TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 2,2011 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow EOU to host Oregon Writing Project Student Writers’ Workshop Obituaries writing at EOU. Continuing Ralph E. Kincaid, Sr. professional development On Saturday, Feb­ boat, was an avid hunter, units and graduate credit is ruary 26, 2011, Ralph Kin­ and enjoyed many family available, caid unexpectedly passed camping trips. He loved a U S P S. 240-420 Since 1992,theStu- away at his home good card game and dent Writers’Workshop has at the age of 76. A M o rro w C o u n ty ’s H o m e -O w n e d W e e k ly N e w sp a p e r played regularly at a Published weekly by Sykes Publishing. L L C and entered as periodical maner at the served over 2000 students, memorial service local pub three days Post O ffice at Heppner, Oregon under the A ct o f M arch 3,1879. Periodical postage providing the opportunity will be held at 11:00 paid at Heppner, Oregon O ffice at 188 W W illo w Street Telephone (541) 676- a week up until his 9228. fax (541 1 676-9211. E-m ail: or davidluirapidserve. to build on their enthusi- a.m., Friday, March death. n e t Web site w w w Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner asm for creative writing, 4, 2011 at Unger He is pre­ G azette-Tim es. P.O. Box 337, Heppner. Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in work alongside students Funeral Chapel, Sil- M orrow C ounty; $21 senior rate (in M orrow County only; 62 years or older); $33 ceded in death by: elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions. and teachers for whom writ- verton with private his parents Harold D avid S ykes............................................................ ...................................................Publisher ing is a passion, and learn to . burial. A reception Ralph E. Autum n M organ ........................................................................................................... Editor Kincaid and Ruby see themselves as published will follow at Sil- Kincaid, Sr. All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at S p.m. Miller; step-father writers through contribut- verton Elks Lodge. For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p m Cost for a display ad s $5 per George Miller; and column inch Coat for classified ad is 504 per word Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to ing to an anthology, Ralph resided with brothers, Roger and Lyle 100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5.75 per column inch. In addition, stu- his wife Patti in Silverton» Kincaid. For Public/Legal Notices public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p m Dates for pub­ dents benefit by visiting the Oregon. He was born in lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits Ralph is survived require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be EOU campus and picturing lone, Oregon to Harold and by: wife Patti; brother, specified If required). themselves as potential col­ Ruby Kincaid on October Lindsey Kincaid; daughters For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner QT at no charge and are edited to lege students, meet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines 21, 1934. Ralph was raised Katherine Allen (John) of The Oregon Writ- in Eastern Oregon on the South Carolina, Vicki Bu- or who wish to have the obituary wntten in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary ing Project is affiliated with family homestead in lone chheit (Brent) of Silverton; For Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Heppner the National Writing Proj- and worked on the family and sons Ralph Jr. (Jenny), GT will not publish unsigned letters All letters MUST include the author s address and phone ect and shares its mission ranch until the mid 1970s. John, James (Heidi) all of number for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not responsible for accuracy of sta.ements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will to improve the teaching of Ralph and Patti were mar­ Silverton. Grandchildren be placed in the classifieds under ‘Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10 writing and improve leam- ried on January 10, 1954 include Travis Allen, Amy ing in the nation’s schools. in Pendleton. He and Patti Allen, Johnathan Kincaid Additional support for this moved their family to Sil- , Brandon Eichler, Dustin event comes from EOU and verton in 1974 where he Kincaid, Tashi Kincaid, Soroptimist International of worked for Avison Lumber Briana K incaid, Joshua La Grande, Co. in M olalla until his Kincaid, Crystin Kincaid, For more informa- retirement. Jace Kincaid, Jared Cin­ tion or to register, visit the Ralph was an ac­ namon, Nikole Buchheit, OWP webpage at www. tive member o f B.P.O.E. Shaya Patterson, and Mi­ p or contact #358 in Heppner and was chael Patterson. He has 10 Nancy Knowles, OWP di- to receive his 50 year pin in great-grandchildren and rector, at 541-962-3795 or March. He was also a mem­ three on the way. at ber of the Moose Lodge in In lieu of flowers, Molalla. Ralph had a pilot’s the family requests dona­ license and enjoyed flying tions made to B.P.O.E. New mission church to begin in lone his Piper Cub in his younger #2210 in Silverton, B.P.OE. Starting Sunday, 20 years. Bethlehem Lu- days. He had many memo­ #358 in Heppner, or the March 6, in the meeting theran is affiliated with the rable deep-sea fishing trips American Heart Associa­ room o f lone Market, a Lutheran Church-Missouri on his 28 foot Fiber Form tion. new mission service will Synod, be offered. The service will “The emphasis of ~ Letters to the Editor start at 8 a.m. each week each service is that as be- and will include prayer, lievers in Christ He alone The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following hymns of praise, scripture controls our destiny until He criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name reading, and discussion of returns or calls us home,” of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you selected passages from both stated a spokesperson. “Be- provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The testaments. The name of cause our every sin is laid address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be this new mission is Christ on Him, we stand only in printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy o f statements made in Alone and jt is affiliated the power of Christ.” with Bethlehem Luther- The service will letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card o f Thanks” at a cost o f $ 10. an in Hermiston. Pastor incorporate a variety of Mark Adams and layleader music, including both tra- Proposed regulations don’t seem to be Duane N eiffer will lead ditional and contemporary, aimed at improving human health the service. Pastor Adams with keyboard or guitar To the Editor, is a veteran pastor serving Accompaniment, The Oregon Department of Environmental Qual­ Mike Mtinner and Natalie McElligott at Bethlehem for the past ity is proposing regulation of 114 substances that can be Natalie McElligott and Mike Munger, both of in water from natural or manmade sources, including that Arbuckle Nordic Club holds outing Forest Grove, are announcing their engagement. which can be absorbed from air. Monitoring, compliance Natalie is the daughter of Joe and Jeri McEllig­ with thefce regulations, and getting permits when these ott of lone. Mike is the son of Jeff and Meg Munger of levels can’t be achieved will be very costly. These rules Mihvaukie and the late Doreen Casey Farrell. would impact cities, any industry that uses water, farming, Natalie is a 2004 graduate of lone High School ranching, mining, forestry, construction, and road build­ and a 2008 graduate of Oregon State University, with a ing, and would be 10 times stricter than any other state. bachelor’s degree in animal science. She currently works, The proposed rules are being based only on near at a veterinary clinic in Hillsboro. the maximum amount the Columbia River Tribe reported M ike is a 1999 graduate of Reynolds High School eating in a survey, which was 23, eight ounce serving of in Portland. He received his bachelor’s degree in indus­ fish and shellfish per month, most of which was salmon. trial engineering from Oregon State University and his Although salmon spends most of its life in the ocean and MBA from the University of Portland. He is a technical is only available fresh for a short time and most shellfish program manager for Intel. is from the ocean, the D.E.Q. deliberately decided to The couple will be married June 18, 2011 at St. The Arbuckle Nordic Club had seven skiers for this past week­ include marine (ocean) fish and shellfish into the fish Patrick’s Catholic Church in Heppner. end. The group started on the 22/fl22 junction and made a consumption rate. This was “because from the data, (of loop back to the 22 road. It was overcast and cold, about 16 the survey) it could not be determined Pacific coastal degrees. -Contributed Photo from deep marine”. HHS students raise money for It was not known if the fish eaten was from ocean or fresh water, although these regulations will govern all The Legion and Auxiliary’ will meet March 8 at Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fresh water. Any increase of illness of this small tribe that At Heppner High Leukemia and Lymphoma eat more fish was not looked for. These proposed regula­ 6:30 p.m. at the Heppner Senior Center. They will begin with a potluck honoring the Post on their 92nd birthday. School in February, the Society. The fundraising tions do not seem to be aimed at improving human health National Honor Society activity was called “Pennies as stated. As many persons have said, there is no available Refreshments will be served after the meeting. actively raised funds for the for Patients.” technology to get to the proposed levels. The fundraiser be­ D.E.Q. wants to know if Oregonians support gan on February 8 with Pen­ these regulations or not. Replies can be sent to Andrea ny Day and progressed to Matzke, Oregon D.E.Q. Water Quality Division, 811 S. W. Member FDIC the last fundraising day on b* Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97204 or by e-mail to matzke@ February 16 when students by March 21, 20011. I would also urge brought whole bills into the Oregonians to contact their state and federal congressmen school for donation. to stop unnecessary strictness in regulations. The money raised Judith Kirby in the event goes to the aid Ontario of children with leukemia to research medicines for a N ew H om e L oans cure, provide resources and R efin a n ce education for children that are hospitalized, and gives financial aid to the families Holly Rebekah Lodge will be hosting their of the affected children. monthly card party Saturday, March 5. In addition to pi­ The entire school nochle there will be table available for canasta for those collectively raised $551.87. wishing to play. The cost is $6 per person. Play will start The freshman class raised at 7 p.m. at the Lodge Hall in Lexington. Those needing th e m o st m oney w ith a ride can check at the Senior Center for transportation. $200.19 and they were St. Pat’s Committee to meet Thursday given a pizza party spon­ St. Patrick’s Committee will meeting on Thurs­ sored by the National Hon­ day, March 3, at 7 p.m. at Heppner City Hall. or Society. Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES McElligott, Munger announce engagement Writers in grades three through 12 are in- vited to register for the Oregon Writing Project’s* annual Student W riters’ Workshop (SWW) set for Saturday, M arch 12, at Eastern Oregon University, Northeast Oregon Public Transit will run a special “Writers’Express” to trans- port La Grande participants to and from the workshop, This service is provided at no cost to students. The SWW is a con- ference for young writers where students, teachers and parents participate in a selection of workshops and produce various kinds of writing. At the end o f the day, participant writing is celebrated in an open mic session and w riters can revise and submit their work for inclusion in an anthology. A $30 student reg- istration fee includes the opening session, work- shops, lunch in the EOU dining hall and the antholo- gy. Teachers and chaperones attend for free. Teachers are also invited to participate in a workshop presented by “basalt” editors Jodi Varon and David Axelrod, professors of English and American Legion and Auxiliary to meet March 8 B ank of There’s never been a better time to refinance! Take advantage of today’s favorable low interest rates! FOR LOCAI. MORTGAGE SERVICES, WE’RE THE ONES TO CALL! Call M elissa Lindsay Mortgage Manager Mortgage Division 676-9884 1 - 877 - 472-6217 Holly Rebekah Lodge to host monthly card party H EIIIER LITTLE IEA0UE TRYOUTS March 8-10 from 4:00-5:30 p . m . Boys' tryouts will b© held a t the m ajors' field. Girls' tryouts will be held a t Kilkenny softball field Majors tryouts will be held M arch 8 a n d 9 -Each child must participate In 2 tryouts Minors tryouts will be held M arch 9 a n d 10 -Each child must participate in 1 tryout ^Anyone who has not yet registered can contact Corey Sweeney at 541-256-0355j