Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 21, 2015, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 21, 2014
-Continued from PAGE SIX certain Deed of Trust THE TRUE POINT OF
(hereafter referred to as BEGINNING. The street
MUST IMMEDIATELY the Trust Deed) made by: address or other common
CONTACT the Morrow ADRIAN PAUL PRUIT, designation, if any, for the
County Courthouse, PO as the grantor to MID- real property described
Box 609, Heppner, OR C O L U M B I A T I T L E above is purported to be:
97836, phone number COMPANY, as the trustee, 74668 GRAVEL PIT LN
(541) 676-5264, between in favor of GENWORTH IRRIGON, OR 97844-
the hours of 8:00 a.m. F I N A N C I A L H O M E 7172. The Tax Assessor’s
and 5:00 p.m. for further EQUITY ACCESS, INC Account ID for the Real
as the beneficiary, dated Property is purported to
IF YOU WISH TO 12/10/2010, and recorded be: 05N2626BC-00500
HIRE AN ATTORNEY, 12/15/2010, in mortgage 01. Both the beneficiary
please retain one as soon records of Morrow County, and the trustee, Benjamin
as possible. If you need Oregon Document No. D. Petiprin, attorney at law
help finding an attorney, 2010-27364 in Book Page have elected to foreclose
you may call the Oregon covering the following the above referenced Trust
State Bar's Lawyer Referral described real property Deed and sell the said real
Service at (503) 684-3763 situated in said county and property to satisfy the
or toll free in Oregon at state, to wit: A TRACT obligations secured by the
OF LAND LOCATED Trust Deed and a Notice of
(800) 452-7636.
I F Y O U A R E IN THE WEST HALF Default and Election to Sell
REPRESENTED BY AN OF THE NORTHWEST has been recorded pursuant
RESPONSIBILITY TO 26, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, title, and interest in the said
MAINTAIN CONTACT RANGE 26 EAST OF described property which
WITH YOUR ATTORNEY T H E W I L L A M E T T E the grantors had, or had
AND TO KEEP YOUR M E R I D I A N , I N T H E power to convey, at the
I f y o u D E S C R I B E D A S any interest the grantors or
contest the petition, the FOLLOWS: BEGINNING their successors in interest
court will schedule a AT THE WEST QUARTER acquired after execution
hearing on the allegations CORNER OF SECTION of the Trust Deed shall be
of the petition and order 26; THENCE NORTH sold at public auction to
you to appear personally 89° 42' 36" east a distance the highest bidder for cash
and may schedule other of 668.51 FEET TO A to satisfy the obligations
hearings related to the POINT; THENCE NORTH secured by the Trust Deed
petition and order you 00° 20' 37" WEST A and the expenses of sale,
to appear personally. IF DISTANCE OF 323.50 including the compensation
YOU ARE ORDERED F E E T T O A P O I N T; of the trustee as provided
TO APPEAR, YOU MUST THENCE NORTH 89° 42' by law, and the reasonable
APPEAR PERSONALLY 36" EAST A DISTANCE fees of trustee's attorneys.
IN THE COURTROOM, O F 3 4 4 . 2 5 F E E T TO The default for which
UNLESS THE COURT THE TRUE POINT OF the foreclosure is made
HAS GRANTED YOU BEGINNING FOR THIS is: That a breach of, and
A N E X C E P T I O N I N DESCRIPTION; THENCE default in, the obligations
A D VA N C E U N D E R NORTH 89° 42' 36" EAST secured by said deed of
O R S 4 1 9 B . 9 1 8 T O A DISTANCE OF 344.27 trust have occurred in that
APPEAR BY OTHER FEET TO A POINT ON "A Borrower dies and the
MEANS INCLUDING, THE EAST LINE OF Property is not the principal
B U T N O T L I M I T E D THE WEST HALF OF residence of at least one
TO, TELEPHONIC OR THE WEST HALF OF surviving Borrower" and,
OTHER ELECTRONIC SECTION 26; THENCE the borrower has died and
MEANS. AN ATTORNEY NORTH 00° 21' 42" WEST there are no other borrowers
MAY NOT ATTEND THE ALONG THE EAST LINE occupying the property, and
HEARING(S) IN YOUR OF THE WEST HALF therefore, the lender had
OF THE WEST HALF declared all sums secured
P E T I T I O N E R ' S OF SAID SECTION 26 thereby forthwith due and
TO THE SOUTHEAST payable plus the foreclosure
C O R N E R O F T H E costs, legal fees or any
Edward (Ted) Meece
Assistant Attorney General PARCEL DESCRIBED IN advances that may become
CONTRACT RECORDED due, and such sums have
Department of Justice
1515 SW Fifth Ave, Suite AUGUST 2, 1989 AS not been paid. The amount
M - 3 3 4 5 4 , M O R R O W required to cure the default
COUNTY MICROFILM in payments to date is
Portland, OR 97201
R E C O R D S ; T H E N C E calculated as follows: From:
Phone: (971) 673-1880
ISSUED this 5th day of S O U T H 8 9 ° 4 2 ' 3 6 " 4/10/2014 Total of past due
WEST A DISTANCE OF payments: $112,185.35
January, 2015.
344.26 FEET ALONG L a t e C h a r g e s : $ 0 . 0 0
Issued by:
E d w a r d ( Te d ) M e e c e T H E S O U T H L I N E Additional charges (Taxes,
OF SAID PARCEL TO Insurance): $0.00 Trustee's
Assistant Attorney General T H E N O R T H E A S T Fees and Costs: $4,099.14
Published: January 7, 14 C O R N E R O F T H AT Total necessary to cure:
PARCEL DESCRIBED IN $116,284.49 Please note
and 21, 2015
CONTRACT RECORDED the amounts stated herein
MAY 29, 1990 AS M-35030 are subject to confirmation
M O R R O W C O U N T Y and review and are likely
PUBLIC NOTICE MICROFILM RECORDS; to change during the next
TS# 14-28993 TRUSTEE’S THENCE SOUTH 00° 20' 30 days. Please contact the
N O T I C E O F S A L E 34" EAST A DISTANCE successor trustee Benjamin
Reference is made to that O F 3 2 3 . 5 0 F E E T TO D. Petiprin, attorney at law,
Russell Seewald
Loan Officer
Joe Perry
Loan Officer
to obtain a "reinstatement'
and or "payoff' quote prior
to remitting funds. By
reason of said default the
beneficiary has declared
all sums owing on the
obligation secured by
the Trust Deed due and
payable. The amount
required to discharge this
lien in its entirety to date
is: $116,284.49 Said sale
shall be held at the hour of
1:00 PM on 2/19/2015 in
accord with the standard of
time established by ORS
187.110, and pursuant to
ORS 86.771 (7) shall occur
at the following designated
place: At the front door
to the Morrow County
Courthouse, 100 Court
St., Heppner, OR 97836
Other than as shown of
record, neither the said
beneficiary nor the said
trustee have any actual
notice of any person having
or claiming to have any
lien upon or interest in the
real property hereinabove
described subsequent to
the interest of the trustee
in the Trust Deed, or of
any successor(s) in interest
to the grantors or of any
lessee or other person in
possession of or occupying
the property, except: NONE
Notice is further given that
any person named in ORS
86.778 has the right, at
any time prior to five days
before the date last set for
sale, to have this foreclosure
proceeding dismissed and
the Trust Deed reinstated by
payment to the beneficiary
of the entire amount then
due (other than such portion
of the principal as would not
then be due had no default
occurred) and by curing any
other default complained
of herein that is capable of
being cured by tendering the
performance required under
the obligation(s) of the
Trust Deed, and in addition
to paying said sums or
tendering the performance
necessary to cure the
default, by paying all costs
and expenses actually
incurred in enforcing the
obligation and Trust Deed,
together with the trustee's
and attorney's fees not
exceeding the amounts
provided by ORS 86.778.
The mailing address of
the trustee is: Benjamin D.
Petiprin, attorney at law c/o
Law Offices of Les Zieve
One World Trade Center
121 Southwest Salmon
Street, 11th Floor Portland,
OR 97204 (503) 946-6558
In construing this notice, the
masculine gender includes
the feminine and the neuter,
the singular includes plural,
the word "grantor" includes
any successor in interest to
the grantor as well as any
other persons owing an
obligation, the performance
of which is secured by
said trust deed, the words
"trustee" and 'beneficiary"
include their respective
successors in interest,
if any. Without limiting
the trustee's disclaimer
of representations or
warranties, Oregon law
requires the trustee to state
in this notice that some
residential property sold at
a trustee's sale may have
been used in manufacturing
methamphetamines, the
chemical components of
which are known to be toxic.
Prospective purchasers of
residential property should
be aware of this potential
danger before deciding to
place a bid for this property
at the trustee's sale. Dated:
10/13/2014 Benjamin D.
Petiprin, attorney at law c/o
Law Offices of Les Zieve
Signature By: Benjamin
D. Petiprin P1125722 1/7,
1/14, 1/21, 01/28/2015
Published: January 7, 14, 21
and 28, 20014
January 9, 2015
The Morrow County
Sheriff ’s Office has in
its physical possession
the unclaimed personal
property described below.
If you have any ownership
interest in any of that
unclaimed property, you
must file a claim with the
Morrow County Sheriff’s
Office within 30 days from
the date of publication of
this notice, or you will
lose your interest in that
Spray paint
Cell phone
Duffel Bag
Power Converter
Published: January 14 and
21, 2015
Morrow County Public
Works is accepting bids on
the following:
Specifications and bid
sheets may be obtained by
contacting Morrow County
Public Works P.O. Box 428,
365 W Hwy 74, Lexington,
OR. 97839. Phone 541-
Bids must be received at
the Morrow County Public
Works Office, P.O. Box
428, 365 W. Hwy 74, and
Lexington, OR 97839 no
later than 4:00 p.m. Friday,
January 30, 2015. Bids must
be in a sealed envelope
marked “Herbicide Bid”.
Bids will be opened
February 4, 2015. Starting
at 9:30 a.m. at the Morrow
County Court Session being
held at the Courthouse
i n H e p p n e r, O R . F o r
additional information
contact Morrow County
Public Works 541-989-
Morrow County reserves
the right to reject any and
all bids and/or to postpone
the award of bids for thirty
(30) days from the date of
Morrow County does not
discriminate on the basis of
age, religion, race national
origin, sex or handicapped
status in hiring or the
provision of services.
Published: January 14, 21
and 28, 2015
The Morrow County Road
Committee Will meet on
January 29, 2015 at the
Columbia Basin Coop
Conf. Room, Heppner, OR
at 1:00 P.M. Discussion on
the past Road department
project. Discussion on
upcoming projects.
Published: January 21 and
28, 2015
Janitorial Services at
Various County Buildings.
Morrow County Public
Works is requesting for
Qualifications for Janitorial
Services at carious County
Buildings in Irrigon,
Boardman, Heppner and
Lexington. The contract
is anticipated to start
March 2015 and will cover
a period of one (1) year.
For specifications please
contact Morrow County
Public works, 541-989-
Copies of the Request
for Qualifications may be
obtained from Morrow
County, P.O. Box 428, 365
W Hwy 74, Lexington,
Oregon 97839, (541) 989-
9500. Complete proposals
will be accepted at the same
address no later than 4:00
p.m., February 13, 2015.
Morrow County reserves
the right to reject any and all
request for qualifications.
Morrow County does not
discriminate on the basis of
age, religion, race national
origin, sex or handicapped
status in hiring our the
provision of services.
Published: January 21, 28,
February 4 and 11, 2015
We don’t fly airplanes
We can’t train elephants
We’re not good cooks
We don’t build computers
We can’t raise wheat
We don’t practice law
We can’t set a broken leg
We don’t put out forest fires
We can’t measure & cut lumber
We don’t sell fat quarters
We don’t rent movies
We won’t charm snakes
We don’t rotate tires
We’re not painters
We can’t resole shoes
We don’t fill cavities
We don’t sell antiques
We don’t know jewelry
We can’t fill prescriptions
We don’t savvy hardware
We can’t fill propane tanks
(and set up
We don’t sell or bag groceries
We shouldn’t run with scissors
Heppner 541-676-9125
Ione 541-422-7466
188 West Willow • 676-9228