TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 21,2012 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow H eppner St. Patrick’s play benefits charity - Letters to the Editor ~ The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost o f $ 10. GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper Published weekly b) S) kes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter al the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act o f March 3,1879 Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W Willow Street Telephone (541) 676- 9228 fax ($41) 676-9211. E-mail: or david^rapidserxe. net Web site: www heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times. P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow Count); $21 senior rate (in Morrow Count) onl); 65 )ears or older); $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions Dav id Sykes................................................................................................... Publisher Andrea Di Salvo.................................................................. .............................. Editor No more riding the fence To the Editor, Finally: An article on the boondoggle o f all column inch Cost for classified ad is 50< per word Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to boondoggles. 100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5 75 per column inch I had a conversation last fall with [E.O.] editor For Pubta'Legal Notices publrcAegal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p m Dates for pub­ Tom Brown about the fact that the E.O. is failing to ad­ lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be dress the wind projects across Oregon and the tremendous specified if required). burden that taxpayers and consumers are and will have For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to to consume. 1 suggested that the East Oregonian needed meet news guidelines Families wishing lo include mformabon not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary wntten in a certain way must purchase advertising space to speak up on these issues and seek the truth on behalf for the obituary of the taxpayer, but Tom wouldn’t consider it. I guess it’s For Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Heppner hard to ride the fence, but 1 doubt the slivers in your butt GT w il not publish unsigned letters All letters MUST include the author's address and phone will help appease your taxpaying/consumer readers... number for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will I was tpld recently on a trip to the Oregon Capitol be placed in the classifieds under ‘ Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10. that, “Until we, the citizens, learn to push back, we will continually be confronted by the over-burdening issues of An ecumenical Easter sunrise service will be held special interest groups pushing their agendas.” We need Obituaries Easter morning, April 8, at 7 a.m. at the Morrow County to get our heads out of the dirt and get involved. Fairgrounds. Everyone is welcome. Now is the season of the election of new folks into positions of representing us in government bodies, both locally and nationally. Ask these people what they stand for. Quiz them on their beliefs...what motivates them...what’s their stance on things you believe in. Study their background. Don’t accept their rhetoric without T e rry M o rg a n Campbell. questions. Terry is survived Campbell, 66, died Febru­ Our Constitution tells us “We the People” are to ary 19, 2012 at his home in by: a brother, Jim Camp­ be in control in this great land. Stay focused and aware Newburg, OR. A memorial bell of Vancouver, WA and of what’s going on...and pray with a fervent heart for service is planned; informa­ sister, Sandra Campbell of guidance. Newburg, OR. tion will be forthcoming. Dick Sargent He was preceded in He was born in Heppner Heppner on January 28, death by: his parents and a 1946 to Robert and Doll brother, Dennis Campbell. All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p m For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p m Cost lor a display ad is $5 per “From Cenacle to Calvary” cast member Joe Lindsay (L) hands a check for S513 to Tom Wolff (R) of Columbia Basin Electric Co-Op's Helping Hearts Fund. The check is for the gross proceeds of the St. Patrick's and St. William's parishes’ St. Patrick's pageant donations. The cast always has voted to donate the proceeds to a charitable cause, and this year that cause was the CBEC Helping Hearts Fund. The cast appreci­ ates all who came to view the play and donated. -Contributed photo Easter sunrise service planned Terry Morgan Campbell Elementary students win poetry contest WCCC ladies’ opening day April 3 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR It’s time for area ladies to dust off their golf clubs and plan to attend the Willow Creek Country Club ladies’ are so many lessons that can opening day of golf on Tuesday, April 3, at 9 a.m. be learned and experiences (L-R): Brett Jewett, Cedic Dagandente and Brock Barrett Breakfast will be served, a short meeting will be kids can have that will help were among the winners in a recent poetry contest. -Contrib­ held and “scramble” team golf will follow. them. I just hope what we uted photo do will help kids have a The Heppner Elementary Students did it again. meaningful experience.” Out of more than 200 entries in Oregon’s poetry Grant was one of contest, sponsored by the Heppner Garden Club, all three six athletic directors se­ winners were from Mary Haguewood’s second-grade lected for recognition at class. W illo w C r e e k 7 and 9 irons; and a wood. the OADA state conference Brett Jewett took first place and $15. Cedic Country Club will offer a Balls and tees will be pro­ on April 16. The annual Dagandente and Brock Barrett each won second place beginner’s golf class this vided. State A thletic D irectors and $10. The class is for spring. of the Year for 1A-2A-3A people with limited or no The class will be and 4A-5A-6A will be an­ prior golf experience. It will held April 3, 10, 17 and 24, nounced at the conference cover the basics of play, and May 1 and 8 from 5:30- banquet. 7 p.m. at Willow Creek rules and game etiquette. C ountry Club. A nother The skills of putting, chip­ class may be offered on ping, pitching, approach­ The eighth annual one half a beef each, cut Mondays; more informa­ ing, fairw ay shots and lone Legion and A uxil­ and wrapped. These funds teeing-off will be covered, tion will be forthcoming. iary Texas Hold ‘Em Poker go into a special account The cost is $30 with emphasis on proper Fundraiser is this Satur­ to purchase and raise beef day, March 24, at the lone in the future. The Auxil­ for the entire series of six grip, stance, alignment and are also encouraged to call Legion Hall. The event iary donates a beef for the classes. The price includes swing. The class is limited and request delivery for will also include bingo, a kidney and liver transplant a temporary membership in needy friends who may bake sale and a couple of program in Vancouver, WA WCCC for non-members to 12 students per session; not be comfortable asking raffles. for veterans west o f the and provides unlim ited registration will be on a for help. The first raffle is Mississippi who have been practice play for the dura­ first-come, first-served ba­ sis. Contact instructor John This is a free gift for a youngster’s rifle. The approved for a transplant. tion of the classes. Edm undson at 541-676- A half-price mem­ organized by the shared rifle can be seen at Petty­ The doors open at ministry of Hope Lutheran john Builders; tickets can 5 p.m. Everyone is invited bership will be provided 5177 with questions or to Church and All Saints Epis­ be purchased there or from to come in and look, buy for students who were not register for the class. Make copal Church, but made most lone Legion and Aux­ hom e-baked item s, and members in 2011. The class checks payable to Willow possible by generous dona­ iliary members. The monies eat from the sandwich and fee will be waived for fam­ Creek County Club and tions from nearly all of the raised from the fundraiser salad bar. ily m em bers o f WCCC send to John Edmundson, churches in Heppner. There help pay the insurance on m em bers. Each student PO Box 146, Heppner, OR Buy-in for Poker must have a basic set of 97836. will be no strings attached the building for the year. starts at 6 p.m. The buy-in clubs, including putter; 5, to this gift, and no questions is $40. Play starts at 6:30 There are also beef asked. p.m. Sorry, no late buy-ins raffle tickets for sale. Two drawings will be held for allowed. -Continuedfrom PAGE ONE quality experience. There Grant says the rec­ ognition by the OADA was somewhat of a surprise, but flattering. “It’s nice to be recognized by your peers no matter what you do.” He says he doesn’t think the recognition is “a big deal” to the student ath­ letes with whom he works, but says their success is what is important to him. “I like to see the opportunities that kids get through athletics,” he says. “ It’s gratifying to me to help provide them with a WCCC offers begin­ ning golf classes Legion plans Texas Hold ‘Em night Gift of food offered by area churches Those who could use a little help feeding their families over spring break are invited to pick up a box of free groceries on Sunday, March 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the parking lot of All Saints Episcopal Church at the comer of Gale and Church Streets in Heppner. Delivery for those who are unable to pick up a box for themselves can be arranged by calling 541-676-9970 and leaving a detailed mes­ sage. Community members Prescription profiles available upon request for tax purposes y w Easter is Approaching! Sunday April 8 th E spresso S pecials W h ite C ho co late A maretto M C ho co late M in t ocha $ 4 .0 0 F r appe $ 3 .2 5 Raffle basket winners announced Winners of the Heppner High School Project Gradua­ tion 2012 raffle basket winners have been announced. Winners were: Men’s basket with sturgeon fishing, Andrew Johnson; couple’s get-away basket, Melissa Coiner; golf basket, Greg Grant and women's basket, Annabelle Campbell. The money raised from the raffle will benefit the after­ graduation, drug- and alcohol-free party on June 2. Correction In last week’s issue of the Gazette-Times, Phil Roberson’s last name was omitted from the picture caption in the story, “Arbuckle Club goes to Cloud Cap.” TRY^URFROZENYOGURT! If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, W e have I rish M int Y o C ream If YOU have a family member who suffers from gambling addiction. YOU can also receive FREE treat­ ment even if the gambler is not receiving treatment. If you are a resident of Morrow County and you wish to take advantage of the services above or desire more information, Please call any of the following numbers to set up a LOCAL appointment or just to talk: Bobby Harris @ 541-676-9925 or 541-256-0175 Community Counseling Solutions (CCS) Q 541-676-9161 OR 1-877-695-4648 (1-888-MYLIMIT) Hiuufi D aiuj 217 North Mail St, Heppner • Phone 676-9158 • Floral 676-9426 Serving Morrow, Wheeler & Gilliam counties Since 1959 help is available and that help Is F R E E of charge. Cattlemen announce scholarship The Oregon Cattle­ m en’s Stewardship Fund (OCSF) announces schol­ arship opportunities for Oregon C attlem en’s As­ sociation (OCA) members and their families. College sophomore, junior, senior or graduate-level students who will be enrolled full-time at a community college or university are eligible. All majors may apply; how­ ever some relevance to the livestock industry must be demonstrated. The a p p lic atio n deadline is April 30. As many as five scholarships totaling up to $5,000 will be awarded for the 2012/13 academ ic year. Two ad­ ditional $500 scholarships sp o n so re d by W estern Stockm en’s and Simplot will be awarded to appli­ cants for winter and spring term 2013. For a scholarship application, contact the OCA office at 503-361- 8941 or email katy@orcat- A printable version of the application is also available online at www. Community lunch menu United Methodist Church members will be serv­ ing lunch on Wednesday, March 28 at St. Patrick’s Senior Center. The meal will include tilapia with parmesan top­ ping, rice pilaf, creamed spinach, sliced tomatoes, hot rolls and cake. Milk is served at each meal. Suggested donation is $3.50 per meal. Menu is subject to change.