SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 12,2012 Jordan Jones to write HHS news for the Gazette-Times (Editor's note: Jordan Ann Jones, a se­ nior at Heppner Jr. /Sr. High School, will be writ­ ing articles to inform the community on events at Heppner High School and plans to write an article on each o f Heppner's 2012- 2013 seniors.) By Jordan Ann Jones This Friday, Sep­ tember 14 ,a home football game against Willamina is set, starting at 7 p.m. Thursday, September 13, the Heppner volleyball girls will be playing in Dufur at 4 p.m. and then on Saturday, September 15, they will be playing in Grant Union at noon. Along with the ar­ ticle of the local events that will be happening in the community. I will also be writing an article on each of Heppner's 2012-2013 graduating seniors. I am writing an article on Hepp­ ner's class of 2013 seniors so that the community can get to know the seniors better. Now to get started 1 will start with myself. My name is Jor­ dan Ann Jones; my parents are Frank and Ann Jones, and I have two siblings, Faith and Chace Jones. 1 was bom in John Day, OR and when I was five my family moved to Heppner. For my extra curricular activities I participate in cheerleading, softball, and when I can 1 volunteer my time at our local daycare center. In my spare time when I’m not busy with school or sports, 1 like to hang out with friends and family. For a fun fact: my favorite food is chicken or meatloaf, and my favorite color is turquoise. After 1 graduate high school I plan on continuing my educa­ tion by going to college and earning a degree in journalism. 1 am not quite sure where I will be going to college but I have been MORROW COUNTY COURT -Continued form PAGE ON Sheriff Dept. Update & Traffic Deputy Discussion: Sheriff Kenneth Matlack provided the court w ith the fol low ing report: August 3, 5 and 14 fires in the Irrigon Area (two structure and one brush), August 7 brush fire in Boardman area, August 10 fire along Hwy. 74 around mile post 17 in the lone area and on August 15 reckless burning by juveniles. A resident reported a wild rabbit in her yard, two pit bulls killed a neighbor’s dog and a dead cow elk was found near the Hwy 207 and 21 Road intersection. There was a four-wheeler accident on Hwy. 74 with patient transport and a pickup rollover on Hwy 207 with Life-Flight transport. The sheriff discussed the possibility of hiring a patrol deputy. After a lengthy discussion the court decided to take no action on the request at this time for financial and other reasons. H eppner Rural Fire Protection District Annexation O rder: The looking at Southwestern Oregon Community Col­ lege and the University of Oregon. One of the gradu­ ating seniors is Alyssa Kay Wizner; her parents are Jarod and Christy Wizner, and she has three siblings, Rian, Cody, and Bridget Wizner. She was bom in Hermiston, OR and when she was six her family moved to Heppner. When Alyssa isn’t busy she par­ ticipates in the Heppner drama department. When in Heppner Alyssa en­ joys hanging out with her friends and family. For a fun fact: Alyssa’s favorite food is Fuji apples, and her favorite color is coral. After Alyssa graduates she plans to extend her edu­ cation by going to beauty school and majoring in cosmetology. Alyssa is not sure where she is going to college at but her wish is to attend school at Paul Mitchell. CITY COUNCIL -Continuedform PAGE ONE been resolved and the reha­ bilitation of that street can now proceed. The council heard that the city’s engineering firm Anderson Perry will be meeting with city repre­ sentatives, Brian Thompson and others on Sept. 11 to discuss the possibility of the city tying into a land owner’s irrigation project to dispose of city waste wa­ ter. “If this works we could avoid the current ammonia issue with minimal cost,” Cutsforth said in her report to the council. Last month the city had reluctantly be­ gun to move ahead with a $625,000 sewer system upgrade suggested by An­ derson Perry to eliminate ammonia discharge prob­ lems cited by the State De­ partment of Environmental Quality. If the city is able to put the effluent into ir­ rigation o f Thom pson’s and others’ land, it would change its present method of dumping treated effluent into Willow Creek. “This could save the city a pile of money,” Mayor Paustian said. The city dumps on average 170,000 gallons of water into Willow Creek each day, It was announced that five people have filed for city office. Joe Perry for mayor, John Bowles (cur­ rently on the council) for councilor, Corey Sweeney for councilor and Dale Bates also for councilor. The council ac­ cepted resignation of Bob Jepsen from the Heppner Utility Commission. The mayor asked that anyone know ing som eone who might be interested in ser­ vice the city on the commit­ tee should contact himself or city hall. The co u n cil passed an ordinance ex­ empting service or seeing eye type dogs from city required licensing. Service dogs are those used to assist disabled people under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Received the following police report for the month of August: Traffic- There were six traffic stops. A deputy made contact with a person regarding answering questions about commercial vehicle speed limits. A person reported a pos­ sible drunk driver. A deputy checked the area and was unable to locate the ve­ hicle. A commercial vehicle was reported to be blocking the roadway. Three hit and run crashes were reported. One person was arrested for leaving the scene of a crash. Several juveniles were warned about unsafe bi­ cycle riding. Two parking complaints were received. 4th Annual (jfeULn. ’ on the. (f tjy x ! Code Enforcement- Fourteen animal calls were reported, resulting in eight cats being transported to Pet Rescue and one cita­ tion being issued. A loose horse was re­ ported. Loose cattle were report­ ed at Mt Glen Apartments. A person called MCSO who wanted to get a vehicle titled in his name. A person was warned about dumping trash on a neighbor’s property. A deputy made contact with two residents regard­ ing weeds.) MCSO responded to four noise complaints. , Theft Complaints- A theft o f pop bottles was reported. MCSO received a report of a gas drive off. All Other- A deputy assisted the Department of Human Ser­ vices in removing children from a residence. A person wanted a depu­ ty to assist in removing chil­ dren from an ex-spouse’s residence. The deputy was not able to assist; the person was advised to contact the court. A deputy contacted a landlord o f a residence regarding an eviction. Four vehicles were vandalized. A person reported illegal fishing. A deputy checked the area in question and was unable to locate anyone. A deputy investigated a report of unwanted texts. The victim was advised to tell the person who was sending the texts to stop and if it continues to recontact MCSO. Juveniles were re­ portedly lighting fireworks. Saturday, September 22nd Boardm an M arin a Park 3 :0 0 p m — 9:00p m Live Music featuring C. C. King Band & THE SHADES Classic Car Display Wine & Beer Tasting Tickets: $20. Morrow County District Attorney Justin Nelson has released the following report: -Jaime Rodriguez Madrigal, 25, was con­ victed of Failure to Per­ form Duties of a Driver, a Class C felony, and was sentenced to three years of supervised probation, 160 hours of community ser­ vice, with numerous con­ ditions, and $708 in fines, fees and assessments. He was also convicted of Reckless Driving, a Class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days of incarceration, suspended, a 90-day driver's license sus­ pension, three years' bench probation with numerous conditions, 50 hours of community service and $168 in fines, fees and as­ sessments. -Rolando Guadar­ rama Estrada, 44, was con­ victed of Aggravated Theft A deputy was unable to locate the juveniles. Four people were issued citations for possessing/ consuming alcohol. Suspicious people were reported behind a business. A deputy checked the area and was unable to locate anyone. A person reported they were threatened. It was determined to be a civil issue. Deadline- Monday at 5:00 pm IN V ITE Y O U T O P A R TIC IP A TE t 1 in t h e N a v a l W e a p o n s S y s t e m s . . T ra in in g F a c ility B o a rd m a n E IS The U S Navy, in cooperation with the National Guard Bureau and the Oregon National Guard, has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the potential environmental effects associated with ongoing and proposed military readiness activities within Naval Weapons Systems Training Facility (NWSTF) Boardman The Navy and Oregon National Ouard request your Inputl S ubmit P u b lic M e e tin g s O p e n H o u s e In f o r m a t io n S e s s io n 5- 6 p .m P r e s e n ta tio rV P u b lic C o m m e n t S e s s io n 6- 8 p .m . written comments t o : Tuesday. Sept 25. 2012 Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest Attention Mrs Amy Burt - N W S T F Boardman EIS Project M anager Hermiston Conference Center Great Room 4 15 S Highway 395 Hermiston OR 97838 1101 Tautog Circle, Suite 203 To Purchase call: 5 4 1 -481-3014 $25 at the door. Must be 21 to Attend Catered b y : Judy Scott's Chuck Wagon Sponsored by : Boardman, OR Silverdale, W A 98315-1101 Port of Morrow Conference Center Riverfront Room 2 Marine Drive The Draft EIS is available for public Boardman OR 97818 review and comment from Sept. 7,2012 to Nov. 6,2012. AH comments must be postmarked or received online by Nov. 0,2012, for consideration in the Final EIS. the r o u o w in g p u b l ic l ib r a r i e s o r FOR MORI INFORMATION I W e d n e s d a y Sept 26. 2012 Submit comments online at V isit a sub award amendment between Oregon Health & Science University and the Morrow County Health Department with a total payment of $8,062.84 to be paid in four equal payment of$2,015.71. Janitorial Contract Review: The court, and several department heads met with the county’s janitorial contractor. After a lengthy discussion it appears that most of the concerns and issues that have been brought forward were due to a lack of communication. The contractor agreed to address all of the concerns that were discussed. All parties agreed that in the future all concerns will be reported to Sandi Putman at the Road Dept. Various correspondences and upcoming meeting notices were reviewed and discussed. This information is being provided by Commissioner Leann Rea. If you would like to receive county court minutes, please contact Karen Wolff at (541)676- 5620. DA’s Report T h e U.S. N a v y and the O re g o n National Guard ( court reviewed, approved and signed the order in the matter of ordering the annexation of the territory (Blake Ranch Area) to the Heppner Rural Fire Protection District. Contracts: The court reviewed and approved the following contracts with the Morrow County Commission on Children and Families: Boardman Park and Recreation District in the amount of $5,000; Heppner Day Care in the amount of $4,750.00; Umatilla- Morrow Head Start in the amount of $8,538; Morrow County Public Health Department- Healthy Start Program in the amount of $9,200; Domestic Violence Services in the amount of $4,291; Heppner Day Care Preschool in the amount of $4,750; Morrow County Juvenile Department Youth Investment Program in the amount of $13,530; and Morrow County Juvenile Department Client Specific Program in the amount of $2,000. Reviewed and approved w w w N W S TFB oardm anE IS com .* . o ; T .'- in the First Degree-Theft by Receiving, a Class B felony, and was sentenced to 12 months in the custody of the Oregon Department of Corrections, two-years’ post prison supervision, with numerous conditions and $1,108 id fines, fees and assessments. He was also convicted of being a Felon in Possession o f a Firearm and was sentenced to 15 months in the Or­ egon Department of Cor­ rections, with two-years' post-prison supervision with numerous conditions and $208 in fines, fees and assessments. According to the report, he may be deported for the offenses rather than be subject to probation. In addition, he was also convicted of: Pos­ session of Methamphet- amine, a Class C felony, and was sentenced to six months in the custody of ODC, one year post-prison supervision with numer­ ous conditions and ordered to pay $565 in fines fees and assessments; Identity Theft, a Class C Felony, and was sentenced to six months in the custody of ODC, one year post-prison supervision with numerous conditions and ordered to pay $95 in fines, fees and assessments; Frequenting a Place Where Controlled Substances are Used, a Class A misdemeanor, and ordered to pay $60 in fines and assessments; Assault in the Fourth Degree-Consti­ tuting Domestic Violence, a Class C felony, and was sentenced to 15 months in the custody of ODC, two years' post-prison supervi­ sion with numerous con­ ditions and ordered to pay $1,178 in fines, fees and assessments; Harassment- Constituting Domestic Violence, a Class B misde­ meanor, discharged. Marriage Licenses The MorrowCounty Clerk has issued the fol­ lowing marriage licenses: January 23: -Ronald William Mailloux, 70, of Boardman and Sherrill Lee Feser, 63, of Boardman. Sheriff’s Report The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office reports handling the following business: July II: Morrow County Sheriffs Office received a request for a cat trap from an Irrigon resident. A dep­ uty responded and left a trap at the location. -MCSO received report of a small dog, very skin­ ny, that needed to be taken to Pet Rescue in Irrigon. -MCSO received report of a Labrador in Irrigon turned over to a deputy at the Irrigon Justice Court. The dog was transported to Pet Rescue. -MCSO received re­ port of cattle out on Bell Canyon Loop/Blackhorse Canyon, Lexington. .The owners were contacted and said they would take care of the cattle. -MCSO received report that Umatilla Police De­ partment arrested Eliodoro Salseda Castaneda, 20, on a Morrow County Justice Court warrant for Failure to Appear/Providing False Information to a Police Of­ ficer. He was lodged at the Umatilla County Jail with $6,000 bail. -MCSO received re­ port of a suspicious person wearing a button-up shirt and a hat with a small plas­ tic bag in Heppner. Subject was located. -MCSO, Boardman Po­ lice Department received report of an alarm at Riv­ erside High School in Boardman. MCSO assist­ ed Boardman Police, the building was cleared, but they were unable to locate anything. -MCSO received report from the Heppner City Manager that five protest­ ers were outside the door of a meeting on wind energy. A deputy responded and stayed for the meeting. -MCSO received re­ port of a suspicious per­ son sleeping on the caller's porch swing when the caller got home from work on Highway 74, Heppner. The subject was given a courtesy ride to Lexington were he was staying with friends. -MCSO received report of an elderly gentleman talking to himself, standing in the middle of the park­ ing lot at the Lexington Shell looking for a phone -Continued on PAGE EIGHT «