FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 8,2012 County Court news The Morrow County Court met in Heppner on Aug. 1 with Judge Tallman and Commissioner Rea in attendance. The city and citizen comment period for Hep­ pner was opened. Sheryll Bates, Chamber Director and Morrow County Tour­ ism member, presented an invoice for the Eastern Oregon Visitor’s Associa­ tion ad in the amount of $1,500 for the promotion of Morrow County, includ­ ing motorcycle and bicycle events. The court approved the request. The court reviewed and approved the account pay­ ables in the net total amount of $91,369.47. R oad R e p o rt: The crew has been working on the Sand Hollow Road shoulder project and is just about finished. Currently, the Road Dept, is check­ ing on the right-of-way status for parts o f Sand Hollow Road so additional work can be scheduled. The crew has started the crack seal project for the Morrow County School District. They finished the parking lots at Heppner High School and Heppner Elementary School last Thursday. The crew then moved the equipment to Boardman, where they are currently working. Mor­ row County Public Works Director Burke O’Brien and Morrow County School Su­ perintendent Dirk Dirksen met with others regard­ ing the drainage issues at the Heppner High School. There are huge amounts of water from rain events that flow from the school down the drainage ditch along Spruce Lane. It was decided that the best solu­ tion was to place a 24-inch culvert approximately 800 feet to the bottom o f the hill. The school district will provide the culvert and the county will provide all labor and installation costs. This will eliminate an ongoing maintenance is­ sue on Spruce Lane as well as improve safety when a storm event occurs. The crew finished the repairs at the Bombing Range Road and Hwy. 207 intersection. They excavated more mate­ rial and installed drain tiles before putting down the final patch and then putting down an overlay of asphalt to maintain grade. The crew is working on some drain­ age issues on Upper Rhea Creek as well as moving equipment back to the yard from the Bombing Range project. A crew is work­ ing on the clean-up o f a slide area on Willow Creek Road. The materials from this clean-up will be used to upgrade the garbage facility at Cutsforth Park. T r e a s u r e r R e p o rt: County Treasurer Gayle Gutierrez provided the court with a review of the pooled cash report. Gutierrez stated that the General Fund is in much better condition than it was at this time last year. However, the Road Fund is down from where it was last year and will need to be watched very closely. designated, they can be seen on the other sport physical day. No appointm ent is needed. Parents are reminded that they must complete a questionnaire and sign the examination form be­ fore the physical can be perform ed. Exam forms are available at the clinics. There will be a $30 charge for sports exams scheduled outside of the free dates. HES to hold student registration Frank Carlson will per­ Oregon. form at the next Music in He grew up listening the Parks at 7 p.m. to favorites like on Monday, Aug. Bing Crosby. His 13, at Boardman first a cappella song was “White Christ­ Marina Park. A fter a busy mas.” day plotting pole “Then the Beat­ lines at O regon les came along and Trail Electric Con­ Frank I just had to play sumers Cooperative Carlson the guitar,” says (OTECC), Frank Frank. Carlson shuts down his He started performing computer and picks up his in public when he was 19 guitar. The mild-mannered and now sings everything engineering aide by day from songs by ZZ Top to sings his heart out at night. country to golden oldies, Frank sings at clubs and depending on the audi­ events throughout Eastern ence. jfc O » a P10™! supporter (c ^ o tto w County Fair * Entertainment A ugust 15 -18 Stop by our fmir booth Sc enter to w in som e great prises. You do n ot have to be e custom er 8c no purchase i Call jo e Perry or Russell Seewald, Loan O fficer^ for sO your ag 8k B a n k of m Heppner ■ 541-676-9125 Tbrm Loans, Lines o f Credit 8c Commercial Real Estate Loans lone ■ 541-422-7466 i Jaiden Mahoney with one of her 4-H market lambs. The 11-year-old will donate her second market lamb to be auc­ tioned for Relay for Life during the 4-H livestock auction. -Contributed photo One local girl will be doing her part during this year’s fair to strike a blow against cancer. Jaiden Mahoney, 11, will be donating one of her 4-H lambs during the 4-H livestock sale Saturday afternoon, August 18. Money from the sale of the lamb will go to Relay for Life, part of the Ameri­ can Cancer Society. It’s an organization fam iliar to many, especially after the recent Relay for Life event held at the Morrow County Fairgrounds. It’s also dear to the hearts of many can­ cer patients and survivors, since the American Cancer Society helps pay for travel expenses during treatment, and education and support for patients and families. It also contributes to research into cures for all forms of cancer. Jaiden, the daughter of Mike and Nicole Mahoney of Clark’s Canyon, has a personal reason for donat­ ing her lamb to this cause. “I had just gotten my 4-H lambs this year when my grandma got diagnosed with cancer,” says Jaiden, who will enter the sixth grade at Heppner Elemen­ tary School this year. “We just had a Relay for Life in Heppner, and I would like to help people that have all kinds o f cancer and help with their expenses during treatments.” Aside from donating her lamb to Relay for Life, Jaiden is also collecting donations for the cause. D onations can be made prior to or during fair; all donations and proceeds will be taken to the Relay for Life account at the Bank of Eastern Oregon after the fair. The Bank of EO plans to send donations to Relay for Life at the end of the month. Contact Jaiden at 541 - 561-4464 to make a dona­ tion. For those interested in bidding on the lamb, the 4-H livestock auction begins at 2 p.m. on August 18 in the Wilkinson Arena at the Morrow County Fair­ grounds. Farmer’s market ODFW recreation to go to fair report Heppner Elementary School new and returning student registration will be held on Tuesday, August 14, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Returning students can pay their $10 student body fee and lunch fee at this time. New students will register, The Oregon D epart­ pay fees and receive a tour of the school. ment of Fish and Wildlife For more information, contact Mrs. Sweeney at 541- has issued the following 676-9128. recreation report covering Morrow County: If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, Open Fields in the Co­ lumbia Plateau will start help is available and that help Is FREE of charge. taking reservations for the If Y O U have a family m em ber w ho suffers from Dutch Flat Ranch Access gam bling addiction, Y O U can also receive F R E E treat­ Area on Aug. 1 for the up­ m en t e ven if the g am bler is not receiving treatm ent. If you are a resident of M orrow County and you wish coming hunting seasons. to take ad van ta g e of the services ab ove or desire m ore The access area rules are inform ation, P le a s e call any of th e following num bers the same as last season with to set up a L O C A L appointm ent or just to talk: four groups per day allowed Bobby Harris @ 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -9 9 2 5 or 5 4 1 -2 5 6 -0 1 7 5 on the property. Call the Community Counseling Solutions (CCS) @ 541-676-9161 Open Fields coordinator at O R 1 -8 7 7 -6 9 5 -4 6 4 8 (1 -8 8 8 -M Y L IM IT ) I vices for Morrow County citizens through June 30, 2013. G rant agreem ent #1611 for the Court Ap­ pointed Special Advocates (CASA) Volunteer Program for an amount not-to-ex- ceed $12,394 through June 30, 2013. This grant funds court-appointed advocacy to abused and neglected children to insure a safe, permanent, nurturing home for every child it serves. Fair Exhibit Space Con­ tracts for: Tina Thompson, M orrow County Health Dept., Community Bank, M orrow County Public W orks, Hope L utheran and All Saints Episcopal Churches Shared Ministry, Waterfall of Stitches, Bank of Eastern Oregon, Port of Morrow and Cindi Doherty. The court also approved Personal and Professional Services Agreement with Karen Zacharias to judge Open Class Arts and Crafts and Curtis Harper to judge 4-H Herdsmanship. The court approved a conces­ sion agreement with Mur­ ray Drugs, Inc. V a r i o u s correspondences and upcoming meeting notices were reviewed and discussed. The Ford Leadership Team invited the court to the ribbon­ cutting ceremony for the new covered picnic shelter at the Fairground on August 17 at 4:30 p.m. Anyone who would like to be placed on the list to receive county minutes can contact Karen Wolff at 541-676-5620. Carlson to perform at Music in the Parks Free Sports physicals offered The Morrow County Health District will be spon­ soring free sports physicals for all M orrow County students at Pioneer Memo­ rial Clinic in Heppner in August. Boys are scheduled for Wednesday, August 8, from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.; girls will be seen on Tuesday, August 14, from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. If a student is unable to come on the day Public Hearing: The court held a public hearing regarding the naming of a dedicated public road on property owned by Merlyn Robinson. The staff report was provided by Associate Planner Layne Womack. No one in attendance spoke in favor or in opposition for the road naming. The court then approved the chosen name of Horizon Lane. P la n n in g R eport: Planning Director Carla McLane stated that a public meeting for the Boardman to Hemmingway Trans­ mission Line (B2H) will be hosted by the Bureau of Land Management at the Port of Morrow on Tues­ day, August 7, at 6 p.m. McLane also stated that she has received a notice from the Federal Energy Regula­ tory Commission (FERC) regarding the siting of the Gas Transmission North­ west (GTN) for the Carty Lateral pipeline. McLane stated that comments re­ garding the location of the gas line can still be made, but they need to be written to be considered. McLane reviewed the letter to the Oregon Dept, of Energy re­ garding the ten-year energy plan. McLane will prepare a response letter to the City of Irrigon regarding popula­ tion forecasting. Contracts: The court reviewed and approved the following contracts: The county and Com m unity Counseling Solutions for mental health, developmen­ tal disability, alcohol and drug abuse treatment ser- Girl and her lamb fight for a cure 541 -224-3182 for access. Cougar hunting is open. Cougar are well distributed in our forested areas. Call with distress calls or cougar vocalizations can be effec­ tive when you do not have a cougar kill to work. Coyote hunting: By all indications the coyote pop­ ulation is healthy with good numbers of coyotes avail­ able for those who wish to pursue them. Watch wind direction to help prevent giving away your location. Calling with game distress calls can be successful. OREGON STATE rex X r SEE YOU THERE Having the farmer’s market at the fair was such a hit last year that they’ve decided to do it again. The Willow Creek Farmer's Market will be at the fair on Friday, August 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The market vendors will have fresh fruits and vegetables, crafts and homemade goodies available. “This is the perfect opportunity to come enjoy the fair and pick up some homemade goods,” says one market participant. Community lunch menu St. Patrick’s Catholic Church members will serve lunch on Wednesday, Aug. 15, at St. Patrick's Senior Center. The meal will include salmon burgers, macaroni salad, coleslaw, pickles and peachy bread pudding. Milk is served at each meal. Suggested donation is $3.50 per meal. Menu is subject to change. AUGUST 24 th SEPTEMBER 3 rd FREE PARKING! ÍE S SCHWAB ; On LES SCHWAB KIDS DAY - Monday, Aug 27 - from 11am to 5pm, ALL CARNIVAL RIDES and GAMES 1/2 PRICE and ALL KIDS 13 AND UNDER FREE FAIR ADMISSION with a coupon picked up at any Oregon or SW Washington Les Schwab Tire Center. All tickets purchased before 5PM will be honored until closing! 0BS3M 3 TIRES fAMItYVIlU STAGE, 24 On 1 i