TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 18,2012 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner ‘Yes For Kids!’ kicks into gear GAZETTE-TIMES U .S .P .S . 2 4 0 - 4 2 0 s- All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p m For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p m Cost lor a display ad is $5 per column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50< per word Cosl for Card of Thanks is $10 up to 100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5.75 per column inch For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m Dates for pub­ lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be specified if required) For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to meet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines or wrho wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary For Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Heppner G T will not publish unsigned letters All letters MUST include the author s address and phone number for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under ‘Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10. Walk MS Saturday in Heppner Everyone is invited to attend the Heppner Walk MS, planned for this Saturday, April 21, beginning at All Saints Episcopal Church, located at the comer o f Gale and Church streets. Registration gets underway at 9 a.m. with the walk beginning at 10 a.m. and a brunch following. The free brunch will include ham, breakfast egg casseroles, French toast casseroles, muffins, fruit, milk, juice, coffee and tea. People who have volunteered to bring breakfast items should have them at the church by 9:30 a.m. Wild West dance Thursday Heppner Elementary School will kick off spring the western way with a Wild West family dance this Thursday from 7-9 p.m. Desert sounds will provide mu­ sic for the western swing and line dancing, while FFA students will be present to give roping lessons. Snacks will be served. This free event is sponsored by the HES Parent Teacher Club. Wk FARMERS MARKET ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 26,2012 5:OOPM HEPPNER CITY HALL; PLEASE JOIN US WITH YOUR IDEAS walk V •M ft O REG O N 2012 R E G IS TE R TO D A Y! Heppner All Saints Episcopal Church MS 1 503 445-8342 - - LoreLai Lucille Ann C am p­ bell— Dalton Henry and Bree Ann Chris­ tine Campbell o f Sa­ lem a n n o u n c e th e birth o f a daughter, LoreLai Lucille Ann C am pbell. LoreLai was bom the morn­ in g o f M arch 15, 2012 at Salem Hos- LoreLai Lucille Ann Campbell pital in Salem, OR. She w eighed seven pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. Grandparents are Kelly and Debra Campbell of lone, and Tracii and Shawn Self o f Salem, OR. V- J M o r r o w C o u n t y ’s H o m e - O w n e d W e e k ly N e w s p a p e r Publ ished weekly by Sy kes Publishing, l.L C and entered as periodical m atter at the Post O ffic e M Heppner. O regon under the A c t o f M a rc h 3 , 187 4 Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. O ffice at 188 W. W illo w Street. Telephone (5 4 1 ) 6 76 - 9 22 8 . Fax (5 4 1 ) 6 7 6 -9 2 1 1 . E-m ail: e d ito riira p id s e rv e net o r d a v id u ra p id se rv e net W eb site: w ww .heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the H eppner G azette-T im e s , P O . B o x 337, H eppner, O regon 9 7 8 3 6 . Subscriptions: $ 2 7 in M o rro w County ; $21 senior rate (in M orrow County only; 65 years or o ld er); $33 elsewhere; $ 2 7 student subscriptions D a v id S y k e s ...................................................................................................................... Publisher A ndrea D i S alvo .................................................................................................................. Editor Birth Announcements Dawson Larry Mills, Chairman of (he Yes For Kids! campaign holds one of the yard signs going up around the county to help pass a school levy voters will soon be receiving in the mail. Members of the group come from all areas of the school district, and it was formed to coordinate efforts to pass the levy (see related story, PAGE ONE). In addition to yard signs, they plan news­ paper ads, direct mail and door knob hangers urging people to support the funding levy for the Morrow County Schools. -Photo by David Sykes Annual TV shoot scheduled The annual lone TV shoot will be held May 5 at the Halvorsen farm, 64688 Halvorsen Rd., near lone. Registration for the 1,000-yard TV shoot will take place from 8:30-9:30 a.m. Participants are asked to park in the designated area and proceed to the reg­ istration area with unloaded rifle, bolt open with several bullets. The target will be a metal gong the size o f a 27” television. Cost is $20 for one shot, with $ 100 award­ ed for hitting the gong. If more than one person hits the gong, a shoot-off will commence after everyone has shot. Only one person in each class will win the $100. Classes this year are elk or deer rifle, heavy tar­ get or bench guns, or open site at 500 yards. F ood an d d rin k will be available at $8 for adults or $4 for kids 10 and under. Allison & Carey Gun Works from Portland and other contributors will provide free clay shooting. Participants are reminded to bring sunglasses, spotting scope, folding chairs, coat, beverage of'your choice and a shotgun for clay pi­ geons. A ll m oney a fte r expenses will go tow ard prizes during lone’s 4,h o f July celebration. For more info, con­ tact Eric or Brandi Orem at 541-989-9808. J a c k P ip er— David R ufus and Joselyn M a r ie P ip e r a n ­ nounce the birth o f a son, Dawson Jack Piper. Dawson was bom April 2, 2012 at St. Anthony Hospi­ tal in Pendleton. He weighed six pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. He joins his big sister, Natalie, at home. G ra n d p a r­ ents are David and Pamela Piper o f Heppner, and Marti and Tami Johnston o f Troutdale, OR. Great-grandparents are Betty and the late Carl Marquardt, the late Mel and Betty Piper, Joe and Fran Johnston, A1 Turja, and Marcia Turja. Over the Tee Cup T h irte e n w om en turned out for play on an o v ercast day A pril 1 at the Willow Creek Country Club. Results are as fol­ lows: Low gross o f the field-V irginia Grant; low net o f the field-Sarah Ruck­ er; least putts o f the field- Jan Paustian; low gross-Eva K ilkenny, Jan P au stian , Ann Elgin; low net-Karen T h o m p so n , Pat D o u g h ­ erty, Jackie Allstott; least putts-L orrene M ontgom ­ ery, L uvilla S onstegard; long drive-Virginia Grant, D arcee M itchell, Jackie A llsto tt; ch ip -in s-Jack ie Allstott #7, Arm Elgin #7, Sarah Rucker #7; birdies- Virginia Grant #9; m en’s red tee-Karen Thompson. Methodist Church to WCCC Men’s Club host guest speakers news On Sunday, April . 22, Heppner United Meth­ odist Church will host Jamie and Louise Kienzle, who have served as volunteers in mission in Kenya. Since 2006, United M ethodists from Oregon and Idaho have spent three weeks in Kenya each sum­ mer. Teams help with a va­ riety o f projects in two com­ munities 200 miles north o f Nairobi. The Kienzles will share their experiences in this m inistry during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on April 22. Everyone in greater Heppner is invited to come hear the Kienzles report on this ministry. OWF golf scramble scheduled The Oregon Wheat Foundation board has cho­ sen Tuesday, May 22, as the date for the 16th annual Or­ egon Wheat Foundation Golf Scramble. The Golf Scramble will be held at the Pendleton Country Club in Pendleton. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. with complimentary pastries and coffee; play be­ gins with a shotgun start at 9 a.m. Lunch is included. Awards will be given for first, second and third place team scores; individual KP and long drives; hole in one; raffle drawings and much more. Pro­ ceeds from the scramble will benefit foundation education and scholarship programs. Registration forms need to be completed and returned with payment by Thursday, May 17. For questions, or to register by phone, call the of­ fice at 541-276-7330. Twenty-five male g o lf e r s e x p e rie n c e d a unique day o f golf last Sun­ day, playing a “wacky” 18- hole, par-3 challenge layout created by M att Scrivner and Greg Grant. “Shots and scores w ere all o v er the place on the par-54 special lay­ out,” said John Edmundson, WCCC M en’s Club secre- tary/treasurer. Winners are as fol­ lows: G ro ss: 1. D uane Disque-57,2. Tom Shear-66, 3. Ron Bowman-68; Net: 1. Dave Mitchell-57, 2. (tie) John Bowles, Rick Britt, Gary Propheter, Stacy Wil­ s o n -6 1; S pecial E vents: KPs-Tom Bedortha, John Bowles, Least Putts-Duane Disque. N e x t S u n d a y ’s play will be organized as a n o rm al gro ss and net competition hosted by Earl Fishbum, Ralph Walker and Gene Sonstegard. ‘From Broadway to the Movies’ in lone The lone band and choir music program will present “From Broadway to the Movies” on Thursday, April 19, at 6 p.m. Students will per­ form musical pieces rang­ ing from Broadway musi­ cals to movies such as Star Wars, Transformers, Mary P o ppins, S outh P acific, Hairspray, Phantom o f the Opera, Newsies and Rocky Horror Picture Show. The program will be directed by Jordan Be- mrose, with choreography by Bemrose and the lone choir. Community lunch menu Christian Life Center church members will be serving lunch on Wednesday, April 25, at St. Patrick’s Senior Center. The meal will include spaghetti with meatballs, green salad, garlic bread, tiramisu and tomato juice. Milk is served at each meal. Suggested donation is $3.50 per meal. Menu is subject to change. r f