F O U R - Heppner G azette-Tim es, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 15,2012 Ione area Are small but stubborn Forest resource advisory Local residents who District Fire Chief Virgil Morgan said. “ We thought we had committee schedules meeting noticed a lot of fire trucks Morgan, fire officials aren’t near lone over the weekend positive what caused the it out several times but it fire. However, they specu­ late that it was caused by a short on a power line or transformer, since there was no lightning that day and the fire was too far from the road to have been caused by a tossed cigarette or other burning litter. The fire was small—20 acres or less—but stubborn, may have thought there was a rash o f fires in the com­ munity. In reality, there was one small but stubborn fire causing local fire depart­ ments some headaches. The fire was a grass fire that started near High­ way 74 milepost 15 Satur­ day morning. According to lone Rural Fire Protection If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available and that help Is FREE of charge. If Y O U h a v e a fam ily m e m b e r w h o su ffers from g a m b lin g ad d ictio n , Y O U can a ls o re c e iv e F R E E tre a t­ m e n t e v e n if th e g a m b le r is not re ce iv in g tre a tm e n t. If yo u a re a re sid en t of M o rro w C o u n ty a n d you w ish to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f th e s e rv ic es a b o v e or d e s ire m o re in fo rm ation , P le a s e call an y o f th e follow ing n u m b e rs to s e t up a L O C A L ap p o in tm e n t or ju s t to talk: B o b b y H a rris @ 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -9 9 2 5 or 5 4 1 -2 5 6 -0 1 7 5 Community Counseling Solutions (C C S) @ 541-676-9161 O R 1 - 8 7 7 -6 9 5 -4 6 4 8 ( 1 -8 8 8 -M Y L IM IT ) kept flaring up,” he said, adding that the fire was on the creek bottom where there was a lot of rye grass and knapweed. “(There) was a lot o f undergrowth that probably hadn’t been burned for 20 years or bet­ ter. A little breeze would come up and start it up again in the undergrowth that hadn’t burned yet.” Aside from the lone fire departm ents, trucks from Lexington and Hep­ pner were also called to mutual aid. The fire kept the departments busy, with at least three separate calls to the same fire on Saturday. Morgan said they finally put an end to the fire when they got a dozer line around it Sunday. Members of the North­ east O regon Forest Re­ source Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet September 20 in John Day, OR, to discuss selection of Title II projects under Public Law 110-343, H R. 1424, the Re­ authorization of the Secure Rural Schools and Com­ munity Self-Determination Act o f 2000. also called “Payments to States” Act. According to Todd Bu- chholz, Heppner District Ranger and designated fed­ eral official for the North­ east Oregon Forest RAC, this will be the fourth meet­ ing of the committee since reauthorization o f Public Law 106-393. The meeting will be held on September 20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Grant County Regional Airport, 720 A irport Road, John Day. The meeting is open to the public and will focus on reviewing and recommend­ ing 2013 project proposals that meet the intent of the act. A public input oppor­ tunity will be provided for individuals who wish to ad­ dress the committee during the meeting at 1 p.m. For additional informa­ tion, contact Todd Buchholz at the Heppner Ranger Dis­ trict Office, 541-676-9187. Over the Tee Cup Fourteen ladies hit the course for a great day of play on August 14. Nancy Propheter held low gross with 37. Low net saw a three way tie for Pat Dougherty, Melissa Coiner and Darcee Mitchel. Least putts was also a tie, for Eva Kilkenny and Suzanne Jepsen coming in even. For flight A, Virginia Grant had low gross and Sarah Rucker had low net. On flight B, Lorrene Mont­ gomery took low gross. On flight C, Bernice Lott held low gross, but low net saw a tie between Jill Miller and Betty Carlson. Least putts was also a tie, between Toni Nichols and Rose Nichols. Bernice Lott had K.P. urns to th e m o rodeo .. CK OUT THESE REAL ESTATE t> www.sykesrealestate.net • www.pendletonproperties.net $365,000] i □no New master bedroom & bath In this 3 bedroom Stop spending your time fixing up your house and move into a home where it's all been done You'll adore this 3 bedroom, 2 bath on a quiet street near downtown Remodeled in 2008 with a new master suite, bath and more Walk in closet, jet tub and tile floors Well kept fenced back yard with room to park your RV or other toys U p d a te d b a th ro o m s , flo o rin g , u p d a te d k itc h e n w ith o a k c a b in e ts L a rg e b a c k y a rd w ith v ie w o f m o u n ta in s . 2 0 m in u te d riv e to m o u n ta in s N ic e n e ig h b o rh o o d House was com pletely rem odeled in 2007. New sheetrock, tile floors, carpeting, and much more. Large lot with garden space in the back. 123 S W 10TH ST. P IL O T R O C K 165 QUAID ST. HEPPNER Nice parcel near residential neigh­ borhood and also close to the new Boardman City Center. City water and sewer available 5.9 acres m/l $ 159,000 Cute 3 bedroom in Heppner. A nice fenced yard for the kids located on a quiet street. Stor­ age shed outback and new lawn just planted makes this three bedroom one bath home ready to move into. Great starter home or pick it up as a rental. Has a carport too. 340 Green Street. Heppner N icely rem odeled 3 be dro om 2 bath ho m e on large flat lot. Extra parking This is a solid ho m e w ith lots o f storage, shop and cove red parking Fam ily and pet friendly w ith a fully fenced yard and garde n a r­ eas R V parking C all and m ake an ap po int to view th is hom e 775 N Shobe, H e p p n e r Clean well loi. Large spacious r o l l s \1 ■.ï.pëûng throughout. Use the wood stove for cozy heat in the Winter, or the simplicity of central heat and AC Fenced back yard with garden space and place for the kids to play. Big dining room & spacious kitchen make this excellent for entertaining Has plug in for emergency electrical generator 635 S Cowins. Heppner Well built, immaculate, beautiful landscaping, view of city, great neighborticxxl. view of Mt Adams on clear day descnbes this home One bedroom and living room have city view, small office views park like setting Kitchen has island, dishwasher, pantry, garbage disposal Dining room has wood floors, slid­ ing door'looks at shade trees. Dowers spring to fall Utility room, garage, large metal shed have many cupboards and for much storage. 2 apartments and shop building for Sale in Lexington O n th e bottom flo o r is a fo rm er auto body shop and a 1 bedroom ap a rtm e n t new ly re­ m odeled renting for $3 50 U pstairs is a 2 bedroom apartm ent that has been com pletely redone renting fo r $375 Building has a good roo f and ow n er says th e shop has been c om p le tely rew ired 3 Bedroom 2 bath home in Lexington T h is h o m e h a s m e ta l ro o f, c e m e n t fo u n d a tio n & p ro ­ p a n e F /A 1 2 8 X 121 6 6 lo t. 2 4 6 5 s q ft h o m e h a s fu ll b a s e m e n t a n d la rg e fe n c e d y a rd w ith a p p le , n e c ta rin e a n d c h e rry tre e s G a ra g e . 150 E. Main. Lexington. OR Blake Ranch lot for sale .92 acres buildable C oyote Lane $ 20,000 215 Rock St., Heppner View lot at Lakeview Heights. Own one of the last view lots at Lakeview Heights. 84 X 120 approx. Water, sewer, phone and power available. _____________ 145 E. Main, Lexington ____________ $25,000 Lakeview Ct., Heppner A c re a g e fo r S a le / 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner Just blocks from school and downtown shopping, this 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath charmer has a fenced yard for children and a separate small yard in the back. Enjoy your reading room, living room and kitchen with window looking out on the street /Scacco [MOD H appnerZcity llm lt» 1 3 ;2 3 o u t s id e ic it y jlim it s Has a good building spot and room for animals. Water and electricity located nearby.$65,000 Auto Repair Business in Heppner, OR This is a going concern which shows a profit each year. Includes real property, business, inven­ tory and equipment. Loyal customer base and good reputation. $339,000 Heppner/Spray Highway 215 S Court Heppner 2 bedroom home on large lot in Lex Lots of room for a garden and other activities with this 2 bedroom 1 bath single wide mobile home in Lexington. Lots of upgrade includ­ ing new flooring, new roof, insulation, new vi­ nyl windows, water heater and much more. 185 E. Arcade. Lexington Affordable Building Lots Available! m $T1-29!000I 4 bedroom 2 bath home in Heppner. You won't feel cramped in this 4 bedroom 2 bath 2146 sq ft home. It has a full basement with mini kitchen down­ stairs, and fully carpeted rooms upstairs Enjoy barbecuing on the covered patio And there's lots of room for a garden in the large backyard Call now for an appointment to visit this home. ___________475 W Morgan, Heppner w 2 bedroom 2 bath in Heppner MountairnGabin! Have your own cabin in the mountains to live in or use for weekend get aways Surrounded by Pine and Tamarack trees. Sit on the deck and look out at the forest. $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 Blake's Ranch T h is n ice 2 0 0 7 M a rla tt h o m e is in e x c e lle n t c o n d i­ tio n E v e ry th in g w a s d o n e rig h t w h e n th is h o m e w a s p u t in It h a s a d e ck , c y c lo n e fe n c e d ya rd a n d a 18 X 31 g a ra g e C e llin g fa n s , a lo n g w ith th e e n ­ e rg y p a ck a g e w ill k e e p y o u w a rm in th e w in te r a n d c o o l In th e s u m m e r T h e re is a d e n /o ffic e , liv ­ in g ro o m a n d lo ts o f e x tra s M u s t s e e in s id e th is o n e C a ll a n d s c h e d u le an a p p o in tm e n t to d a y .84 acre to 5 .9 5 acre lots in E m ert Addition # 2 lone. Utilities include - phon e, w ater, pow er, septic approved. R e a d y to m ove in $8,500-$10,500-$11,500-$14,500 $15,000-$17,500-$22,500 ____________345 Linden Way Heppner ___________ See sykesrealestate net for map of all available lots Phon«: (5 4 1 )6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 C«ll: (5 4 1 )9 8 0 -6 6 7 4 Fax: (5 4 1 )67 6 -9 2 11 188 W Willow P .0 Box 337 Heppner, O R 97836 d9vid@ syk9sr99l9st9t9.net www.syk9srewl9stat9.n9t O w n e r /B r o k e r D a v id Sykes Information deemed correct not guaranteed B ro k e r C h ris Sykes Phone: (5 4 1 )2 7 6 -2 1 5 2 Cell: (5 4 1 )2 1 5 -2 2 7 4 Fax: (5 4 1 )2 7 8 -6 0 5 1 25 S W Emigrant Pendleton, O R 97801 C hris@ syk9sr99l9stat9.n9t w w w .pendletonproperties. net