Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 06, 2012, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TW O - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon
Wednesday, June 6,2012
The Official Newspaper
of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow
BEO spices up Relay
for Life fundraising
U.S.P.S. 240-420
M o r r o w C o u n t y 's
Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
P u b lish e d w e ekly by S yke s Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical maner at the
Post ( Iffice at Heppner, Oregon under the Act o f March 3,1*79 . Periodical postage
p aid at Heppner, O regon. Office at 188 W Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-
972* Fa x (541) 676-9211 E-mail editoroirapidserve net or davidia'rapidserve
Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97*36. Subscriptions: $29 in
M o rro w C o u n ty ; $23 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $35
elsew here; $29 student subscriptions.
David Sykes....................................................................................................... Publisher
Andrea Di Salvo..................................................................................................... Editor
All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p m.
For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m Cost for a display ad is $5 per
column inch Cost lor classified ad is 50* per word Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to
100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5.75 per column inch
For Public/legal Notices public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m Dates for pub­
lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits
require three weeks to prooess after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be
specified if required).
For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner G T at no charge and are edited to
meet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines
or who wish to have the obituary wntten in a certain way must purchase advertising space
for the obituary
For Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Hepprier
GT will not publish unsigned letters All letters M UST include the author's address and phone
number for use by the G T office The G T reserves the right to edit letters The G T is not
responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will
be placed in the classifieds under "Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10.
City crew receives
thank you
Winners of the Bank of EO’s recent chili cook-ofT to support
Relay for Life (L-R) Julie Baker, first place; Jill Martin, second,
and Arlynda Gate*. -Contributedphotos
Bank o f Eastern Or-
egon staff in Heppner held a
chili cook-off fundraiser for
Relay for Life of Morrow
County recenlty.
Contest winners were
Julie Baker, first, with “You
Bet Yer Sweet Donkey
C hili” ; Jill Martin, sec­
ond, with “Hearty Logger’s
Chili” and Arlynda Gates,
third, with “Texas-Style
Traeger C hili.” Overall,
nine employees participated
in the cook-off and raised
more than $600.
Bank of EO employees
in Heppner, lone, Irrigon
and Boardman are all par­
ticipating in fundraising
Free kids’ fishing
derby at reservoir
WCCC Men’s Club
Tw enty-seven p lay­
ers participated in play on
Sunday, June 3. Results are
as follows.
Gross: 1st (tie), Barry
Munkers and Greg Grant,
64; 3rd, Scott Burright, 70.
Net: l”, Don Eaves, 57;
2nd (tie). Matt Scrivner and
Ralph Walker, 60.
Next Sunday, the worn-
en’s Jo Pettyjohn tourna­
ment will be on the course.
The next Sunday morning
regular play will be on June
17 with Dave Pranger, Tom
Bedortha and Dennis Peck
as hosts. Also, there will be
a family barbecue on the
May 17 with the Disques
and Mortimores in charge.
Kinzua lunch group
Those attending the Kinzua lunch May 18 at Service
Creek were Bob and Lavonne Stinkard o f John Day; Bob
and Mary Lee Britt; John and Midge Geer of Fossil; Jackie
and Pete Hester of Redmond; Bonnie Campbell; Jerry
Williamson; OL and Jean Ann Adams of Heppner; and
Sheridan, Tom and Bill Ledford of Prineville.
Just a reminder that there will be no lunch in June,
as the Kinzua Reunion will be in Fossil June 16. The
next lunch will be at the Apple Peddler in Prineville on
July 20.
E ric O re m ’s P la ce—
72028 Blackhorse
Canyon, Lexington
Friday, June 15tK
Social Begins at 5:0Q
Dinner Served at 6:0,
Music By: Eric Jepsen and
John Wambeke
POTLUCK Steaks Provided!!!
Please contribute to potluck:
A-M: Salad or Side; N-Z: Dessert
Volunteers, including Mustang Mop-Up crew members, work
on completion of the hole #5 tee box at Willow Creek Country
Club. The tee box will be dedicated June 16 and is expected to
be in regular use afterward. -Contributedphoto
The W illow C reek
Country Club board of di­
rectors has announced the
completion and scheduled
dedication of the new hole
#5 tee box. The new tee box
will be dedicated on Satur­
day, June 16, as part of the
“T-Bird Fun for All” golf
tournament held in honor
of Gary Workman.
Tee box construction
labor and donations o f
equipment and materials
were provided by Hepp­
ner High School Mustang
Mop-Up, Brian Thompson,
Dave Allstott, John Ripple
and Morrow County Grain
Growers, Roger Britt, Cur­
tis Cutsforth, Ed Struthers,
Greg Grant, Matt Scrivner,
Dennis Peck, Tom Shear
and the WCCC Trail Fees
In itial funding for
the project was provided
through Linda Workman
and Gary's friends, cowork­
ers and sponsors, to include
Tom Denchel’s Ford Coun­
try, Pettyjohn’s Farm &
Builder Supply, Les Schwab
Tires, Deb Billings, Nancy
Amson, Mary Riggs, Bank
of Eastern Oregon, Heppner
Family Foods, Bucknum’s,
Howe’s About Pizza, Kay
Fowler, Ryan Miller, Devin
Oil, Goodwill Industries of
Hermiston, Hermiston Fun-
Runners, Community Bank,
Sue Edson, Kim Carlson,
Steve Myron and Barbara
“ The WCCC board
would like to thank each
and every one of the par­
ticipants in this project
who, through their joint
efforts and commitments,
have helped create one of
the course’s new ‘signa­
ture holes,”’ said a board
The new tee box is ex­
pected to be in regular use
after its dedication.
Umatilla National Forest celebrates
National Fishing Week
Sunday, June 10, Wil­
low Creek Reservoir near
Heppner will be the site of
one of four free kids’ fish­
ing derbies scheduled in the
Umatilla National Forest
over the weekend.
The Willow Creek Res­
ervoir Kids’ Fishing Derby
will be held from 1-4 p.m.
Youngsters 12 years and
younger can register the day
of the derby at 1 p.m.
Children must be ac­
companied by a parent or
guardian, and should bring
their own Fishing poles
and tackle. Environmental
education activities and a
casting contest will be held.
Local volunteers will be on
hand to offer assistance,
expertise and fishing tips.
Prizes, donated by local
merchants and clubs, will
be awarded.
The event is sponsored
by the Heppner district’s
employee association. For
more information, contact
the Heppner district office
at 541-676-9187.
The derbies are planned
in celebration of National
Fishing Week. Fishing in­
struction, games, snacks,
prizes and environmental
education activities make
each event a day of fun and
discovery for children and
adults alike.
National Fishing Week
is an annual celebration
designed to increase public
awareness o f the joys of
recreational fishing and
conservation of our fisher­
ies resource. Free fishing
days— Saturday, June 9,
and Sunday, June 10—are
offered by the states of Or­
egon and Washington and
set the stage for the variety
of organized events in the
area. Children participating
in these events will need to
bring their own fishing gear
and must be accompanied
by an adult.
Other free fishing der­
bies in the Umatilla Na­
tional Forest include Twin
Ponds, six miles southeast
o f Ukiah, OR on Forest
Road 52, and West Evans
Pond, west o f Clarkston,
WA on Highway 12, both
on Saturday, June 9, and
Rainbow Lake, 14 miles
south o f Pom eroy, WA-
along the Tucannon River
Road (Forest Road 47) on
Sunday, June 10.
Over the Tee Cup
Corol Mitchell and Vir­
ginia Grant took the low
gross of the field with a
score o f 41 on Tuesday,
May 29. Lorrene M ont­
gomery took low net with
28, while Bernice Lott and
Karen Thompson tied for
least putts with 16.
For flight A, Pat Ed-
mundson had low gross
with 45, Eva Kilkenny had
low net with 32 and Corol
Mithcell had a KP o f 2’
Darcee Mitchell took low
net with 33, Jan Paustian
had least putts with 19
and Darcee took KP with
T 3”.
On flight C, Laura Rod­
gers had low gross with
48, Leann Wright took low
net with 31, Bev STeagall
and Suzanne Jepsen tied
for least putts with 20 and
Leann Wright had KP at 12’
Jill Miller had a chip-in
9” .
on #10 and Leann Wright
For flight B, Pat Dough­ had a KP of 13’ 1-1/2”.
An adult community softball league is being formed
and is holding sign-ups from now until June 17, when the erty took low gross with 44,
season will begin. Cost for the league is $30. The league
is open to men and women ages 18 and older who are
out of high school. Games will take place on Sunday af­
ternoons between 4-8 p.m. A schedule will be developed
once rosters have been finalized.
Contact Jason Hanna for more information.
Youth soccer sign-ups for boys and girls ages 4-9
will be held June 13-14 from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Heppner
Neighborhood Center. Cost is $45. New participants are
é i ï h H E PPN E R E L K S 358
asked to bring a copy of their birth certificate. Contact
676-9 1 8 1 "Where Frietuh M eeT 142
M a in
Jessica Lehman at 541-314-5010 with questions.
Community softball
league forming
Youth soccer holds
/A n n u a l
h u l k
/ N
i t f k i
Elfci youth nigh
flag ceremony l t
All yOUth *7 and under
6aoo * D îfm er then
re invited. T h e re w ill
fo ow ed by h anding be tw o raffles- in c lu d in g a
ooC of prizes.
gi in ra ffle + table prizes!
For more info, contact Larry Lutcher
(Wheat Agent, OSU Extension), 541-571-4454
Morrow County should be very proud.
With the support the Heppner-lone softball team had
last Friday in Corvallis, and the talent the young ladies
have, it’s no wonder they became state champions.
I was very proud to have watched the contest against
an excellent team from Glendale. I had the privilege of
coaching at Heppner High School during the years of
1961-1965. A great community.
Pete Glennie
Salem, OR
Hey, thief
Heppner public works staff (L-R) Michael Angell, former
director Brian Harmon, Robert Whalen and current director
Chad Doherty. -Contributedphoto
members Robert Whalen
and M ichael Angell all
received letters of apprecia­
tion signed by Mayor Les
Paustian and commission
vice-chairperson Joanne
Harmon said he wished
to express his “thanks to
everybody” in Heppner
as he prepares to move to
The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following
criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name
of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you
provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The
address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be
printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the
right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in
letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under
"Card o f Thanks” at a cost o f $10.
efforts for Relay for Life
of Morrow County, which
is set for June 30-July 1 at
the Morrow County Fair­
BEO is also a $500
Silver Sponsor, and encour­
ages community members
to join in supporting the
American Cancer Society.
I would like to know the despicable person who took a
Donations can be made dozen roses off my mother’s grave Memorial weekend.
directly to the American
Robert Kilkenny
Cancer Society, Attn: Jody
O ’Connor, 7325 W. De­
schutes Ave., Ste. A, Ken­
newick, WA 99336. Or, go
online to www.relayforlife.
org/heppneror for more
WCCC tee box
project completed
To say thank you for
“going above and beyond
the call of duty in creating
an attractive environment
in the community,” the City
of Heppner Beautification/
Parks Commission recently
presented the city’s public
works employees with cer­
tificates of recognition.
Former director Brian
Harmon, current director
Chad Doherty, and crew
Letters to the Editor
Morrow County
should be proud
net W eb site w w w heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner
G a ze tte -T im e s, P O
C dtttf
r Zim D uktnum
Questions cenleut
5 8 1 -2 5 6 -0 3 3 5 e t
5 8 1 -9 8 0 -8 2 0 1
The Heppner |r/S r high school wrestling
team is collecting batteries for an ongoing
team fundraiser. Auto, tractor. RV. and four
wheeler batteries will be accepted. Please
bring your batteries to the South end
Transfer station free of charge located at
57185 Hwy 74, Lexington, OR. For further
information or if you need batteries
picked up, call Mark Lemmon at