Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 23,2011 - FIVE Mustang boys and girls to compete in weekend state playoff action In P e n d leto n on February 18 the Heppner girls faced Elgin and hung on for a win in overtim e in the first round o f Blue Mountain girls’ district play offs, extending their season into the state championship bracket. The M ustangs led by three at the half due to their defensive effort. Both teams turned the ball over too many times but Hepp ner still held the lead by five at the end o f third quarter. In the fourth quarter the Mustangs only scored three points as the Huskies scored eight to tie the score at 29 at the end o f regulation. Both teams had looks at the basket but couldn’t convert for the win. In the overtime pe riod Heppner picked up on offense and score 10 to El gin’s four to win 39-33. Bailey Bennett led Heppner with 16 points and 16 rebounds. Alana Wilson had 10 points, eight steals, and six assists. Taighler Dougherty had six points and Five steals for H ep pner. The varsity M us tan g b o y s ’ team play ed Pilot Rock for the final slot into the state tournament, beating the Rockets 53-34. Heppner had their way with the short handed Rockets, pulling ahead to a 16-3 lead in the First quarter. Pilot 1 1 ÆM * ' nnr ill 1 llj J Pictured are: Bailey Bennett (top left), Jared Hedman (right), and Alana Wilson (bottom left) in district tournament action last weekend in Pendleton. -Photos by Sandv Matthews Rock fought back with two good quarters of play but in the fourth quarter Heppner turned up the tempo, scor ing 15 to Pilot Rocks’ five for the win. Cody O rr posted a double-double with 18 points and 18 rebounds. Jak e B o w le s ad d e d 12 points. Alex Pickles scored nine and Ian M urray had eight for Heppner. On F e b ru ary 19 in Pendleton in the second round o f district playoffs, the Mustangs faced Weston McEwen for the third time this season, playing for third place in the tourna ment. The Lady Mustangs were playing better than the previous day. Leading the low scoring contest at the half 18-16. In the third quarter Heppner failed to score, giving the TigerScots an opportunity to pull ahead by four. In the fourth quar ter o f play H i^pner started to find the basket but it was too late as the TigerScot won the game 34-25. Ben nett scored 13 and Lindsay Cutsforth had five points for Heppner. The Lady M us tangs finished right where they started, in fourth place in the league, and will travel to Scio to play the Loggers on Saturday, February 26, in the first round o f state playoffs. T he b o y s ’ team played the Stanfield Tigers for third place in the dis trict, losing to the Tigers 54-42 for a fourth place finish in the league. Neither team played really well as the first half ended 17-12 StanField. H eppner went cold in the third quarter not finding their rhythm until late in the period. A 24-28 fourth quarter for the Tigers sealed the win against the Mustangs. Orr led all scores with 19 points and 16 re bounds. Pickles had nine and Murray scored six for the Mustangs. The Mustangs will travel to Central Linn to play on Friday in the first round of state playoffs. G ood luck M us tangs! Morrow SWCD to hold lone coaches, players receive district awards board meeting Top Photo: The lone girls won second place in Big Sky District Tournament. The first round state playoff game versus Portland Wal dorf will be played at lone High School at 6 p.m. today. Wednesday, February 23. The cost is $4 per student and $6 per adult. Middle Left Photo: lone Coach Mike Garrett earned the “Stan Flerchinger Memorial Big Sky Coaching Award” for Girls Coach of the Year 2011. Middle Right Photo: Big Sky winners from lone for All League Team were Joanna Patton-2nd team all-league; Tanner Rietmann-2nd team all-league; Zac Orem-lst team all-league; Beth Mort- er-lst team all-league; and Shadow Kendrick-2nd team all-league. Not pictured are Steven Holland and Adam Colling, honorable mention team all-league. Bottom Photos (L-R): Steven Begay, a senior from Dufur, and Shadow Kendrick, a sophomore from lone, won the “Jason Halvorsen Spirit of Basketball Awards”. Photos by Paula Emmet A Morrow SWCD board meeting will be held Wednesday, March 2, beginning at 2:30 p.m. at the Ag Service Center in Heppner. Agenda items include: previous minutes, trea surer’s report, written staff report, Connect 2011, WFD update, 2011-12 budget, and partnership reports. Meetings of the Morrow SWCD are open to the public. The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Janet Greenup at 541-676-5452, extension 109. Juan Young Trust supports music for eastern Oregon Youth The O regon East Sym phony “ P laying for K eeps” program has re ceived a grant for $5,000 tow ards scholarships for music students for the 2010- 11 season. “The Juan Young Trust has been a long time supporter of the OES youth programs and many o f our students would not be able to afford private lessons w ithout these funds. We are extrem ely grateful to the trust for their ongoing support,” said Lisa-Marie Patterson, OES Executive Director. The scholarship funds allow students to play in the OES orchestra, in lieu o f a paying jo b , support tuition for private lessons with local music teachers, provides funds to help with rental o f instruments and tuition costs for the youth en sem b les and retreats. T he funds also su p p o rt the annual Summer Music Camp held at Blue Moun tain Com m unity C ollege each summer. The Juan Young Trust provides grants to 501 (c) (3) organizations that promote the health, educa tion and welfare of children under 21 years old, in the state o f Oregon. For more inform ation on the Juan Young Trust visit http:// www. gosw. org/j uany oung- trust. Household Hazardous Waste Event Morrow County will be hosting another Household Hazardous Waste event FREE of charge to County residents Saturday April 23, 2011 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Lexington Road Dept. 3 6 5 W. Hwy 74, Lexington, OR A c c e p t e d d u r in g th e e v e n t: Used oil (containers less than 25 gallons) O il filters, Spent Antifreeze, Automotive batteries, Alkaline & rechargeable batteries, Propane Tanks (smaller than 25 gal.) Oil based paint, Paint thinners and solvents, Roof and asphalt patch, Adhesives, glues and contact cement, Caulks sealers and joint compounds, Lawn and garden chemicals and fertilizers, Pool chemicals, Household cleaners (including bleach, ammonia, furniture polish, toilet bowl cleaners, carpet shampoos) Sludge (soil contami nated with oil smaller than 25 gal. containers) Mercury thermometers, Florescent lamps, All types of aerosol cons, Used cooking oil, Rood flares, PCB ballasts, Organic peroxides (hardening agents) It e m s n o t a c c e p t e d : Empty containers, ammunition, explosives, biological waste, radioactive waste. Morrow County Public Works mcpubl icwork@co .morrow, or. us P O . Box 4 2 8 Lexington, O R 9 7 8 3 9 5 4 1 -9 8 9 -9 5 0 0 HEPPNER ELKS 358 676-9181 "Where Friends Meet” 142 N orth M ain March 3rd ^La d iesN ig h ts at 6:OOpm Swiss Steak & Cheesy Potatoes i J u d y Bushke & Darlene Lovegren^ If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available and that help Is FREE of charge. If Y O U h a v e a fam ily m e m b e r w ho su ffe rs from g a m b lin g addiction. Y O U c a n a lso re ce iv e F R E E treat m ent e v e n if the g a m b le r is not re ce iv in g treatm ent. If you a re a re sid en t of M orrow C o u n ty a n d you w ish to take a d v a n ta g e o f the s e r v ic e s a b o v e or d e sire m ore inform ation. P le a s e ca ll a n y o f the follow ing n u m b e rs to s e t up a L O C A L appo intm ent or ju st to talk: B o b b y H a rris @ 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -9 9 2 5 or 5 4 1 -2 5 6 -0 1 7 5 Community Counseling Solutions ( C C S ) @ 541-676-9161 O R 1 -8 7 7 -6 9 5 -4 6 4 8 (1 -8 8 8 -M Y L IM IT )