-sized
tags done on the computer
and are laminated. The next
step is to digitally record
the photos and match them
up to the tags and then
download it to jump drives
so there are multiple cop-
ies of the information. Her
daughter is helping her with
both projects.
Members also dis-
cussed the need to label and
photograph the antiques as
In new business, HCC
received a $300 donation
from Snow McElligott and
a thank-you has been sent.
Bob Allen has updated the
ghost signs so he can put
them out when the hall is
Allen also stated that
the charge of printing and
binding the History of
Hardman has gone up to
more than the center is
charging for the copies but
that he felt raising the price
in accordance will make
them unsalable.
Members discussed
printing the brochures on a
home computer and binding
them in a report cover, but
no decision was made.
There is also the option
of purchasing a printer for
hall use. Claudia Smythe
said she will check into the
cost of this.
Allen also requested
the HCC secretary update
an old brochure to replace
the History if need be,
which she said she would
Certificates of Appre-
ciation were presented to
Rhonda Wright and Bob
Allen before the potluck.
The next meeting will be a
work day on the kitchen in
July, tentatively set for the
July 26 at 8 a.m.
4-H members show their
commitment to service
Part of the 4-H pledge is “My hands to larger service.” The members of the Grow ‘Em & Show
‘Em 4-H club have shown that, despite their club name, it’s not just about selling an animal
at fair for these kids. The group met at Turner Day Park recently to sand and re-stain the
picnic tables. Once the picnic tables were stained, members helped pick up garbage around
the park. After the work was complete, they all met at the Gibbs’ for a barbecue. L-R back:
Olivia Schmidt, Keegan Gibbs, Zach Bredfield, Aubri Rodriguez, Serenity Rodrigues, Jake
Lentz, Shayna Osmin and Kael Osmin. L-R front: Jace Wilson, Joel Wilson and Sophie Ro-
driguez. –Contributed photo
Currin to compete at high school finals
Duncan Mackenzie of Baker City, Kolby Currin of Heppner
and Bryce Harrison from Condon. –Contributed photo
Currin, a 10 th -grade stu-
dent at Heppner Jr./Sr.
High School, has earned
a position on the Oregon
state National High School
Rodeo team. Currin will
be traveling with fellow
teammates to Rock Springs,
WY July 12-18 to compete
in the 67 th annual National
High School Finals Ro-
deo (NHSFR) in the steer
wrestling, cutting and rifle
shooting competitions.
Featuring more than
1,500 contestants from
42 states, five Canadian
Provinces and Australia,
the NHSFR is the world’s
largest rodeo. In addition
to competing for more than
$200,000 in prizes, NHSFR
contestants will also be
competing for more than
$350,000 in college schol-
arships and the chance to be
named an NHSFR National
Champion. To earn this
title, contestants must fin-
ish in the top 20—based on
their combined times/scores
in the first two rounds—
to advance to Saturday
evening’s final round. Na-
Sunday men’s play results
There were 12 partici-
pating in men’s play on
Sunday, July 5. Results are
as follows:
Gross—1 st Tim Wright,
69; 2 nd John McCabe, 70.
Net—1 st Dave Mitch-
ell, 57; 2 nd Josh Coiner/
Dale Holland, 60.
Special Events—KP
#5, Bill Morris, 75 feet;
Least Putts, Tim Wright, 26.
The next scheduled
men’s play is Sunday, July
12. Roger Mortimore,
Shawn Wilson and Rick
Britt are hosts.
Club members are
Heppner FFA to attend national
Heppner High School
FFA members Rylee Koll-
man, Caitlynn Bailey, Alex
Lindsay, Katlyn Harper,
Tim Gould, Taylor Nelson
and Nichole Shaw will be
attending the FFA National
Convention in Louisville,
KY in October.
To help pay for trip
expenses, the FFA members
will host a fundraising din-
ner at the Heppner Elk’s
Lodge on Thursday, July 9.
Dinner will be at 6 p.m. and
they will be serving pork
loin, cheesy potatoes, rolls
and a desert for $15 a plate.
FBLA members attend
national competition
tional champions will then
be determined based on
their three-round combined
Again this year, the
Saturday championship
performance will be tele-
vised nationally as a part of
the Cinch Highschool Ro-
deo Tour telecast series on
RFD-TV. Live broadcasts
of each NHSFR perfor-
mance will also air online
at NHSRATV.com. Per-
formance times are 7 p.m.
on July 12, and 9 a.m. and
7 p.m. each day thereafter.
To follow Currin at the Heppner FBLA national competitors (L-R) Erica Nelson,
NHSFR, visit NHSRA.org Caitlynn Bailey and Taylor Hamby. –Contributed photo
daily for complete results.
After a long, action- ones Chris and Jeff Bailey.
For ticket information, call
Even though they did
week, the Heppner
FBLA (Future Business not make it to the final
Leaders of America) com- round of competition, the
petitors have come home. girls said the experience
From June 26 to July 3, was incredible. They met
more than 11,000 students many people, made last-
asked to note that the men’s from the United States, ing friendships and gained
championship has been China and Puerto Rico valuable experiences. The
rescheduled to July 18-19, came together in the Windy FBLA chapter also recog-
beginning at 5 p.m. on Sat- City of Chicago, IL to com- nizes the support it received
urday the 18 th .
pete in the FBLA National from the community to
Leadership Competitions. make the girls’ experience
Erica Nelson competed in possible.
“Don’t hesitate to stop
Agribusiness, and Caitlynn
Bailey and Taylor Hamby anyone of these girls and
competed in Banking and ask them about their trip,”
Financial Systems. With says Collins. “They would
Willow Creek Park the girls were their advisor love to tell you all about it.”
District will hold a regular- Jeannie Collins and chaper-
ly-scheduled meeting Tues-
day, July 14, at 5:30 p.m. at
Heppner City Hall, 111 N
Main Street, Heppner.
Park district
to meet
Getting down, dirty
and ready for fair
Brothers Bryce and Taylor Rollins prepare their show pigs,
Rover and Roadrunner, for the Morrow County Fair. Bryce
is a fourth grader and Taylor a fifth grader at Ione school;
they are the sons of Ed and Tricia Rollins. Both boys partici-
pate in music, sports and 4-H. –Photo by Erin Heideman
It’s wildlife and Brass
Fire at Music in the Parks
July 13, Boardman Ma-
rina Parks presents two
special events.
From 5:30 p.m. to 6:30
p.m. will be the “Early Bird
Show” featuring the Blue
Mountain Wildlife Educa-
tion Birds. The whole fam-
ily is welcome to see these
beautiful animals.
After meeting the birds,
the public is invited to stay
for the 7 p.m. performance
of Brass Fire. Musical se-
lections include blues, jazz,
rock, swing and funk.
Murray's Gift Registry
Laurie Murray & Sean Wood Wedding - September 5
Trevor Rhea & Mollie Henderson Wedding - July 11
Kelly Nelson Baby Shower - July 17
Murray's Drug, 217 N. Main, Heppner • Phone 676-9158