Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 8, 2012 WIND FARMS -Continuedfrom PAGE ONE know our county has the Jepsen, in a letter to the planning com m is sion entered as testimony at the Dec. 6 public hear ing, said he “voiced strong opposition to the proposed installation o f all windmill projects in the surrounding lone, W illow/Rhea Creek area.” Jepsen did not per sonally attend the hearing, and his letter was the only objection to the project. No one publicly testified against the wind farm at the public hearing. A letter o f sup port from Ed Martin, prop erty owner in the area, said, “1 strongly believe in the im portance and forw ard progress o f the permit pro cess for the Ella Butte Wind Power Project. Our area and our overall economy will benefit from this project and I strongly encourage the granting of th e.. .permit. It is very encouraging to opportunity to diverse its economic base and have all o f us benefit.” As part o f his ap peal, Jepsen also asserts that the county did not follow proper procedures when approving the proj ect, and that the siting pro cess should be turned over to Oregon Energy Siting Council. Windmill projects do not need to go to the state siting council, and can be sited locally by the'county planning department if they are under 105 megawatts, which the Ella Butte proj ect is. In his appeal, Jepsen also asserts that the county failed to include a noise ordinance in the per mitting process. Although wind farms are governed by state noise law s, the state since 1996 has refused to provide any money for enforcement o f those laws. The county determined that it does not have the experts or funding to monitor or en force the noise ordinances, so the planning com m is sion, on approving the per mit, voted to strike the noise compliance from its list of conditions. According to coun ty counsel, the farms will still be required to obey state noise standards, how ever. it will no longer be up to the county to moni tor or enforce those noise standards. Any failure on the part o f the wind farms to comply needs to be ad dressed directly by an ag grieved landowner, w ith re course being civil in nature. The planning commission contends that consideration o f noise was given, and adequate protections are available under Oregon Ad ministrative Rules, which governs wind farm noise. In replying to the appeal, the planning depart ment says Jepsen has failed to show how the wind farm will affect property values or loss o f business, and that the county did in fact follow proper procedure when ap proving the application. “Planning statfand the planning comm ission did follow the procedures for both processing an ap p lic a tio n and ho ld in g a hearin g ....” The planning also showed that assessing visual impacts o f the wind farm are not required under the siting process, since no state-w ide planning Goal Five items were identified in the appeal. Oregon Statewide Planning Goal Five would be used in special instances to protect natural resources and conserve scenic and h isto ric areas and open spaces. The county court will hear the appeal at its regularly scheduled meet ing on Feb. 15 in Board- man. - THREE Nordic club outing The Heppner Arbuckle Nordic Club had some new faces show up for their outing on January 4, and 10 participants skied out the 5350 road. The weather was beautiful, w ith blue skies and lots of sunshine. The road up Coal Mine is still open and it al lowed members to get to some excellent trail conditions. Next w eekend, the club hopes to be on more level terrain for any new skiers who would like to show up. (L-K): John Edmundson, Jeff Edmundson, Nancy Miller, Kristy Crowell, Sherry Ewing, Bill Ewing, Luanne Brownfield, Doreen Eng and John Eng. -Contributed photo Community lunch menu Nazarene and Seventh Day Adventist church members will be serving lunch on Wednesday, February 15 at St. Patrick’s Senior Center. The meal will include meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, hot rolls and apple cobbler. Milk is served at each meal. Suggested donation is $3.50 per meal. Menu is subject to change. CHECK OUT THESE REAL ESTA TE DEALS www.sykesrealestate.net • www.pendletonpropertys.com Affordable Building Lots Available! $8,500 - $10,500 - $11,500 - $14,500 - $15,000 - $17,500 - $22,500 .84 acre to 5.95 acre lots in Emert Addition #2 lone. All utilities in - phone, water, power, septic approved. New manufactured homes OK. Ready to move in See sykesrealestate.net for map of all available lots MountainTCabin! OWNER SAYS SELL IT! Good 1 bath starter hom e or will m ake a good rental unit. New chain link fence, new electric wall heater, nice fixed up shop, good roof and foundation. 355 W . Linden W ay Heppner. Priced right at $55,000 2 b e d ro o m h o m e on large lot in Lex Lots of room for a garden and other activities with this 2 bedroom 1 bath single wide mobile hom e in Lexington. Lots of upgrade including new floor ing, new roof, insulation, new vinyl windows, w ater heater and much more. J Home with acreage! 24V26facrés' 3 Bedroom 2 bath home in Lexington This home has metal roof, cem ent foun dation & propane F /A . 128 X 121.66 lot 2465 sq ft home has full basem ent and large fenced yard with apple, nectarine and cherry trees. G arage _________ $ 116.000 2 Bedroom 1 bath home on 24.26 acres in Lexington Close to town with your own piece of land. Rare small parcel with home and shop. Have some animals or just elbow room from your neighbors. Several parcels could be resold. Home Is in good condition with foundation, newer septic system, metal roof and large upstairs that could be used as another bedroom. $175,000 4 bedroom 2 bath home in Heppner. You won't feel cramped in this 4 bedroom 2 bath 2146 sq ft home. It has a full basement with mini kitchen downstairs, and fully carpeted rooms upstairs. Enjoy barbecu ing on thé covered patio And there's lots of room 'y a garden in the large backyard Call now for an appointment to visit this home. Auto Repair Business in Heppner, OR This is a going concern which shows a profit each year. Includes real property, business, inven tory and equipment. Loyal customer base and good reputation. Have your own cabin in the mountains to live in or use for weekend get aways. Surrounded by Pine and Tam arack trees. Sit on the deck and look out at the forest. $70,000 Motivated Seller make an offer! 2 Building lots in Heppner $ 339,000 2 bedroom 2 bath In Heppner This nice 2007 Marlatt home is in excellent condition. Everything was done right when this home was put in. It has a deck, cyclone fenced yard and a 18 X 31 garage. Ceiling fans, along with the energy package will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. There is a den/office, living room and lots of extras. Must see inside this one. Call and schedule an appointment today. Niceiviewstofttownli 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner 2 a p a rtm e n ts a n d s h o p b u ild in g fo r S ale in L e x in g to n O n the bottom floor is a form er auto body shop and a 1 bedroom apartm ent newly re m odeled renting for $ 3 5 0 Upstairs is a 2 bedroom apartm ent that has been completety redone renting for $ 3 7 5 Building has a good roof and ow ner says th e shop has been com pletely rewired Just blocks from school and downtown shopping, this 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath charmer has a fenced yard for children and a separate small yard in the back Enjoy your reading room, living room and kitchen with window looking out on the street Acreage for Sale 35 H eppner city Acres i n s i d 2 3 outside city lim its limits Cute 3 bedroom in Heppner. A nice fenced yard for the kids located on a quiet street. Storage shed outback and new lawn just planted makes this three bedroom one bath home ready to move into Vinyl siding and windows, side deck, stove-refrigerator- washer-dryer included Great starter home or pick jG £as^jentaU H asa^argortjoo^^^^^^ View lot at Lakeview Heights. O w n one of the last view lots at Lakeview Heights 84 X 120 approx. W ater, sewer, phone and power ava"3» $ 25,000 H a s a good building spot and room for an im als W a te r and electricity located nearby $65,000 Real Estate Wanted- I have buyers interested in the following properties: -Wheat Farm with or without CRP land in the Heppner, Lexington, lone or Condon area. -Fixer upper homes in Heppner -Irrigated land in Boardman & Irrigon area. Please contact me if you have property to sell. HEPPNER PENDLETON Phone: (5 4 1 )6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 Cell: (5 4 1 )9 8 0 -6 6 7 4 Fix: (5 4 1 )6 7 6 -9 2 1 1 Phone: (5 4 1 )2 7 6 -2 1 5 2 Cell: (5 4 1 )2 1 5 -2 2 7 4 Fax: (5 4 1 )2 7 8 -6 0 5 1 188 W. W illow 25 S W Emigrant Pendleton, O R 97801 P.O. Box 337 Heppner, O R 97836 d a v ld @ s y k a s n a la s ff.n a t w w w .s y k a s n a la s ff. nat \ Broker Chris Sykes ch ris@ sy lc a n a l9 sta f.n 9 t www.pandlatonpropartys. com 1