H ep p n er G a zette -T im es , H eppner, O regon W ednesday, March 2 ,2 0 1 1 Fr. Condon’s drama “Oliver” to be performed March 13 & 17 be hung but not the point of For the last six years, Fr. Gerry Condon’s original dramas have un officially marked the start of St. Patrick’s Weekend activities in Heppner. Fr. Gerry is the pastor of St. William Parish, lone, and St. Patrick Parish, Hep pner. “Oliver,” his new est production, tackles a more serious topic than the last few plays - religious persecution in Ireland and martyrdom. This play tells the story of Oliver Plunkett, an Irish priest and bishop killed for his faith. Saint Oliver Plunkett is perhaps not as well known to Amer Cast members of “Oliver” practice for their March 13 and 17 performances. -Contributed Photo icans, so Irish native, Fr. Gerry, chose his story for his next drama. The drama is set in the late 1600s, a danger ous time to be Catholic in Ireland. Cromwell and his men were killing priests and bishops, destroying churches and confiscating land. Oliver is ultimately hunted down, taken to Lon don and accused of plan ning to assassinate the king and bring an army from France to liberate Ireland. His “sham” of a trial results in an indictment of treason and a gruesome sentence, to death, and then to be drawn and quartered. Fr. Gerry quotes historic documents as Oliver forgives his ac cusers and executioners and is led prayerfully to the gal lows. Oliver was declared a saint on October 12, 1975. Brian K ollm an plays the title role of Oli ver Plunkett with support ing parts played by Gayle Arbogast, Josh Coiner, Rick Drake, Janet Greenup, Bar ney Lindsay, Dan Lindsay, Joe Lindsay, Larry Lutcher, Adam McCabe, Anne Mort- er, Sheridan Tamasky, Cam Sweeney, Corey Sweerfey, Dan Van Schoiack, Rita Van Schoiack and Tom Wolff. Joe Lindsay and a troupe of singers will per form before the play and between each act. Performances will take place in lone on Sun day, March 13th, 3 p.m., in the lone High School Cafeteria and a dessert theater in Heppner, Thurs day, March 17th, 7 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish Hall. Free-will offerings will be accepted with all proceeds donated to a cause chosen by the cast and crew. Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to be held All Saints Episcopal Church will host the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 8, from 5-7 p.m. The menu will include pancakes, ham, fruit, and coffee, tea, juice and milk. The cost is $5 for adults, $4 for students, and $15 for a family. New [listing! www.sykesrealestate.net - THREE View lot at Lakavlew Heights. Own one of the last view lots at Lake view Heights. 84 X 120 approx. Water, sewer, phone and power $25,000 KMMSigî o v e rs iz e lot w ith services already in- stalled. This large lot in Lexington has all the services ready to go. W a te r sew er and electricity right there for trailer or R V. Lo cated at the edge o f town. New, ¡listing! 3 B e d ro o m 2 B a th in N o rth P o w d e r Plenty of room w ith this home. Extra large 269 X 150 foot lot in North Pow der w ith plenty of room for expansion or building. Total of 5 city lots all together. N ew m etal roof, new er forced a ir electric heating system , new vinyl w indow s on this 1971 Lancer double w ide home. O w ner will carry contract. Î Bedroom ‘fixer’ in Heppner. Lots o f jo te n tia l w ith this 3 bedroom 1 bath fix er upper in Heppner. Located on a large 15, 548 sq ft lot w ith a big shop, you can ix this one up to live in or rent it out. O ther outbuildings too. Zoned C o m m er cial. And it’s priced right qqq Auto Repair Business in Heppner, OR This is a going concern which shows a profit each year. Indudes real property, business, inventory and equipment Loyal customer base and good $339,000 reputation. $89.000 D iner and B akery Located in H eppner, Oregon. Operating diner and bakery business with attached 3 bedroom home in the back. Includes all equipment to operate and run the business. Real property included. Including separate lot w/ large shop $225,000 $399.800 Price Reduced I I I S O a c r e s with home site - Heppner 160 acres o f rolling native grasses -deer, chukars, quail. 4 LOP tags. 3 miles to town, level home site with power and DEQ ap proved, fully fenced and separate pasture with small horse corral and year round spring, raise 1-10 animals year round and drive your golf cart to Wi'iow Creek County Club. Good view of the valley School bus runs on county road through the property Owner says make an offer. Will carry contract with $20,000 down OAC ' ______ $ 1 6 2 (0 0 0 vated seller. Price Reduced spacio us hom e com es w ith its ow n v iew o f the lake. Sit in the living room or the deck and enjoy the view Entertain guests in the large living room downstairs and even prepare the meal with the complete bonus kitchen located downstairs, off the patio and backyard. Plenty of room in this high-quality, stick-built Stratford modular hom e located at Lakeview 1 Heights. Call for a showing tódtìy Sale Pending Building lot in Heppner 5,000 sq foot lot. Nice view of town. — PricelReduced room 2 bath m Heppner Highway frontage Commercial Property with rental income in Power City, Oregon 4.52 acres of commercial highway frontage property in Power City between Hermiston and Umatilla, Oregon. Several busi nesses providing rental income Includes bare land and .62 awes of residential zoned property. Owner will carry contract. Call me for financial details and potential for this property Make an offer, price reduced moti Building lot in Heppner 5,250 sq foot lot. Nice view of town. Motivated.Seller make'ariloffer! New master bedroom & bath in this 3 bedroom Stop spending your time fixing up your house and move into a home where ifs all been done. You'll adore this 3 bedroom. 2 bath on a quiet street near downtown. Remodeled in 2008 with a new master suite, bath and more Walk in closet, jet tub and tile floors Weil kept fenced back yard with room to park your RV or other toys T h is n ic e 2 0 0 7 M a r la tt h o m e Is in e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . E v e r y th in g w a s d o n e r ig h t w h e n th is h o m e w a s p u t in . It h a s a d e c k , c y c lo n e fe n c e d y a r d a n d a 1 8 X 31 g a ra g e . C e ilin g fa n s , a lo n g w ith th e e n e r g y p a c k a g e w ill k e e p y o u w a r m in th e w in t e r a n d c o o l in th e s u m m e r. T h e r e is a d e n /o ffic e , liv in g ro o m a n d lo ts o f e x tra s . M u s t s e e in s id e th is o n e . C a ll a n d s c h e d u le a n a p p o in tm e n t to d a y . 3 Bedroom 2 bath near downtown This two story home is close to grade school and has fenced back yard. Central A/C and Electric F/A. Carpet, laundry room and large family room downstairs. Dishwasher refrigerator and stove $ 120,000 included $ 98 , 000 3 Bedroom 2 bath home in Lexington This home has metal roof, cem ent foun dation & propane F /A . 128 X 121.66 lot. 2465 sq ft home has full basem ent and large fenced yard with apple, nectarine and cherry trees. Garage. _________ $116.000 Top Of the world view Or at least top of the town Great view of Heppner from the exciting X bedroom 2 1 bath home on the hill overlooking the fairgrounds Visit with friends and family while preparing meals in your beautiful open kitchen Enjoy the expansive carpeted living room in this one of a kind home Must see to fully appreciate, call for an appointment today 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner Just blocks fro m school an d do w n to w n shopping, this 2 be dro om 1 1/2 bath c h a rm e r h a s a fenced yard fo r c h ildren and a s epa rate sm all y ard in the back. E njoy yo u r reading roo m , livin g room and kitchen \yith w in d o w looking o u t on the street. Three bedroom one bath home in Lexington. 1520 s q u a re fo o t ho m e b u ilt in 1946. G o o d ro o f a n d fo u n d a tio n . W o o d stove a n d p ro p a n e heat. A lu m in u m sid in g . . _ $72,000 660 range land acres near Ruggs. bedroom home in Heppner This large older Create your own place on this 660 m/l acres of range land near Ruggs. Fenced. Pick out your building spot. W ater available. W ater available. p ricec| pg^t at $260,000 Victorian home has a new furnace and a new deck. Large living room and lots of quaint features like old style hand railings, dormers and indoor transoms. Call me for an appointment to look at this unique home.____________________________ Acreage for Sale 32 Acres inside Heppner city limits H as a g oo d b u ild in g spot and room fo r a nim a l. W a te r and e le ctricity lo cate d nearby. $49,000 2 apartments and shop building for Sale in Lexington O n th e b o tto m flo o r is a fo rm e r au to b o d y s hop and a 1 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t n e w ly re m o d e le d re n tin g fo r $ 3 5 0 U p s ta irs is a 2 b e dro om ap a rtm e n t th at has be en c o m p le te ly red on e renting fo r $ 3 7 5 B u ild in g has a go o d ro o f an d o w n e r says th e s h o p has b e e n c o m p le te ly re w ire d Reduced Price Reduction 6 acre parcel (1/2 in city lim its) If you are lo okin g fo r som e e l b o w room to build yo u r hom e, here it is. 6 acres, m /l, h a lf o f it locate d w ith in the city lim its. P o w e r and w a te r ne a rb y $39,000 3 b e d ro o m n e ar d o w n to w n H e p p n e r This turn of the century hom e in H eppner has been com pletely rem odeled It has 3 bedroom s and 1.1 bath Lots of living space at 1893 sguare feet. It has a w ood stove large yard and a nice front porch to sit on and w atch the w orld go by. C lose to dow ntow n too. C all now for an appointm ent to view this home. SiW/ggo 3 bedroom 1 bath on 1.6 acres in Lexington Y o u ’ll e n jo y th is cozy 3 be dro om hom e s nug gle d beneath pine trees on 1.6 acres inside the city limits. Has a bam fo r horses and a large shop w ith cem ent floor C om es w ith 2 tons hay and 2 cord o f firew ood New siding and w indow s 1 6 acres fenced for anim als Seller says will pum p septic before m oving R efrigera tor, w asher & Dryer, freezer included. ,Price Reduced Three Bedroom 2 bath in Fossil This fixer upper is priced right. 1220 square foot home with a small shop building. Do some work and have a nice little place to live or rent out. ng V Lake Impressive 3 bedroom 2 bath home set on hill overlooking Willow Creek Lake Entertain guests in front of the fireplace in the Great Room just off of the dining room and kitchen Lots of extras including diamond premier cabinets, lazy susan turntables, tile look laminated flooring and under cabinet lighting Enjoy the recessed can light throughout the home with 9 foot ceilings There is a two- car garage, underground sprinklers and an immaculate kegtjari^asher^r^erjVRefngera^ 188 W. W illo w • P .0 Box 337, Heppner. O R 97836 Phone (5 41 ) 6 76 -9 2 2 8 Cell (5 41 ) 9 80 -6 6 7 4 • Fax (5 41 ) 676-9211 E-mail: david@ sykesrealestate net www.kykesrealestate.net Information deemed correct not guaranteed a M IS. Owner/Broker David Sykes If you are looking for a particular property pleas# contact me T o have your p ro p e rty listed here call m e