Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Heppner baseball, softball seasons underway WCCC ladies held kickoff breakfast/scramble Willow Creek Country Club held its kickoff ladies’ breakfast meeting at 9 a.m. April 5. Seventeen lady golfers attended the breakfast, which was provided by the Ladies Club Board o f Directors. Door prices were awarded to Burual DeBoor, Loa Heideman, Pat Dough­ erty and Jackie Allstott. Following the session, 14 o f the ladies engaged in a rain-free session of scramble play. First place went to the team o f Pat Edmunson, Virginia Grant and Jackie Allstott. Mystery team play went to Nancy Propheter, Pat Dougherty and Betty Carlson. KP on #4 was won by Nancy Propheter. Lorrene Montgomery had the only chip-in for the day on hole #7. Hole #6 was designated as a special long putt. No names were entered, so the assigned prizes were given out by drawing. Pat Dougherty and Virginia Grant received rec­ ognition for the two strangest plays. Ladies play is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Tuesdays for the remainder o f April. Ladies afe asked to come at least 20 minutes early to sign up for the play o f the day. Latecomers can also call the club house at 676-5437 iO reserve a spot. T h e lo n e H ig h School track team made the long trip to Portland and experienced nice weather with equally good results on the track and field. Mem­ bers o f the team visited the awards podium 10 times. Twelve members attended the meet, attaining nine per­ sonal records on the m en’s team and five personal re­ cords on the women's team. Stacee Halvorsen tried a new event, javelin, and did very well, setting a personal benchmark o f 67’4”. S ettin g p erso n al records in the m en’s 4x100 relay were: Alex and Tanner Rietmann, Luke Emmel and Steven Holland with a time o f 46.87a (a = autom atic timed). Their team took the 2n