111 II 1 1111111■111 111 1( ) I l , I , , , 11 Bessie Wetzell Newspaper Library University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 County, Port & Boardman sign Backspace money agreement Enterprise zone exempts company from regular property taxes Bv David Sykes The city o f Boardman, Port o f Morrow and Mor­ row County have signed an agreement with Rack- VOL. 131 N 0, 26 8 Pages Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon will seek a building permit, and added that the issues will likely delay the project “a little.” B lauer said th at the district is making final ar­ rangem ents to be able to attest that M CH D 's elec­ tronic records system is functioning according to government standards. He said that MCHD conducted a security audit in June to ensure that they have policies and procedures in place to protect electronic health information and they are making improvements based on that audit. In other business, the board: -learned from Blauer that the state has not ap­ proved any C oordinated Care Organizations in Mor­ row County. He said that the primary applicants have been asked to reapply. “There are a lot o f ques­ tions regarding how CCOs might affect our organiza­ tion,” said Blauer, “as well as other rural health care providers in eastern O r­ egon, and we have been involved in many discus­ sions w ith the state and with potential CCOs in an effort to have our questions answ ered. However, be­ cause the state’s transition is happening on a fairly rapid timeline, there are still many rules and regulations that haven't been finalized.” Under the plan, Medicaid p a tie n ts ’ care w ould be managed by a CCO. Under the plan, the patient would rec e iv e a c ertain d o llar am ount, which would be distributed, or managed, by the CCO to pay for a wide range o f care, from clinic and hospital care to dental, psychological and more. -discussed the expira­ tion o f the current levy in June 2014. The district plans to put a new levy, which provides the district w ith “ necessary su pple­ mental operating funding” on the ballot. space, Inc. spelling out how much money the company w ill pay in fees instead o f property taxes over the next 15 years. Because the com pany’s new data center will be located at the Port o f Morrow in an enterprise zone, it is exem pt from regular county taxation. T h e n e w ly - s ig n e d agreement will cover how m uch the $6 billion San A ntonio, TX -based data hosting company agrees to pay each year “as a contri­ bution to local services or in frastructure benefiting the F a c ility ” instead o f property taxes. In the agreement. Rack- space, which trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the sym bol RAX, agreed to pay the county $100,000 per year for the first three years of the agree­ ment; from years four to 15 it will pay $200,000 per year in what is described as a “ local service fee.” The funds will be col­ lected and held by Morrow County government; how­ ever, disbursement o f those funds will be governed by a six-person board o f the Columbia River Enterprise Zone. The board is made up o f two representatives each o f the Port, the county and the city of Boardman. Under the rules of the Enterprise Zone Committee the board "shall receive rec­ ommendations and requests from affected Special Dis­ tricts o f potential impacts involving the service pro­ vided by said D istricts, including but not limited to schools, fire protection, and public safety.” Those members on the committee are Mayor Chet Phillips and City Manager Karen Pettigrew from the City o f Boardman, General M anager G ary Neal and board member Don Russell from the Port o f Morrow, and Com m issioner Leann Rea and A sse sso r G reg Sweek o f Morrow County. N on-voting Chairm an o f the Enterprise Zone Com­ mittee is Carla McLane o f the Morrow County Plan­ ning Department. The board was set up in M arch o f 2009, and governs the approximately 12-square-mile enterprise zone in the north end o f M orrow C ounty, w hich includes m ostly the Port o f Morrow and the city o f Boardman. As part o f the agree­ m ent, 15 percent o f the money Rackspace pays will go to the recently-formed Morrow Education Founda­ tion. The Foundation is not part o f any school district, and was set up to be simi­ lar to the lone Education Foundation, which receives money outside the regular taxing system but helps fund education through a series of grants to the local schools. In addition, the agree­ ment calls for Rackspace to pay an additional amount equal to four percent o f the -See RA C 'KSPA CE A GREE- MENT/PAGE FIVE Rock band releases album Irrigon clinic expansion titled: Port of Morrow? held up by Irrigon Planning Boardman industrial park is inspiration for indie rock band's new album Commission By April Sykes Morrow County Health District CEO Michael Blau- er told the board, at their regular meeting in Irrigon June 25, that the “planned remodel and expansion of the Irrigon Medical Clinic is being reviewed by the city of Irrigon and the city m an a g e r has e x p re sse d concern regarding areas where our plans do not meet the most recent codes for Irrigon’s downtown com­ mercial area.” B lauer said that the “board discussed its con­ cerns over the cost o f in­ corporating som e o f the suggested im provem ents and proposed some pos­ sible responses to the city’s requirements.” He said that he and board members plan to at­ tend the next Irrigon Plan­ ning Commission meeting to “discuss this issue and hopefully come to a reso­ lution.” He said that once MCHD gets approval from the city o f Irrigon, MCHD By David Sykes So you’re a hot indie rock band called The Shins, and you are ready to release your first album in five years. Now, what’s a good, catchy name to call your new album? O f course, call it “ Port of Morrow.” N o jo k e . Seem s the b a n d ’s front man Jam es Mercer was driving on 1-84 to Portland and saw the sign for the Port o f Mor­ row on the side o f the road by Boardm an. Being the creative guy he must be, he explained it this way: “There’s a sign by the side o f the road that says ‘ Port of M orrow’ and I always just wondered about it, I guess. “ W hen w ritin g th at song it popped into my head and I was thinking of it as death, like w hat’s beyond the exit point, the ‘port o f morrow,’ the port into tomorrow? “ Everyone’s future is death. T hat's a very dark -See IRRIGON CLINIC/ way to look at it, but in the PAGE FIVE song it just happened to fit in with that thing. Like the ace o f spades, port o f mor­ row, life is death, death is life.” Big rattlesnake killed on Rhea Creek Jerry and Patty Nance o f Rhea Creek recently had a brief run-in with a mon­ ster o f a rattlesnake. P a t ty N a n c e w a s w eedeating around their residence, about three miles north o f Ruggs, last month when she said she spotted a snake moving around their greenhouse. When her work took her to the front o f the greenhouse, she saw a large rattlesn ak e stretched on the ground in front o f the greenhouse door, appar­ ently seeking warmth. She got her husband, Jerry, and the two decided relocation was not an op­ tion for the snake, which measured 42 inches “with­ out its head or rattles.” So, said Patty, the rattler “met its demise.” The Nances estimated that the snake was around four inches thick; it had 14 rattles. Patty Nance said their neighbors agreed it was the biggest rattler they had Plan ahead to run for office A nyone interested in running for office in the November general election needs to begin the process soon. Morrow County Clerk Bobbi Childers says there are no county p ositions open in the N ovem ber 6 election. H ow ever, se v ­ eral city positions are open county-wide. The deadline for all candidates to be filed with the Morrow County Clerk's office is August 28. H ow ever, in terested individuals need to think ahead and consider their city’s filing requirements, which may include gather­ Top: The rattlesnake the Nances found on their property mea­ ing supporter signatures. sured 42 inches “without head or rattles.” Bottom: The large City due dates for filings snake sported a set of 14 rattles. -Contributedphotos ever seen. Although they were warned about snakes when they bought the place, she also said it was unusual to see one in the open like that. “ T h e y ’re alm ost a l­ ways going away from you; it’s not like they’re hanging around looking for some­ one to beat up on,” she said. “ W e’ve seen quite a few this summer, though.” Indie Rock band The Shins gets inspiration from Morrow County’s Industrial center for it’s last album. T he te n th tra c k on the other night because the album is called “Port people are asking me now o f M orrow” and you can over here, so I looked it up. listen to it on YouTube It’s this industrial port and at: w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / very boring,” he said. w atch?v=EsTJz4K9H qU. Some o f the lyrics actually mention the Port, too. “The cyanide o f an almond. Let him look at your hands, get the angles right. Ace of spades, port o f morrow, life is death is life.” Upon the album ’s re­ lease. Mercer stated that he had not yet visited the Port The cover of the new album o f Morrow. titled Port of Morrow. “ I looked it up online also vary, so interested can­ didates need to check with their local city hall. Heppner city positions up for grabs this November include City Mayor, a two- year term currently held by Les Paustian. Also about to be va­ cated are four city council positions cu rrently held by Cindi D oherty, John Bow les, Cody High and Keith Lewis. All council positions carry four-year terms. Filing paperw ork for Heppner city positions is available at Heppner City Hall. According to Heppner City M anager David De- M ayo, individuals inter- ested in filing as candidate for any o f these positions need a minimum of seven signatures (one percent of the num ber o f total state votes in the last guberna­ torial election). However, DeMayo recommends gath­ ering more than the mini­ mum, in case any o f the sig­ natures are invalidated for any reason. Petition signers need to be registered voters who are willing to support the candidate in running for the office. The town o f Lexington has two positions open, for city councilor positions #1 and #2, which are currently held by Billee Owen and -See CANDIDATE FILINGS/ PAGE SIX MCGGtGREENrFEEDi& SEED IN,HEPPNER + ANNUAL SEW ING ♦ VEGETABLE + HANGING BASKETS +C0L0BE0 BOWLS ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5:00 P.M. I ) Morrow County Grain Growers Green Feed & Seed \