SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 4,2011 Morrow County Court news The Morrow Coun­ ty Court met on April 6 in Heppner with Judge Tail- man and Commissioners Ken Grieb and Leann Rea in attendance. The court reviewed and approved the account payables in the net total amount of $70,445.57. Also reviewed were payroll payables, payroll monthlies and Dike final payroll. Giant Cane: Dave Pranger, Weed Control Su­ pervisor provided the court with pictures and a report regarding the arrival of the first root stock for Arundo Donax (Giant Cane). The root stock arrived on April 4 in totes, being hauled into the area from California in an enclosed van. Plant­ ing was started on a 32 acre circle of land farmed by Frederickson Brothers. There will also be planting at Three Mile Farms under a circle and at Greenwood using drip irrigation. This crop is being grown on a test basis as a possible al­ ternative fuel source at the PGE Boardman Coal Fire Plant. Mr. Pranger stated that he is still working on the final details for the “Control Bond” with PGE regarding assurance of the eradication of the cane if the experiment is not suc­ cessful. Budget Informa­ tion: Greg Sweek, assessor provided the court with information regarding ORS 368.710 Apportionment of certain local option taxes; compression. This explains how local option tax im­ posed for road improve­ ment, repair or mainte­ nance must be apportioned. Sweek stated that the coun­ ty does not have a “local option tax” so the method of determining apportion­ ment to the five local com­ munities is not obligated to follow the formula that has been used in the past several years. This past year (2010-2011) the cit­ ies received the following: Boardman-$266,188.3 1, H e p p n e r-$ 3 3 ,9 2 4 .2 3 , lone-$8,632 .7 8 , lrrig- on-$26,069.98 and Lex­ ington -$6,080.98. The amounts were determined by the assessed values in each city. There was dis­ cussion regarding how the county might want to pro­ ceed with their budget plans with this new knowledge. The court will have further discussions regarding how the money is distributed to the cities. Road R eport: Several employees from the road dept, provided the court a report regarding the recent truck accident on Ely Canyon Road that resulted in a spill of diesel and hydraulic oil. It was de­ cided that an environmental recovery procedure will be developed that will assist the local rural fire depts., sheriff’s office and other agencies regarding the pro­ tocol for handling such incidents. Graders: The graders are currently grad­ ing roads in the Brenner Canyon Road, Hardman/ Hale Ridge Lane, Shobe Canyon Road and Beach Lane areas. The Sunflower Flat Road is drying out and firming up and will prob­ ably be gradable by next week. Tupper Lane will be opened up by the 7lh, but it will still have weight restriction until it firms up. Lexington Grange Road & Baseline Lane: The work at the intersection has been completed with the paving to be done this sum­ mer. Bridge: The crew has been working on the bridge project on McNab Lane. They have excavated out each end of the bridge and built new retaining walls out of concrete blocks. Currently they are work­ ing on the wing walls on the west end of the bridge. Willow Creek Road: Con­ ducted emergency repair work when it was discov­ ered that a bank was wash­ ing away and the pavement was in jeopardy. When the emergency repairs are fin­ ished the crew'will to back to the McNab Lane bridge repair. Permits: On the recommendation of Burke O ’Brien, roadmaster, the court approved the follow­ ing permits: An approach permit # 166 onto Depot Lane for Cleaver Land, LLC and Permit # OIG with Century Link for a buried line along Fairview Road near Cecil Road. Sheriff’s Report: Kenneth Matlack, sheriff provided the following re­ port to the court: Assisted the OSP with a two vehicle accident near Mile Post (MP) 177 east bound on 1-84. They conducted a wel­ fare check on a female that had become separated from her caregiver. Responded to a report of a wrong w ay driver on 1-84, with a stop of the vehicle near the 165 MP and issued a citation to a gentleman born in 1923. The dept, assisted the Boardman Police that were responding to a report of gun shots fired in the area of the Sandpiper Apartments. The dept, responded to a traffic hazard in the area of Hwy. 207 and Bomb­ ing Range Road. The dept, cited a driver with reckless driving and criminal mis­ chief III for an incident at Jordan Elevator. The sher­ iff discussed the need for “transitional housing” for individuals being released into the area when there are no family members to as­ sist with the transition. The Parole and Probation Dept, was supervising 92 offend­ ers at the end of March. There was a crew of seven that performed clean-up work at the fairgrounds. Juvenile Dept. Quarterly Report: Tom Meier, director, provided the court with his quar­ terly update. The number of offenders continues to Open House Gas Transmission Northwest LLC You are invited to attend an open house to learn more about the proposed Catty Lateral Project in Morrow County. Gas Transmission Northwest LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada (a leading North American energy infrastructure company) proposes to build a 20- to 25-mile natural gas pipeline lateral to serve an electric generating facility being proposed by Portland General Electric. The proposed pipeline lateral would extend from GTN's existing mainline near lone northward to the PGE plant site. The lateral as prpposed would be capable of transporting approximately 200 million cubic feet a day (MMcf/d) of natural gas to make electricity to serve PGE's 800,000 customers. The natural gas could come from Canada and the U.S. Rockies. GTN is committed to working with those who live and work along the potential pipeline routes. This open house is an opportunity for you to learn more about the project, the potential routes, schedule, environmental fieldwork and design and to gather your feedback. This "come-and-go" format of the open house will allow you to spend as little or as much time as you like talking with our project experts - one-on- one or in small groups. Questions? Visit the project Web site by going to and clicking on the Catty Lateral Project Link. You can also call, toll-free, 1.855.21CARTY (855.212.2789). You can email us at We look forward to meeting you at the open house. Location Port of Morrow Wednesday, May 11, 2011 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. increase, with 12 new ad­ mits in the third quarter. The 2009-2010 year saw a total of 16 admissions and the current 2010-2011 has a total of 27 admissions with three months to go before the reporting period ends. Planning Dept. Update: Carla McLane, planning director, provided the court with an update of planning actions. McLane stated there will be a work session on the Transporta­ tion Plan update April 27 following the regularly scheduled planning com­ mission meeting at the Port of Morrow. McLane provid­ ed an update on the status of Senate Bill 195, which has been referred to the House Transportation and Eco­ nomic Development Com­ mittee. Senate Bill 195 will ease some of the restriction on the land that was zoned for the Space Age Industrial area west of Boardman. McLane reported on the EIS scoping status for the Cascade Crossing power line. The court conduct­ ed the following business: Signed the order in the matter of over- turning the planning commission’s de­ cision regarding the permit to use rifles and handguns at the Hermiston Rod and Gun Club; Authorized the settle­ ment of $3,605 from the insurance company and the disposal of the 2005 Ford that was wrecked during one of the winter storms; Authorized the disposal First Fridays ministry ends for summer Springer wins Methodist Church raffle Congratulations to Claudia Springer, who won the barbecue raffle from the Heppner United Methodist Church kitchen remodel project. -Contributedphoto at the state surplus of the 1954 Cadillac ambulance. The court authorized the payment of $200.00 from the court’s discretionary fund for the fishing der­ by to be held at Cutsforth Park on Saturday, May 21; Appointed the follow­ ing to a four-year term on the Morrow County Parks Committee: Betty Gray, Sheryll Bates ( with John Edmundson as an alter­ nate), Burke O’Brien, Bob Naims, Sandi Putman, Tony Clement, Kirsti Cason, Al­ len Anderson, Dean Rob­ inson, Don Stroeber, Todd Buchholz, Lori Seitz, Tom Wolff, Les Paustian, Dan Brosnan, Karen Wolff, Ken Grieb, Dave and Roberta Jones, also appointed Jerry Breazeale and Rudy Berg­ strom to two year terms; Approved the request to join the Oregon Public Property Managers Association with the annual dues of $50; Approved and signed the amendment to agreement the Finley-Buttes Landfill Company contract. The pri­ mary change to the contract is for disposal of tonnage in excess of 1,000,000 tons per operational year; V a r i o u s correspondences and upcoming meeting notices were reviewed and discussed. Anyone who would like to be placed on the list to receive county minutes, please contact Karen Wolff at (541)676-5620. BPD arrests Boardman man after confrontation The Boardman Po­ Disorderly Conduct II and lice Department arrested Menacing. Bozarth refused 51 -year-old Daniel Bozarth to exit the building and The next session of Boardman on April 27, threw a claw hammer at the of First Fridays Friends after a standoff of officers through a of Jesus, sponsored by the nearly 12 hours. window. Shared Ministry of Hope On A p ri) D ep u ties Lutheran and All Saints 26 around 7 ,p.m., from the Morrow Episcopal churches, will be the BPD responded County Sheriff’s held on May 6 at All Saints to a call concern­ Daniel Office arrived to from 8 a.m. until noon. All ing a mental subject Bozarth assist the BPD in children ages four through walking down the securing the scene. 12 are invited to a morning road and yelling at N egotiators and filled with Bible stories, people while carrying a members of the Pendleton crafts, games and music. hammer or ax. Crisis Response Unit also A free lunch is When the respond­ responded and used a drop served, and there is no ing officer arrived to the phone to attempt to contact cost to attend. Although area of 126 Columbia Ave. Bozarth. Bozarth would not this will be the last session NW, the subject approached communicate with the ne­ until September, newcom­ ers are always welcome. the officer in the roadway gotiator, who tried to com­ and yelled at him. When municate with the man until May would be an especially the officer got out of his car, approximately midnight. good month to attend, so the subject ran into p nearby At that time, they removed parents and children can residence. the drop phone from the see what it’s all about and The subject was residence. build First Fridays into their identified as Daniel Bozarth The BPD continued fall plans. of Boardman. Officers at­ to secure the scene and ap­ More information tempted to contact Bozarth plied for a search warrant. is available by calling the Shared Ministry office at at his residence in order to Bozarth then exited the resi­ take him into custody for dence around 8:15 a.m. and 541-676-9970. refused to obey an officer’s verbal commands. Bozarth iC was taken into custody by the officers, who had to use 676-9181 "W here frien d » M eet" 142 North Main tasers to subdue him. Bozarth was trans­ ported to the Umatilla Thursday County Jail, where he was 5 - 5-11 lodged on Disorderly Con­ duct II, Menacing, Attempt­ Beef Stroganoff with ed Assault II and Interfering Caesar and fruit salads, with a Peace Officer. HEPPNER ELKS 358 LADIES NIGHT rolls, and cheesecake. DINNER STARTS AT 6PM, MOTHER S DAY CEREMONY AT LODGE WILL FOLLOW AT 8PM. Hosted by Corey, Brandi, Cam, and Stefanie Sweeney Do you have a story or picture for the Gazette email or call (541)676-9228 CINCO DE M A Y O SPECIALS with Margarita Madness Thursday May 5th 2 Marine Drive Boardman, OR 97818' 818 Mother's Day Steak (Specials < 0 ) TransCanada In business to d e liv e r _______We have a new cook! JOHN'S PLACE 164 N. Main » Heppner 541-676-S017 t