TW O - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 9,2011 y-i i • , • The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Christian Church to host breakfast Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES HES top 10 Time Out for # r Reading readers announced The men of Hepp­ ner Christian Church invite their wives and singles to their monthly breakfast to share in food and fellow­ ship on Sunday, February 20 . Breakfast will be s e rv e d from 8 :3 0 -9 :3 0 a.m. Children are also wel­ come. U.S.P.S. 240-420 M orrow C ounty’s H om e-O w ned Weekly N ew spaper Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211 E-mail: editorfdirapidserve net or david@rapidserve net Web site: www heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836 Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow County, $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 62 years or older); $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions. David Sykes................................................................................................Publisher Autumn Morgan..............................................................................................Editor All New s and Advertising Deadline is M onday at 5 p m For Advertising: advertising deadline is M onday at 5 p m C ost lor a display ad is $5 per Di Salvo to speak at Chamber lunch meeting colum n inch. Coet lor classified ad is 504 per word C ost lor Card of Thanks is $10 up to 100 w ords C ost for a classified display ad is $ 5 7 5 per column inch. For Public/Legal Notices pubiic/legai notices deadline is M onday at 5 p m Dates for pub- bcation m ust be specified Affidavits m ust be required at the time of subm ission Affidavits require three w eeks to p rocess after last date of publication (a sooner return date m ust be specified if required) For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner G T at no charge and are edited to meet new s guidelines Fam ilies vwshing to include information not included in the guidelines or w ho w ish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary For Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor M U S T be signed by the author The Heppner G T will not publish unsigned letters All letters M U ST include the author's address and phone num ber for use by the G T office The G T reserves the right to edit letters The G T is not responsible for accuracy of statem ents made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under 'C a rd of T h a n ks' at a coet of $10. Obituaries Lionel Frank Huston East Portland resi­ Gold Prospectors Associa­ dent Lionel Frank Huston tion of America and went passed aw ay on January on several gold hunting 31, 2011. He was trips throughout Or­ 83. No services will egon and Alaska. be held. Lionel was Lionel was preceded in death b o m January 26, by his sister, Maxine 1928 in L ib e rty Cox. He is survived Bond, Washington by: his daughter, Pa­ to Orlin and Elsie m ela M cC all and (L u c a s ) H u sto n . Lionel Frank her husband, Mar­ He serv ed in the Huston ion o f Vancouver, U nited States A ir WA; sister, Bernice Force from 1946 to Cross o f Portland; 1949. After his service in brother, Omer Huston o f Ir- the military, Lionel moved rigon; grandson, David Mc­ to H eppner, O regon. He Call; great-grandchildren, moved to Portland in 1957 Morganne, Jadyn, Colton, and went to work for United and Vienna; and seven niec­ G ro cers. A fter w orking es and nephews. for United Grocers for 20 Lionel’s family ap­ years, Lionel held various preciates B ernice Cross, jobs including painting and Don Cross, and Ten Cross w orking for Blue Flame for all o f their help and Oil Company. He retired support during the last few in 1993 and moved to Ir- weeks o f Lionel’s life. rigon, Oregon. In 2005, he M em orial contri­ moved to Portland where he butions may be sent to the resided until his passing. Am erican Lung A ssocia­ Lionel was an avid tion. An online obituary for hunter and fisherman. He Lionel Huston with a place was a long time member of for fam ily m em bers and the North American Hunt­ friends to leave messages ing C lub. He w as very can be viewed at www.bate- much an outdoorsman and a very active individual. He Arrangements also enjoyed clamming, wa­ are under the direction of terskiing and motorcycling. Batem an C arroll Funeral Lionel was a m em ber o f Home. This week’s Cham­ ber lunch meeting will be held Thursday, February 10, at noon at Heppner City Hall. C arm elo Di S al­ vo, a local resident and teacher at the U niversity o f P hoenix, w ill be the guest speaker. He will be making a presentation on how creativity and innova­ tion can help organizations gain a com petitive edge, especially in this economy. He will discuss what cre- ativity/innovation is and how it separates ordinary organizations from those who thrive on it. The lunch cost is $9 and Willow Creek Diner The top 10 readers from our Time Out for Reading program for students in grades 5 and 6 will be the caterer. at Heppner Elementary read 104 and 170 minutes respectively during the month of January. The top readers are: Tim Gould, Sophie Grant, Bryan Fowler, Bailee Heard, Kolby Currin, Jared Geier, Kane Sweeney, Logan Grieb, Emily Cecil and Alex Lindsay. Pictured with them is teacher Jannie Allen. -Contributed Photo Love Your Library celebration to be held Friends o f the Hep­ pner Library will be host­ ing an annual “Love Your Library C elebration,” on Tuesday, February 15, at 7 p.m., at the Heppner City Hall. All community mem­ bers and library patrons are invited to attend to see what new things our library h*9 to offer. Bi l l K u h n wi l l present the Friends of the H eppner Library annual report and recognize the li­ brary Volunteer o f the Year for 2011. T h e e v e n i n g ’s speaker will be director o f the Oregon Trail Library District, Marsha Richmond, who will be updating us on the Oregon Trail Library D istrict services that are available at the library and on line. Raffle tickets will go on sale, at the m eet­ ing, to win a Barnes and Nobel “Nook,” with Wi-Fi capability. Free down-load- ing of books from the Or- egon Trail Library District for all library cardholders is available for the Nook. Friends o f the Hep­ pner Library will have mem­ bership form s available, which will entitle members to attend an “ Early Bird Book Sale” on Thursday evening, March 17, before the opening o f our St. Pat­ ric k ’s Day book sale on Friday, March 18, at 9 a.m. Refreshm ents will follow the program. ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: HHS senior ser­ vice auction to be held MONDAYS AT 5:00 P.M. V alentine ' s D ay ... it's almost here!! Cards flowers Monday, February 14th Candy Gifts We will be OPEN SUNDAY February 13th 12-3 pm Make someone feel special! CALL O U R FLO RA L DEPARTM ENT 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -9 4 2 6 , We have flowers balloons and made to order gift baskets! W e offer delivery to H eppner L exington & I one H omes S chools & B u sin esses ! ■TRY OUR---------- V alentine S pecial «Small (Sweetheart Yo (Sundae I t ' s D elicious !!!! Espresso Specials W h ite C h o c o la te M acchiato $ 3.50 P e a n u t b u t t e r C u p F ra p p e $3.00 MuMay'i Djuup 217 North Main • Heppner • Phona 676-9158 • Floral 676-9426 Serving Heppner, Lexington £ Ione Applications being accepted for Young Artists Competition Inland Northw est Musicians is accepting ap­ plications for the l l lh an­ nual Young Artists Compe­ tition scheduled for Sunday, March 6, at the Verb Club Room in Pendleton. The competition is open to young musicians in four categ o ries: E le­ mentary Division (through fifth grade), Junior D ivi­ sion (grades 6-8), Senior Di vi si on (g rad es 9-12), and Young Adult Division (through age 25). Instru­ mentalists and singers will perform for a panel of ad­ judicators. All participants will receive critique sheets and winners will be chosen from each division. A ll w in n ers w ill receive $100 cash prizes and some winners may be selected to perform with the Inland Northwest Or­ chestra in concert on May 7 and 8. The entry fee for the competition is $25 and the deadline to apply is Febru­ ary 18. For more informa­ tion and application materi­ als, contact Alice Massey, Young A rtists C o m p eti­ tion chairman, at 541-276- 7340. Boxers wanted for Chamber’s annual amateur boxing event The Heppner com­ munity is getting “ Ready to Rum ble” at the fourth annua l a ma t e u r boxi ng event, sponsored by Hepp­ ner Chamber o f Commerce on Friday, March 18, 2011, at the Heppner High School gymnasium. Gates will open at 7 p.m. Admission will be $10 (Adult - 12 years); $5 (11-8 years o f age); 7 and under free. Heppner Chamber is looking for some indi­ viduals who would like to box in the event. Bouts are limited so get registered as soon as possible. For questions or to request registration forms, contact the Chamber office at 541-676-5536 or email heppnercham ber@ centu- Heppner High School will hold their an­ nual senior service auction on Saturday, February 12, during halftime o f the var­ sity boys’ and girls’ games, starting at approxim ately 4 p.m. Community mem­ Ecumenical Youth Group to host bers are invited to attend and bid on members of the Valentine’s Day dinner fundraiser senior class. Funds raised The Ecumenical Youth Group of Hope Lutheran/ will go to the drug and alco­ All Saints Episcopal will host a Valentine’s Day dinner hol free senior grad night. fundraiser on Monday, February 14, from 6-8 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in Heppner. HES students The cost for the dinner is $10 and will include holding magazine lasagna, salad, French bread, cupcakes, and sparkling cider and coffee. sale Heppner Elem en­ tary School fourth. Fifth, and sixth grade students are holding a magazine sale. Funds raised will be used for H am pstead Players assemblies, OMSI assem blies, T upper O ut­ door School, a trip to the zoo, AR parties, attendance awards and prizes, and end o f the year awards night and certificates. Saint Valentine’s breakfast to be served at parish hall The men o f St. Patrick’s Catholic Church will serve a St. Valentines breakfast at noon on Sunday, Feb­ ruary 13, in the parish hall. The breakfast will be served free o f charge and the public is invited to attend. For more information contact Barney Lindsay at 541-989-8205 or Dan Van Schoaick at 541-676-9971. LEAGUE I REGISTRATION © F ebruary 1 5 th s - 7 p m F ebruary 16 th & 1 7 th s - s pm Neighborhood Center Roys ages 5-12 & Girls ages 5-16 are eligible to play 3 proofs of residency fr birth certificate erJ participant rorJ$70Tper. family