TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 29,2011 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U S P S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper Published weekly by Sykes Publishing. LLC and entered as periodical maner at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3,1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. E-mail: editor:urapidserve net or david(a'rapidserve net Web site: www.heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow County; $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 62 years or older), $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions. David Sykes...............................................................................................Publisher Andrea Di Salvo............................................................................................. Editor A ll News and A dvertising D eadline is M onday at 5 p.m. For A dvertising advertising deadline is M onday at 5 p.m Cost for a display ad is $5 per colum n inch Cost for classified ad is 50< per word Cost for Card o f Thanks is $10 up to 100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5.75 per colum n inch For Public/Legal Notices public/legal notices deadline is M onday at 5 p.m Dates for pub­ lication m ust be specified A ffidavits m ust be required at the tim e of subm ission A ffidavits require three weeks to process after last date o f publication (a sooner return date m ust be specified if required) For Cnituanes O bituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to m eet news guidelines Fam ilies wishing to include inform ation not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary w ritten in a certain way m ust purchase advertising space fo r the obituary For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner GT w ill not publish unsigned letters A ll letters MUST Include the author s address and phone num ber for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statem ents made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under 'C a rd o f Thanks' at a cost o f $10. HEALING THROUGH SONG -Continuedfrom PAGE ONE important things in her life, along with her faith in God. Both of those have been sources of support during a highly emotional time in her life. “ I appreciate all my friends and family,” she says. “It’s been a rough four years since my husband died, and they’ve supported me in what I’m doing, even though sometimes I’m not sure what that is.” Britt jokingly calls songwriting her “third ca­ reer.” Despite four CDs and two more scheduled for release in the next couple of months, though, she’s not sure she wants to regard it as a job. “I don’t know [if I’ll make a career of it]. I don’t sit down and think to write a song. It just hap­ pens.” Morrow SWCD to hold special meeting lone announces Red, White and Blues grand marshal By Betty Gray lone’s 4th of July committee announces the selection of the lone Educa­ tion Foundation along with the past and present Board of Directors to lead its 4lh of July parade. The foundation is in its ninth year; member­ ship in 2010 exceeded 250 members. lo n e E d u ca tio n Foundation Board of Direc­ tors are: Sharon Camarillo, Clint Carlson, Tim Holtz, Jill Martin, Joe McElligott, Joel Peterson, Howard Mul­ lins and Joe Rietmann. The mission of the lone Education Foundation is to preserve and support the legacy of excellence of the lone School and its rural community. Goals include: to maintain a kindergarten through 12th grade public school in lone; to support educational programs that are not being adequately funded by state or local government; to establish an endowment for long-term support of the lone commu­ nity school and its students; and to seek funding through grants and all other sources to support the lone Com­ munity School. In Septem ber o f last year, the foundation helped further part o f its goals with a successful annual dinner and auction, collecting $40,960 in one evening. Generous support from community members, alum ni, local business­ es and organizations and wind-power development com panies co n trib u ted $ 105,125 to the foundation in 2010. Total income for the year from all sources was $197,653. Community mem­ bers can help support the foundation’s work with monetary gifts, equipment donations, auction items, memorials, will and estate planning, and crops. Self reliance, lo­ cal control and a sense of pride all contribute to a spirit of generosity that is the hallmark o f our small town’s past. This core belief is in the heart o f all lone residents, past and present. The lone School has always been the glue that binds the community to that basic belief. Musical theater camp continues Cherisse Lemmon would like to remind everyone that her musical theater camp still has space. The schedule for the rest of the summer is: Tuesdays July 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 4-5 p.m. Cost: $40. Production: “King of New York” (Newsies). Wednesdays July 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 3-4 p.m. Cost: $40. Production: “When Will My Life Begin” (Tangled). Wednesdays July 6, 13,20 and 27 from 4-5 p.m. Cost: $40. “We’re All in This Together” (HS Musical). Please call Cherisse at 541-989-8338 for more information or to sign up. t j t t C 1 a . 4 4 4 JfT x T Jj G lG C tS The Morrow SWCD will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, June 28 at 8 a.m. to develop the district’s annual work plan for fiscal year 2011-2012. The meeting will be held at the Ag Service Center at 430 W. Linden Way in Heppner. The Morrow SWCD will hold a second special meeting June 29 at 7 p.m. at the Ag Service Center to review and approve the district’s fiscal year budget and an- nual work plan. This will be a teleconference meeting. All meetings of Morrow SWCD are open to the public. For more information, call Janet Greenup at 541- c i 4 - | | / j p n f a a i i m p f | 676-5452, ext. 109. tU U I ltll By Zech Hintz 25th of May and results were The following stu­ announced later that day. d e n ts hav e Next been elected school year is to tak e the anticipated to Heppner High be filled with School Asso­ enthusiasm and ciated Student energy. The new Body 2011-12 council is espe­ offices: presi­ Heppner High School cially excited d e n t, Z ech recently elected its 2011- about putting H in tz; vice 12 ASB student council. up dances at the p r e s i d e n t , -Contributed photo high school and Bryce Fowler; doing their best secretary, Natalie Rauch; to make them as good as treasurer, Tayllor Gould; they can. At the top of their assistant treasurer, Tessa goal list is also promotion Gould; publicity director, of Heppner’s school spirit, Andrew Bara; and business especially during sports manager, Garrett Robinson. games; the students would Mrs. Payne remains seated like to see the audience as the ASB advisor. give it their all in cheering The ASB elections for the teams during big The Heppner Garden Club’s new president. Chuck Baily, ac­ began with campaigning games like homecoming cepted the gavel of office at the club's last meeting. -Contrib­ that culminated in speeches and state playoffs. They uted photo The Heppner Garden Club has elected new of­ and debate questions on will also strive to keep May 24. Speeches and de­ people inform ed during ficers for 2011-2013. The new officers are: bates were enthusiastic, and activities that have potential Chuck Bailey, president; Danny Picard, vice were said to be some of the of providing great benefits president; Melissa J. Minaco, treasurer and Joanne Bur­ best in school history. The for the community as well leson, secretary. student body voted on the as the school. New president Chuck Bailey says to watch the paper for future announcements, because he plans to have many guest speakers at future meet-ups. The Garden Club’s next meeting is July 5 at 7 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Senior Center. The topic of discussion will the Morrow County Fair. lone’s 4th of July celebration will kick off early on Independence Day with the 2011 Dawn’s Early Light 5K fun run/walk. Registration will begin at 7 a.m on July‘4 at the lone City Park on Main Street. The fun run/walk will begin at 7:30 a.m. All donations from the event will go to Creative Care Preschool. During the months of June and July Morrow County Public Works Obituaries James C. Pappas James C. Pappas, in the HEROS reading pro­ 61, ofHeppner died Friday, gram and the Chess for Suc­ June 24,2011 at his home. A cess Club, and volunteered funeral service will be held in numerous classrooms. He 11 a.m . ___ se rv e d Wednes­ sev e ra l day, June years 29, 2011 in th e a t th e Parent Chr i s - T eacher tian Life Club and Center in James C. Pappas was vice Heppner. president Concluding service with one year. military honors will follow He was a m em ­ at the Heppner Masonic ber of the Elks Lodge, the Cemetery. North American Hunting He was bom July 6, Club and the National Rifle 1949 at Moline, IL, the son Association. He was a de­ of John and Nola Overturf voted Christian and reader Pappas. He was raised and of the bible. attended school at Moline. Survivors include: He e n te re d the his w ife, Patti Pappas; U nited S tates Army in son, Conner Pappas and 1966. He served in Vietnam daughter, Emily Pappas, from 1967 until his honor­ all of Heppner; brothers, able discharge in 1968. Thom as Pappas o f M o­ He also served additional line, IL and Jeffrey Pappas enlistm ents in Germany of New Windsor, IL; sis­ and Korea. He received his ters, Pat Hall of Moline, IL third honorable discharge and Christine Secymore of in 1973. Swedona, IL. He continued his Memorial contri­ education at Blackhawk butions may be made to: Junior College in Illinois; HEROS Reading Program Wichita State University or Chess for Success Club and Southwestern Univer­ through the Heppner El­ sity, both in Kansas, and ementary School, PO Box Liberty University in Vir­ 367, Heppner, OR 97836; ginia. He became a juvenile the football, volleyball or probation officer working track programs at Heppner in Kansas and Oregon. High School or Heppner Ju­ On August 10 1990 nior High School, PO Box he married Patti Lott Mohn 67, Heppner, OR 97836 or in Salem, OR. The couple Pioneer Memorial Hospice, moved to Heppner in 1996, PO Box 9, Heppner, OR where they raised their two 97836. children. Sweeney Mortuary Ja m e s e n jo y e d of Heppner is in charge of helping at the elementary arrangements. school as a mentor, assisting lone 4-H food club learns about cakes and cake decorating New president to lead Heppner Garden Club July 4 gets running start with Dawn’s Early Light P66 PROPANE E W H w y 74. P.O B om 428, Lm ongtoo. O R 97839 541 989-9800 PGG Also provides gas heater and stove plumbing and propane ‘ Conditions do apply ‘ Plumbing not included C A L L F O R D E T A IL S 1 800 422-7611 - 80 Yaars of Sarvica and still offaring competitive prices to Washington and Oregon Residents. equipment CCB* 64523 n f S iL J L j C akes w ere the them e o f the lone 4-H Foods Club at their meet­ ing on June 15 at the lone Community Church. There were nine club members present along with leaders Nancy and Rebecca Jepsen and special guest instructor Willa Coe. Mrs. Coe started off the afternoon by dem­ onstrating how to do some basic cake decorating using different tips and colors of frosting. She provided cup­ cakes, frosting and decorat­ ing supplies; members had fun decorating cupcakes to take home for Father’s Day. The second h alf of the meeting was spent learning how to make two different kinds o f cakes, Dependable and Friendly service Recycling your old paint tree, ia am ple and something that everyone can do. More importantly, protecting our environment ia something we should all want to do. That’s why the PaintCare program was created to make it eeay for everyone to recycle end properly dispose of every can of unused paint Aaron Allstott o f H eppner graduated on June 13 from the University o f Oregon in Eugene. He received a Bachelor o f Arts degree in journalism with a focus on advertising and a minor in m ultim edia. , A llstott is a 2007 graduate o fH eppner High School. 5 0 // ) North and South Transfer stations 69900 Frontage Ln, Board man OR 57186 Hwy 74. Lexington. OR Every Saturday and Sunday 9 00 a m. to 4;00 p.m. i t / t ( VO By hook or by crook with trials and tribulations and if the creek doesn't rise we are having a fiftieth anniversary celebration 1961 Dispose o f FREE o f charge a t these locations with and without short­ ening. One group made and frosted a peanut but­ ter marble cake while the other group made a daffodil sponge cake. The next foods club meeting will be on Thurs­ day, July 7 at 7 p.m. at the lone Community Church. Members will be complet­ ing their fair registration forms and record books. Allstott graduates from U of O There are better locations to dispose of paint than a landfill. tOPANE will install your new ntial above ground propane TANK A T NO COST, PLUS your flret years t rental fee will be free.* - Top (L-R): Aaron Smythe, Austin Carter, Kaitlyn Garrett and Emily Rea make a peanut butter marble cake at their 4-H meet­ ing. Bottom: Willa Coe teaches cake decorating techniques to 4-H member Austin Carter. -Contributedphotos ’^ F * /ea â 4 > jo iw f/A 2011 Bob and Judy Stevens Saturday, July 16, 2011 • 1:00 prn - 4:00 prn Hardman Community Center • Hardman, Oregon Music, dancing, food, potluck salads No gifts please • RSVP 541-676-5383