EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 26,2011 FOR SALE Thomas Orchards Kimberly, Oregon New name, Same family SAME GREAT FRUIT New Fall hours Closed Tues. & Wed. Open Thurs. -Monday 10a.m. 4p.m. only T im e s, a new spaper published and o f general c ir c u la tio n in M o rro w County, Oregon. Date o f first publication: October 5, 2011 Date o f last publication: October 26,2011 N O T I C E TO D EFEN D A N T: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY You m ust "appear in this Last Day Open c a se or th e o th e r sid e w ill w in a u to m a tic ally . October 31 To " a p p e a r" y o u m u st (Thank you for a file with the court a legal great season) paper called a "motion" or "answer". The "motion" or U-P1CK or "answer” (or "reply") must READY PICKED be given to the court clerk Jonagold Apples or administrator within 30 Cameo Apples days o f the date o f first Fuji Apples publication specified herein Granny Smith Apples along w ith the required Prunes filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof Bring Containers Look for us on Facebook o f service on the plaintiff attorney or, if the plaintiff J & L Orchards does not have an attorney, 541-934-2870 p ro o f o f serv ice on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you FOR RENT sh o u ld see an a tto rn e y immediately. If you need Cottage Creek Apartments help in finding an attorney, 1 bed / l bath apartments you may call the Oregon All utilities included! State Bar Lawyer Referral 160 N. Chase Street Service at (503) 684-3763 Call toll free: or toll free at (800) 452- ( 877 ) 967-6583 *** 7636. DATED this 30th day o f September, 2011. W ANTED William J. Kuhn W anted, W illys FC 170, OSB No. 762075 503-729-5166 staceymike@ Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 428 comcast.net Heppner, OR 97836 Published: October 5, 12, PUBLIC NOTICE 19 and 26, 2011 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Affidavit OF T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Town o f Lexington is MORROW going to be offering various W. RO N A LD BECKET, landscaping equipment for Plaintiff, sale. Items include a Toro vs. SA M M Y EA R L riding lawn mower, various WOODALL, C ub C adet attachm ents, Defendant. PUBLISHED SUMMONS a s p ra y e r u n it, se v e ra l trim m ers, a w alk behind No. 11CV142 TO: SAM M Y EARL trimmer, a walk behind lawn W O O D A L L , the above mower, an air compressor, a wheel kit for a generator named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE and a Partner Chain Saw. STATE O F O R E G O N , Full descriptions, prices and you are hereby required photos o f these items will to appear and defend the be available at: Town Hall Complaint filed against you 425 F Street Lexington. You in the above-entitled Court may also e-mail a request on or before the expiration for photos, prices and full o f 30 days from the date o f descriptions to: town055@ the first publication o f this centurytel.net. Summons; if you fail to so P u b lish e d : O c to b e r 26, appear and answer, plaintiff 2011 for want thereof will apply Affidavit to the above-entitled Court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint, to wit: PUBLIC NOTICE T h e c o m p l a in t s e e k s IN THE CIRCUIT COURT r e c o v e r y a g a i n s t th e O F T H E S T A T E O F d e fe n d a n t Sam m y E arl OREGON W oodall for dam ages in FOR THE COUNTY OF the amount o f $105,817.50 MORROW for breach o f a 2010 farm Probate Department p a rtn e rs h ip a g re e m e n t In the Matter o f the Estate between the plaintiff and of: defendant; for damages in M A R Y E . G O H E E N , the amount o f $105,817.50 Deceased. for breach of the partnership No. 11PR023 duties by defendant; for NOTICE TO damages in the amount o f INTERESTED PERSONS $80,817.50 for breach o f N o tic e is g iv e n t h a t a 2011 fanning agreement th e u n d e r s i g n e d h a s by defendant; for damages been appointed and has in the amount o f $15,000 qualified as the personal for conversion o f plaintiffs representative o f the estate. p e r s o n a l p r o p e r ty by All persons having claims defendant; and for damage a g a in s t th e e s ta te are in the amount o f $15,000 required to present it, with for trespass by defendant on proper vouchers, w ithin plaintiff’s real property. four months after the date A dditionally the plaintiff o f first publication o f this seeks the dissolution o f the notice, as stated below* to parties' farm partnership and the personal representative an accounting of its financial at the offices o f Kuhn Law activity. Also plaintiff seeks Offices, 267 N. Main Street, specific p erform ance o f P.O. Box 428, H eppner, the parties' 2011 farming Oregon 97836, or they may agreement and damages in be barred. the amount o f $53,557.52 All persons whose for defendant's failure to rights may be affected by perform under the term s the p ro c e e d in g s in th is o f the agreem ent and for estate may obtain additional plaintiffs attorney fees. in f o r m a tio n fro m th e This Summons is published records o f the court, the by order o f the Honorable personal representative or Ronald J. Pahl, judge o f the the attorney for the personal above- entitled Court made representative. and entered on the 29th DATED and first published day o f Septem ber, 2011, October 19,2011. directing publication o f this William Anhom, Personal summons once each week Representative for four consecutive weeks 1714 Alder St. in the H ep p n er G azette La Grande, OR 97850 To be published for three consecutive weeks. P E R S O N A L REPRESENTATIVE: William Anhom 1714 Alder St La Grande OR 97850 P hone:541-963-0837 A T T O R N E Y FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: William J. Kuhn, OSB No. 762075 Kuhn Law Offices PO Box 428 Heppner OR 97836 Phone: 541-676-9141 Fax: 541-676-5502 E m ail: k u hnandspicer@ windwave.org Published: October 19, 26 and November 2, 2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR Rock Crushing Contractor M orrow C o u n .y P u b lic Works Projects - Morrow County, Oregon Morrow County, Oregon, requests proposals for a qualified Rock crushing s e rv ic e s c o n tr a c to r to provide various aggregate services for various County G e n e ra l P u b lic W orks p ro je c ts . C o n tra c to rs submitting proposals shall be considered based upon th e fo llo w in g g e n e ra l evaluation criteria: 1. Fee schedule. 2. Experience. 3. Method o f approach. 4. Availability o f labor and equipment. Copies o f the Request for Proposals may be obtained from Morrow County Public Works, P.O. Box 428, 365 W H w y 74, L e x in g to n , Oregon 97839, (541) 989- 9500. Complete proposals w ill be a c ce p ted at the same address no later than 4:00 p.m. October 28,2011 any questions or concerns may be addressed to Sandi Putman. Published: October 19 and 26, 2 0 l i Sheriff’s Report The M orr ow County SherifFs Office reports handling the fol­ lowing business: June 18 (cont): -BPD received a call from someone who heard rumors there may be trouble in the area that night or the next day. The caller requested extra patrol. -B P D a r r e s t e d Casey Luna Lopez, 21, on an Irrigon Justice C ourt warrant for failure to ap- pear/DUII. The subject was lodged at Umatilla County Jail. -B PD receiv ed a call from a female who ad­ vised that she had moved in with another female on Cot­ tonwood Loop in Boardman and paid a month’s rent to her. Caller had just received a text message advising that the situation wasn’t work­ ing out, at which point she responded that her s tu ff was at the residence and she would like to go get it. Owner o f the property told her she had no right to her stuff since she w asn’t on the lease. Caller requested contact from an officer; of­ ficer made contact. -M C SO received a report o f a trespass at the lone pool; there were two or three boys jum ping off the roof and into the pool. The caller was told who they were and would like a deputy to make contact and let them know how danger­ ous it was. June 19: -M CSO received a call from a wom­ an in Irrigon stating that som eone has been going into her back yard over the past month and mess­ ing with things. He always w ears a w hite shirt and heavy boots and leaves footprints. He knocks on the w indow s. It usually happens between 1 and 3 a.m .; he was there three times already. Nothing has ever been taken, and there are six kids in the resi­ dence. MCSO went by the residence several times but was unable to locate the intruder. -A 4 6 - y e a r - o ld male was taken from Ir­ rigon to Good Shepherd Hospital. Someone jumped into a motor home and as­ saulted him, but he refused to say where it happened. Subject left the hospital. -M C SO a rre ste d M ario P erez, 27, on an Irrigon Justice Court war­ rant for failure to pay fine/ possession o f less than an ounce o f m arijuana. The subject was lodged at Uma­ tilla County Jail. -MCSO received a call from a man in Herm- iston stating that his girl­ friend took his bank card, p h o n e a n d 2 0 0 2 G ray Chevy Impala and left yes­ terd ay m o rning w ith o u t permission. -O fficer was flagged down by a subject on Highway 74 near Lex­ ington. The subject was just waving. -M C SO received a call from a w om an in Irrigon advising them that someone had parked along­ side her neighbor’s vehicle and used a sledgehammer on the rear w indow and front windshield. -MCSO received a complaint o f a white Mus­ tang going 90 to 95 mph on east 1-84 near Boardman. Unable to ID; Oregon State Patrol advised. J u n e 21: T h e Boardman Police Depart­ ment received report that a subject was stealing a trailer from the caller’s property. D eputies w ere unable to locate anyone. -BPD O fficer re­ ported he located an unoc­ cupied, suspicious vehicle on Marine Driver in Board- man. -BPD received re­ port o f someone in a field behind northeast Third St. in Boardm an was letting off bottle rockets, possibly in the skate park. -BPD received re­ port from a subject who said that two males broke up his trailer and threatened him. An officer m ade contact with the caller. -BPD received re­ port o f a small dog running around. -BPD received re­ port o f unlawful dumping. The subjects said they were advised to drop their clip­ pings and dog debris at the location by their landlord. -BPD O fficer ad­ vised he was out w ith a male subject on the railroad property. Kristopher Jared Loeppky was arrested on a W asco County w arrant for Failure to Appear/Tres- pass I. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $5,000 bail. -BPD received re­ port o f a juvenile on a bike without a helmet. The juve­ nile was warned and given a helmet. -M C SO received report o f a sprinkler head that had broken o ff and flooded a yard on Stansbury St. in Heppner. -M C S O , B o ard - m an P olice D ep artm en t received report from sub­ jects in a boat who said that their boat would not start. They were just barely out of Boardman. A deputy made contact and towed the boat back to the marina, where the subjects had their own ride to assist. -M C SO received report that a subject and his friends were playing “Fugi­ tive” that night in Irrigon. -M C S O D e p u ty reported training with the K-9. -M C SO received report o f som eone burn­ ing, possibly illegally in Boardman. -MCSO cited An- dra Kendrick, 53, on a traf­ fic stop. -M C S O D e p u ty reported he was out with a subject on Wilson Rd. and Paul Smith Rd., Boardman. The subject advised he had cows pastured their. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that she was afraid because her husband had been calling and was mad, threatening to com e and kill her. A second reporter advised he was en route to his friend’s house and her husband was being violent. A deputy responded and both parties agreed they would keep it peaceful. -M C SO received report from and Irrigon fe­ male that a male subject hit her car previously, resulting in over $1,700 in damage. She said she need to make a report for insurance pur­ poses. -MCSO cited Ed­ gar Ramirez, 21, for Failure to Drive Within Lane and Driving While Suspended. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that her neighbor’s chickens were running loose and tearing up her vegetable garden. The owner said he would fix his enclosure. -MCSO cited Clau­ dia Johana Lainez Padilla, 29, for V iolation o f the Speed Limit, 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. -M C SO received report that a silver/grey SUV passed a double yel­ low line at an excessive rate o f speed on Hwy. 730, Irrigon. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he was out with a vehicle that made an unlaw­ ful “J” turn in Heppner. The deputy advised the subject not to do it again. -M C S h e riff a d ­ vised he found a black lab with a blue collar in Lex­ ington. -M C SO received report o f a brown and white doge hanging out at the motel in Heppner. A deputy picked up the dog and the owner was located. -M C SO received report that Hermiston Po­ lice D epartm ent arrested Ricardo Lepez M endoza, 30, on a M orrow County warrant for Failure to Ap- p e a r/M en a c in g . He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail w ith $2,685 bail in full. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he m ade contact with a suspicious subject in a vehicle on Paterson Ferry Rod. It was an employee o f one o f the farms. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he was transporting a male subject to court in Heppner from the Umatilla County Jail. -M C SO received report from a Heppner sub­ ject that someone may have been selling drugs to kis. June 23: Morrow C ounty S h e riff’s O ffice received report that Keven Keith Alexander, 38, was arrested by Stanfield Police on an Irrigon Justice Court w arran t. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $443.87 bail in full. -M C SO received report o f fire on the railroad tracks in Boardman. -M C SO received request for assistance from the Umatilla County Sher­ ifFs Office on a theft call. -M C SO received report from subjects at Paul Smith/Kunze Rd., Board- m an, that they had seen flashlights. A deputy and Boardman Police Depart­ m ent o fficer responded, but were unable to locate anything. -M C SO received report from Oregon State Police that they arrested Thomas John Yonkers, 54, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/D riving W hile Sus­ pended. He was lodged at U nion C ounty Jail w ith $199 bail in full. -M C SO received report from an Irrigon sub­ ject that a black and white border collie-mix comes on to his property and makes his dogs bark. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he was transport­ ing a prisoner to court in Heppner. -M C SO received report o f a younger husky fem ale dog chasing cats in Irrigon. The caller had the dog tied to a tree with a chain collar held together by duct tape. -MCSO Deputy ad­ vised he was flagged down by a citizen in Irrigon. -M C SO received report from an Irrigon sub­ je c t w ho said his G reat Pyrenesedog had been shot with a pellet gun again. June 24: Morrow C ounty S h e riff’s O ffice receiv ed rep o rt th at the drive-up window o f a Hep­ pner Main Street business was opened from the out­ side around 4 a.m. and a subject took four to five packs o f cigarettes and ran off. A video showed a pack o f Marlboro Lights fly off and hit the floor. -M C SO received report from an lone subject that a puppy that did not belong to them was in their yard. -M C SO received report from a subject on 1-84 Arlington that a Fed Ex driver passed him doing 95 mph. -M C SO received report from a Boardm an subject that he was trying to catch a dog in the orchard at Paul Smith/Kunze Rd. -M C SO received report that an Irrigon wom­ an had locked herself out o f her house. -M C SO received re p o rt from a H e p p n e r woman that another woman had stolen stuff from her. The caller advised she was storing her stuff with per­ mission in a shed that was on the property where the alleged perpetrator lived. -M C SO received request for contact from an Irrigon school princi­ pal concerning a child not showing up for school most o f the two previous weeks. -M C SO received multiple 911 calls reporting a rollover accident on 1-84 east-bound near the Hwy. 730 exit with five people in th e v e h ic le . M C SO , Boardman Police Depart­ ment, Oregon State Police, ODOT, Boardman Ambu­ lance and Irrigon A m bu­ lance responded. Boardman Ambulance transported two people to Good Shepherd Hospital in Hermiston and Irrigon Am bulance trans­ ported three. -M C SO received report o f an on-going prob­ lem o f two dogs on Wilson Lane/Laurel Rd. in Board- man chasing m otorcycles and vehicles out into the road. -M C SO received report from a Heppner man that his previous girlfriend drives down Main St. yell­ ing at him and his new girl­ friend. He said she showed up at the gas station, the store and even the park w hile they are there and yells inappropriate things at them. He advised there was a restraining order against him and he didn’t want to be charged with violating it because o f her harassment. A deputy made contact with both parties and advised o f their options. -M C SO received request for contact with a deputy from an Irrigon su b je c t re g a rd in g som e strange things that had been happening at her home.