TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 20,2011 O b itu a rie s The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow William A. “Bill” Zinter Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner. Oregon Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. E-mail: editoriuTapidserve net or davidwrapidserve net. Web site: Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow County, $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 62 years or older); $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions David Sykes............................................................................................... Publisher Autumn Morgan............................................................................................. Editor All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at S p.m For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at S p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5 per column inch Cost for classified ad is 50* per word Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to 100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5 75 per column inch. For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p m Dates for pub lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be specified if required) For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to meet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary wntten in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Heppner GT will not publish unsigned letters All letters MUST include the author s address and phone number for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10. Adams, Brizendine engagement announced William A. "B ill” Z inter died on April 15, 2011 in Hermiston at the age of 84 years. Bill was born on January 25, 1927 in Spo kane, WA to parents Wil liam H. and Winnie Cowan Zinter. He attended school in the Spokane area. He moved to lone in 1939. Bill served in the United States Army during WW11 until his honorable discharge. He then returned to lone, w here he had a wheat ranch for many years. He married Nancy Ferguson in 1952, and they later divorced. Bill was united in marriage to Dorothy Moore on Novem ber 26, 1965 in Hermiston. They moved to Hermiston, O regon in 1993, w here they have lived since. Bill was a member o f the lone American Legion Post. He enjoyed trips to the coast, word search puzzles, and watching bull riding, wres tling and game shows. ‘ He is survived by: his wife, Dorothy Zinter of Hermiston; sons, Eugene Zinter o f Damascus, OR, David Zinter o f Hermiston, Paul Zinter o f Portland and John Piening o f Hermiston; daughters, Cathy May o f A ustin, TX , Susan M u noz o f Hermiston, Lauretta Keene o f H erm iston and Jeanie Redberg o f Ephrata, WA; twin sister, Winifred M e ss e n g e r o f H e rm is ton; 12 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and 10 nieces. Bill was preceded in death by his parents and tw o sons, Bob and N eil Zinter. A graveside service with m ilitary honors will be held on Friday, April 22, 2011 at 11 a.m. at the H erm iston C em etery in Hermiston, Oregon. T hose w ho w ish may make contributions in Bill’s memory to the lone School District. P le a s e s ig n th e condolence book at www. burnsm ortuaryherm iston. com. Bums Mortuary o f H erm iston, O regon is in charge o f arrangements. Birth Announcement Bradly Adams and Katelyn Marie Brizendine Mike and Tonia Adams o f Heppner announce the engagement and upcoming marriage o f their son, Bradly Michael, to Katelyn Marie Brizendine, both o f Stanfield. Katelyn is a 2004 graduate of Pendleton High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education/elementary education from Western Oregon University in 2009, and is currently attending Eastern Or- e ^ r University studying for her m aster’s degree in early cafldnàod/eïementary special education. She is employed affrn early childhood special education specialist for the Umatilla-Morrow ESD in Hermiston. Bradly graduated from Heppner High School in 2003, attended Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton and graduated from Eastern Oregon University in 2008 with a business administration degree. He works as a pesticide applicator for M ike’s Custom Spraying, based in Pilot Rock. The couple will be wed July 30, 2011, at 5:30 p.m. in Pilot Rock. Sophia Ralene C hristm an - Nick and Cara Christman o f Ridgecrest, CA, announce the birth o f a baby girl, So phia Ralene. Sophia was bom on April 16, 2011, at 3:48 a.m. at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital in Ridgecrest, CA. She weighed six pounds, nine ounces Sophia Ralene Christman and was 17 inches long. Grandparents are Carl and Kelly Christman of lone, and Sid and Cindy Kennedy o f Lexington. Great-grandparents include: Larry Kennedy of Lexington, Skip and Barbra Pettyjohn o f lone, Betty Christman of Lexington, and Maggie and Roger Morley o f Saint George, UT. Rolling Hills Run Saturday The Rolling Hills Run will be held this Saturday, April 23, beginning at the Morrow County Fairgrounds in Heppner. Registration gets underway at 9 a.m. The run includes 5K and 10K run walks, which begin at 10 a.m., and a one-mile kids’ fun run, which begins shortly after 11 a.m. Online registration may be completed at www. 'jO U ll/F F O R ^ M T E R ^ iN N E R ^ HHS baseball to hold poker back 2 BEECHERS RESTAURANT S u n d a y A p r il 24 , 2 0 1 1 § 12 N don OLD FASHIONED BAKED HAM DINNED o r ROAST BEEF DINNER S er v e d w it h : H e r b e d B aby R ed P o t a t o e s G a r d e n G r e e n B e a n s G l a z e d W a l n u T P e a r S a l a d w / R a s p b e r r y V i n a i g r e t t e M i n i W h e a t L o a f B r e a d a n d a F r e s h S trawberry D essert (R egular L unch and D inner M enu I tems also available ) c 3 5 0 HWY 7 4 LONE, G R # 5 4 1 -4 Z Z -9 B O D J R e d u c e Y o u r H e a t in g a t l( / C o o lin g C o s ts A L L W im e r R e b a tes & T a x In c e n t iv e A vailab le Now ADD A LAYER ^ OF INSULATION IN YOUR ATTIC tournament fundraiser Heppner High School baseball program will hold a Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournament Saturday, April 23 at Heppner Elks Lodge. This will be their first annual fundraiser. Doors will open at five p.m. with sign-ups at 5:45. Tournament play begins at 6:30 p.m. Buy in will be $40 per person (no re-buys). Sign-ups will close after play begins. There will be no-host beverages and food. Come By Our Heppner Branch In April & May You'll receive a free entry into our drawing for a Traeger lunior Pellet Grill just for coming by. (One entry per v is it) Drawing Will Be He! At Our Community Appreciation BBQ n May 31st, 2011. ALL NEW VINYL FRAMED THERMAL PANE WINDOWS By^ÖPLyGEM Mr. Insulation Co. Inc. (541) 567-2348 • (541)276-0097 • 1-800-265-2348 r ,,S to p by our showroom1 30599 Lauback • Hermiston www mrmsulation info S 3* mrmsulation@eotnet • CCB# 97049 • Member N E 0iH B A H?B Com m unity BANK Local Money Working For Local People Heppner 127 N Main 541-676-574$ Member FDIC Daisy E. Collins Daisy E. C ollins, rehab facility to be near her 93, formerly o f Heppner, daughter, Judy. died Friday, April 8, 2011, Over the years her in Junction City, Oregon. interests were varied and A memorial service will be included mushroom pick held 11 a.m. Tuesday, April ing, berry picking, playing 19, 2011, at the Heppner b rid g e, sq u are d ancing, United Methodist Church. quilting, wine making, gar She was bom dening, beach comb on the family farm ing, ta k in g sh o rt near Ridgefield, WA trips, and being with on May 19, 1917, family and friends. the daughter o f Wil She was a long-time liam and E leanor member of the Hep Krebser Zimmerly. pner S oroptim ist, D aisy was the e l Daisy E. G arden C lub, the dest o f five children, Collins M ethodist Church all o f whom have and Senior Center. p re d e c e a s e d her. Survivors include: The family moved to Pio daughters, Judy Freeman neer, OR, south o f Cottage o f Harrisburg, OR and Pa G rove, when D aisy was tricia Ralstin of Soap Lake, three. She attended a small WA; granddaughter Jamie grade school in A nlauf, Schultz o f Los A ngeles; OR. When she started high three g randsons, D avid, school, the family moved Brian, and Keith Tottleben; to C ottage G rove. A fter and one great-granddaugh graduating, she attended ter, Daisy Tottleben. two years at the University She was preceded of Oregon in Eugene. in death by her husband, Daisy married Wil Bill Collins, and daughters, liam C ollins and, along Jeanne C ollins and Lisa with their daughters Judy Schultz. and Jeanne, moved to Hep M em orial contri pner in 1947. She and Bill butions may be made to the owned and operated Hep donor’s charity o f choice. p n er C le a n ers u n til the Sweeney Mortuary late 1970s. She lived in o f Heppner is in charge of H eppner until last year, arrangements. moving to a Junction City Clara M. Williams Clara M. Williams, before m aking Lexington 76, formerly o f Lexington, their home. died M onday, A pril 18, Mrs. Williams was 2011 at Evergreen a homemaker, loved Vista Health Center acting, and was a in La Grande, OR. musician. For quite A graveside service some time she was a will be held 11 a.m. member of a coun Saturday, April 23, Clara M. try music band that 2011 at the Lexing Williams tra v e le d th ro u g h ton Cemetery. out the country but She w as p lay e d m o stly in bom September 21, 1934 Nevada and California. at Caruthersville, MO, the S he is s u rv iv e d daughter o f George A. and by: a son, David Williams Catherine M attingly Hur o f Lexington; daughters^ ley. She was raised and at M argaret Prince o f North tended school in Missouri, H ollyw ood, CA, M artha where she graduated from Helgeson o f Pomona, CA high school. and Diane Williams o f Sac On May 13, 1950 ramento, CA; sister, Doro she m arrie d E dw ard L. thy Lahey o f C alifornia; Williams at the Cathedral of seven grandchildren and Assumption in Louisville, five great-grandchildren. KY. The couple moved to M em orial contri C alifornia in 1955. They butions may be made to the lived throughout southern donor’s charity o f choice. C alifo rn ia. A fter re tire Sweeney Mortuary ment in 1995, they moved o f Heppner is in charge o f to Oregon. They lived in arrangements. Heppner for a short time AWANA Club to hold pinewood derby The local AWANA Club is sponsoring a Grand Prix this Thursday, April 21 at Willow Creek Baptist Church. Pre-check in and weigh in of cars will start at 6 p.m.; hot dogs and popcorn will be served starting at 6:15 p.m. Pastor Keith Price will share in large group time, with the racing to begin at 7 p.m. The evening will wrap up with an awards ceremony for the winners at 7:45 p.m. All are invited to attend. Annual women’s Ecumenical Salad Supper to be held The women of South Morrow County are invited to the annual Ecumenical Salad Supper on Monday, April 25, at 6 p.m. at the Heppner Catholic church parish hall. This year’s event will be hosted by the All Saints Episco pal, Hope Lutheran, and Valby Lutheran churches. Those attending are asked to bring a salad. Entertainment will be provided by Sandy Ma- theny who will be singing selections from her CD “These Old Hills Will Sing.” Also singing will be the Heppner Women’s Chorale. Rev. Lea Mathieu will be the speaker. She will present an interactive mini workshop on the spiritual discipline o f journaling. Small journals will be provided but attendees need to bring a pen. A freewill offering will be taken with proceeds going to spinal cord research at OHSU. ' Enjoy Easter Dinner N at The Office in lone!! Stuffed Pork Loin or Clazed Ham Dinner p artin g at 12 pm 541 422-7454 -