Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 14, 2011, Page SIX, Image 6

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    SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 14,2011
WOMAN TO WATCH Lone Butte name
change finalized
Kim George (R) with her mother, Shirley George, of Hep­
pner. -Contributed photo
-Continuedfrom PAGE ONE ity; warranty and credit card
her compassion for injured
workers and her steadfast
commitment to quality care
that make her such a special
individual and highly effec­
tive professional.”
Sedgwick is a pro­
vider o f innovative claims
and productivity m anage­
ment solutions. Sedgwick
and its affiliated com pa­
nies deliver cost-effective
claims, productivity, man­
aged care, risk consulting,
and other services to clients.
The company specializes in
w o rk e rs’ com p en satio n ;
disability, FMLA and other
em ployee absence; m an­
aged care; general, automo­
bile and professional liabil­
Sheriff’s Report
The M orrow
C ounty S h e riff’s O ffice
reports handling the fol­
low ing business:
J u ly 26 (cont.):
-M C SO receiv ed rep o rt
from an Irrigon woman that
a vehicle was following her
son home from a friend’s
home. She requested that
a deputy speak to her son
about it.
-M CSO received
report o f tall grass on an
empty lot in Heppner.
-M CSO received
several reports o f a large
fire along Kemp Lane north
of the Lexington elevator.
-M CSO received
report that Jason Jam es
Abbott, 20, was cited for a
Driving While Suspended-
violation, D riving U nin­
sured. He was also cited
for Possession o f Less Than
One Ounce o f M arijuana
and warned for having a
headlight out.
-M C SO received
re p o rt from an Irrig o n
woman who said she was
receiving suspicious phone
calls and texts from a male
subject w ho claim s that
she sent som eone to kill
her ex-fiance. She said she
believed that the ex-fiance
was behind it just to harass
-M C SO received
report that a fem ale was
supposed to be back at the
ranch by her curfew and
claims services; fraud and
investigation; structured
settlements and Medicare
compliance solutions.
E ach y ear B u si­
ness Insurance recognizes
25 women for their excep­
tional work in risk manage­
ment, benefits management,
commercial insurance and
related fields. H onorées
are selected by the publica­
tion’s senior editors based
on nominations submitted
by readers. Recent profes­
sional achievements, influ­
ence on the m arketplace,
and contributions to the
advancement o f women in
business are all part o f the
selection criteria.
hadn’t shown up by 11:57
p.m . A Boardm an office
found her at the city park.
-Boardman Police
Department received report
that a school bus had been
hit. There were no children
on the bus and no injuries.
BPD cited Jam es D avid
P lieg o , 38, for D riv in g
While Suspended-violation
and Failure to Obey a Traf­
fic Control Device.
-BPD reported he
spoke with four juveniles
about wearing bike helmets
and running when they see
a patrol car.
-BPD received re­
port that a chihuahua is
chasing kids and knocking
them down. The reporter
gave the owners 30 days’
notice to get rid o f the dog,
but they had not. The re­
porter wanted an officer to
pick it up.
-BPD received re­
port o f a 30-year-old male
having a bad reaction to
m igraine m edication and
sw eating profusely. The
subject refused transport.
July 27: -Morrow
C ounty S h e riff’s O ffice
received report o f a gun­
shot off Hwy. 74. Property
owners were shooting at a
coyote that was with some
calves. There were no prob­
lems and M CSO did not
need to respond.
-M C SO received
report o f people living in
a travel trailer at an Irrigon
location. MCSO responded
and gave the subjects until
Sept. 1 to m ove o ff the
w e e B it W e * t e r
C h r is t m a s
Thursday, December 15th thru
Saturday, December 24th
10:00 AM- 6:00 PM gpflthe W“1®
Cine knwst nr aiqie gifts with WESTERN fin art l pkatigraphy
W * ' H be in the old Video S to r*
t f O cross from the lib ra ry I"
Celia Moyer Photography Creation«
Denise Smith Studio
541 980 0107
541 676 5013
The long-standing
issue o f renaming Morrow
County’s Squaw Butte has
finally been resolved, fol­
lowing a decision by the
U.S. Board on Geograph­
ic Nam es last week. The
area landmark will now be
known as Lone Butte.
The name change
process first began at the
req u est o f the U m atilla
Indian Tribes, due to the of­
fensive nature o f the word,
According to U.S.
B o a rd on G e o g r a p h ic
N am es m em ber M alissa
Minthom Winks, the goal
o f the tribes is to move
squaw names o ff the map.
Other Morrow County loca­
tions will also be changed,
in clu d in g Squaw C reek
and Squaw Spring, both in
Umatilla National Forest.
Other locations around the
state are also in the process
o f being renam ed, as the
tribes confront the location
names county-by-county.
The trib es o rig i­
nally w anted to renam e
the butte “Sisu,” which is
translated “ smelly.” M or­
row County countered with
the suggestion o f Im m i­
grant Butte. Then a local
landow ner suggested the
compromise name o f Lone
When Lone Butte
was found acceptable by
both the tribes and Morrow
County, the new name was
approved by Morrow Coun­
ty Court. It then proceeded
to the Oregon Geographic
Nam es Board, which ap­
proved the name in June
o f this year. The Domestic
Nam es Com m ittee o f the
U.S. Board on Geographic
N am es took up the case
this month, and approved
the nam e Lone Butte on
December 8.
At the same meet­
ing, the c o m m itte e a p ­
proved changing Squaw
Creek to Aspen Creek and
Squaw S pring to A spen
Spring, with Ninipa Creek
and Ninipa Spring as vari­
ants. (Ninipa translates as
aspen.) Variant names are
included in the Geographic
Names data base but do not
appear on maps.
Lone Butte is locat­
ed along Immigrant Lane
about 11 m iles north o f
-M C SO received
report o f a grain truck in the
ditch on Bom bing Range
Rd. The d riv e r w as out
o f the v e h ic le, w alk in g
-M C SO received
re p o rt from an Irrig o n
woman that her brother-in-
law was getting harassing
phone calls. An unknown
p erso n w as th re a te n in g
to com e and take all o f
his stuff. It was possibly
a prank phone call or a
-M C SO received
report o f a subject in a red
pickup who came to a tn$qc,
park in Irrigon looking for
a 16-year-old girl. The male
said he w as from child
p ro te c tiv e se rv ic es, but
could not produce ID. The
subjects left. He was from
the juvenile department, but
had forgotten his ID.
-M C SO received
report from a subject that he
had lost his wallet last seen
at the Heppner gas station.
-M CSO received
report from a subject in
Irrigon that there was an
incident at her house.
-M C SO received
report o f gang slogans spray
painted at the wildlife ref­
uge in Irrigon. The caller
later saw the same group
at the Irrigon Shell station
driving a Volkswagen Jetta
with M ontana plates and
a large eagle on the back
-M CSO received
report from a Boardm an
woman that a female sub­
ject was missing again after
they took her back to the
ranch the previous night.
-M CSO received
report o f two males trying
to sneak onto the caller’s
property. He reported he
chased them o ff and re­
quested that a deputy re­
spond. A deputy responded
and arrested a juvenile.
-Boardman Police
Department received report
o f a vehicle that went off the
road on Hwy. 730 and then
got back on the road, but
was not maintaining lane.
It was determined that the
man was not DUI1 and was
given a ride home.
-BPD received re­
port o f a drive-off from a
Boardman station.
-BPD received re­
port that two juvenile boys
started a fire in the front
yard. They put it out and
then threw something in a
vacant lot. An officer spoke
to the juveniles and their
grandparents who said they
would handle the problem.
-BPD received re­
port o f a male and a female
in a d isp u te on O regon
Trail between Anderson and
M ain St. BPD responded
and contacted both parties.
The female was warned for
disorderly conduct.
-BPD received re­
port o f smoke coming from
a backyard. It was just a
-BPD O fficer re­
p o rte d he w as out on a
parking complaint.
-BPD received re­
port o f three shots heard
in the area o f Dunes St. An
officer responded and was
unable to locate anything.
-BPD received re­
port from a wom an who
said her son was assaulted
by two males in the field
across the street from the
market. The suspects were
both males, one about 16
and one around 20, one
wearing all black and the
other in gold and grey. They
were last seen walking in
the field toward Anderson
-M C SO received
report from a subject in
Boardm an that a vehicle
w as fo llo w in g him and
when he sw itched lanes,
they follow ed and m im ­
icked him.
-MCSO cited Ra­
mon Reyes Valenzuela, 46,
for D isobeying a Traffic
Control Device-stop sign.
-M C SO received
report o f a vehicle ro ll­
over with an injury on 1-84
-M C SO received
report o f a m otor vehicle
accident with a semi tanker
rollover on Hwy 14, three
miles west o f Patterson Fer­
ry Rd., Irrigon. The driver
M orrow C ounty T r a n s f e r S tations . S outh
69900 F r o ntage L n ,
B o a r d m a n . W ill b e c l o s e d for t h e
follow ing
H olidays
S a t . a n d S u n . D e c e m b e r 24 a n d 2 5 ,
S u n d a y J a n u a r y 1 , 2012
T h a n k you f o r your c o o p e r a t io n rr a l l o w s o u r a t t e n d a n t s t o b e wrrH
M o r r o w C o u n ty P u b l ic w o r k s 541 -9 8 9 -9 5 0 0 .
lone students
thankful for Vets
lone Elementary School spent the month of November learn­
ing about veterans. During Thanksgiving, the student body
realized they are “thankful" for everything our troops and
veterans have done for us. To show their appreciation, the
students made Christmas cards to be sent to veterans and
troops. -Contributed photo
Jfrorn tlje 1956 arcljtbesi of tlje
Reppner (flette-Mimesi
Heppner boy prizes
unexpected Christmas
Let be thou an ex­
am ple... in word, in con­
T h a t q u o ta tio n
from a letter o f St. Paul’s
to Timothy came to have
a real meaning early this
week to a Heppner High
School junior, when he re­
ceived a very unusual and
unexpected Christmas gift
from a man whom he ap­
parently met only once.
T he g ift its e lf,
though considerable and
one that would please any
young man, is not what
has m ade him so proud
o f it. It is the spirit in
which it was given and the
wish that came with it that
makes it to him “A mighty
big compliment.”
His gift, a Pend­
leton shirt and a money
order for $35 came from
a man he served once last
spring while shining shoes
in a local barber shop. The
man was a salesman whom
he had never met before,
and isn’t certain now that
he would know, but is se­
riously ill at his home in
Boise Idaho, and accord­
ing to the letter, probably
will not recover. He took
a liking to him and three
other boys somewhere in
the territory he covered,
probably because (reading
between the lines o f the
letter) they were like he
wished his boyhood could
have been. He had taken
time to find out the boys’
names and knew their ap­
proximate ages and sizes,
and apparently from his
sick bed, he had given his
sister-in-law some money
and asked her to get them
Christmas gifts.
The letter said:
“ My brother-in-
law recently gave me a
handful o f cash and a list
o f names, yours included,
and said ‘go buy these
boys some g ifts’. He is
an e ld e rly m an w hose
one ambition in life was
to have a son whose life
could be happier that his.
He made his way form the
age o f 12 by shining shoes,
errand boy, farm hand and
He did not realize
his ambition, as his wife
and baby died so he has
eased his hurt by befriend­
ing other boys who hap­
pened to please him. From
his list I see he has you list­
ed as about 17, grey eyed
and slender. If the garment
I chose is not satisfactory
in size or color, return it
to Stranyx in Pendleton
and get what you want.
Being a poor shopper I’m
sending the balance o f this
cash for you to do with as
you please. The same I’ll
do for the other three boys
on the list.
He said he m et
you last spring in a barber
shop when on a selling
trip. He was a salesman
until he became seriously
ill and may not recover.
“ M ay you have a nice
holiday and a bountiful
and happy future- That’s
his wish for you.”
It is no w onder
that the Heppner boy prizes
his gift and most o f all the
letter that came with it.
Juvenile Sports Pac
Anyone who pur­ 2009 and May 2 6 ,2 0 11 was
chased a Juvenile Sports accidentally overcharged
-Continued on PAGE EIGHT Pac between December 1, by $3 and may seek a re­
fund from ODFW.
F o r th e re fu n d ,
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem,
email Deanna Erickson at
help is available and that help Is FREE of charge.
If Y O U have a family member who suffers from
or.us, or fax 503-947-6117
gambling addiction, Y O U can also receive F R E E treat­
with your H unter/A ngler
ment even if the gambler is not receiving treatment.
ID# (ODFW ID #), which
If you are a resident of Morrow County and you wish
is printed on all licenses and
to take advantage of the services above or desire more
information, Please call any of the following numbers
tags. Be sure to include the
to set up a L O C A L appointment or just to talk
address where the $3 check
Bobby Harris @ 541-676-9925 or 541-256-0175
should be mailed.
Community Counseling Solutions (CCS) @ 541-676-9161
O R 1-877-695-4648 (1-888-MYLIMIT)