EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 29,2012 from January 1, 2012, for the debt. and m onthly paym ents Dated07-05-2012 in the sum o f $696.37, B y : / s / : K e 11 y D . run it for the fair board F o r re n t- 2 b ed ro o m from February 1, 2012, Sutherland Eleven ladies were on For flight B, Karen he also, in his extremely apartment, Lexington. $375 together with all costs, KELLY D. the Willow Creek Country Thompson took low gross busy schedule, managed to month 541-989-8118 Club course for a warm and and Lorrene Montgomery disbursements, and/or fees SUTHERLAND help me throw together 2, 8-15-tfx incurred or paid by the Successor Trustee breezy day of golf Tuesday, took low net. last minute Queen dances Aug. 28. For flight C, Suzanne beneficiary and/or trustee, SHAPIRO & as a place for the 4-H’ers Low gross of the field Jepsen had low gross and their employees, agents or SUTHERLAND, LLC to come and just have fun Willow View Apartments was taken by Nancy Proph- Ann Elgin took low net. and forget the pressures of 515 N. Elder, H eppner assigns. By reason o f said 1499 SE Tech Center Place, eter. Pat Dougherty had low Nancy Propheter had fair for a moment. He did a Choice 2-bedroom second default the beneficiary has Suite 255 net and Betty Carlson had KP on #13 and (second declared all sums owing on Vancouver, WA 98683 fantastic job and is a prime floor, 541-256-0388. shot) on #16. the obligation that the trust w w w .sh ap iro atto rn ey s. the least putts. example o f the amazing 12-2-tfc For flight A, Virginia In upcoming events, deed secures immediately com/wa people who do nothing but Grant had the low gross, the club championship and due and payable, said sum Telephone:(360) 260-2253 give in this County. Corol Mitchell had the low Eddi Skow Tournament being the following, to- Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 I p e rs o n a lly w ould Cottage Creek Apartments net and Eva Kilkennyhad will be held Sept. 4-5 at wit: $55,742.81, together S&S 12-109988 also like to thank the l bed / l bath apartments least putts. w ccc. with interest thereon at the Published: August 8, 15,22 Fair board for all of their All utilities included! rate of 6.25% per annum and 29, 2012 generosity through out 160 N. Chase Street from December 1, 2011, Affidavit this year working with my Call toll free: together with all costs, schedules and supporting ( 877 ) 967-6583 disbursements, and/or fees me throughout my reign The M orrow County Sheriff’s Office reports incurred or paid by the PUBLIC NOTICE as queen. We were all at beneficiary and/or trustee, The City Council o f the handling the following business: our wits end with all of the preparations for that week, 380 N. Thompson Heppner. their employees, agents or City of Heppner, Oregon, -Continuedfrom PAGE SIX that her residence had been but they did a fantastic job, $850 month Credit check assigns. WHEREFORE, will hold a Special Council entered. A laptop was sto­ and I believe they deserve required. Jodie Waite 541- notice hereby is given that M ee tin g on T u esd ay , Authority warrant for ID len and furniture removed. the undersigned trustee will September 4, 2012, at 6:30 a lot for all o f their hard 379-2188. theft. Entry was believed to be 8-29-tfc on November 16, 2012, at PM. at City Hall, 111 N. w ork. A nother unsung Ju n e 21: -Woodburn a bedroom window, as a the hour of 11:00 AM PT, M ain S treet, H eppner, hero that many forget to PD advised MCSO that screen was removed. in accord with the standard Oregon. The purpose of the think about is the rodeo -BPD cited Leobar- time established by ORS meeting is to confirm and they arrested Jose De Jesus board. They are a group Llamas on an Irrigon Jus­ do Jacquez Solis, 62, for FO R SALE 18 7 .1 1 0 , at th e m ain award a contract for the City of people who know what tice Court warrant for fail­ driving while suspended entrance to the Morrow of Heppner Drainage and they are doing and made ure to pay fine on driving violation and possession House 4 Sale. PR IC ED County Courthouse, located Sidewalk Improvements this a fun, entertaining, and SAFE rodeo for everyone LOW FOR QUICK SALE at 100 Court Street, in the Project, HB 2001, Project while suspended. Subject o f controlled substance- City of Heppner, County of 26454 (commonly known was cited and released to prescriptions. in v o lv e d . T h an k you 541-256-0015 -BPD issued a cita­ 8-15-4p Morrow, State of Oregon, as the H eppner Slope appear. for letting me have the -A woman from Board- tion to Cynthia Brown for sell at public auction to the Tough Enough to Wear Drainage Project). This man called MCSO to report possession o f controlled highest bidder for cash the is a p u b lic m e e tin g . Pink Night and making it that while she was gone, substance-prescriptions. Thomas Orchards interest in the said described Details of the project and successful. It is an amazing June 22: -BPD issued Kimberly, Oregon real property which the further information will be someone broke into her and rewarding sight when residence and took several a criminal citation to Chris­ grantor has or had power available at City Hall prior people stand together to guns. tine Eileen Johnston, 33, U-PICK /READY to convey at the time of to the meeting. Call City support members o f our -A Boardman woman for unlawful possession of the execution of said trust Hall at 541-676-9618 for community who are facing PICKED contacted BPD to advise methamphetamine. deed, together with any additional details. A. Kim difficult decisions. Freestone Canning interest which the grantor Cutsforth, City Manager. All in all, this year's Fair Peaches or his successors in interest Publish August 29, 2012 and Rodeo was a success. PUBLIC NOTICE Suncrest - Loring acquired after the execution Affidavit A success that could not Resolution N o.__________ Elberta - Angelus of said trust deed, to satisfy have occurred without our A Resolution Clarifying the Use of The General Reserve the foregoing obligations sponsors; Murray’s Drug, Nectarines Fund Accounts and Budgeting an Unexpected Grant for PUBLIC NOTICE thereby secured and the B anner Bank, Bank o f Plums Pedestrian Pathways and Sidewalks N o t i c e o f P e r m i t costs and expenses of sale, Eastern Oregon, M ike’s Bartlett Pears Whereas, the General Fund has three organizational units Amendment T-11122 including a reasonable M obile Slaughter, Tom (Administration, Law Enforcement, and Parks) within T-111 22 filed by Monty Gala Apples charge by the tru ste e. D enchel Ford, M orrow it, and Whereas, Law Enforcement has an existing Notice is further given to Crum, P.O. Box 121, lone, County Grain Growers and Bring containers account(02) in the Reserve fund, which leaves both Oregon 97843, proposes any person named in ORS KWHT 103.5., Dickenson Open 7 days a week Administration and Parks to share an account (01), and 86.753 that the right exists, a d d itio n a l p o in ts o f Chiropractic, Les Schwab, 8 am-6pm Only The current wording on the account, ’’City Hall EQ & IMP appropriation under Permit at any time that is not later Dave Sykes, and many 541-934-2870 Res. Accnt.” fails to differentiate funds that can be used than five days before the G-13735. The permit allows others. P lease fo rg iv e Visit us on facebook date last set for the sale, the use of 8.91 cubic feet for Parks from those used for Administration, building me if I have left off your for updates repairs etc., and this has caused confusion. to have this foreclosure per second (priority date name, it was not intentional _____________7-18-tfc, Therefore Be It Resolved that: proceeding dismissed and September 17, 1998) from whatsoever. Whereas Reserve Fund Account 01 is hereby renamed the trust deed reinstated by two wells in Sec. 1, T 1 S, R Speaking o f sponsors, more appropriately as follows: Is: 01 “City Hall EQ & paying to the beneficiary 25 E,W.M. (Umatilla Basin) Mike’s Mobile Slaughter IMP Res. Acct.” (Revenue) of the entire amount due for irrigation in Sects. 1, 2, was very generous, and Changed to: 01” General Fund” to reflect multiple uses, donated a whole hog to me PUBLIC NOTICE (other than such portion of 3, and 12, T 1 S, R 25 E, not just City Hall Improvement projects W.M. and Sec. 6, T 1 S, R to raffle of to help with my TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF the principal as would not Is: “Interest-City Hall Acct.” 25 E, W.M. The applicant then be due had no default expenses as a rodeo Queen. SALE Changed to: “ Interest” proposes two additional We raffled off half of the A default has occurred occurred) and by curing any Is: “Trans, ff. General Fund” points o f appropriation hog Saturday and Sunday under the terms of a trust other default complained Change: None between approximately 900 night after the rodeos and deed made by Terrance of herein that is capable of Requirements: (or Expenses) Robin Jones and Sherry M oore and B arbara J. being cured by tendering and 3400 feet northwest Is: “Equipment & Improvements” 13-01-7610-01 within Sec. 1, T 1 S, R Matteson, both of Heppner, Moore, Husband and Wife, the performance required Change to “Admin. Improvements” 13-01-7610-01 25 E, W.M. The Water were the lucky winners! Due as grantor to Old Republic under the obligations or “ City Hall Structural Projects” 13-7610-02 to recent events within the T itle C o ., a O re g o n trust deed, and in addition Resources Department has “ Parks” 13-7610-03 concluded that the proposed community I have decided Corporation, as Trustee, to paying said sums or The budget changes are changed as follows: permit amendment appears that half o f the money 1 in favor o f W ashington tendering the performance 01 General Fund Revenue raised from the raffle will Mutual Bank, a Washington necessary to cure the default, to be consistent with the re q u ire m e n ts o f ORS The budget changes are changed as follows: be donated to the Correa Corporation, as Beneficiary, by paying all costs and 01 General Fund 537.211. family. dated December 24, 2003, expenses actually incurred Revenue Existing Change Adjusted The last date of newspaper I am s till tra v e lin g recorded January 9, 2004, in enforcing the obligation 13-00-1000 BF Bai 12,801 0 12,801 promoting Morrow County in the mortgage records of and trust deed, together with publication is September 13-00-1030 Interest 28 28 0 Fair and Rodeo. I ju st Morrow County, Oregon, trustee's fees and attorney's 12,2012 13-00-8010 Tsfrfr.GF _ 0 P ublished: A ugust 29, JL Q returned from John Day as Microfilm Record No. fees not exceeding the Total 12,829 12,829 0 September 5 and 12, 2012 this w eekend and w ill M-2004-9984, beneficial amounts provided by said Expenses (or Requirements) travel to Walla Walla over interest now held by JP ORS 86.753. In construing Affidavit Labor Day, attend both M organ C h ase B ank, this notice, the masculine 13-01-7610-01 Admin . 0 0 0 Pendleton parades and then N atio n a l A ss o c ia tio n , gender includes the feminine Impvts. PUBLIC NOTICE on to Prineville for the successor in interest by and the neuter, the singular The City of Heppner will 13-01-7610-2 City Hall 12,829 7,000* -5,829 NPRA Finals. My goal this purchase from the FDIC includes the plural, the hold a p u blic h earin g 13-01-7610-03 Parks 5,829 Q +5.829 year was to promote my as Receiver of Washington word "grantor" includes any Total 12,829 12,829 0 on September 10, 2012, wonderful County and let Mutual Bank, as covering successor in interest to the to a c c e p t te s tim o n y *$7,000 from the sale of the HUD house was designated people know how special it the following described grantor as well as any other re g a rd in g p a ssa g e o f for the City Hall remodel is to me. Thank you to each real property: Parcel 1:All person owing an obligation, A N O R D I N A N C E (see Resolution 814-12) and every one of you who o f Lot 5, in B lock 14, the performance of which is AMENDING HEPPNER Furthermore, Whereas, the City of Heppner has been supported me throughout Stansbury Addition to the secured by said trust deed, CITY CODE, TITLE 5, gifted, through the Port of Morrow a grant of $1.2M my reign, because without City of Heppner, Oregon, and the words "trustee" and CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 3, dollars from the State of Oregon to be used for addressing you, my year would not Subject to the dedication "beneficiary" include their SECTION B, SEEING EYE pedestrian ways and safety issues within the City of have been so memorable, of the North 3 feet of said respective successors in DOG EXEMPTION, TO Heppner (this is a surprise source of revenue). special and successful. Lot 5, dedicated to the City interest, if any. Also, please INCLUDE ALL SERVICE Therefore Be It Resolved That: To track this revenue, Thank you. o f Heppner, Oregon by be advised that pursuant DOGS the City’s Streets & Bridges reserve account will be LOVE, Maggie Stanley Minor for certain to the terms stated on the The amendment will allow amended as follows: 8-28-lp foot walk or alley.Parcel Deed of Trust and Note, service dogs to be included 13 Streets and Sidewalks 2 T hat portion of Lot 16, the beneficiary is allowed to in the licensing exemption Revenue Existing Change Adjusted Block 7 o f the Original conduct property inspections under Title 5, Chapter 2, SERVICES 13-00-1000 BFBal 52,371 52,371 0 Town of Heppner, East of while property is in default. Article 3, Section B, in 13-00-1020 POM 0 1,200,000 1,200,000 This shall serve as notice Grant Veteran’s the center line of Willow that the beneficiary shall conformance with ADA Creek, excepting the North rules. Services 13-00-1030 Interest 110 1,200 1,310 three feet. COMMONLY be conducting property The hearing will be held First Thursday inspections on the said of each month KNOWN AS: 175 North at 7:00 PM at H eppner 13-00-8070 Tsfr fr. 9.208 9.208 SI Gilliam Building, Heppner Court Street, Heppner, OR referenced property. The City Hall, 111 N. Main Total Streets 61,689 1,262,889 1,201,200 Please call for Appointment 97836. Both the beneficiary F a ir D eb t C o lle c tio n Street at the September 10, Expenses Existing Change Adjusted and the trustee have elected Practice Act requires that 2012 City Council meeting. we state the following: This to sell the said real property Please leave a detailed message 13-01-7680 Bridges 61,689 61,689 0 Copies o f the proposed to satisfy the obligations is an attempt to collect a ordinance amendment are 13-01-7685 Sidewalks 0 0 0 13-01-7690 Ret. Int. 0 1,200 1,200 secured by said trust deed debt, and any information available for viewing at 13-01-7695 POM 1.200.000 2. UW.QW and a notice of default has obtained will be used for Heppner City Hall between ( M il I) ( A R E Total Grant 61,689 1,262,889 1,201,200 that purpose. If a discharge been recorded pursuant to the hours o f 9:00 AM and INTRODUCED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of Experienced, loving day Oregon Revised Statutes has been obtained by any 5:00 PM Monday through September 2012 care provider, Heppner, 86.735(3); the default for party through bankruptcy Friday. Leslie L. Paustian, Mayor available slots for ages 6 which the foreclosure is proceedings: This shall David R. De Mayo Alta Kim Cutsforth, Recorder weeks & up, references made is grantor's failure to not be construed to be City Manager Ret. Int. * Returned Interest, all interest earned available, call Becky at pay when due the following an attempt to collect the Published: August 29 and on this money must be returned to the State 541-571-5458. sums: Monthly payments outstanding indebtedness or September 5, 2012 Published: August 22 & 29, 2012 8-8-4c in the sum o f $699.77, hold you personally liable Affidavit _____ Affidavit____________________________ -Continued from Page SEVEN Over the Tee Cup FOR R E M Sheriff’s Report Phone 541-922-6420 f I