Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June27,2012 -FIVE lone Community School announces honor roll Blauer appointed examiner for national quality award The following students received a 4.0 GPA for the 2011-12 second semester at lone Community School: K atelyn Bass, Ally Haguewood, Rachel Hol land, Ann Rietmann, Joe Doherty, Lauren Garrett, Oskar Peterson, Charlette Burghard, Bailey Hague- wood, Emily H olland, Jaqueline Juarez, Gus Peter son, Julianne Carlson, Tim Emmel, Stacee Halvorsen, Evan Rietmann, Kaytee Burghard, Steven Holland, Rebecca Jepsen, Shannon Metcalfe, JoAnna Patton, Jordan Peterson, Christine Michael Blauer, CEO o f the Morrow County Health District, has been appointed by Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Director of the Commerce Department’s National Institute of Stan dards and Technology (NIST), to the 2012 Board of Examiners for the Mal colm Baldrige National Quality Award. The Award, created by public law in 1987, is the highest level of national recognition for performance excellence that a U.S. organization can receive. This is Blauer’s third consecutive year as an examiner. As an examiner, Blauer is responsible for reviewing and evaluating applications submitted for the award. The board is composed of approximately 500 lead- Raible, Makenna Ramos and Mary Rietmann. The following students earned a 3.5 - 3.99 GPA and are on the honor roll at ICS: Tristan Estabrook, Han nah Padberg, Jason Juarez, Joshua Stillman, Daniel Holtz, Cassidy Braun, TJ Patton, Larissa Jones, Zac Orem, Jeremy Coleman, D om inikaSenkerikova, TashinaRushlow, Mason H aguew ood and Mary McElligott. The following students earned honorable mention status at ICS for the second semester: Karsen Dumler, Babali Peterson, Marisol Avila- Ramirez, Daniel Doherty, Hannah Flynn, Ashley Me dina, Austin Carter, Cord Flynn, Jessie Flynn, Shay- laLooslie, Rita McElligott, Brianna Snyder, Joel Still man, Jason Thompson, Luke Jobes, Lacey Thompson, Jordan Braun, Francisco Ramirez, Kirk Haguewood, Shadow Kendrick, Stewert Syverson, Kaleb Dumler, Micah Stillman, Adam Col lin, NereidaCalvillo and JazmineVerduzco. Junior rodeo results The results for the Cay- use Junior Rodeo in Arling ton on May 26 and 27 are as follows: Rodeo #1 Cow Kids Barrel Racing 1 **, B lan e M ah o n ey , 18.131 2nd, Jett Stewart, 24.757 Stake Race 1“, Blane Mahoney, 8.469 2nd, Jett Stewart, 9.486 Goat Tail Untying 1st, Blane Mahoney, 13.06 3"1, Jett Stewart, 18.09 Calf Riding 1st, Blane Mahoney, 65 pts Dummy Roping l“, Jett Stewart, 6 pts 2nd, Blane Mahoney, 3 pts Peewee Girls Barrel Racing 2nd, Jacee Currin, 17.062 5th, Jaid en M ahoney, 17.345 Pole Bending 1st, Jacee Currin, 21.526 3rd, Jaid en M ahoney, 23.696 Goat Tying l51, Jacee Currin, 11.44 4th, Jaiden Mahoney, 17.46 Breakaway 2nd, Jacee Currin 56.94 Peewee Boys Barrel Racing l 5', H u n ter G reen u p , 17.708 Pole Bending 2nd, H u n ter G reenup, 22.849 4 th, B lan e M ah o n ey , 29.117 Steer Riding l51, Hunter Greenup, 70 pts Junior Boys Calf Tying 1", Kolby Currin, 18.03 Breakaway Roping 1", Kolby Currin, 4.85 Calf Roping 1", Kolby Currin, 17.94 Rodeo #2 Cow Kids Barrel Racing 1“ , B la n e M ah o n ey , 17.592 2nd, Jett Stewart, 22.077 Stake Race l", Blane Mahoney, 8.256 2nd, Jett Stewart, 8.782 Goat Tail Untying 2nd, Blane Mahoney, 13.43 3 rd, Jett Stewart, 13.56 Calf Riding 1“, Blane Mahoney, 68 pts Dummy Roping 1", Jett Stewart Peewee Girls Barrels 2nd, Jacee Currin, 17.039 3rd, Jaid en M ahoney, 17.224 Poles 2nd, Jacee Currin, 26.524 8 '\ Jaid en M ahoney, 29.845 Goat Tying 3rd, Jacee Currin, 16.47 4th, Jaiden Mahoney, 16.72 Breakaway Roping 3rd, Jacee Currin, 24.79 Peewee Boys Barrel Racing 2nd, H u n ter G reenup, 17.712 Goat Tying 5th, Hunter Greenup, 23.41 Calf Riding 1", Hunter Greenup, 73 pts Junior Boys Calf Tying 1“, Kolby Currin, 14.34 Chute Doggin' 1“, Kolby Currin, 14.72 Team Roping 2nd, Kolby Currin, 26.53 The results of the Cay- use Junior Rodeo in Milton- Freewater June 9 and 10 are as follows: Rodeo #1 Cow Kids Barrel Racing 2 nd, B lane M ahoney, 24.488 Stake Race 2nd, Blane Mahoney, 8.326 3rd, Jett Stewart, 13.681 Goat Tail Untying 1”, Blane Mahoney, 7.575 3rd, Jett Stewart, 15.411 Calf Riding 1”, Blane Mahoney, 66 pts Dummy Roping 1", Jett Stewart, 17 pts 2nd, Blane Mahoney, 3 pts Peewee Girts Barrel Racing 2nd, Jacee Currin, 18.771 4 th, Jaid en M ahoney, 19.220 Pole Bending 6"1, Jacee Currin, 26.520 8th, Jaid en M ahoney, 33.232 Goat Tying 2nd, Jacee Currin, 13.190 3rd, Jaid en M ahoney, 17.003 Peewee Boys Barrel Racing l ” , H u n ter G reen u p , 19.557 Pole Bending 4 ,h, B lan e M ahoney, 29.117 Junior Boys Calf Tying 2nd, Kolby Currin, 14.246 Breakaway Roping 1", Kolby Currin, 6.833 Senior Girls Barrel Racing 3rd, Blake Greenup, 19.347 Pole l5', Blake Greenup, 24.015 Goat Tying 2nd, Blake Greenup, 8.962 Breakaway 2nd. Blake Greenup, 3.226 Rodeo #2 Cow Kids Barrel Racing 1st, B lan e M ahoney, 17.830 3rd, Jett Stewart, 20.877 Stake Race 2nd, Blane Mahoney, 7.979 3rd, Jett Stewart, 8.132 Goat Tail Untying 1", Blane Mahoney, 9.853 2nd, Jett Stewart, 10.341 Calf Riding 1st, Blane Mahoney, 71 pts Dummy Roping 1“, Jett Stewart, 20 pts 2nd, Blane Mahoney, 4 pts Peewee Girls Barrets 2nd, Jaid en M ahoney, 17.277 3rd, Jacee Currin, 17.289 Poles 1", Jacee Currin, 21.422 10th, Jaiden M ahoney, 29.444 Goat Tying 4 th, Jaid en M ahoney, 16.659 S"1, Jacee Currin, 24.000 Peewee Boys Barrel Racing 2nd, H unter G reenup, 18.585 Pole l" , H u n ter G reen u p , 24.173 Goat Tying 4,h, H u n ter G reenup, 20.965 Calf Riding 2nd, Hunter Greenup, 73 pts Junior Boys Calf Tying 1", Kolby Currin, 11.482 Chute Doggin ’ 2nd, Kolby Currin, 14.128 Senior Girls Barrels 4th, Blake Greenup, 17.572 Goat Tying 4*, Blake Greenup, 9.951 Breakaway 1", Blake Greenup, 3.768 ing experts selected from care and nonprofit. Awards industry, professional and have been presented to 90 trade organizations, educa organizations, including tion and health care the 2011 recipients: organizations, and Concordia Publish nonprofits (includ ing, St. Louis, MO ing government). (nonprofit), Henry Those selected Ford Health Sys meet the highest tem, Detroit, MI standards of quali (healthcare), Sch- fication and peer Michael neck Medical Cen recognition. All Blauer ter, Seymour, IN m em bers o f the (healthcare) and board must take part in a Southcentral Foundation, preparation course based Anchorage, AK (health on the Baldrige Criteria care). Information about for Performance Excel the Baldrige Performance lence and the scoring and Excellence Program and the evaluation processes for the application process is avail Baldrige Award. able by calling 301-975- The Baldrige Award 2036, sending an e-mail may be given annually in to nqp@nist.gov or going each of six categories: man to the Baldrige Program’s ufacturing, service, small website at http://www.nist. business, education, health gov/baldrige. OHSRA results Oregon High School Rodeo Association state finals for 2012 are: Round 1 Goat Tying 8th, Blake Greenup, 9.52 Barret Racing 6th, Blake Greenup, 18.157 Boys Cutting 9th, Garrett Robinson, 12.9 Pole Bending 5th, Blake Greenup, 21.392 Round 2 Steer Wrestling 8th, Garrett Robinson. 7.14 Goat Tying 3rd, Blake Greenup, 8.28 Barrel Racing 8th, Blake Greenup, 18.130 Boys Cutting 9th, Garrett Robinson, 12.3 Tie-Down Roping 7th, G arrett Robinson, 13.85 Pole Bending 3rd, Blake Greenup, 21.120 Short Go Goat Tying 3rd, Blake Greenup, 8.18 Barrel Racing 3rd, Blake Greenup, 18.233 Boys Cutting 8th, Garrett Robinson, 12.5 Pole Bending 2 nd, Bl ake Gr e e n u p , 21.513 Blake Greenup won the pole bending average and place third in goat tying average and barrel racing average. OHSRA final standings for 2012 are: Goat tying 6*, Blake Greenup Barrel Racing 7th, Blake Greenup Pole Bending 2nd, Blake Greenup Champion girls team was Intermountain (Mor row and Umatilla coun ties). Steer Wrestling 11th, Garrett Robinson Tie-Down Roping 12th. Garrett Robinson Team Roping 20th, Garrett Robinson Boys Cutting 9th, Garrett Robinson The Intermountain boys team placed third. Insect programs set for Morrow libraries Care to be bugged? The Oregon Trail Li brary District will be offer ing programs at the Hep pner and Boardman librar ies for children and adults interested in learning more about the fascinating world of insects. The programs will be held on Friday, July 6, at the Heppner library and Friday, July 13, at the Boardman library. The programs will be presented by entomolo gists Dr. Silvia Rondon and Carol Mills from Oregon State University’s Agricul tural Research and Exten sion Center. The children’s one- hour program will begin at 11 a.m. and is targeted for preschool through elemen tary school ages and will cover these topics: what are insects, good insects and bad insects, how and where to collect them, and how to preserve insects. Children will hear a story from The Beautiful Beetle Book and will enjoy hands-on activities includ ing an insect puzzle and harvesting ants to place in a see-through colony. Samples of interesting in sects will be displayed. A second one-hour pro gram will begin at noon at each location, immediately following the children’s program. While this pro gram is targeted to adults, children are welcome to attend with their parents. Insect basics, biology and the insect world will be covered in a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation. Displays o f insects from the laboratory and under microscopes will al- low attendees to view main insect pests in the region as well as those that are beneficial. The program is spon sored by Libraries of East ern Oregon (LEO). For further information, contact Oregon Trail Library Dis trict director Marsha Rich mond at 541-481-3365. To learn more about OSU agricultural research ac tivities from its Hermiston Extension office, see http:// oregonstate.edu/dept/herm- iston. NAT’L GUARD -Continuedfrom PAGE ONE nity,” said Captain Evan Hessel, 29, com pany commander, who was oversee ing operations. He said that because they are engineers, the best way to get their training C a p t . is to go into the Hessel field and take on projects. Morrow County Pub lic Works received a local government matching grant to fund the Cutsforth Park project and solicited help from the Oregon National Guard in completing the proj ect through the In novative Readiness Training construc tion assistance. The Guardsmen, Eva n who were polite and gracious, seemed to enjoy themselves, with many saying how much they like the Heppner community. Overwhelmed with leftovers? Red, White & Blues Parade spots available lone’s Red, White and Blues Parade will take place Wednesday. July 4 at I p.m. on Main Street in lone. Entry forms are available Paint drop-off sitas in your araa: M O R R O W C O U N T Y NORTH T R A N S F E R STA TIO N 69900 F R O N T A G E LA N E B O A R D M A N ,O R Sat-Sun 9-4 Phone (541) 989-9500 M O R R O W C O U N T Y SO U T H T R A N S F E R STA TIO N 57185 H W Y 74 LE X IN G T O N , O R Sat-Sun 9 -4 Phone (541) 989-9500 Do you know what to do with leftover cans of paint? With PamtCare recycling unwanted paint is simple and convenient. Here's how: When you buy a gallon of new paint. $0.75 of the purchase price funds the cost of recycling your o*d leftover paint. (For quarts it’s $0.35. five gallons is $1 60). When you no longer need it, simply take it to any of our drop-off sites for no additional charge. You’re done. We’ll take it from there. T b s program j» lo r both household« and busm sss«« Pleas* check with the drop-off site before bringing m ore than 15 ga llo n s Please do not bring pamt thinner, aerosols or em pty pemt ca n s Empty ca n s m ay be placed m your regular trash (or recycling if allowed m your area) Remove lids so your trash collector k now s they are empty. from Arlynda Gates at gate- sarlynda a hotmail.com, Betty Gray at bgray@co.morrow, or.us or 541-422-7335, or at the lone post office. Parade entries are asked to bring completed forms to the parade lineup at the Morrow County Grain Growers lone elevator on at noon on the 4*. Located in the Rolling Hills near Hardman. This remote location is perfect for your private functions. THE TREO LODGE IS AVAILABLE FOR RENT Family Reunions Company Functions Nightly or multiple days Bring your own or Full Sendee Prices start at 5300.00 per night sleeps 14 Available at Treo: Sporting Clay Course • Rifle Range Pistol Range • Tannerite Range Train Your Hunting Dogs Horse Shoes • Bicycling Hot Tub • Pool Table • Satellite TV paint care' fpolnt Buy*** U M «up ftecyc* <fw rest T o le a rn m o re : w w w .p e in tc e re .o Give Kathy a call at 541-676-5840 » Kathy.TreoRanchesUHughes.net www.TreoWanchee.com I I