Storm brings rain, flooding Crews work to clean up the aftermath University ofOregon F imene. OR ^403 509 Heppner Public Works Director Brian Harmon works a front loader across from Green Feed as city crew members Michael Angell (left) and Robert Whalen clean up mud and other debris that washed down Linden Way in Heppner Monday night. -Photo by April Sykes VOL. 131 NO. 17 10 Pages Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon The storm that pro­ vided a light show Monday night also dropped heavy rain that ca\ised flooding throughout the Heppner area. According to Hep­ pner Public Works Director Brian Harmon, Heppner re­ ceived more than an inch of rain in half an hour. Harmon said crews would be work­ ing to clean about 10 spots with debris in the road. Your candidates: lone crowns prom County commissioner royalty In view of the upcoming election, the Gazette- Times asked some questions of the candidates in one of the contested races, the run for county commissioner. Here’s what they said: Kandy Boyd Leann Rea Age: 50 Age: 71 years young. Place o f birth: Even though Place o f birth: Redding, CA. my parents Where have w ere liv ­ you lived? ing in the I lived in lone area, C alifornia 1 was bom u n til age in Portland, 19, w ith OR. my parents, Boyd Where have Leann Rea who were you lived? I grew up both born and raised in on the family farm in the Central Oregon. My grand­ lone area. When Jerald and parents on both sides were I were married in 1959, we ranchers and long-tim e lived in Heppner for five business owners. I left there years, and then moved to in 1980 to join the military. Condon and operated an I enlisted in the Air Force equipm ent business for and went on to Texas and another five years. We then Colorado for basic training moved to the Lexington and tech school and then area while we developed was stationed in Spain for a home site at the current three years, until 1984. I location o f Finley Butte worked in Aircraft Mainte­ Land Fill. We lived on the nance Supply and was part farm at Finley Butte for 15 of making sure our aircraft years. We then moved into kept flying safely. I left the a house in Boardman where Air Force and moved to we only lived a few months Nebraska for five years and before moving to the farm a worked for the Department few miles out of Boardman. o f Social Services, which We lived on the farm for opened the mind to become 26 years. We just recently an adoptive parent. 1 moved moved back to Heppner and from Nebraska to Oregon purchased a home near the in December o f 1989 to be near my parents, who Assisted Living Facility. Educational background: I had retired and returned to graduated as valedictorian their home state. I lived in from lone High School. Central Oregon from 1989 After raising our family, to 1992. I met my husband 1 attended Blue Mountain there and we moved to Har­ Community College for ney County, OR, as his job two full terms, and have with the Forest Service was taken many night classes. there. That job then took us After being elected as coun­ to Paulina, OR until 2001. ty commissioner in 2008,1 The Forest Service once attended County College, again took us to Montana which was sponsored by for two years and finally the Association of Oregon back to Oregon in 2003. Counties and OSU. The Forest Service has Family: Jerald Rea and taken us many places and I were m arried in lone allowed us some great op­ in 1959. We will be celebrat­ portunities. ing our 53rd anniversary the Educational background: I end of May. We have four am a high school graduate grown children; three sons with many different train­ and one daughter. ings under my belt that were What, if any prior govern­ and continue to be related to ment experience do you the jobs 1 have held. have? I have served as your Family: I have been married county commissioner the for 17 years to Dale Boyd. past three-plus years. Prior We have two children, 16 to the election in 2008, and almost 17; their names I served on the Morrow are Meeka and Jesse. County Planning Commis­ What, if any, prior govern­ sion for 13 years, serving ment experience do you as the chair for the last few have? I am currently em­ years; I also served on the ployed as C hief Deputy county Budget Committee Clerk-Elections with Mor­ approxim ately 10 years row County. prior to my election and Why do you feel you are have served on the Mor- better qualified than your -See COMMISSIONER CANDIDATES/PAGE SIX J “It’s going to be a long day,” he added. At the city sew­ er plant, Assistant Public Works Director Chad Do­ herty said the heavy rain caused the plant to over­ flow. “ It had a little trouble keeping up,” said Doherty. Doherty said work­ ers pumped out the plant and cleaned the effluent, which will go to the golf course to water the grounds. He added that the tanks are cleaned every two weeks, anyway. One o f the area homes hardest hit was the residence of John and Alita Nelson. The family worked to keep out the flooding, stacking sandbags around their home, but despite their efforts and the help they re­ ceived from friends, neigh­ bors and Heppner volunteer firemen, flooding spread onto their wood floors and carpeting. They ended up having to vacate their house and stay with friends. Still, John Nelson said it could have been worse, some­ thing he knows first-hand after heavy rains flooded their home last year. “ It’s not near as bad as last time. Last time it was over our boots,” Nel­ son said. Other area build­ ing weren’t spared. Kathy Cutsforth, custodian at Hep­ pner Elementary School, said about half an inch of water crept into the school gym; the water spouts just couldn’t keep up. The Bank of Eastern Oregon reported some flooding in a back closet. The city shop got flooded, as well as the Ga­ zette-Times office; flooding at the G-T swept from the back all the way to the front door, leaving a couple of inches o f water and mud for owner David Sykes to mop up. Is more of the same on the way? According to a forecast from The Weather Channel, Heppner can ex­ pect evening thunderstorms through Wednesday, with a 50 percent chance of rain on Wednesday, followed by partly cloudy skies and a 10-20 percent chance of rain for the rest of the week. lone students celebrated a magical prom night at the Port of Morrow last Saturday. Seniors Steven Holland (L) and JoAnna Patton were named the 2012 prom king and queen. -Photo by John Nelson surveys the damage in his home. Despite sandbags and the efforts of neighbors, flooding caused damage to floors Erin Heideman -See PAGE SEVEN fo r more pictures and furniture. -Photo by April Sykes Rolling Hills Run this Saturday ttigfNER. PBEfiQN The 2012 Rolling Hills Run will take place Saturday, April 28, at 10 a.m. at the Morrow County Fairgrounds in Heppner. Race-day registration and number pick-up will be held from 9-9:45 a.m. at the Morrow County Fair­ grounds. “Last year we had a great time and a lot of participants at the Rolling Hills Run,” said a Mor- row County Health District spokesperson. “In support o f the countywide focus on a healthy lifestyle, and in order to promote the M orrow County Health District’s vision of promot­ ing wellness and improv­ ing health, we’re happy to sponsor the Rolling Hills Run again in 2012.” The event will in­ clude a 5K walk/run, a 10K run and a Kids’ Fun Run. The course will be the same as in years past, beginning at the Morrow County Fair­ grounds and following the scenic Highway 74 with paved roads and beautiful views o f the surrounding 1 n a ilo n Remember: Election Day is May 15. I g a l l i s i ! countryside. Awards will be giv­ en after the events. Awards will go to the fastest overall male and female partici­ pants in the 5K and 10K runs. Additionally, male an4 female age-group rib­ bons will be given three- deep for age groups 14 and under, 15-19,20-29,30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 and over. The one-mile Kids’ Fun Run will begin at 11:15 a.m. Parents are encouraged to accompany young chil­ dren. Children will be given participant ribbons, with recognition of the top three male and female finishers in the kids’ race. Proceeds from the event will go toward com­ munity health education in Morrow County. Registration for the 5K or 10K is $12; the Kids’ Fun Run is free. Registra­ tion will be allowed up to the day of the race; unfor­ tunately, T-shirt and sweat­ shirt availability will not be guaranteed. For additional in­ form ation and to regis­ ter, look for a brochure or visit http://w w w .active. com/running/heppner-or/ rolling-hills-run-2012. For questions, email rolling- NAPA Universal Fleet p | MC 1 R \ N _ A { \ M rt+rtr n : Plus 15W-40 Motor Oil l| ONLY (1 gal ) #75122 $9.9« Morrow County Grain Growers Ballots are due by 8 p.m. Lexington «9-8221 • 1-800-462-7 -73« hr lam ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5:00 P.M.