HeppnerGazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon A different mode of transportation Bob Kilkenny (left) and Earl Hammond (right) rode an el­ ephant during a recent vacation in Thailand. Seventeen family members and friends began their trip in Hong Kong, China and went on to visit Hanoi, Ho Chin Minh, and Saigon, Vietnam and Bangkok, Thailand. While Kilkenny had never ridden an elephant before this trip, he rode a camel in Australia on a previous annual family vacation. -Contributedphoto Community Lunch Menu St. Patrick’s Parish members will be serving lunch on Wednesday, April 13, at St. Patrick’s Senior Center. The meal will include fish sticks, tartar sauce and lemons, hash brown casserole - peas, peaches w/cottage cheese, rolls, and cake. Menu is subject to change. “Our ag lenders know their business” Wednesday,A pril6,2011 -FIVE IONE SCHOOL DISTRICT VALBY CELEBRATES -Continued from Page in cafeteria receipts, the ONE state awarded the district a 125 YEARS Education offers a free set of customizable tools that enable faculty, staff and students to work together and learn more effectively. A staff training session on G oogle Apps was to be scheduled. -learned that the district purchased a wire­ less development program from the Hermiston School District at a dramatically discounted rate. -learned that the district received a computer backup system donated by the Morrow County School District. -learned that the school is switching to Mi­ crosoft Outlook from No- velle, which is outdated and no longer supported by a company. -heard from Mulvi- hill: that the Oregon Senate approved all-day kinder­ garten, but he believed that it would have difficulty passing the house; that $5.7 billion in state funding for kindergarten through 12,h grade is anticipated, however, that would bring state school funding back to 2004 levels. -received the fol­ lowing financial report from Beth O’Hanlon, Umatilla- Morrow ESD: the district collected $112,368 in basic school support, $2,161 in property taxes and $4,135 in federal forest fees, two general fund cost centers continue to be over budget, for special revenue funds, the district collected $7,916 $41,507 facility grant. -learned that the district’s most current pro­ jected state school fund­ ing level for 2011-12 as o f March 1, based on a $5.5576 billion state edu­ cation fund, is $1,886,569, plus a $204,000 transpor­ tation grant for a total of $2090,569, minus $539,899 in local revenue, including property taxes, federal for­ est fees, common school fund and county school fund. This was based on average daily attendance of 172 students, adjusted for students in English as a Sec­ ond Language programs, Individual Education Pro­ gram (IEP) students, with adjustments for “remote elem entary school” and “small high school” status and a higher-than-average teacher experience level. - d is c u s s e d th e amount o f the district’s ending fund balance and advised UMESD to base the 2011-12 budget on a $450,000 ending fund bal­ ance, an estimated 5.6 bil­ lion state school fund and a projected student popula­ tion of 172, down from the previous year, since the school will lose around 10 seniors and the number of prospective kindergarteners is also down. -held a work ses­ sion prior to the meeting. -scheduled a 3 p.m. work session prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 26 at 4 p.m. -Continued from Page ONE 1-2:30 p.m., there will be a “smorgasbord” with all kinds of recipes of modem times as well as from old traditional Swedish cook­ books. Also at this time, a program will include the introductions o f special guests and former pastors with comments and memo­ ries of years gone by. A special service will be held around 3 p.m. with congre­ gational participation of singing and praise. T hro u g h o u t the day, festivities will feature the floral decorating o f the Valby Cemetery where pioneers and families are laid to rest. Bouquets of fresh cut flowers will be available for all to place on the tombstone of their beloved pioneer ancestors, families and friends. All are urged to participate in this activity. A golf cart will be available for those who find it difficult to walk to the cemetery. As a side effort, a donation basket will be available for those wishing to contribute. All proceeds from the donation will go to Carmelo Di Salvo who is attending a theological university. St. Patrick’s play donations presented to area preschools Justice Court Report www.beobank.com Justice Court Judge Ann Spicer has released the following Justice Court Report: -Deborah Lavonne Evans, 48, Heppner, Allowing Dog to Run at Large, $89 finç. -Oscar K. Clibum, 60, Heppner, DUI1 Diver­ sion. -Brandon Clark Davis, 27, Heppner, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, $1,740 fine. Household Hazardous Waste Event Morrow County will be hosting another Household Hazardous Waste event FREE of charge to County residents Saturday April 23, 2011 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Lexington Road Dept. 365 W. Hwy 74, Lexington, O R Everyone that makes a living making things grow knows that having an ag lender that Accepted during the event: knows their business is an important part Used oil (containers less than 25 gallons) O il filters, Spent Antifreeze, of making a farm operation successful in Automotive batteries, Alkaline & rechargeable batteries, Propane Tanks today’s economy. A strong ag lender and ag and asphalt patch, Adhesives, glues and contact cement, Caulks sealers producer relationship is a valuable asset. Our and joint compounds, Lawn and garden chemicals and fertilizers, Pool ag lenders know agriculture. Stop in and see us next time you need an ag loan. chemicals, Household cleaners (including bleach, ammonia, furniture polish, toilet bowl cleaners, carpet shampoos) Sludge (soil contami­ nated with oil smaller than 25 gal. containers) Mercury thermometers, Bank of Eastern Oregon Member FDIC Irrigan Branch 541 - 922-2828 (smaller than 25 gal.) O il based paint, Paint thinners and solvents, Roof Boardman Branch 541 - 481-3445 Florescent lamps, All types of aerosol cans, Used cooking oil, Road flares, PCB ballasts, Organic peroxides (hardening agents) Items not accepted: Empty containers, ammunition, explosives, biological waste, radioactive waste. Morrow County Public Works mcpublicwork@co.morrow.or.us R O . Box 4 2 8 Top Photo: Sheridan Tarnasky, representing the cast of “St. Oliver Plunkett”, presents a check to Heppner Day Care em­ ployee Amber King. Bottom Photo: (Back Row) Anne Morter presents a check to Betty Rietmann of Creative Care Preschool. (Middle Row) Jackson Coiner, Mason Orem, Cameron Proud- foot, Katie Spivey and Chloe Burke. (Front Row) Liam Heide- man, Cory Rice, and Jerson Peralta. Each daycare received a check for S301. Each check represented half of the donations gathered at the two productions of “St. Oliver Plunkett,” the dramatic production created by Father Gerry Condon and presented in conjunction with the Heppner St. Patrick's Day festivities. The play was presented in lone on March 13 and again in Heppner on March 17. Donations were accepted at both productions and the cast voted to split any money gath­ ered between Creative Care Preschool and Heppner DayCare. -Contributed Photos HHS to host band festival Heppner High School will host a Junior High Tri-County Band Festival Wednesday, April 20. Approxi­ mately 200 students from several area schools area will be grouped into two large bands. The groups w ill rehearse all day and have a concert at 6:30 p.m. in the high school gym. There will be a $2 admission to help cover costs. Lexington, O R . 9 7 8 3 9 Hometown People Hometown Spirit ’ 5 4 1 -9 8 9 -9 5 0 0 D iscount T owing S ale / 200 W. Hwy 730 Irrigon, OR 97844 541-922-1515 SALE DATE A p ril 3 0 th 1 0 :0 0 A M 1971 Dodge 4X4 P/U 1965 International 2W P/U Ford school bus E350 diesel Ford Ranger 1997 Ford Aerostar van 4W drive Dodge Diplomat 1976 Dodge Vouge Motorhome Ford Contour Nissan Car 1990 Toyota Célica Ford Taurus (2) Ford Escort Pontiac Grand Am Cadillac Eldorado Ford Tempo O ldsm obile Lincoln Continental Plymouth Neon Honda A ccord Hyundai Suzuki Swift Toyota Camry Ford Explorer O ldsm obile Cutlass Ciera Honda Prelude Chevy Silverado P/U Chevy S-10P/U Ma zd a 323 Plus m u ltip le parts cars PHEASANTS PHEASANTS FOREVER BANQUET Saturday April I (ith Social Hour at 5:00, Dinner at 6:00. At the Heppner Elks Club 142 N. Main Contact Misty Bennett for ticket Information - (176-57911. Lots o f Guns and other Prizes. A ll money raised here, slays In Ihe area.