SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 16,2012 BU SIN ESS D IR EC TO R Y Only $6.25 p e r week to advertise your business! Call the Heppner Gazette-rimes to place your ad: 676-9228 • Fax 676-9211 Pump Service FOR ALL YOUR DOMESTIC WATER NEEDS... * Pressure Tanks * Irrigation Pumps • Solar Pumping System • All Domestic Water Supplies LEXINGTON PUM P Sam Bellamy ccs #133909 9 8 9 -8 44 8 9 89-8567 Restaurants ÍH «Home Cooked Daily Specials m »Pool Table »Karaoke Restaurant, Lounge k Motel .Private event area Open 11 an • 7 days a week (Meetings, Banquets, etc) H w y 730 I r r i g o n , OR 97844 • 541-922-4374 RJ's Steakhouse and Lounge- Lexington OR 11 am - 8 pm M-F 12 pm-8 pm Sat. 8am-11am Sun. (Breakfast only) I e Prime Rib Everyday • Breakfast Served All Day To Go Orders 989-8369 Roofing I S e t h M o s e s S Z o o iin q & S e a m le s s G u t t e r s ¿g Heppner; Oregon y 5 4 l'5 ?l'39 9 f‘ Cell Satellite Television Storage Units STOR - 4 - U Make room in y o u r garage fo r y o u r c a r . . . R E N T \ M IM I-S T O K A G E Heppner Storage Units • Different Sizes Available Call 341-567-73 ¿7 to lleut Tree Service K elsy G arton T ree S ervice , LLC M a JH H P 4231 S W B ro a d la n e Mm E J w i P endleton, O R 97801 «us» oTi« 1 0 n 541-276-4090 IR E E SERVICE L ic e n s e d B o n d e d | n s u re d C heck W o r k in g in yo ur AREA n o w ! O v e r 20 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e o u t our newest business directory ! Farm Equipment_________________ FARM EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS Gleaner • Macdon Gerald Hoeft Kubota • Massey • Schulte ------------------------------------- 541-379-2347 Eves: 541-676-5256 STATEW IDE CLASSIFIEDS Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon for only $200 ( 'ontracl rale discounts available upon request Oregon Classified Advertising Network A service o f Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Contact the Heppner Gazette-Times (541) 676-9228 C ARD OF THANKS Morter, Bill Jepsen, Bink Ramos, Tara Proudfoot, A liso n O g d en , D aw n Eynetich, ASB Officers and Ms. Bemrose, Cathy McCabe, Darla Vandever, Vicki Wagenblast, Susie Stillman. Cathy Halvorsen, Adena Johnson-Rea, Kay Aldritt and Allison Rudolf Sincerely, Erin Heideman, lone Schools Teacher 5-16-lc and to Bob & Crew for the repair work on the mural it looks great. Thanks to Don & Jan Stroeber for all the extra things they did, and to my neighbors and friends who spent time with me thru all of these past months of knee replacements. A special th an k s to Doctors Anderson, Nichols, and Wenberg for all there care and attention to my infection problems. It is great that we have such dedicated and professional providers in our clinic and hospital. A big thank you to all the nursing staff at Pioneer M em orial for all there help and encouragement during my daily visits for infusions for 12 weeks. After so many nurses in three hospitals the staff here was tops in everything they did. Everyone at the hospital and clinic provided excellent service and I want to send a big thank you to everyone. Betty Mills 6-16-lc The Hardman Community Center would lik e to th a n k K ev in Trachsel and the crew of Boardman Chip Company for their generous lumber donation last week. The H ard m an C o m m u n ity Center members gratefully appreciate the contribution to the historical restoration project activities on the old IOOF Lone Balm Lodge 1 w ish to thank the Hall. Thanks again for your lo n e EM Ts fo r th e ir generosity! quick response Sunday 5 -1 6 -lc night, Harvey Childers, Adam McCabe, & Eddie Rietmann, who took me to What a pleasure it is the ER in Heppner. to be a staff member o f Jackie Bergstrom lone Community School! 5-16-lc I have been showered with treats and well wishes all week as part o f Teacher Many thanks to everyone Appreciation Day and it has for their cards, prayers, been so cherished. Special encouragement, flowers and thanks to everyone who meals over the last several reaffirmed why I love what months. We are so thankful I do but especially to the to live in such a great area. A following folks who made special thank you to Bob & sure we did not go hungry Sharon Harrison for taking this week; Jerry Archer, Thank you so much over my Walton Project L isa R ie tm a n n , A nne for everyone who was so patient and kind to me during my grief over the passing of my grandson. I am back doing massages part time. I would also like to honor all of my past gift certificates, so please call me at home at 541-676- 9962 or at Hair Expressions, 541-676-5271. Thanks again, Judy Durkee Norris, LMT 5226 5-16-lp Thank you to the Bank of Eastern Oregon for your donation o f fruit for the H eppner Walk MS. We are very grateful for your donation and very much appreciate your presence in our community. Thanks again. April Sykes 5-16-lx Deadline for legal and Classified Advertising Monday at 5:00 pm For Sale SAWMILLS from only $3997.00. Make and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD. www., 800-578-1363 ext. 300N. PRIME INDUSTRIAL property along 1-5 in Olympia, WA to be sold by unreserved auction, June 14, 2012. 62.94 +/- acres total. Details at realestate. Help Wanted: Drivers D R IV E R S, IN E X P E R IE N C E D /ex p erien ced . Unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee, company driver, lease operator, lease trainer. Ask about our new pay scale! 877-369-7104, DRIVERS: FLEXIBLE hometime, full or part- time. Modem trucks, local orientation, quarterly safety bonus, single source dispatch. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569, NEW TO TRUCKING? Your new career starts now! $0 tuition cost, no credit check, great pay and benefits. Short employment commitment required. Call 866-245- 9199, Services DIVORCE $135. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503- 772-5295., divorce@ Mountain Glen Apartments Units Now Available Two and Three Bedroom Apartments For Rent Rent Based O n Income Modern Appliances • Laundry Facilities Location behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner For waiting list and application, call 676-9232 TDD #1-800-545-1833 for hearing impaired This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider The Heppner Gazette Timer (541) 676- 9228