FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 20,2011 Local artists invited to enter Morrow County Fair season juried contest begins with horse show C o lu m b ia R iv er C om m unity H ealth Ser­ vices in Boardman invites em erging and established artists to submit artwork for a juried contest and the op­ portunity to have their work exhibited in the new clinic facility when it is complet­ ed in the early summer of 2012. Additional artists will be awarded participation in other exhibits to follow. A c c e p te d w orks and mediums include but are not limited to: paint­ ing, drawing, printmaking, sc u lp tu re , photography, digital art and illustration. All creative culm inations are welcome. Subm itted w orks are net required to conform to any particular medium, style, them e or concept; artw ork dim ensions may be o f any size. Submitted works will become property o f Columbia River Com ­ m unity H ealth S ervices and will not be returned to the artist. The contest dead­ line is February 29, 2012. For submission guidelines and to learn more, contact com m ittee chair Gordon Lienau at 541-481-2008. Oregon Arts Commission calls for art T he s e le c tio n committee for the Oregon D ep artm en t o f F orestry (ODF) John Day Unit seeks artw ork that reflects re ­ gional history and themes unique to eastern Oregon, as well as the mission of the Oregon Department of Forestry as determined by statute under the Percent for Art program. The committee en­ courages the use o f native m aterials w herever pos­ sible, includ ing but not lim ited to to o ls, w ood, re-claim ed m aterials and historically relevant narra­ tives that consider the local community. Local, national and international artists are invited to submit qualifica­ tions. Submissions must be received in person or by mail at the Arts Corn- mission offices by 5 p.m. August 5, 2011. The approxim ate art budget for the opportu­ nities described is $9,000, which will include artist fees and fabrication, in­ surance, shipping, travel, installation, docum enta­ tion, and all other project costs. These funds may be divided between multiple art projects. Host families needed in Heppner In A u g u st, A c a ­ dem ic Year in A m erica (AYA) is looking for Hep­ pner families to host high school exchange students from all over the world. AYA w ill a s sis t families in finding the ideal stu d e n t for th e ir hom e. The hoped-for result is an enriching, lifelong relation­ ship with a young person from abroad as well as a way for American families to learn more about a spe­ cific culture or language without leaving home. Students are ages 15 to 18 and arrive with full medical insurance, spend­ ing money and the hopes of 'W asvh, experiencing life in America through the eyes o f a caring host family. The students stay with their host for five or 10 months and attend the local high school. According to AYA Director Melanie French, an important aspect of the AYA program is that there are many types o f people who can host. “Just as there is no typical American fam­ ily, there is no typical host family,” states French. “Re­ tirees, single parents and young couples are all able to give an international student a good home. Some host families may not even Ifo t+'t/ ! 15th ANNUAL BEER 8 WINE TASTING THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 th 6:00 p . m . - 9:30 p . m . MORROW COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS C o m e e n jo y o u r g r e a t e n t e r t a in m e n t PROVIDED BY M ORROW COUNTY FAIR ^ 6 : 00 - 6:30 J oe L indsay 6 : 30 - 8:30 T iller ' s F olly 8 : 30 - 10:00 E ven P lane ^ M umuj ' j D juuj 217 North Main St., Heppner • Phone 676-9158 • Floral 676-9426 Serving Morrow, Wheeler & Gilliam counties Since 1959 have children o f their own. Bringing a student into your home can mean giving the gift o f culture to yourself, y our fam ily, your co m ­ munity ... whomever would benefit from exposure to a new culture.” To learn more about hosting an exchange stu­ dent with AYA, call Stella at (800) 322-4678, ext. 5164, or email Visit AYA on the web at Sheriff’s Report The M orrow County Sheriff’s Office reports handling the fol­ lowing business: M ay 20 (con t.): -M C SO receiv ed rep o rt from an Irrigon woman that her dog was attacked by the neighbor’s pit bull and she said she took the dog to the vet. She reported that the pit bulls were out again and she requested deputy contact. -M C SO received report o f two male subjects outside o f a van on Bomb­ ing Range Rd. MCSO ar­ rested Pedro M acedenio Mateos, 32, for DUII. He was also cited for No Op­ erator’s License. May 21: -MCSO called a ranch in response to an audible fire alarm. Owners advised it was the oven; it had something in it they were unaware of. -MCSO received a report of a dispute between tw o peo p le. T hey w ere throwing water and cursing at each other. -M C SO a rre ste d Stephen Jeremiah Bowles, 33, on a Umatilla County Circuit Court warrant for failure to appear/DUII. -MCSO deputy was out with subjects who had a large dog in their yard. M orrow C o u n ty Fair officially started Sat­ urday, July 16 with the 4-H horse show. Eleven 4-H horse members competed all day at the fairgrounds in Heppner. The divisions rep­ resented at the horse show were senior, intermediate, junior and beginner. T he h o rse show started in the W ilkinson Arena at 8 a.m. with show­ manship. Ribbons for the se­ nior division were: Maggie Collins, blue and champion, and Hannah Jones, red. For in term ed iate division: Lilly Sandford, Jenna Taylor and Miranda Taylor all received red rib­ bons. In the junior divi­ sion: Vizta Sifford, blue and champion; Alex Lind­ say and Ivy Sandford, red ribbons and Emily Taylor, white ribbon. For the beginner division: Ashley Price re­ ceived blue and champion; Keegan Gibbs received a red ribbon. The over-all grand champion award for show­ m anship w ent to M aggie Collins and her horse, Bust­ er. Maggie and Buster will both be appearing at the fair in August, competing in the master showmanship con­ test on Friday, August 19. This is the first time in sev­ eral years that a horse has been involved in the master showmanship contest. The next event was equitation for both western and E nglish. In w estern equitation class, the ribbons for the senior division were: Maggie Collins and Hannah Jones, both receiving red ribbons. For interm ediate: Lilly Sandford and Jenna Taylor, each receiving red ribbons. In the junior divi­ sion: Em ily Taylor, Alex Lindsay and Vizta Sifford all received Red ribbons. Ivy Sandford received a white. The Beginner class was: Ashley Price received blue and champion ribbons, and Keegan Gibbs received a red ribbon. For bareback equi­ tation, there were two rid­ ers: Hannah Jones and Alex L indsay, both o f w hom received red ribbons. For ground training with a yearling foal, Jenna M o rro w C o u n ty USDA Farm Service Agen­ cy (FSA) Executive Direc­ tor Kyle Camine announces that the deadline to apply for assistance for 2009 crop losses under the Supple­ mental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) program is July 29, 2011. “The SU RE pro­ gram compensates produc­ -Continued PAGE SEVEN ers for production and/or Come eat cake and wish her happy birthday HPM AX Triple Pane fo r the price of Double Pane CaH for details E*> «00/11 Wednesday, July 27 2:30-4:30 p.m. Fireside room, Hermiston Terrace. If you can’t come, she would appreciate a card. 980 W. Highland Ave Room 151 Hermiston OR 97838 Questions 541 >289-3340 •"^ Is o Siding, Rain Gutters & Insulation *Your Hometown Contractor' CALL TODAY FORA FREE “NO PRESSURE” ESTIMATE Mr. • Insulation Co*j IflCi Taylor received a blue rib­ bon. For English equi­ tation, Hannah Jones and Miranda Taylor both com­ peted in their respected classes and received red ribbons. In dressage, Hanna Jones was the only competi­ tor, and she received a well- earned blue ribbon. A fte r a p o tlu c k lu n c h , th e h o rse show moved to the outdoor are­ na, where hunt-seat over fences, trail course, and 4-H gaming events were held. For the hunt-seat over fences com petition, Hannah Jones received a red ribbon. Miranda Taylor was excused due to a fall d u ring the co m petition, but both horse and rider are fine. The tra il c o u rse was set up as an intricate course where both horse and rider had to work to­ gether. For the senior divi­ sion: M aggie Collins re­ ceived a blue and champion ribbon. For interm ediate division: Jenna Taylor re­ ceived a red ribbon. In the junior divi­ sion: Vizta Sifford received blue and champion ribbons, and Alex Lindsay received quality losses during times o f disaster,” said Camine. “All producers who have experienced crop produc­ tion and/or crop quality losses must apply for SURE program benefits by the July 29 deadline.” To meet program elig ib ility requirem ents, the farming operation must be physically located in a county that was declared a prim ary or contiguous disaster county by the Sec­ retary of Agriculture under a 2009 secretarial disaster designation. Producers located in designated disaster coun­ ties must have suffered at least a 10 percent loss on a crop o f econom ic sig­ nificance and purchased crop insurance through the Federal Crop Insurance Act Volleyball Camp 7 /2 6 , 7 /2 7 , & 7 /2 8 a t H H S COLT • Two options available Morning camp from 9:30 am • 12:00 pm for $ 20 OR Day camp from 9:30 am • 2:30 pm for $30. Registration on morning of 1st day of camp, includes mustang T-shirt (541)567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 Stop by Our Showroom! 30599 Lauback * Hcrmiston JR. H IG H 9 :3 0 • 2 :3 0 p m . E 3 mrinsulation&eotnet net • CCM97049 • Member N.E.0 H B A Volleyball Open Gym also available 7/21 at HHS • Colt 5-6 pm • Jr High - 6-7 pm • High School - 7 pm, FREE I “ blue and reserve champion ribbons. Emily Taylor was excused due to a fall, but both horse and rider are fine. In th e b e g in n e r division: Ashley Price re­ ceived blue and champion ribbons. Keegan Gibbs was excused due to a fall; both horse and rider are fine. For in-hand trail class with a yearling: Jenna Taylor received a blue rib­ bon. As the gaming be­ gan, the skies opened up, forcing the gam es to be delayed and then m oved to the W ilkinson A rena, where the fun continued. The events were: key hole race, pole bending, flag race, figure eight, and bar­ rels. Due to the short arena space, the 4-H m em bers were cautioned to go slowly for the safety o f both horse and rider. All com peting m em bers received w hite ribbons in all events except for barrels, where Hannah Jones received blue and champion ribbons, and Alex Lindsay received a red. Both ju d g e s and a u d ie n c e m em bers said they w ere im pressed by the 4-H kids, who showed poise, elegance and integ­ rity and did a great job in all o f their events. July 29 deadline for SURE application Let's Party!- Lois H unt is turning 80! *G et $30 Back on every ^ Energy Star* S g W in d o w o r Patio D oor Top: Horse 4-H participants (L-R) Alex Lindsay, Hannah Jones, Ashley Price, Miranda Taylor, Vizta Sifford, Emily Taylor, Maggie Collins and Jenna Taylor. Not pictured are Ivy Sandford, Keegan Gibbs and Lilly Sandford. Bottom: Maggie Collins and her horse, Buster, pose with their grand champion showmanship ribbon. Maggie will be the first horse 4-H par­ ticipant in several years to compete in the master showmanship contest during fair. -Contributedphoto H IG H SCHOOL b egins a t 3 p .m . i or the Noninsured Crop Di­ saster Assistance Program (NAP). However, an op­ eration located in a county that did not receive a pri­ mary or contiguous disaster designation can still qualify for SURE benefits if the actual farm production was less than 50 percent o f the normal production on the farm due to the a qualifying disaster event. Producers and le­ gal en titie s co lle ctiv ely cannot, directly or indi­ rectly, receive more than $ 100,000 in SURE and oth­ er FSA disaster assistance paym ents. FSA d isaster program s include SURE, Livestock Forage Program (LFP), Livestock Indem ­ nity Program (L IP), and Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish (ELAP). Producers or legal entities whose non-farm in­ come is more than $500,000 are not eligible for SURE program payments. For questions re­ garding the SURF, program, contact the Morrow County FSA o ffice at 541-676- 9011, ext. 2.